Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014. * * BaasBox - * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Represents a BaasBox Link between objects * * Created by Andrea Tortorella on 13/08/14. */ public final class BaasLink implements Parcelable { private String label; private BaasObject source; private BaasObject destination; private String id; private String author; private String creationDate; private long version; @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { Util.writeOptString(dest, id); Util.writeOptString(dest, label); Util.writeOptString(dest, author); Util.writeOptString(dest, creationDate); dest.writeLong(version); writeObject(dest, source); writeObject(dest, destination); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } private BaasLink(Parcel parcel) { id = Util.readOptString(parcel); label = Util.readOptString(parcel); author = Util.readOptString(parcel); creationDate = Util.readOptString(parcel); version = parcel.readLong(); source = readObject(parcel); destination = readObject(parcel); } public static final Creator<BaasLink> CREATOR = new Creator<BaasLink>() { @Override public BaasLink createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new BaasLink(source); } @Override public BaasLink[] newArray(int size) { return new BaasLink[size]; } }; private static BaasObject readObject(Parcel parcel) { byte b = parcel.readByte(); if (b == 0) return null; if (b == 1) { BaasDocument d = parcel.readParcelable(BaasDocument.class.getClassLoader()); return d; } else if (b == 2) { BaasFile f = parcel.readParcelable(BaasFile.class.getClassLoader()); return f; } return null; } private static void writeObject(Parcel p, BaasObject o) { if (o == null) { p.writeByte((byte) 0); } else { if (o instanceof BaasDocument) { p.writeByte((byte) 1); } else if (o instanceof BaasFile) { p.writeByte((byte) 2); } p.writeParcelable(o, 0); } } private BaasLink(String id, String label) { = id; this.label = label; } public BaasObject in() { return source; } public BaasObject out() { return destination; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getAuthor() { return author; } public String getCreationDate() { return creationDate; } public long getVersion() { return version; } static RequestToken makeLink(String label, String sourceId, String destinationId, int flags, BaasHandler<BaasLink> handler) { if (sourceId == null || sourceId.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid source"); if (destinationId == null || destinationId.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid destination"); if (label == null || label.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid label"); BaasBox cli = BaasBox.getDefaultChecked(); Create create = new Create(cli, sourceId, destinationId, label, flags, handler); return cli.submitAsync(create); } static BaasResult<BaasLink> makeLinkSync(String label, String sourceId, String destinationId) { if (sourceId == null || sourceId.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid source"); if (destinationId == null || destinationId.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid destination"); if (label == null || label.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid label"); BaasBox cli = BaasBox.getDefaultChecked(); Create create = new Create(cli, sourceId, destinationId, label, RequestOptions.DEFAULT, null); return cli.submitSync(create); } public static BaasResult<BaasLink> createSync(String label, String source, String destination) { return makeLinkSync(label, source, destination); } public static BaasResult<BaasLink> createSync(String label, BaasObject source, BaasObject destination) { return makeLinkSync(label, source.getId(), destination.getId()); } public static RequestToken create(String label, String source, String destination, int flags, BaasHandler<BaasLink> handler) { return makeLink(label, source, destination, flags, handler); } public static RequestToken create(String label, BaasObject source, BaasObject destination, int flags, BaasHandler<BaasLink> handler) { return makeLink(label, source.getId(), destination.getId(), flags, handler); } public RequestToken refresh(int flags, BaasHandler<BaasLink> handler) { if (id == null) throw new IllegalStateException("this link is not stored on the server"); BaasBox cli = BaasBox.getDefaultChecked(); Refresh refresh = new Refresh(cli, this, flags, handler); return cli.submitAsync(refresh); } public BaasResult<BaasLink> refreshSync() { if (id == null) throw new IllegalStateException("this link is not stored on the server"); BaasBox cli = BaasBox.getDefaultChecked(); Refresh refresh = new Refresh(cli, this, RequestOptions.DEFAULT, null); return cli.submitSync(refresh); } public static RequestToken fetch(String id, int flags, BaasHandler<BaasLink> handler) { if (id == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("id cannot be null"); BaasLink link = new BaasLink(id, null); return link.refresh(flags, handler); } public static BaasResult<BaasLink> fetchSync(String id) { if (id == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("id cannot be null"); BaasLink link = new BaasLink(id, null); return link.refreshSync(); } public RequestToken delete(int flags, BaasHandler<Void> handler) { if (id == null) throw new IllegalStateException("this link is not bound on the server"); BaasBox cli = BaasBox.getDefaultChecked(); Delete delete = new Delete(cli, this, flags, handler); return cli.submitAsync(delete); } public BaasResult<Void> deleteSync() { if (id == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("this link is not bound on the server"); BaasBox cli = BaasBox.getDefaultChecked(); Delete delete = new Delete(cli, this, RequestOptions.DEFAULT, null); return cli.submitSync(delete); } public static RequestToken fetchAll(String label, BaasQuery.Criteria criteria, int flags, BaasHandler<List<BaasLink>> handler) { if (label != null) { if (criteria == null) { criteria = BaasQuery.builder().where("label = ?").whereParams(label).criteria(); } else { criteria = criteria.buildUpon().and("label = ?").whereParams(label).criteria(); } } return fetchAll(criteria, flags, handler); } public static BaasResult<List<BaasLink>> fetchAllSync(String label, BaasQuery.Criteria criteria) { if (label != null) { if (criteria == null) { criteria = BaasQuery.builder().where("label = ?").whereParams(label).criteria(); } else { criteria = criteria.buildUpon().and("label = ?").whereParams(label).criteria(); } } return fetchAllSync(criteria); } public static RequestToken fetchAll(BaasQuery.Criteria criteria, int flags, BaasHandler<List<BaasLink>> handler) { if (criteria == null) { criteria = BaasQuery.Criteria.ANY; } BaasBox cli = BaasBox.getDefaultChecked(); FetchAll all = new FetchAll(cli, criteria, flags, handler); return cli.submitAsync(all); } public static BaasResult<List<BaasLink>> fetchAllSync(BaasQuery.Criteria criteria) { if (criteria == null) { criteria = BaasQuery.Criteria.ANY; } BaasBox cli = BaasBox.getDefaultChecked(); FetchAll all = new FetchAll(cli, criteria, RequestOptions.DEFAULT, null); return cli.submitSync(all); } public static BaasLink withId(String id) { return new BaasLink(id, null); } private static class FetchAll extends NetworkTask<List<BaasLink>> { BaasQuery.Criteria criteria; protected FetchAll(BaasBox box, BaasQuery.Criteria criteria, int flags, BaasHandler<List<BaasLink>> handler) { super(box, flags, handler, true); this.criteria = criteria; } @Override protected List<BaasLink> onOk(int status, HttpResponse response, BaasBox box) throws BaasException { JsonArray data = parseJson(response, box).getArray("data"); ArrayList<BaasLink> ret = new ArrayList<BaasLink>(); for (Object o : data) { JsonObject object = (JsonObject) o; BaasLink link = new BaasLink(null, null); link.update(object); ret.add(link); } return ret; } @Override protected HttpRequest request(BaasBox box) { String endpoint = box.requestFactory.getEndpoint("link"); return box.requestFactory.get(endpoint, criteria.toParams()); } } private static class Delete extends NetworkTask<Void> { private final BaasLink link; private final String id; protected Delete(BaasBox box, BaasLink link, int flags, BaasHandler<Void> handler) { super(box, flags, handler); = link; =; } @Override protected Void onOk(int status, HttpResponse response, BaasBox box) throws BaasException { = null; link.label = null; link.version = 0; link.destination = null; link.source = null; = null; link.creationDate = null; return null; } @Override protected HttpRequest request(BaasBox box) { String endpoint = box.requestFactory.getEndpoint("link/{}", id); return box.requestFactory.delete(endpoint); } } private static class Create extends NetworkTask<BaasLink> { private final String label; private final String source; private final String destination; protected Create(BaasBox box, String source, String destination, String label, int flags, BaasHandler<BaasLink> handler) { super(box, flags, handler, true); this.label = label; this.source = source; this.destination = destination; } @Override protected BaasLink onOk(int status, HttpResponse response, BaasBox box) throws BaasException { JsonObject data = parseJson(response, box).getObject("data"); BaasLink l = new BaasLink(null, null); l.update(data); return l; } @Override protected HttpRequest request(BaasBox box) { String endpoint = box.requestFactory.getEndpoint("link/{}/{}/{}", source, label, destination); return; } } private static class Refresh extends NetworkTask<BaasLink> { private final BaasLink link; protected Refresh(BaasBox box, BaasLink link, int flags, BaasHandler<BaasLink> handler) { super(box, flags, handler, true); = link; } @Override protected BaasLink onOk(int status, HttpResponse response, BaasBox box) throws BaasException { JsonObject data = parseJson(response, box).getObject("data"); link.update(data); return link; } @Override protected HttpRequest request(BaasBox box) { String endpoint = box.requestFactory.getEndpoint("link/{}",; return box.requestFactory.get(endpoint); } } private void update(JsonObject data) { this.label = data.getString("label"); = data.getString("id"); = data.getString("_author"); this.creationDate = data.getString("_creation_date"); this.version = data.getLong("@version"); JsonObject in = data.getObject("out"); JsonObject out = data.getObject("in"); this.source = parseObject(in); this.destination = parseObject(out); } private BaasObject parseObject(JsonObject object) { BaasObject ret; if (object.contains("@class")) { ret = new BaasDocument(object); } else { BaasFile f = new BaasFile(); f.update(object); ret = f; } return ret; } }