Java tutorial
/** * Axelor Business Solutions * * Copyright (C) 2016 Axelor (<>). * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.axelor.apps.admin.service; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.axelor.i18n.I18n; import com.axelor.meta.MetaFiles; import com.axelor.meta.db.MetaAction; import com.axelor.meta.db.MetaFile; import com.axelor.meta.db.MetaMenu; import com.axelor.meta.db.MetaTranslation; import com.axelor.meta.db.repo.MetaMenuRepository; import com.axelor.meta.db.repo.MetaTranslationRepository; import; import; public class ViewDocExportService { protected Set<String> fieldTypes = new TreeSet<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); { fieldTypes.add("Toolbar Menu"); fieldTypes.add("Toolbar MenuItem"); fieldTypes.add("Panel"); fieldTypes.add("SubPanel"); fieldTypes.add("Button"); fieldTypes.add("Label"); fieldTypes.add("Dashlet"); fieldTypes.add("STRING"); fieldTypes.add("INTEGER"); fieldTypes.add("DECIMAL"); fieldTypes.add("BOOLEAN"); fieldTypes.add("TEXT"); fieldTypes.add("DATE"); fieldTypes.add("LONG"); fieldTypes.add("TIME"); fieldTypes.add("DATETIME"); fieldTypes.add("LOCALDATETIME"); fieldTypes.add("LOCALDATE"); fieldTypes.add("LOCALTIME"); fieldTypes.add("ONE_TO_MANY"); fieldTypes.add("MANY_TO_ONE"); fieldTypes.add("ONE_TO_ONE"); fieldTypes.add("MANY_TO_MANY"); fieldTypes.add("BINARY"); fieldTypes.add("general"); fieldTypes.add("EMPTY"); fieldTypes.add("MENU"); }; private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private static final String[] HEADERS = new String[] { "Module", "Object", "View", "Field type", "Field name", "Field title(EN)", "Field title(FR)", "Selection(EN)", "Selection(FR)", "Menu(EN)", "Menu(FR)", }; private static final String[] PANEL_HEADERS = new String[] { "Module", "Object", "View", "", "Panel name", "Panel title(EN)", "Panel title(FR)" }; private XSSFWorkbook workBook; private XSSFWorkbook oldBook; private XSSFSheet sheet; private XSSFSheet oldSheet; private XSSFCellStyle style; private XSSFCellStyle green; private XSSFCellStyle lavender; private XSSFCellStyle violet; private String[] menuPath = null; private String rootMenu; private boolean onlyPanel = false; private List<String> processedMenus = new ArrayList<String>(); private Map<String, Integer> docMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private Map<String, List<Integer>> commentMap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); @Inject private MetaMenuRepository metaMenuRepo; @Inject private MetaTranslationRepository translationRepo; @Inject private MetaFiles metaFiles; @Inject private ViewDocXmlProcessor viewDocXmlProcessor; public MetaFile export(MetaFile docFile, boolean onlyPanel) { this.onlyPanel = onlyPanel; List<MetaMenu> menus = metaMenuRepo.all() .filter("self.parent is null " + "and self.left = true and self.action is null").order("order") .fetch(); workBook = new XSSFWorkbook(); addStyle(); if (docFile != null && !onlyPanel) { updateDocMap(docFile); } processRootMenu(menus.iterator()); setColumnWidth(); return createExportFile(docFile); } private void addStyle() { style = workBook.createCellStyle(); style.setBorderBottom(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderTop(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderLeft(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderRight(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); green = workBook.createCellStyle(); green.cloneStyleFrom(style); green.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.BRIGHT_GREEN.index); green.setFillPattern(FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND); lavender = workBook.createCellStyle(); lavender.cloneStyleFrom(green); lavender.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.LAVENDER.index); violet = workBook.createCellStyle(); violet.cloneStyleFrom(green); violet.setFillForegroundColor(IndexedColors.VIOLET.index); } public boolean getOnlyPanel() { return onlyPanel; } private void processRootMenu(Iterator<MetaMenu> rootMenuIter) { if (!rootMenuIter.hasNext()) { return; } MetaMenu menu =; String name = menu.getName(); if (!processedMenus.contains(name)) { String title = menu.getTitle(); if (workBook.getSheetIndex(title) >= 0) { title = title + "(" + menu.getId() + ")"; } rootMenu = title; sheet = null; processMenu(name, 0); processedMenus.add(name); } processRootMenu(rootMenuIter); } protected void setMenuPath(String[] menuPath) { this.menuPath = menuPath; } private void setColumnWidth() { Iterator<XSSFSheet> sheets = workBook.iterator(); while (sheets.hasNext()) { sheet =; sheet.createFreezePane(0, 1, 0, 1); int count = 0; while (count < HEADERS.length) { sheet.autoSizeColumn(count); count++; } } } private void addGeneralRow(String[] values) { XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows()); String[] vals = { values[0], values[1], values[2], "general", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; if (menuPath != null) { vals[9] = menuPath[0]; vals[10] = menuPath[1]; } int count = writeCell(row, vals, 0, green); addDoc(row, vals, count, green, null); } private void createSheet() { log.debug("Root menu: {}", rootMenu); menuPath = null; sheet = workBook.createSheet(I18n.get(rootMenu)); if (oldBook != null) { oldSheet = oldBook.getSheet(sheet.getSheetName()); } if (onlyPanel) { writeRow(PANEL_HEADERS, false, false, false); } else { writeRow(HEADERS, false, false, false); } } protected void writeRow(String[] values, boolean newForm, boolean newPanel, boolean newSubPanel) { if (newForm) { addGeneralRow(values); menuPath = new String[] { "", "" }; } XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows()); XSSFCellStyle cellStyle = style; if (!onlyPanel) { if (newPanel) { cellStyle = violet; } else if (newSubPanel) { cellStyle = lavender; } } int count = writeCell(row, values, 0, cellStyle); if (!onlyPanel) { if (menuPath != null) { count = writeCell(row, menuPath, count, cellStyle); log.debug("Count after menu: {}", count); } addDoc(row, values, count, cellStyle, null); } menuPath = new String[] { "", "" }; } protected Integer writeRow(Integer rowIndex, XSSFCellStyle cellStyle, int count, Integer rowCount) { XSSFRow row = null; int totalRows = sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows(); if (rowCount == null) { row = sheet.createRow(totalRows); } else { rowCount++; if (rowCount < totalRows) { sheet.shiftRows(rowCount, totalRows, 1); } row = sheet.createRow(rowCount); } writeCell(row, rowIndex, count, cellStyle); menuPath = new String[] { "", "" }; return rowCount; } private int writeCell(XSSFRow row, String[] values, int count, XSSFCellStyle cellStyle) { int cellCount = 0; for (String value : values) { if (onlyPanel) { cellCount++; if (cellCount == 4) { continue; } if (cellCount > 7) { break; } } XSSFCell cell = row.createCell(count); cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); cell.setCellValue(value); count++; } return count; } private void writeCell(XSSFRow row, Integer oldRowIndex, int count, XSSFCellStyle cellStyle) { XSSFRow oldRow = oldSheet.getRow(oldRowIndex); while (count < oldRow.getLastCellNum()) { XSSFCell oldCell = oldRow.getCell(count); Cell cell = row.createCell(count); cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); cell.setCellValue(oldCell.getStringCellValue()); count++; } } private Integer addDoc(XSSFRow row, String[] values, int count, XSSFCellStyle cellStyle, Integer rowCount) { String name = values[4]; if (name == null) { name = values[5]; } String key = null; if (row.getRowNum() == 0) { key = sheet.getSheetName(); } else { key = values[1] + "," + values[2] + "," + values[3] + "," + name; } if (docMap.containsKey(key) && oldSheet != null) { writeCell(row, docMap.get(key), count, cellStyle); } if (commentMap.containsKey(key) && oldSheet != null) { for (Integer rowIndex : commentMap.get(key)) { rowCount = writeRow(rowIndex, style, 0, rowCount); } } return rowCount; } protected String translate(String key, String lang) { MetaTranslation translation = translationRepo.findByKey(key, lang); if (translation != null) { String msg = translation.getMessage(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(msg)) { return msg; } } return key; } private int processMenu(String parentMenu, int count) { List<MetaMenu> subMenus = metaMenuRepo.all().filter(" = ?", parentMenu).order("order") .fetch(); if (sheet == null) { createSheet(); } for (MetaMenu subMenu : subMenus) { count++; // log.debug("Processing sub menu: {}", subMenu.getName()); MetaAction action = subMenu.getAction(); if (action == null) { if (!onlyPanel) { String[] paths = updateMenuPath(subMenu); count = addMenu(subMenu, "", paths, count); } count = processMenu(subMenu.getName(), count); continue; } String model = action.getModel(); String[] paths = updateMenuPath(subMenu); if (action.getType().equals("action-view")) { viewDocXmlProcessor.processModel(model, action); } if (!onlyPanel) { count = addMenu(subMenu, model, paths, count); } } return count; } private int addMenu(MetaMenu subMenu, String model, String[] paths, int rowCount) { sheet.shiftRows(rowCount, sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows(), 1); XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(rowCount); String[] menuEn = paths[0].split("/"); String[] menuFr = paths[1].split("/"); String[] values = new String[] { subMenu.getModule(), model, "", "MENU", subMenu.getName(), menuEn[menuEn.length - 1], menuFr[menuFr.length - 1], "", "", paths[0], paths[1] }; int count = writeCell(row, values, 0, style); return addDoc(row, values, count, style, rowCount); } private String[] updateMenuPath(MetaMenu metaMenu) { List<String> menus = new ArrayList<String>(); menus.add(metaMenu.getTitle()); addParentMenus(menus, metaMenu); Collections.reverse(menus); String menuEN = null; String menuFR = null; for (String menu : menus) { if (menuEN == null) { menuEN = translate(menu, "en"); menuFR = translate(menu, "fr"); } else { menuEN += "/" + translate(menu, "en"); menuFR += "/" + translate(menu, "fr"); } } String[] paths = new String[] { menuEN, menuFR }; menuPath = paths; return paths; } private void addParentMenus(List<String> menus, MetaMenu metaMenu) { MetaMenu parentMenu = metaMenu.getParent(); if (parentMenu != null) { menus.add(parentMenu.getTitle()); addParentMenus(menus, parentMenu); } } private void updateDocMap(MetaFile docFile) { try { File doc = MetaFiles.getPath(docFile).toFile(); FileInputStream inSteam = new FileInputStream(doc); XSSFWorkbook book = new XSSFWorkbook(inSteam); oldBook = book; for (XSSFSheet sheet : book) { String lastKey = sheet.getSheetName(); Iterator<Row> rowIter = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rowIter.hasNext()) { Row row =; String key = null; if (row.getRowNum() == 0) { key = sheet.getSheetName(); } else { String name = getCellValue(row.getCell(4)); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = getCellValue(row.getCell(5)); } String type = getCellValue(row.getCell(3)); if (type == null) { continue; } type = type.trim(); key = getCellValue(row.getCell(1)) + "," + getCellValue(row.getCell(2)) + "," + type + "," + name; if (addComment(lastKey, type, row)) { continue; } else { lastKey = key; } } docMap.put(key, row.getRowNum()); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getCellValue(Cell cell) { if (cell != null) { return cell.getStringCellValue(); } return null; } private MetaFile createExportFile(MetaFile metaFile) { String date ="ddMMyyyy HH:mm:ss"); String fileName = "Export " + date + ".xlsx"; try { File file = File.createTempFile("Export", ".xlsx"); FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); workBook.write(outStream); outStream.close(); FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(file); if (metaFile != null) { metaFile.setFileName(fileName); metaFile = metaFiles.upload(inStream, metaFile); } else { metaFile = metaFiles.upload(inStream, fileName); } inStream.close(); file.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return metaFile; } private boolean addComment(String lastKey, String type, Row row) { String mType = type; if (type.contains("(")) { mType = type.substring(0, type.indexOf("(")); mType = mType.replace("-", "_"); } if (!fieldTypes.contains(mType)) { Cell firstCell = row.getCell(0); if (firstCell != null) { List<Integer> rowIndexs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (commentMap.containsKey(lastKey)) { rowIndexs = commentMap.get(lastKey); } rowIndexs.add(row.getRowNum()); commentMap.put(lastKey, rowIndexs); return true; } } return false; } }