Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2013 AWARE Mobile Context Instrumentation Middleware/Framework AWARE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version (GPLv3+). AWARE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details: */ package com.aware; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.IBinder; import; import android.util.Log; import com.aware.providers.ESM_Provider; import com.aware.providers.ESM_Provider.ESM_Data; import com.aware.ui.ESM_Queue; import com.aware.utils.Aware_Sensor; /** * AWARE ESM module * Allows a researcher to do ESM's on their studies * Listens to: * - ACTION_AWARE_QUEUE_ESM * @author df * */ public class ESM extends Aware_Sensor { /** * Logging tag (default = "AWARE::ESM") */ private static String TAG = "AWARE::ESM"; /** * Received event: queue the specified ESM * Extras: (String) esm */ public static final String ACTION_AWARE_QUEUE_ESM = "ACTION_AWARE_QUEUE_ESM"; /** * Broadcasted event: the user has answered one answer from ESM queue */ public static final String ACTION_AWARE_ESM_ANSWERED = "ACTION_AWARE_ESM_ANSWERED"; /** * Broadcasted event: the user has dismissed one answer from ESM queue */ public static final String ACTION_AWARE_ESM_DISMISSED = "ACTION_AWARE_ESM_DISMISSED"; /** * Broadcasted event: the user did not answer the ESM on time from ESM queue */ public static final String ACTION_AWARE_ESM_EXPIRED = "ACTION_AWARE_ESM_EXPIRED"; /** * Broadcasted event: the user has finished answering the ESM queue */ public static final String ACTION_AWARE_ESM_QUEUE_COMPLETE = "ACTION_AWARE_ESM_QUEUE_COMPLETE"; /** * Broadcasted event: the user has started answering the ESM queue */ public static final String ACTION_AWARE_ESM_QUEUE_STARTED = "ACTION_AWARE_ESM_QUEUE_STARTED"; /** * ESM status: new on the queue, but not displayed yet */ public static final int STATUS_NEW = 0; /** * ESM status: esm dismissed by the user, either by pressed back or home button */ public static final int STATUS_DISMISSED = 1; /** * ESM status: esm answered by the user by pressing submit button */ public static final int STATUS_ANSWERED = 2; /** * ESM status: esm not answered in time by the user */ public static final int STATUS_EXPIRED = 3; /** * ESM status: esm is visible to the user */ public static final int STATUS_VISIBLE = 4; /** * ESM status: this is a scheduled ESM */ public static final int STATUS_SCHEDULED = 5; /** * ESM Dialog with free text <br/> * Example: [{'esm':{'esm_type':1,'esm_title':'ESM Freetext','esm_instructions':'The user can answer an open ended question.','esm_submit':'Next','esm_expiration_threashold':20,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}] */ public static final int TYPE_ESM_TEXT = 1; /** * ESM Dialog with radio buttons <br/> * Note: 'Other' will allow free text input from the user<br/> * Example: [{'esm':{'esm_type':2,'esm_title':'ESM Radio','esm_instructions':'The user can only choose one option','esm_radios':['Option one','Option two','Other'],'esm_submit':'Next','esm_expiration_threashold':30,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}] */ public static final int TYPE_ESM_RADIO = 2; /** * ESM Dialog with checkboxes <br/> * Note: 'Other' will allow free text input from the user<br/> * Example: [{'esm':{'esm_type':3,'esm_title':'ESM Checkbox','esm_instructions':'The user can choose multiple options','esm_checkboxes':['One','Two','Other'],'esm_submit':'Next','esm_expiration_threashold':40,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}] */ public static final int TYPE_ESM_CHECKBOX = 3; /** * ESM Dialog with likert scale<br/> * Example: [{'esm':{'esm_type':4,'esm_title':'ESM Likert','esm_instructions':'User rating 1 to 5 or 7 at 1 step increments','esm_likert_max':5,'esm_likert_max_label':'Great','esm_likert_min_label':'Bad','esm_likert_step':1,'esm_submit':'OK','esm_expiration_threashold':50,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}] */ public static final int TYPE_ESM_LIKERT = 4; /** * ESM Dialog with quick answers<br/> * Example: [{'esm':{'esm_type':5,'esm_title':'ESM Quick Answer','esm_instructions':'One touch answer','esm_quick_answers':['Yes','No'],'esm_expiration_threashold':60,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}] */ public static final int TYPE_ESM_QUICK_ANSWERS = 5; /** * Required String extra for displaying an ESM. It should contain the JSON string that defines the ESM dialog.<br/> * Examples:<p> * Free text: [{'esm':{'esm_type':1,'esm_title':'ESM Freetext','esm_instructions':'The user can answer an open ended question.','esm_submit':'Next','esm_expiration_threashold':20,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}]<br/> * Radio: [{'esm':{'esm_type':2,'esm_title':'ESM Radio','esm_instructions':'The user can only choose one option','esm_radios':['Option one','Option two','Other'],'esm_submit':'Next','esm_expiration_threashold':30,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}]<br/> * Checkbox: [{'esm':{'esm_type':3,'esm_title':'ESM Checkbox','esm_instructions':'The user can choose multiple options','esm_checkboxes':['One','Two','Other'],'esm_submit':'Next','esm_expiration_threashold':40,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}]<br/> * Likert: [{'esm':{'esm_type':4,'esm_title':'ESM Likert','esm_instructions':'User rating 1 to 5 or 7 at 1 step increments','esm_likert_max':5,'esm_likert_max_label':'Great','esm_likert_min_label':'Bad','esm_likert_step':1,'esm_submit':'OK','esm_expiration_threashold':50,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}]<br/> * Quick answer: [{'esm':{'esm_type':5,'esm_title':'ESM Quick Answer','esm_instructions':'One touch answer','esm_quick_answers':['Yes','No'],'esm_expiration_threashold':60,'esm_trigger':'esm trigger example'}}]<br/> * </p> * Furthermore, you can chain several mixed ESM together as a JSON array: [{esm:{}},{esm:{}},...] */ public static final String EXTRA_ESM = "esm"; private static final int ESM_NOTIFICATION_ID = 777; private static Intent intent_ESM = null; private static PendingIntent pending_ESM = null; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); TAG = Aware.getSetting(getApplicationContext(), Aware_Preferences.DEBUG_TAG).length() > 0 ? Aware.getSetting(getApplicationContext(), Aware_Preferences.DEBUG_TAG) : TAG; DATABASE_TABLES = ESM_Provider.DATABASE_TABLES; TABLES_FIELDS = ESM_Provider.TABLES_FIELDS; CONTEXT_URIS = new Uri[] { ESM_Data.CONTENT_URI }; IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(ESM.ACTION_AWARE_QUEUE_ESM); registerReceiver(esmMonitor, filter); intent_ESM = new Intent(this, ESM_Queue.class); intent_ESM.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); pending_ESM = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent_ESM, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "ESM service created!"); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); unregisterReceiver(esmMonitor); if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "ESM service terminated..."); } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { TAG = Aware.getSetting(getApplicationContext(), Aware_Preferences.DEBUG_TAG).length() > 0 ? Aware.getSetting(getApplicationContext(), Aware_Preferences.DEBUG_TAG) : TAG; if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "ESM service active... Queue = " + ESM_Queue.getQueueSize(getApplicationContext())); if (ESM_Queue.getQueueSize(this) > 0 && Aware.getSetting(this, Aware_Preferences.STATUS_ESM).equals("true")) { startActivity(intent_ESM); } return START_STICKY; } //Singleton instance of this service private static ESM esmSrv = ESM.getService(); /** * Get singleton instance to service * @return ESM obj */ public static ESM getService() { if (esmSrv == null) esmSrv = new ESM(); return esmSrv; } private final IBinder serviceBinder = new ServiceBinder(); public class ServiceBinder extends Binder { ESM getService() { return ESM.getService(); } } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return serviceBinder; } /** * BroadcastReceiver for ESM module <br/> * - Queue ESM: ACTION_AWARE_QUEUE_ESM<br/> * @author df */ public static class ESMMonitor extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals(ESM.ACTION_AWARE_QUEUE_ESM) && Aware.getSetting(context, Aware_Preferences.STATUS_ESM).equals("true")) { Intent backgroundService = new Intent(context, BackgroundService.class); backgroundService.setAction(ESM.ACTION_AWARE_QUEUE_ESM); backgroundService.putExtra(EXTRA_ESM, intent.getStringExtra("esm")); context.startService(backgroundService); } } } private static final ESMMonitor esmMonitor = new ESMMonitor(); /** * ESM background service * - Queue ESM received to the local database * @author df * */ public static class BackgroundService extends IntentService { public BackgroundService() { super(TAG + " background service"); } @Override protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals(ESM.ACTION_AWARE_QUEUE_ESM) && intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_ESM) != null && intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_ESM).length() > 0) { try { JSONArray esms = new JSONArray(intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_ESM)); long esm_timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean is_persistent = false; for (int i = 0; i < esms.length(); i++) { JSONObject esm = esms.getJSONObject(i).getJSONObject(EXTRA_ESM); ContentValues rowData = new ContentValues(); rowData.put(ESM_Data.TIMESTAMP, esm_timestamp); rowData.put(ESM_Data.DEVICE_ID, Aware.getSetting(getApplicationContext(), Aware_Preferences.DEVICE_ID)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.TYPE, esm.optInt(ESM_Data.TYPE)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.TITLE, esm.optString(ESM_Data.TITLE)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.SUBMIT, esm.optString(ESM_Data.SUBMIT)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.INSTRUCTIONS, esm.optString(ESM_Data.INSTRUCTIONS)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.RADIOS, esm.optString(ESM_Data.RADIOS)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.CHECKBOXES, esm.optString(ESM_Data.CHECKBOXES)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.LIKERT_MAX, esm.optInt(ESM_Data.LIKERT_MAX)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.LIKERT_MAX_LABEL, esm.optString(ESM_Data.LIKERT_MAX_LABEL)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.LIKERT_MIN_LABEL, esm.optString(ESM_Data.LIKERT_MIN_LABEL)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.LIKERT_STEP, esm.optDouble(ESM_Data.LIKERT_STEP, 0)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.QUICK_ANSWERS, esm.optString(ESM_Data.QUICK_ANSWERS)); rowData.put(ESM_Data.EXPIRATION_THREASHOLD, esm.optInt(ESM_Data.EXPIRATION_THREASHOLD)); //TODO: scheduling of ESMs. depending if there is a schedule for it, this status is NEW or SCHEDULED //If NEW, it is shown immediately, otherwise it is not. rowData.put(ESM_Data.STATUS, ESM.STATUS_NEW); rowData.put(ESM_Data.TRIGGER, esm.optString(ESM_Data.TRIGGER)); if (rowData.getAsInteger(ESM_Data.EXPIRATION_THREASHOLD) == 0) { is_persistent = true; } try { getContentResolver().insert(ESM_Data.CONTENT_URI, rowData); if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "ESM:" + rowData.toString()); } catch (SQLiteException e) { if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e) { if (Aware.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } } if (is_persistent) { NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService( Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); mNotificationManager.notify(ESM_NOTIFICATION_ID, esmWaiting().build()); } else { startActivity(intent_ESM); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ; } } private NotificationCompat.Builder esmWaiting() { //Get the number of ESM's waiting to be answered int esm_count = 0; Cursor esm_waiting = getContentResolver().query(ESM_Data.CONTENT_URI, null, ESM_Data.STATUS + "=" + ESM.STATUS_NEW, null, null); if (esm_waiting != null && esm_waiting.moveToFirst()) { esm_count = esm_waiting.getCount(); } if (esm_waiting != null && !esm_waiting.isClosed()) esm_waiting.close(); NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); mBuilder.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_stat_aware_esm); mBuilder.setContentTitle("AWARE"); mBuilder.setContentText(getResources().getText(R.string.aware_esm_questions)); mBuilder.setNumber(esm_count); mBuilder.setAutoCancel(true); mBuilder.setOnlyAlertOnce(true); mBuilder.setOngoing(true); mBuilder.setContentIntent(pending_ESM); return mBuilder; } } }