Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014. * * BaasBox - * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.baasbox.service.user; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import; import com.baasbox.BBConfiguration; import com.baasbox.exception.AlreadyFriendsException; import com.baasbox.exception.UserNotFoundException; import com.baasbox.exception.UserToFollowNotExistsException; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.baasbox.dao.RoleDao; import com.baasbox.dao.UserDao; import com.baasbox.dao.exception.InvalidCriteriaException; import com.baasbox.dao.exception.SqlInjectionException; import com.baasbox.db.DbHelper; import com.baasbox.util.QueryParams; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.command.OCommandRequest; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument; public class FriendShipService { public static final String FRIEND_ROLE_NAME = RoleDao.FRIENDS_OF_ROLE; public static final String WHERE_FRIENDS = "(" + UserDao.USER_LINK + ".roles contains (name=?))"; private static String getWhereFromCriteria(QueryParams criteria) { String where = WHERE_FRIENDS; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(criteria.getWhere())) where += " and (" + criteria.getWhere() + ")"; return where; } private static Object[] addFriendShipRoleToCriteria(QueryParams criteria, String friendShipRole) { Object[] params = criteria.getParams(); Object[] newParams = new Object[] { friendShipRole }; Object[] veryNewParams = ArrayUtils.addAll(newParams, params); return veryNewParams; } public static List<ODocument> getFollowing(String username, QueryParams criteria) throws SqlInjectionException { OUser me = UserService.getOUserByUsername(username); Set<ORole> roles = me.getRoles(); List<String> usernames = roles.parallelStream().map(ORole::getName) .filter((x) -> x.startsWith(RoleDao.FRIENDS_OF_ROLE)) .map((m) -> StringUtils.difference(RoleDao.FRIENDS_OF_ROLE, m)).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (username.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else { List<ODocument> followers = UserService.getUserProfileByUsernames(usernames, criteria); return followers; } } public static List<ODocument> getFriendsOf(String username, QueryParams criteria) throws InvalidCriteriaException, SqlInjectionException { String friendShipRole = RoleDao.getFriendRoleName(username); criteria.where(getWhereFromCriteria(criteria)); criteria.params(addFriendShipRoleToCriteria(criteria, friendShipRole)); UserDao udao = UserDao.getInstance(); return udao.get(criteria); } public static long getCountFriendsOf(String username, QueryParams criteria) throws InvalidCriteriaException, SqlInjectionException { String friendShipRole = RoleDao.getFriendRoleName(username); criteria.where(getWhereFromCriteria(criteria)); criteria.params(addFriendShipRoleToCriteria(criteria, friendShipRole)); UserDao udao = UserDao.getInstance(); return udao.getCount(criteria); } public static boolean unfollow(String from, String to) throws UserNotFoundException, Exception { OUser fromUser = UserService.getOUserByUsername(from); if (fromUser == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException("User " + from + " does not exists"); } if (!UserService.exists(to)) { throw new UserToFollowNotExistsException("User " + to + " does not exists"); } String friendshipName = RoleDao.FRIENDS_OF_ROLE + to; boolean areFriends = RoleService.hasRole(fromUser.getName(), friendshipName); if (areFriends) { UserService.removeUserFromRole(fromUser.getName(), friendshipName); return true; } else { return false; } } public static ODocument follow(String from, String to) throws UserNotFoundException, AlreadyFriendsException, SqlInjectionException, Exception { if (UserService.isInternalUsername(to)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot follow internal users"); } if (Objects.equals(from, to)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User cannot follow himself"); } OUser fromUser = UserService.getOUserByUsername(from); if (fromUser == null) { throw new UserNotFoundException("User " + from + " does not exists."); } boolean exists = UserService.exists(to); if (!exists) { throw new UserToFollowNotExistsException("User " + to + " does not exists."); } String friendshipRoleName = RoleDao.FRIENDS_OF_ROLE + to; boolean isFriend = RoleService.hasRole(from, friendshipRoleName); if (isFriend) { throw new AlreadyFriendsException("User " + fromUser.getName() + " is already a friend of " + to); } UserService.addUserToRole(fromUser.getName(), friendshipRoleName); ODocument toUser = UserService.getUserProfilebyUsername(to); return toUser; } }