Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2018 B2i Healthcare Pte Ltd, * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.b2international.snowowl.snomed.importer.release; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.b2international.snowowl.snomed.importer.release.ReleaseFileSet.ReleaseComponentType; import com.b2international.snowowl.snomed.importer.release.SimpleReleaseFile.SimpleReleaseComponentType; import; import; /** * Configures the two release file set selector instances from an externally supplied property file. * */ public final class ReleaseFileSetSelectors { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReleaseFileSetSelectors.class); public static final ReleaseFileSetSelector SELECTORS; private static Properties getProperties() { final Properties properties = new Properties(); final InputStream propertiesInputStream = ReleaseFileSetSelectors.class .getResourceAsStream(""); try { properties.load(propertiesInputStream); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Couldn't load release file configuration.", e); } return properties; } private static ReleaseFileSetSelector parseProperties(final Properties properties, final String prefix) { int idx = 0; final ImmutableList.Builder<ReleaseFileSet> releaseFileSetBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); while (properties.containsKey(prefix + "." + idx + ".terminologyRoot")) { releaseFileSetBuilder .add(createSnapshotReleaseFileSet(getProperty(properties, prefix, idx, "terminologyRoot"), getProperty(properties, prefix, idx, "refSetRoot"), getProperty(properties, prefix, idx, "languageRefSetRoot"), Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(properties, prefix, idx, "includesStatedRelationships")), Boolean.valueOf(getProperty(properties, prefix, idx, "testRelease")), getListProperty(properties, prefix, idx, "refSetPaths"))); idx++; } return new ReleaseFileSetSelector(; } private static List<String> getListProperty(final Properties properties, final String prefix, final int idx, final String key) { int subIdx = 0; final ImmutableList.Builder<String> listBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); String item; while ((item = getListItemProperty(properties, prefix, idx, key, subIdx)) != null) { listBuilder.add(item); subIdx++; } return; } private static String getListItemProperty(final Properties properties, final String prefix, final int idx, final String key, final int subIdx) { return properties.getProperty(prefix + "." + idx + "." + key + "." + subIdx); } private static String getProperty(final Properties properties, final String prefix, final int idx, final String key) { return properties.getProperty(prefix + "." + idx + "." + key); } private static ReleaseFileSet createSnapshotReleaseFileSet(final String terminologyRoot, final String refSetRoot, final String languageRefSetRoot, final boolean includesStatedRelationships, final boolean testRelease, final List<String> refSetPaths) { final ImmutableMap.Builder<ReleaseComponentType, ReleaseFile> componentMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); componentMapBuilder.put(ReleaseComponentType.CONCEPT, new SimpleReleaseFile(terminologyRoot, SimpleReleaseComponentType.CONCEPT)); componentMapBuilder.put(ReleaseComponentType.RELATIONSHIP, new SimpleReleaseFile(terminologyRoot, SimpleReleaseComponentType.RELATIONSHIP)); componentMapBuilder.put(ReleaseComponentType.DESCRIPTION, new DescriptionReleaseFile(terminologyRoot)); componentMapBuilder.put(ReleaseComponentType.LANGUAGE_REFERENCE_SET, new LanguageRefsetReleaseFile(languageRefSetRoot)); componentMapBuilder.put(ReleaseComponentType.TEXT_DEFINITION, new TextDefinitionReleaseFile(terminologyRoot)); if (includesStatedRelationships) { componentMapBuilder.put(ReleaseComponentType.STATED_RELATIONSHIP, new SimpleReleaseFile(terminologyRoot, SimpleReleaseComponentType.STATEDRELATIONSHIP)); } return new ReleaseFileSet(testRelease,, refSetPaths); } static { final Properties properties = getProperties(); SELECTORS = parseProperties(properties, "selector"); } private ReleaseFileSetSelectors() { // Prevent instantiation } }