Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2016 B2i Healthcare Pte Ltd, * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.b2international.snowowl.datastore.index; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import com.b2international.index.revision.Revision; import com.b2international.index.revision.RevisionWriter; import com.b2international.snowowl.core.ComponentIdentifier; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @since 5.0 */ public final class ImmutableIndexCommitChangeSet implements IndexCommitChangeSet { private final Map<String, Object> rawMappings; private final Multimap<Class<?>, String> rawDeletions; private final Map<Long, Revision> revisionMappings; private final Multimap<Class<? extends Revision>, Long> revisionDeletions; private final Collection<ComponentIdentifier> newComponents; private final Collection<ComponentIdentifier> changedComponents; private final Collection<ComponentIdentifier> deletedComponents; private ImmutableIndexCommitChangeSet(final Map<String, Object> rawMappings, final Multimap<Class<?>, String> rawDeletions, final Map<Long, Revision> revisionMappings, final Multimap<Class<? extends Revision>, Long> revisionDeletions, final Collection<ComponentIdentifier> newComponents, final Collection<ComponentIdentifier> changedComponents, final Collection<ComponentIdentifier> deletedComponents) { this.rawMappings = rawMappings; this.rawDeletions = rawDeletions; this.revisionMappings = revisionMappings; this.revisionDeletions = revisionDeletions; this.newComponents = newComponents; this.changedComponents = changedComponents; this.deletedComponents = deletedComponents; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return rawMappings.isEmpty() && rawDeletions.isEmpty() && revisionMappings.isEmpty() && revisionDeletions.isEmpty(); } @Override public Collection<ComponentIdentifier> getNewComponents() { return newComponents; } @Override public Collection<ComponentIdentifier> getChangedComponents() { return changedComponents; } @Override public Collection<ComponentIdentifier> getDeletedComponents() { return deletedComponents; } @Override public Map<String, Object> getRawMappings() { return rawMappings; } @Override public Multimap<Class<?>, String> getRawDeletions() { return rawDeletions; } @Override public Map<Long, Revision> getRevisionMappings() { return revisionMappings; } @Override public Multimap<Class<? extends Revision>, Long> getRevisionDeletions() { return revisionDeletions; } @Override public IndexCommitChangeSet merge(IndexCommitChangeSet indexCommitChangeSet) { return builder().from(this).from(indexCommitChangeSet).build(); } /** * Apply this {@link ImmutableIndexCommitChangeSet} on the given {@link RevisionWriter index transaction}. * * @param index * @throws IOException */ @Override public void apply(RevisionWriter index) throws IOException { for (final Class<?> type : rawDeletions.keySet()) { final Map<Class<?>, Set<String>> map = Collections.<Class<?>, Set<String>>singletonMap(type, Sets.newHashSet(rawDeletions.get(type))); index.writer().removeAll(map); } for (Entry<String, Object> doc : rawMappings.entrySet()) { if (!rawDeletions.containsValue(doc.getKey())) { index.writer().put(doc.getKey(), doc.getValue()); } } final Multimap<Class<? extends Revision>, Long> copiedRevision = ImmutableMultimap .copyOf(revisionDeletions); for (Class<? extends Revision> type : copiedRevision.keySet()) { index.remove(type, copiedRevision.get(type)); } for (Entry<Long, Revision> doc : revisionMappings.entrySet()) { if (!revisionDeletions.containsValue(doc.getKey())) { index.put(doc.getKey(), doc.getValue()); } } } /** * Returns a human-readable description of this changes containing the number of add/updated and deleted documents. * @return */ @Override public String getDescription() { return String.format("Indexed %d documents, deleted %d documents.", rawMappings.size() + revisionMappings.size(), rawDeletions.values().size() + revisionDeletions.values().size()); } /** * Create a new {@link Builder} instance. * * @return */ public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } /** * Builder to simplify construction of {@link ImmutableIndexCommitChangeSet} objects. * * @since 5.0 */ public static class Builder { private final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> rawMappings = ImmutableMap.builder(); private final ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Class<?>, String> rawDeletions = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); private final ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Revision> revisionMappings = ImmutableMap.builder(); private final ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Class<? extends Revision>, Long> revisionDeletions = ImmutableMultimap .builder(); private final ImmutableSet.Builder<ComponentIdentifier> newComponents = ImmutableSet.builder(); private final ImmutableSet.Builder<ComponentIdentifier> changedComponents = ImmutableSet.builder(); private final ImmutableSet.Builder<ComponentIdentifier> deletedComponents = ImmutableSet.builder(); private Builder() { } public Builder from(IndexCommitChangeSet indexCommitChangeSet) { this.rawMappings.putAll(indexCommitChangeSet.getRawMappings()); this.rawDeletions.putAll(indexCommitChangeSet.getRawDeletions()); this.revisionMappings.putAll(indexCommitChangeSet.getRevisionMappings()); this.revisionDeletions.putAll(indexCommitChangeSet.getRevisionDeletions()); this.newComponents.addAll(indexCommitChangeSet.getNewComponents()); this.changedComponents.addAll(indexCommitChangeSet.getChangedComponents()); this.deletedComponents.addAll(indexCommitChangeSet.getDeletedComponents()); return this; } public Builder putNewComponents(ComponentIdentifier newComponent) { this.newComponents.add(newComponent); return this; } public Builder putChangedComponents(ComponentIdentifier changedComponent) { this.changedComponents.add(changedComponent); return this; } public Builder putDeletedComponents(ComponentIdentifier deletedComponent) { this.deletedComponents.add(deletedComponent); return this; } public Builder putRawMappings(String key, Object value) { this.rawMappings.put(key, value); return this; } public Builder putRawDeletions(Class<?> type, String key) { this.rawDeletions.put(type, key); return this; } public Builder putRawDeletions(Class<?> type, Iterable<? extends String> keys) { this.rawDeletions.putAll(type, keys); return this; } public Builder putRevisionMappings(Long key, Revision value) { this.revisionMappings.put(key, value); return this; } public Builder putRevisionMappings(Map<? extends Long, ? extends Revision> mappings) { this.revisionMappings.putAll(mappings); return this; } public Builder putRevisionDeletions( Multimap<? extends Class<? extends Revision>, ? extends Long> deletions) { this.revisionDeletions.putAll(deletions); return this; } public Builder putRevisionDeletions(Class<? extends Revision> type, Long storageKey) { this.revisionDeletions.put(type, storageKey); return this; } public Builder putRevisionDeletions(Class<? extends Revision> type, Iterable<? extends Long> storageKeys) { this.revisionDeletions.putAll(type, storageKeys); return this; } public IndexCommitChangeSet build() { return new ImmutableIndexCommitChangeSet(,,,,,,; } } }