Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 Copyright 2012-2013 
 Claudio Tesoriero -
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
package com.baasbox;

import java.math.BigInteger;

import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import play.Configuration;
import play.Play;

public class BBConfiguration implements IBBConfigurationKeys {

    public static Configuration configuration = Play.application().configuration();
    private static Boolean computeMetrics;
    private static Boolean pushMock;;

    //this is a percentage needed by the console to show alerts on dashboard when DB size is near the defined Threshold
    private static Integer dbAlertThreshold = Integer.valueOf(10);
    private static boolean isDBAlertThresholdOverridden = false;

    //the db size Threshold in bytes
    private static BigInteger dbSizeThreshold = BigInteger.ZERO;
    private static boolean isDBSizeThresholdOverridden = false;

    public static String getRealm() {
        return configuration.getString(REALM);

    public static int getMVCCMaxRetries() {
        return configuration.getInt(MVCC_MAX_RETRIES);

    public static String getBaasBoxUsername() {
        return configuration.getString(ANONYMOUS_USERNAME);

    public static String getBaasBoxPassword() {
        return configuration.getString(ANONYMOUS_PASSWORD);

    public static String getBaasBoxAdminUsername() {
        return configuration.getString(ADMIN_USERNAME);

    public static String getBaasBoxAdminPassword() {
        return configuration.getString(ADMIN_PASSWORD);

    public static Boolean getStatisticsSystemOS() {
        return configuration.getBoolean(STATISTICS_SYSTEM_OS);

    public static Boolean getStatisticsSystemMemory() {
        return configuration.getBoolean(STATISTICS_SYSTEM_MEMORY);

    public static Boolean getWriteAccessLog() {
        return configuration.getBoolean(WRITE_ACCESS_LOG);

    public static String getApiVersion() {
        return configuration.getString(API_VERSION);

    public static String getDBVersion() {
        return configuration.getString(DB_VERSION);

    public static String getDBDir() {
        return configuration.getString(DB_PATH);

    public static Boolean getWrapResponse() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(configuration.getString(WRAP_RESPONSE));

    public static Boolean getSocialMock() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(configuration.getString(SOCIAL_MOCK));

    public static Boolean getPushMock() {
        if (pushMock == null)
            pushMock = BooleanUtils.isTrue(configuration.getBoolean(PUSH_MOCK));
        return pushMock;

    public static String getAPPCODE() {
        return configuration.getString(APP_CODE);

    public static String getDBBackupDir() {
        return configuration.getString(DB_BACKUP_PATH);

    public static String getPushCertificateFolder() {
        return configuration.getString(PUSH_CERTIFICATES_FOLDER);

    public static String getRootPassword() {
        return configuration.getString(ROOT_PASSWORD);

    public static int getImportExportBufferSize() {
        return configuration.getInt(DB_IMPORT_EXPORT_BUFFER_SIZE);

    public static boolean getComputeMetrics() {
        if (computeMetrics == null)
            computeMetrics = (!StringUtils.isEmpty(configuration.getString(ROOT_PASSWORD))
                    && BooleanUtils.isTrue(configuration.getBoolean(CAPTURE_METRICS)));
        return computeMetrics;

    public static void overrideConfigurationComputeMetrics(boolean computeMetrics) {
        BBConfiguration.computeMetrics = computeMetrics;

    //used by tests
    public static void _overrideConfigurationPushMock(boolean pushMock) {
        BBConfiguration.pushMock = pushMock;

    //DB Size Thresholds and Alerts
    public static int getDBAlertThreshold() {
        if (!isDBAlertThresholdOverridden && configuration.getInt(DB_ALERT_THRESHOLD) != null)
            return configuration.getInt(DB_ALERT_THRESHOLD);
        return dbAlertThreshold;

    public static BigInteger getDBSizeThreshold() {
        if (!isDBSizeThresholdOverridden && configuration.getLong(DB_SIZE_THRESHOLD) != null)
            return BigInteger.valueOf(configuration.getLong(DB_SIZE_THRESHOLD));
        return dbSizeThreshold;

    public static void setDBAlertThreshold(int newValue) {
        synchronized (dbAlertThreshold) {
            dbAlertThreshold = Integer.valueOf(newValue);
            isDBAlertThresholdOverridden = true;

    public static void setDBSizeThreshold(BigInteger newValue) {
        synchronized (dbSizeThreshold) {
            dbSizeThreshold = newValue;
            isDBSizeThresholdOverridden = true;