Java tutorial
/** * Axelor Business Solutions * * Copyright (C) 2016 Axelor (<>). * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.axelor.apps.account.service; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.time.LocalDate; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.AnalyticMoveLine; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.Journal; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.JournalType; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.Move; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.MoveLine; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.MoveLineReport; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.Reconcile; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.repo.AccountRepository; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.repo.JournalRepository; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.repo.MoveLineReportRepository; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.repo.MoveLineRepository; import com.axelor.apps.account.db.repo.MoveRepository; import com.axelor.apps.account.exception.IExceptionMessage; import; import; import com.axelor.apps.account.service.config.AccountConfigService; import com.axelor.apps.account.service.move.MoveLineService; import com.axelor.apps.base.db.Company; import com.axelor.apps.base.db.IAdministration; import com.axelor.apps.base.db.Partner; import com.axelor.apps.base.service.PartnerService; import com.axelor.apps.base.service.administration.SequenceService; import com.axelor.apps.tool.file.CsvTool; import com.axelor.db.JPA; import com.axelor.exception.AxelorException; import com.axelor.exception.db.IException; import com.axelor.i18n.I18n; import com.axelor.inject.Beans; import com.axelor.meta.MetaFiles; import; import; public class MoveLineExportService { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_TIME_FORMAT = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("YYYYMMddHHmmss"); private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMAT = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy"); private static final DateTimeFormatter MONTH_FORMAT = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMM"); protected ZonedDateTime todayTime; protected MoveLineReportService moveLineReportService; protected SequenceService sequenceService; protected AccountConfigService accountConfigService; protected MoveRepository moveRepo; protected MoveLineRepository moveLineRepo; protected MoveLineReportRepository moveLineReportRepo; protected JournalRepository journalRepo; protected AccountRepository accountRepo; protected MoveLineService moveLineService; protected PartnerService partnerService; @Inject public MoveLineExportService(AppAccountService appAccountService, MoveLineReportService moveLineReportService, SequenceService sequenceService, AccountConfigService accountConfigService, MoveRepository moveRepo, MoveLineRepository moveLineRepo, MoveLineReportRepository moveLineReportRepo, JournalRepository journalRepo, AccountRepository accountRepo, MoveLineService moveLineService, PartnerService partnerService) { this.moveLineReportService = moveLineReportService; this.sequenceService = sequenceService; this.accountConfigService = accountConfigService; this.moveRepo = moveRepo; this.moveLineRepo = moveLineRepo; this.moveLineReportRepo = moveLineReportRepo; this.journalRepo = journalRepo; this.accountRepo = accountRepo; this.moveLineService = moveLineService; this.partnerService = partnerService; todayTime = appAccountService.getTodayDateTime(); } public void updateMoveList(List<Move> moveList, MoveLineReport moveLineReport, LocalDate localDate, String exportToAgressoNumber) { int i = 0; int moveListSize = moveList.size(); for (Move move : moveList) { this.updateMove(moveRepo.find(move.getId()), moveLineReportRepo.find(moveLineReport.getId()), localDate, exportToAgressoNumber); if (i % 10 == 0) { JPA.clear(); } if (i++ % 100 == 0) { log.debug("Process : {} / {}", i, moveListSize); } } } @Transactional(rollbackOn = { AxelorException.class, Exception.class }) public Move updateMove(Move move, MoveLineReport moveLineReport, LocalDate localDate, String exportToAgressoNumber) { move.setExportNumber(exportToAgressoNumber); move.setExportDate(localDate); move.setAccountingOk(true); move.setMoveLineReport(moveLineReport);; return move; } public BigDecimal getSumDebit(String queryFilter, List<? extends Move> moveList) { Query q = JPA.em().createQuery("select SUM(self.debit) FROM MoveLine as self WHERE " + queryFilter, BigDecimal.class); q.setParameter(1, moveList); BigDecimal result = (BigDecimal) q.getSingleResult(); log.debug("Total debit : {}", result); if (result != null) { return result; } else { return BigDecimal.ZERO; } } public BigDecimal getSumCredit(String queryFilter, List<Move> moveList) { Query q = JPA.em().createQuery("select SUM( FROM MoveLine as self WHERE " + queryFilter, BigDecimal.class); q.setParameter(1, moveList); BigDecimal result = (BigDecimal) q.getSingleResult(); log.debug("Total credit : {}", result); if (result != null) { return result; } else { return BigDecimal.ZERO; } } public BigDecimal getSumCredit(List<MoveLine> moveLineList) { BigDecimal sumCredit = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (MoveLine moveLine : moveLineList) { sumCredit = sumCredit.add(moveLine.getCredit()); } return sumCredit; } public BigDecimal getTotalAmount(List<MoveLine> moveLinelst) { BigDecimal totDebit = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal totCredit = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (MoveLine moveLine : moveLinelst) { totDebit = totDebit.add(moveLine.getDebit()); totCredit = totCredit.add(moveLine.getCredit()); } return totCredit.subtract(totDebit); } public String getSaleExportNumber(Company company) throws AxelorException { String exportNumber = sequenceService.getSequenceNumber(IAdministration.SALES_INTERFACE, company); if (exportNumber == null) { throw new AxelorException(String.format(I18n.get(IExceptionMessage.MOVE_LINE_EXPORT_1), AppAccountServiceImpl.EXCEPTION, company.getName()), IException.CONFIGURATION_ERROR); } return exportNumber; } public String getRefundExportNumber(Company company) throws AxelorException { String exportNumber = sequenceService.getSequenceNumber(IAdministration.REFUND_INTERFACE, company); if (exportNumber == null) { throw new AxelorException(String.format(I18n.get(IExceptionMessage.MOVE_LINE_EXPORT_2), AppAccountServiceImpl.EXCEPTION, company.getName()), IException.CONFIGURATION_ERROR); } return exportNumber; } public String getTreasuryExportNumber(Company company) throws AxelorException { String exportNumber = sequenceService.getSequenceNumber(IAdministration.TREASURY_INTERFACE, company); if (exportNumber == null) { throw new AxelorException(String.format(I18n.get(IExceptionMessage.MOVE_LINE_EXPORT_3), AppAccountServiceImpl.EXCEPTION, company.getName()), IException.CONFIGURATION_ERROR); } return exportNumber; } public String getPurchaseExportNumber(Company company) throws AxelorException { String exportNumber = sequenceService.getSequenceNumber(IAdministration.PURCHASE_INTERFACE, company); if (exportNumber == null) { throw new AxelorException(String.format(I18n.get(IExceptionMessage.MOVE_LINE_EXPORT_4), AppAccountServiceImpl.EXCEPTION, company.getName()), IException.CONFIGURATION_ERROR); } return exportNumber; } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export SI - Agresso pour les journaux de type vente * @param mlr * @param replay * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ public void exportMoveLineTypeSelect1006(MoveLineReport mlr, boolean replay) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In Export type service : "); String fileName = "detail" + todayTime.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) + "ventes.dat"; this.exportMoveLineTypeSelect1006FILE1(mlr, replay); this.exportMoveLineAllTypeSelectFILE2(mlr, fileName); } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export SI - Agresso des en-ttes pour les journaux de type vente * @param mlr * @param replay * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(rollbackOn = { AxelorException.class, Exception.class }) public void exportMoveLineTypeSelect1006FILE1(MoveLineReport moveLineReport, boolean replay) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In export service Type 1006 FILE 1 :"); Company company = moveLineReport.getCompany(); String dateQueryStr = String.format(" WHERE = %s", company.getId()); JournalType journalType = moveLineReportService.getJournalType(moveLineReport); if (moveLineReport.getJournal() != null) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.journal = %s", moveLineReport.getJournal().getId()); } else { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.journal.type = %s", journalType.getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } if (replay) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.accountingOk = true AND self.moveLineReport = %s", moveLineReport.getId()); } else { dateQueryStr += " AND self.accountingOk = false "; } dateQueryStr += " AND self.ignoreInAccountingOk = false AND self.journal.notExportOk = false "; dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.statusSelect = %s ", MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED); Query dateQuery = JPA.em().createQuery( "SELECT from Move self" + dateQueryStr + "group by order by"); List<LocalDate> allDates = new ArrayList<LocalDate>(); allDates = dateQuery.getResultList(); log.debug("allDates : {}", allDates); List<String[]> allMoveData = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String companyCode = ""; String reference = ""; String moveQueryStr = ""; String moveLineQueryStr = ""; if (moveLineReport.getRef() != null) { reference = moveLineReport.getRef(); } if (company != null) { companyCode = company.getCode(); moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND = %s", company.getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateFrom() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND >= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateFrom().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateTo() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateTo().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDate() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDate().toString()); } if (replay) { moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.accountingOk = true AND self.moveLineReport = %s", moveLineReport.getId()); } else { moveQueryStr += " AND self.accountingOk = false "; } moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.statusSelect = %s ", MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED); LocalDate interfaceDate = moveLineReport.getDate(); for (LocalDate dt : allDates) { List<Journal> journalList = journalRepo.all() .filter("self.type = ?1 AND self.notExportOk = false", journalType).fetch(); if (moveLineReport.getJournal() != null) { journalList = new ArrayList<Journal>(); journalList.add(moveLineReport.getJournal()); } for (Journal journal : journalList) { List<? extends Move> moveList = moveRepo.all().filter( " = ?1 AND self.ignoreInAccountingOk = false AND self.journal.notExportOk = false AND self.journal = ?2" + moveQueryStr, dt, journal).fetch(); String journalCode = journal.getExportCode(); if (moveList.size() > 0) { BigDecimal sumDebit = this.getSumDebit( "self.account.reconcileOk = true AND self.debit != 0.00 AND self.move in ?1 " + moveLineQueryStr, moveList); if (sumDebit.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 1) { String exportNumber = this.getSaleExportNumber(company); Move firstMove = moveList.get(0); String periodCode = firstMove.getPeriod().getFromDate().format(MONTH_FORMAT); this.updateMoveList((List<Move>) moveList, moveLineReport, interfaceDate, exportNumber); String items[] = new String[8]; items[0] = companyCode; items[1] = journalCode; items[2] = exportNumber; items[3] = interfaceDate.format(DATE_FORMAT); items[4] = sumDebit.toString(); items[5] = reference; items[6] = dt.format(DATE_FORMAT); items[7] = periodCode; allMoveData.add(items); } } } } String fileName = "entete" + todayTime.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) + "ventes.dat"; String filePath = accountConfigService.getExportPath(accountConfigService.getAccountConfig(company)); new File(filePath).mkdirs(); log.debug("Full path to export : {}{}", filePath, fileName); CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', null, allMoveData); // Utilis pour le debuggage // CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', this.createHeaderForHeaderFile(mlr.getTypeSelect()), allMoveData); } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export SI - Agresso pour les journaux de type avoir * @param mlr * @param replay * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ public void exportMoveLineTypeSelect1007(MoveLineReport moveLineReport, boolean replay) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In Export type 1007 service : "); String fileName = "detail" + todayTime.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) + "avoirs.dat"; this.exportMoveLineTypeSelect1007FILE1(moveLineReport, replay); this.exportMoveLineAllTypeSelectFILE2(moveLineReport, fileName); } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export SI - Agresso des en-ttes pour les journaux de type avoir * @param mlr * @param replay * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(rollbackOn = { AxelorException.class, Exception.class }) public void exportMoveLineTypeSelect1007FILE1(MoveLineReport moveLineReport, boolean replay) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In export service 1007 FILE 1:"); Company company = moveLineReport.getCompany(); String dateQueryStr = String.format(" WHERE = %s", company.getId()); JournalType journalType = moveLineReportService.getJournalType(moveLineReport); if (moveLineReport.getJournal() != null) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.journal = %s", moveLineReport.getJournal().getId()); } else { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.journal.type = %s", journalType.getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } if (replay) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.accountingOk = true AND self.moveLineReport = %s", moveLineReport.getId()); } else { dateQueryStr += " AND self.accountingOk = false "; } dateQueryStr += " AND self.ignoreInAccountingOk = false AND self.journal.notExportOk = false "; dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.statusSelect = %s ", MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED); Query dateQuery = JPA.em().createQuery( "SELECT from Move self" + dateQueryStr + "group by order by"); List<LocalDate> allDates = new ArrayList<LocalDate>(); allDates = dateQuery.getResultList(); log.debug("allDates : {}", allDates); List<String[]> allMoveData = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String companyCode = ""; String reference = ""; String moveQueryStr = ""; String moveLineQueryStr = ""; if (moveLineReport.getRef() != null) { reference = moveLineReport.getRef(); } if (moveLineReport.getCompany() != null) { companyCode = moveLineReport.getCompany().getCode(); moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND = %s", moveLineReport.getCompany().getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateFrom() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND >= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateFrom().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateTo() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateTo().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDate() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDate().toString()); } if (replay) { moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.accountingOk = true AND self.moveLineReport = %s", moveLineReport.getId()); } else { moveQueryStr += " AND self.accountingOk = false "; } moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.statusSelect = %s ", MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED); LocalDate interfaceDate = moveLineReport.getDate(); for (LocalDate dt : allDates) { List<Journal> journalList = journalRepo.all() .filter("self.type = ?1 AND self.notExportOk = false", journalType).fetch(); if (moveLineReport.getJournal() != null) { journalList = new ArrayList<Journal>(); journalList.add(moveLineReport.getJournal()); } for (Journal journal : journalList) { List<Move> moveList = moveRepo.all().filter( " = ?1 AND self.ignoreInAccountingOk = false AND self.journal.notExportOk = false AND self.journal = ?2" + moveQueryStr, dt, journal).fetch(); String journalCode = journal.getExportCode(); if (moveList.size() > 0) { BigDecimal sumCredit = this.getSumCredit( "self.account.reconcileOk = true AND != 0.00 AND self.move in ?1 " + moveLineQueryStr, moveList); if (sumCredit.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 1) { String exportNumber = this.getSaleExportNumber(company); Move firstMove = moveList.get(0); String periodCode = firstMove.getPeriod().getFromDate().format(MONTH_FORMAT); this.updateMoveList(moveList, moveLineReport, interfaceDate, exportNumber); String items[] = new String[8]; items[0] = companyCode; items[1] = journalCode; items[2] = exportNumber; items[3] = interfaceDate.format(DATE_FORMAT); items[4] = sumCredit.toString(); items[5] = reference; items[6] = dt.format(DATE_FORMAT); items[7] = periodCode; allMoveData.add(items); } } } } String fileName = "entete" + todayTime.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) + "avoirs.dat"; String filePath = accountConfigService.getExportPath(accountConfigService.getAccountConfig(company)); new File(filePath).mkdirs(); log.debug("Full path to export : {}{}", filePath, fileName); CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', null, allMoveData); // Utilis pour le debuggage // CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', this.createHeaderForHeaderFile(mlr.getTypeSelect()), allMoveData); } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export SI - Agresso pour les journaux de type trsorerie * @param mlr * @param replay * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ public void exportMoveLineTypeSelect1008(MoveLineReport moveLineReport, boolean replay) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In Export type 1008 service : "); String fileName = "detail" + todayTime.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) + "tresorerie.dat"; this.exportMoveLineTypeSelect1008FILE1(moveLineReport, replay); this.exportMoveLineAllTypeSelectFILE2(moveLineReport, fileName); } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export SI - Agresso des en-ttes pour les journaux de type trsorerie * @param mlr * @param replay * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(rollbackOn = { AxelorException.class, Exception.class }) public void exportMoveLineTypeSelect1008FILE1(MoveLineReport moveLineReport, boolean replay) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In export service 1008 FILE 1:"); Company company = moveLineReport.getCompany(); String dateQueryStr = String.format(" WHERE = %s", company.getId()); JournalType journalType = moveLineReportService.getJournalType(moveLineReport); if (moveLineReport.getJournal() != null) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.journal = %s", moveLineReport.getJournal().getId()); } else { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.journal.type = %s", journalType.getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } if (replay) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.accountingOk = true AND self.moveLineReport = %s", moveLineReport.getId()); } else { dateQueryStr += " AND self.accountingOk = false "; } dateQueryStr += " AND self.ignoreInAccountingOk = false AND self.journal.notExportOk = false "; dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.statusSelect = %s ", MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED); Query dateQuery = JPA.em().createQuery( "SELECT from Move self" + dateQueryStr + "group by order by"); List<LocalDate> allDates = new ArrayList<LocalDate>(); allDates = dateQuery.getResultList(); log.debug("allDates : {}", allDates); List<String[]> allMoveData = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String companyCode = ""; String reference = ""; String moveQueryStr = ""; String moveLineQueryStr = ""; if (moveLineReport.getRef() != null) { reference = moveLineReport.getRef(); } if (company != null) { companyCode = moveLineReport.getCompany().getCode(); moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND = %s", company.getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateFrom() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND >= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateFrom().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateTo() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateTo().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDate() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDate().toString()); } if (replay) { moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.accountingOk = true AND self.moveLineReport = %s", moveLineReport.getId()); } else { moveQueryStr += " AND self.accountingOk = false "; } moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.statusSelect = %s ", MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED); LocalDate interfaceDate = moveLineReport.getDate(); for (LocalDate dt : allDates) { List<Journal> journalList = journalRepo.all() .filter("self.type = ?1 AND self.notExportOk = false", journalType).fetch(); if (moveLineReport.getJournal() != null) { journalList = new ArrayList<Journal>(); journalList.add(moveLineReport.getJournal()); } for (Journal journal : journalList) { List<Move> moveList = moveRepo.all().filter( " = ?1 AND self.ignoreInAccountingOk = false AND self.journal.notExportOk = false AND self.journal = ?2" + moveQueryStr, dt, journal).fetch(); String journalCode = journal.getExportCode(); if (moveList.size() > 0) { long moveLineListSize = moveLineRepo.all() .filter("self.move in ?1 AND (self.debit > 0 OR > 0) " + moveLineQueryStr, moveList) .count(); if (moveLineListSize > 0) { String exportNumber = this.getTreasuryExportNumber(company); Move firstMove = moveList.get(0); String periodCode = firstMove.getPeriod().getFromDate().format(MONTH_FORMAT); this.updateMoveList(moveList, moveLineReport, interfaceDate, exportNumber); String items[] = new String[8]; items[0] = companyCode; items[1] = journalCode; items[2] = exportNumber; items[3] = interfaceDate.format(DATE_FORMAT); items[4] = "0"; items[5] = reference; items[6] = dt.format(DATE_FORMAT); items[7] = periodCode; allMoveData.add(items); } } } } String fileName = "entete" + todayTime.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) + "tresorerie.dat"; String filePath = accountConfigService.getExportPath(accountConfigService.getAccountConfig(company)); new File(filePath).mkdirs(); log.debug("Full path to export : {}{}", filePath, fileName); CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', null, allMoveData); // Utilis pour le debuggage // CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', this.createHeaderForHeaderFile(mlr.getTypeSelect()), allMoveData); } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export SI - Agresso pour les journaux de type achat * @param mlr * @param replay * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ public void exportMoveLineTypeSelect1009(MoveLineReport moveLineReport, boolean replay) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In Export type 1009 service : "); String fileName = "detail" + todayTime.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) + "achats.dat"; this.exportMoveLineTypeSelect1009FILE1(moveLineReport, replay); this.exportMoveLineAllTypeSelectFILE2(moveLineReport, fileName); } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export SI - Agresso des en-ttes pour les journaux de type achat * @param mlr * @param replay * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(rollbackOn = { AxelorException.class, Exception.class }) public void exportMoveLineTypeSelect1009FILE1(MoveLineReport moveLineReport, boolean replay) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In export service 1009 FILE 1:"); Company company = moveLineReport.getCompany(); String dateQueryStr = String.format(" WHERE = %s", company.getId()); JournalType journalType = moveLineReportService.getJournalType(moveLineReport); if (moveLineReport.getJournal() != null) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.journal = %s", moveLineReport.getJournal().getId()); } else { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.journal.type = %s", journalType.getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } if (replay) { dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.accountingOk = true AND self.moveLineReport = %s", moveLineReport.getId()); } else { dateQueryStr += " AND self.accountingOk = false "; } dateQueryStr += " AND self.ignoreInAccountingOk = false AND self.journal.notExportOk = false "; dateQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.statusSelect = %s ", MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED); Query dateQuery = JPA.em().createQuery( "SELECT from Move self" + dateQueryStr + "group by order by"); List<LocalDate> allDates = new ArrayList<LocalDate>(); allDates = dateQuery.getResultList(); log.debug("allDates : {}", allDates); List<String[]> allMoveData = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String companyCode = ""; String reference = ""; String moveQueryStr = ""; String moveLineQueryStr = ""; if (moveLineReport.getRef() != null) { reference = moveLineReport.getRef(); } if (company != null) { companyCode = company.getCode(); moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND = %s", company.getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateFrom() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND >= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateFrom().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateTo() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateTo().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDate() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDate().toString()); } if (replay) { moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.accountingOk = true AND self.moveLineReport = %s", moveLineReport.getId()); } else { moveQueryStr += " AND self.accountingOk = false "; } moveQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.statusSelect = %s ", MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED); LocalDate interfaceDate = moveLineReport.getDate(); for (LocalDate dt : allDates) { List<Journal> journalList = journalRepo.all() .filter("self.type = ?1 AND self.notExportOk = false", journalType).fetch(); if (moveLineReport.getJournal() != null) { journalList = new ArrayList<Journal>(); journalList.add(moveLineReport.getJournal()); } for (Journal journal : journalList) { List<Move> moveList = moveRepo.all().filter( " = ?1 AND self.ignoreInAccountingOk = false AND self.journal.notExportOk = false AND self.journal = ?2" + moveQueryStr, dt, journal).fetch(); String journalCode = journal.getExportCode(); int moveListSize = moveList.size(); if (moveListSize > 0) { int i = 0; for (Move move : moveList) { List<MoveLine> moveLineList = moveLineRepo.all().filter( "self.account.reconcileOk = true AND != 0.00 AND self.move in ?1" + moveLineQueryStr, moveList).fetch(); if (moveLineList.size() > 0) { String exportNumber = this.getPurchaseExportNumber(company); String periodCode = move.getPeriod().getFromDate().format(MONTH_FORMAT); BigDecimal totalCredit = this.getSumCredit(moveLineList); String invoiceId = ""; String dueDate = ""; if (move.getInvoice() != null) { invoiceId = move.getInvoice().getInvoiceId(); dueDate = move.getInvoice().getDueDate().toString(); } MoveLine firstMoveLine = moveLineList.get(0); String items[] = new String[11]; items[0] = companyCode; items[1] = journalCode; items[2] = exportNumber; items[3] = interfaceDate.format(DATE_FORMAT); items[4] = invoiceId; items[5] = dueDate; items[6] = firstMoveLine.getAccount().getCode(); items[7] = totalCredit.toString(); items[8] = reference; items[9] = dt.format(DATE_FORMAT); items[10] = periodCode; allMoveData.add(items); this.updateMove(move, moveLineReport, interfaceDate, exportNumber); if (i % 10 == 0) { JPA.clear(); } if (i++ % 100 == 0) { log.debug("Process : {} / {}", i, moveListSize); } } } } } } String fileName = "entete" + todayTime.format(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) + "achats.dat"; String filePath = accountConfigService.getExportPath(accountConfigService.getAccountConfig(company)); new File(filePath).mkdirs(); log.debug("Full path to export : {}{}", filePath, fileName); CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', null, allMoveData); // Utilis pour le debuggage // CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', this.createHeaderForHeaderFile(mlr.getTypeSelect()), allMoveData); } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export des FEC (Fichiers des critures Comptables) * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ @Transactional(rollbackOn = { AxelorException.class, Exception.class }) public void exportMoveLineTypeSelect1000(MoveLineReport moveLineReport) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In Export type 1000 service : "); List<String[]> allMoveLineData = new ArrayList<String[]>(); Company company = moveLineReport.getCompany(); String moveLineQueryStr = ""; moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND = %s", company.getId()); moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.move.period.year = %s", moveLineReport.getYear().getId()); if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.move.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } else { if (moveLineReport.getDateFrom() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND >= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateFrom().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateTo() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateTo().toString()); } } if (moveLineReport.getDate() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDate().toString()); } moveLineQueryStr += String .format("AND self.move.accountingOk = false AND self.move.ignoreInAccountingOk = false"); List<MoveLine> moveLineList = moveLineRepo.all() .filter("self.move.statusSelect = ?1" + moveLineQueryStr, MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED) .order("date").order("name").fetch(); if (moveLineList.size() > 0) { for (MoveLine moveLine : moveLineList) { String items[] = new String[18]; Move move = moveLine.getMove(); Journal journal = move.getJournal(); items[0] = journal.getCode(); items[1] = journal.getName(); items[2] = moveLine.getName(); items[3] = moveLine.getDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE); items[4] = moveLine.getAccount().getCode(); items[5] = moveLine.getAccount().getName(); items[6] = null; //Le numro de compte auxiliaire ( blanc pour le moment) items[7] = null; //Le libell de compte auxiliaire ( blanc pour le moment) items[8] = moveLine.getOrigin(); items[9] = moveLine.getDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE); // Pour le moment on va utiliser la date des lignes d'criture. items[10] = moveLine.getDescription(); items[11] = moveLine.getDebit().toString(); items[12] = moveLine.getCredit().toString(); if (moveLine.getDebit().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) { List<String> ReconcileSeqList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> ReconcileDateList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Reconcile reconcile : moveLine.getDebitReconcileList()) { ReconcileSeqList.add(reconcile.getReconcileSeq()); ReconcileDateList.add( reconcile.getReconciliationDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("YYYYMMdd"))); } items[13] = StringUtils.join(ReconcileSeqList, "; "); items[14] = StringUtils.join(ReconcileDateList, "; "); } else { List<String> ReconcileSeqList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> ReconcileDateList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Reconcile reconcile : moveLine.getCreditReconcileList()) { ReconcileSeqList.add(reconcile.getReconcileSeq()); ReconcileDateList .add(reconcile.getReconciliationDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE)); } items[13] = StringUtils.join(ReconcileSeqList, "; "); items[14] = StringUtils.join(ReconcileDateList, "; "); } items[15] = move.getValidationDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE); items[16] = moveLine.getCurrencyAmount().toString(); if (move.getCurrency() != null) { items[17] = move.getCurrency().getCode(); } allMoveLineData.add(items); } } String fileName = this.setFileName(moveLineReport); String filePath = accountConfigService.getExportPath(accountConfigService.getAccountConfig(company)); //TODO create a template Helper new File(filePath).mkdirs(); log.debug("Full path to export : {}{}", filePath, fileName); // CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', null, allMoveLineData); CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', this.createHeaderForHeaderFile(moveLineReport.getTypeSelect()), allMoveLineData);; Path path = Paths.get(filePath + fileName); try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(path.toFile())) { Beans.get(MetaFiles.class).attach(is, fileName, moveLineReport); } } /** * Mthode ralisant l'export SI - Agresso des fichiers dtails * @param mlr * @param fileName * @throws AxelorException * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void exportMoveLineAllTypeSelectFILE2(MoveLineReport moveLineReport, String fileName) throws AxelorException, IOException {"In export service FILE 2 :"); Company company = moveLineReport.getCompany(); String companyCode = ""; String moveLineQueryStr = ""; int typeSelect = moveLineReport.getTypeSelect(); if (company != null) { companyCode = company.getCode(); moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND = %s", company.getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getJournal() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.move.journal = %s", moveLineReport.getJournal().getId()); } else { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.move.journal.type = %s", moveLineReportService.getJournalType(moveLineReport).getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.move.period = %s", moveLineReport.getPeriod().getId()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateFrom() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND >= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateFrom().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDateTo() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDateTo().toString()); } if (moveLineReport.getDate() != null) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND <= '%s'", moveLineReport.getDate().toString()); } if (typeSelect != 8) { moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.account.reconcileOk = false "); } moveLineQueryStr += String.format( "AND self.move.accountingOk = true AND self.move.ignoreInAccountingOk = false AND self.move.moveLineReport = %s", moveLineReport.getId()); moveLineQueryStr += String.format(" AND self.move.statusSelect = %s ", MoveRepository.STATUS_VALIDATED); Query queryDate = JPA.em().createQuery( "SELECT from MoveLine self where self.account != null AND (self.debit > 0 OR > 0) " + moveLineQueryStr + " group by ORDER BY"); List<LocalDate> dates = new ArrayList<LocalDate>(); dates = queryDate.getResultList(); log.debug("dates : {}", dates); List<String[]> allMoveLineData = new ArrayList<String[]>(); for (LocalDate localDate : dates) { Query queryExportAgressoRef = JPA.em().createQuery( "SELECT DISTINCT self.move.exportNumber from MoveLine self where self.account != null " + "AND (self.debit > 0 OR > 0) AND = '" + localDate.toString() + "'" + moveLineQueryStr); List<String> exportAgressoRefs = new ArrayList<String>(); exportAgressoRefs = queryExportAgressoRef.getResultList(); for (String exportAgressoRef : exportAgressoRefs) { if (exportAgressoRef != null && !exportAgressoRef.isEmpty()) { int sequence = 1; Query query = JPA.em().createQuery( "SELECT from MoveLine self where self.account != null AND (self.debit > 0 OR > 0) " + "AND = '" + localDate.toString() + "' AND self.move.exportNumber = '" + exportAgressoRef + "'" + moveLineQueryStr + " group by"); List<Long> accountIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); accountIds = query.getResultList(); log.debug("accountIds : {}", accountIds); for (Long accountId : accountIds) { if (accountId != null) { String accountCode = accountRepo.find(accountId).getCode(); List<MoveLine> moveLines = moveLineRepo.all().filter( " = ?1 AND (self.debit > 0 OR > 0) AND = '" + localDate.toString() + "' AND self.move.exportNumber = '" + exportAgressoRef + "'" + moveLineQueryStr, accountId).fetch(); log.debug("movelines : {} ", moveLines); if (moveLines.size() > 0) { List<MoveLine> moveLineList = moveLineService.consolidateMoveLines(moveLines); List<MoveLine> sortMoveLineList = this.sortMoveLineByDebitCredit(moveLineList); for (MoveLine moveLine3 : sortMoveLineList) { Journal journal = moveLine3.getMove().getJournal(); LocalDate date = moveLine3.getDate(); String items[] = null; if (typeSelect == 9) { items = new String[13]; } else { items = new String[12]; } items[0] = companyCode; items[1] = journal.getExportCode(); items[2] = moveLine3.getMove().getExportNumber(); items[3] = String.format("%s", sequence); sequence++; items[4] = accountCode; BigDecimal totAmt = moveLine3.getCredit().subtract(moveLine3.getDebit()); String moveLineSign = "C"; if (totAmt.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == -1) { moveLineSign = "D"; totAmt = totAmt.negate(); } items[5] = moveLineSign; items[6] = totAmt.toString(); String analyticAccounts = ""; for (AnalyticMoveLine analyticDistributionLine : moveLine3 .getAnalyticMoveLineList()) { analyticAccounts = analyticAccounts + analyticDistributionLine.getAnalyticAccount().getCode() + "/"; } if (typeSelect == 9) { items[7] = ""; items[8] = analyticAccounts; items[9] = String.format("%s DU %s", journal.getCode(), date.format(DATE_FORMAT)); } else { items[7] = analyticAccounts; items[8] = String.format("%s DU %s", journal.getCode(), date.format(DATE_FORMAT)); } allMoveLineData.add(items); } } } } } } } String filePath = accountConfigService.getExportPath(accountConfigService.getAccountConfig(company)); new File(filePath).mkdirs(); log.debug("Full path to export : {}{}", filePath, fileName); CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', null, allMoveLineData); // Utilis pour le debuggage // CsvTool.csvWriter(filePath, fileName, '|', this.createHeaderForDetailFile(typeSelect), allMoveLineData); } /** * Mthode permettant de trier une liste en ajoutant d'abord les lignes d'criture au dbit puis celles au crdit * @param moveLineList * Une list de ligne d'criture non trie * @return */ public List<MoveLine> sortMoveLineByDebitCredit(List<MoveLine> moveLineList) { List<MoveLine> sortMoveLineList = new ArrayList<MoveLine>(); List<MoveLine> debitMoveLineList = new ArrayList<MoveLine>(); List<MoveLine> creditMoveLineList = new ArrayList<MoveLine>(); for (MoveLine moveLine : moveLineList) { if (moveLine.getDebit().compareTo(moveLine.getCredit()) == 1) { debitMoveLineList.add(moveLine); } else { creditMoveLineList.add(moveLine); } } sortMoveLineList.addAll(debitMoveLineList); sortMoveLineList.addAll(creditMoveLineList); return sortMoveLineList; } public String[] createHeaderForHeaderFile(int typeSelect) { String header = null; switch (typeSelect) { case 6: header = "Socit;" + "Journal de Vente;" + "Numro d'criture;" + "Date de l'interface;" + "Montant de l'criture;" + "Rf. de l'criture;" + "Date de l'criture;" + "Priode de l'criture;"; return header.split(";"); case 7: header = "Socit;" + "Journal d'Avoir;" + "Numro d'criture;" + "Date de l'interface;" + "Montant de l'criture;" + "Rf. de l'criture;" + "Date de l'criture;" + "Priode de l'criture;"; return header.split(";"); case 8: header = "Socit;" + "Journal de Trsorerie;" + "Numro d'criture;" + "Date de l'interface;" + "Montant de l'criture;" + "Rf. de l'criture;" + "Date de l'criture;" + "Priode de l'criture;"; return header.split(";"); case 9: header = "Socit;" + "Journal d'Achat;" + "Numro d'criture;" + "Date de l'interface;" + "Code fournisseur;" + "Date de la facture;" + "Date d'exigibilit;" + "Numro de compte de contrepartie;" + "Montant de l'criture;" + "Rf. de l'criture;" + "Date de l'criture;" + "Priode de l'criture;"; return header.split(";"); case 14: header = "JournalCode;" + "JournalLib;" + "EcritureNum;" + "EcritureDate;" + "CompteNum;" + "CompteLib;" + "CompAuxNum;" + "CompAuxLib;" + "PieceRef;" + "PieceDate;" + "EcritureLib;" + "Debit;" + "Credit;" + "EcritureLet;" + "DateLet;" + "ValidDate;" + "Montantdevise;" + "IdDevise;"; return header.split(";"); default: return null; } } public String[] createHeaderForDetailFile(int typeSelect) { String header = ""; if (typeSelect == 9) { header = "Socit;" + "Journal;" + "Numro d'criture;" + "Num. ligne d'criture;" + "Numro de compte;" + "Sens de l'criture;" + "Montant de la ligne;" + "Code TVA;" + "CRB;" + "Site;" + "Mtier;" + "Activit;" + "Nom;"; } else { header = "Socit;" + "Journal;" + "Numro d'criture;" + "Num. ligne d'criture;" + "Numro de compte;" + "Sens de l'criture;" + "Montant de la ligne;" + "CRB;" + "Site;" + "Mtier;" + "Activit;" + "Nom;"; } return header.split(";"); } public void exportMoveLine(MoveLineReport moveLineReport) throws AxelorException, IOException { moveLineReportService.setStatus(moveLineReport); switch (moveLineReport.getTypeSelect()) { case MoveLineReportRepository.EXPORT_SALES: this.exportMoveLineTypeSelect1006(moveLineReport, false); break; case MoveLineReportRepository.EXPORT_REFUNDS: this.exportMoveLineTypeSelect1007(moveLineReport, false); break; case MoveLineReportRepository.EXPORT_TREASURY: this.exportMoveLineTypeSelect1008(moveLineReport, false); break; case MoveLineReportRepository.EXPORT_PURCHASES: this.exportMoveLineTypeSelect1009(moveLineReport, false); break; case MoveLineReportRepository.EXPORT_PAYROLL_JOURNAL_ENTRY: this.exportMoveLineTypeSelect1000(moveLineReport); break; default: break; } } @Transactional(rollbackOn = { AxelorException.class, Exception.class }) public MoveLineReport createMoveLineReport(Company company, int exportTypeSelect, LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate) throws AxelorException { MoveLineReport moveLineReport = new MoveLineReport(); moveLineReport.setCompany(company); moveLineReport.setTypeSelect(exportTypeSelect); moveLineReport.setDateFrom(startDate); moveLineReport.setDateTo(endDate); moveLineReport.setStatusSelect(MoveLineReportRepository.STATUS_DRAFT); moveLineReport.setDate(todayTime.toLocalDate()); moveLineReport.setRef(moveLineReportService.getSequence(moveLineReport)); moveLineReportService.buildQuery(moveLineReport); BigDecimal debitBalance = moveLineReportService.getDebitBalance(); BigDecimal creditBalance = moveLineReportService.getCreditBalance(); moveLineReport.setTotalDebit(debitBalance); moveLineReport.setTotalCredit(creditBalance); moveLineReport.setBalance(debitBalance.subtract(creditBalance));; return moveLineReport; } @Transactional(rollbackOn = { AxelorException.class, Exception.class }) public String setFileName(MoveLineReport moveLineReport) throws AxelorException, IOException { Company company = moveLineReport.getCompany(); Partner partner = company.getPartner(); //Pour le moment: on utilise le format par dfaut: SIREN+FEC+DATE DE CLTURE DE L'EXERCICE.Extension String fileName = partnerService.getSIRENNumber(partner) + "FEC"; // On rcupre la date de clture de l'exercice/priode if (moveLineReport.getDateTo() != null) { fileName += moveLineReport.getDateTo().format(DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE); } else if (moveLineReport.getPeriod() != null) { fileName += moveLineReport.getPeriod().getToDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE); } else { fileName += moveLineReport.getYear().getToDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE); } fileName += ".csv"; return fileName; } }