Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2017 B2i Healthcare Pte Ltd, * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.b2international.snowowl.snomed.reasoner.server.classification; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasoner; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.impl.OWLClassNodeSet; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.DefaultPrefixManager; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.b2international.collections.PrimitiveSets; import com.b2international.collections.longs.LongIterator; import com.b2international.collections.longs.LongSet; import com.b2international.snowowl.core.api.IBranchPath; import com.b2international.snowowl.snomed.reasoner.model.SnomedOntologyUtils; import; import; import; /** * */ public class ReasonerTaxonomyWalker { private static final NodeSet<OWLClass> EMPTY_NODE_SET = new OWLClassNodeSet(); private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReasonerTaxonomyWalker.class); private final OWLReasoner reasoner; private final ReasonerTaxonomy taxonomy; private LongSet processedConceptIds; private final DefaultPrefixManager pm; private boolean nothingProcessed; /** * * @param branchPath * @param reasoner * @param data */ public ReasonerTaxonomyWalker(final IBranchPath branchPath, final OWLReasoner reasoner, final ReasonerTaxonomy changeSet) { this.reasoner = reasoner; this.taxonomy = changeSet; = SnomedOntologyUtils .createPrefixManager(SnomedOntologyUtils.BASE_IRI.resolve(branchPath.getPath())); this.processedConceptIds = PrimitiveSets.newLongOpenHashSetWithExpectedSize(600000); } /** * */ public void walk() {">>> Taxonomy extraction"); final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); final Deque<Node<OWLClass>> nodesToProcess = new LinkedList<Node<OWLClass>>(); nodesToProcess.add(reasoner.getTopClassNode()); // Breadth-first walk through the class hierarchy while (!nodesToProcess.isEmpty()) { final Node<OWLClass> currentNode = nodesToProcess.removeFirst(); final NodeSet<OWLClass> nextNodeSet = walk(currentNode); if (!EMPTY_NODE_SET.equals(nextNodeSet)) { nodesToProcess.addAll(nextNodeSet.getNodes()); } } processedConceptIds.clear(); processedConceptIds = null;"<<< Taxonomy extraction [{0}]", stopwatch.stop().toString())); } private NodeSet<OWLClass> walk(final Node<OWLClass> node) { if (isNodeProcessed(node)) { return node.isTopNode() ? reasoner.getSubClasses(node.getRepresentativeElement(), true) : EMPTY_NODE_SET; } // Check first if we are at the bottom node, as all OWL classes are superclasses of Nothing final boolean unsatisfiable = node.isBottomNode(); final LongSet conceptIds = PrimitiveSets.newLongOpenHashSet(); collectConceptIds(node, conceptIds); if (unsatisfiable) { registerEquivalentConceptIds(conceptIds, unsatisfiable); processedConceptIds.addAll(conceptIds); return EMPTY_NODE_SET; } // Check if all parents have already been visited earlier final NodeSet<OWLClass> parentNodeSet = reasoner.getSuperClasses(node.getRepresentativeElement(), true); for (final Node<OWLClass> parentNode : parentNodeSet) { if (!isNodeProcessed(parentNode)) { return EMPTY_NODE_SET; } } if (conceptIds.size() > 1) { registerEquivalentConceptIds(conceptIds, unsatisfiable); } final LongSet parentConceptIds = PrimitiveSets.newLongOpenHashSet(); for (final Node<OWLClass> parentNode : parentNodeSet) { // No parents if we found the Top node if (parentNode.isTopNode()) { break; } collectConceptIds(parentNode, parentConceptIds); } processedConceptIds.addAll(conceptIds); for (final LongIterator itr = conceptIds.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); /* empty */) { registerParentConceptIds(, parentConceptIds); } return computeNextNodeSet(node); } private NodeSet<OWLClass> computeNextNodeSet(final Node<OWLClass> node) { final NodeSet<OWLClass> subClasses = reasoner.getSubClasses(node.getRepresentativeElement(), true); if (!subClasses.isBottomSingleton()) { return subClasses; } if (nothingProcessed) { return EMPTY_NODE_SET; } else { nothingProcessed = true; return subClasses; } } private void registerParentConceptIds(final long child, final LongSet parents) { taxonomy.addEntry(new ReasonerTaxonomyEntry(child, parents)); } private boolean isNodeProcessed(final Node<OWLClass> node) { for (final OWLClass owlClass : node) { if (!isConceptClass(owlClass)) { continue; } final long conceptId = getConceptId(owlClass); if (!processedConceptIds.contains(conceptId)) { return false; } } return true; } private void collectConceptIds(final Node<OWLClass> node, final LongSet conceptIds) { for (final OWLClass owlClass : node) { if (!isConceptClass(owlClass)) { continue; } final long conceptId = getConceptId(owlClass); conceptIds.add(conceptId); } } private void registerEquivalentConceptIds(final LongSet conceptIds, final boolean unsatisfiable) { if (unsatisfiable) { taxonomy.getUnsatisfiableConceptIds().addAll(conceptIds); } else { taxonomy.addEquivalentConceptIds(conceptIds); } } private boolean isConceptClass(final OWLClass owlClass) { return hasPrefix(owlClass, SnomedOntologyUtils.PREFIX_CONCEPT); } private boolean hasPrefix(final OWLClass owlClass, final String prefix) { return pm.getShortForm(owlClass.getIRI()).startsWith(prefix); } private long getConceptId(final OWLClass owlClass) { final String strippedShortForm = pm.getShortForm(owlClass.getIRI()) .substring(SnomedOntologyUtils.PREFIX_SNOMED.length()); return Long.parseLong(Iterables.get(Splitter.on('_').split(strippedShortForm), 1)); } }