Java tutorial
/* * AweSheet - Simple Open-Source Spreadsheet Editor * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Orfeas - Ioannis Zafeiris, Nikolaos Fylakis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.awesheet.models; import com.awesheet.MainFrame; import com.awesheet.actions.*; import com.awesheet.actions.popups.ChartPopup; import com.awesheet.actions.popups.MessagePopup; import com.awesheet.enums.UIMessageType; import com.awesheet.enums.UIPopupType; import com.awesheet.interfaces.IDestructible; import com.awesheet.interfaces.IMessageListener; import com.awesheet.interfaces.ISerializable; import com.awesheet.managers.FileManager; import com.awesheet.managers.UIMessageManager; import com.awesheet.messages.*; import com.awesheet.models.charts.BarChart; import com.awesheet.models.charts.LineChart; import com.awesheet.ui.UISheet; import com.awesheet.util.BinaryReader; import com.awesheet.util.BinaryWriter; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; public class Workbook implements ISerializable, IMessageListener, IDestructible { private static final int HEADER_MAGIC = 0x57455741; protected String path; protected HashMap<Integer, Sheet> sheets; protected boolean valid; protected int newSheetID; protected int selectedSheet; public Workbook(byte data[], String path) { this.path = path; valid = false; newSheetID = 0; selectedSheet = 0; sheets = new HashMap<Integer, Sheet>(); if (deserialize(data)) { // Register ourselves to the message manager. UIMessageManager.getInstance().registerListener(this); valid = true; } } public Workbook() { path = null; valid = true; newSheetID = 0; selectedSheet = 0; sheets = new HashMap<Integer, Sheet>(); // Create an empty sheet. addSheet(new Sheet(this, "Sheet 1")); // Register ourselves to the message manager. UIMessageManager.getInstance().registerListener(this); } @Override public void destroy() { UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction(new ClearSheetsAction()); for (Sheet sheet : sheets.values()) { sheet.destroy(); } sheets.clear(); // Deregister ourselves from the message manager. UIMessageManager.getInstance().deregisterListener(this); } public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public HashMap<Integer, Sheet> getSheets() { return sheets; } public void addSheet(Sheet sheet) { // Set ID, increment, and add to list. sheet.setID(newSheetID++); sheets.put(sheet.getID(), sheet); // Notify UI of changes. UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction(new SetSheetAction((UISheet) sheet.bind())); } public Sheet getSheet(int id) { if (!sheets.containsKey(id)) { return null; } return sheets.get(id); } public void removeSheet(int id) { if (!sheets.containsKey(id)) { return; } // Destroy the sheet. sheets.get(id).destroy(); // Remove the sheet from our list. sheets.remove(id); // Notify the UI of changes. UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction(new RemoveSheetAction(id)); } public void replaceSheet(int id, Sheet newSheet) { String sheetName = newSheet.getName(); // Destroy the sheet if it already exists. if (sheets.containsKey(id)) { sheetName = sheets.get(id).getName(); sheets.get(id).destroy(); } // Set the ID of the new sheet and add to list. newSheet.setID(id); newSheet.setName(sheetName); sheets.put(newSheet.getID(), newSheet); // Notify UI of changes. UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction(new SetSheetAction((UISheet) newSheet.bind())); } public void selectSheet(int id) { if (!sheets.containsKey(id)) { return; } // Set selected sheet. selectedSheet = id; // Notify UI of changes. UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction(new SetActiveSheetAction(id)); } public Sheet getSelectedSheet() { return getSheet(selectedSheet); } public boolean isValid() { return valid; } public void addSheets() { UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction(new ClearSheetsAction()); for (Sheet sheet : sheets.values()) { UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction(new SetSheetAction((UISheet) sheet.bind())); int[][] cells = new int[sheet.getSelectedCells().size()][]; int i = 0; for (Point cell : sheet.getSelectedCells()) { cells[i++] = new int[] { cell.x, cell.y }; } UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction(new SetSelectedCellsAction(sheet.getID(), cells)); } } @Override public byte[] serialize() { try { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); // Serialize our data. writer.write(HEADER_MAGIC); writer.write(sheets.size()); writer.write(newSheetID); writer.write(selectedSheet); for (Sheet sheet : sheets.values()) { byte sheetData[] = sheet.serialize(); // Sheet failed to serialize; cancel. if (sheetData == null) { return null; } writer.write(sheetData.length); writer.write(sheetData); } // Get final data. writer.flush(); byte serializedData[] = writer.toByteArray(); stream.close(); return serializedData; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } @Override public boolean deserialize(byte data[]) { try { BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(data); int headerMagic = reader.readInt(); if (headerMagic != HEADER_MAGIC) { return false; } int sheetCount = reader.readInt(); newSheetID = reader.readInt(); selectedSheet = reader.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; ++i) { int dataLength = reader.readInt(); Sheet readSheet = new Sheet(reader.readBytes(dataLength)); // Sheet failed to deserialize. if (!readSheet.getValid()) { return false; } sheets.put(readSheet.getID(), readSheet); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } @Override public void onMessage(final UIMessage message) { switch (message.getType()) { case UIMessageType.CREATE_SHEET: { addSheet(new Sheet(this, "Sheet " + (newSheetID + 1))); break; } case UIMessageType.SELECT_SHEET: { SelectSheetMessage uiMessage = (SelectSheetMessage) message; selectSheet(uiMessage.getSheet()); break; } case UIMessageType.DELETE_SHEET: { DeleteSheetMessage uiMessage = (DeleteSheetMessage) message; removeSheet(uiMessage.getSheet()); break; } case UIMessageType.CREATE_BAR_CHART: { CreateBarChartMessage uiMessage = (CreateBarChartMessage) message; // Get selected cells. Cell selectedCells[] = getSelectedSheet().collectSelectedCells(); BarChart chart = new BarChart(selectedCells); chart.setNameX(uiMessage.getXaxis()); chart.setNameY(uiMessage.getYaxis()); chart.setTitle(uiMessage.getTitle()); if (!chart.generateImageData()) { UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction( new ShowPopupAction<MessagePopup>(UIPopupType.MESSAGE_POPUP, new MessagePopup("Error", "Could not create a chart. Please make sure the cells you selected are in the correct format."))); break; } UIMessageManager.getInstance() .dispatchAction(new ShowPopupAction<ChartPopup>(UIPopupType.VIEW_CHART_POPUP, new ChartPopup(new Base64().encodeAsString(chart.getImageData())))); break; } case UIMessageType.CREATE_LINE_CHART: { CreateLineChartMessage uiMessage = (CreateLineChartMessage) message; // Get selected cells. Cell selectedCells[] = getSelectedSheet().collectSelectedCells(); LineChart chart = new LineChart(selectedCells); chart.setNameX(uiMessage.getXaxis()); chart.setNameY(uiMessage.getYaxis()); chart.setTitle(uiMessage.getTitle()); if (!chart.generateImageData()) { UIMessageManager.getInstance().dispatchAction( new ShowPopupAction<MessagePopup>(UIPopupType.MESSAGE_POPUP, new MessagePopup("Error", "Could not create a chart. Please make sure the cells you selected are in the correct format."))); break; } UIMessageManager.getInstance() .dispatchAction(new ShowPopupAction<ChartPopup>(UIPopupType.VIEW_CHART_POPUP, new ChartPopup(new Base64().encodeAsString(chart.getImageData())))); break; } case UIMessageType.SAVE_CHART_IMAGE: { final SaveChartImageMessage uiMessage = (SaveChartImageMessage) message; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { byte imageData[] = new Base64().decode(uiMessage.getImageData()); FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(MainFrame.getInstance(), "Save Chart Image", FileDialog.SAVE); dialog.setFile("*.png"); dialog.setVisible(true); dialog.setFilenameFilter(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return (dir.isFile() && name.endsWith(".png")); } }); String filePath = dialog.getFile(); String directory = dialog.getDirectory(); dialog.dispose(); if (directory != null && filePath != null) { String absolutePath = new File(directory + filePath).getAbsolutePath(); if (!FileManager.getInstance().saveFile(absolutePath, imageData)) { UIMessageManager.getInstance() .dispatchAction(new ShowPopupAction<MessagePopup>(UIPopupType.MESSAGE_POPUP, new MessagePopup("Error", "Could not save chart image."))); } } } }); break; } } } }