Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Agile-Works * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Agile-Works. ("Confidential Information"). * You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you * entered into with Agile-Works. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Class used to manage the communication between the viev and the model. * * @author gmateo * 08/10/2004 */ public class Presenter<E> { protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); /** * View Manager used to process the actions related with the View. * For instance open, close */ protected ViewManager viewMgr = new ViewManager(this); /** * In charge of managing the cursor's navigation between the components */ // protected NavigationManager navigationMgr = new NavigationManager(this); /** * It is in charge of managing the focus */ protected AWFocusManager focusMgr = new AWFocusManager(this); /** * It is in charge of managing the binding between the components and the bean */ protected BindingManager bindingMgr = new BindingManager(this); protected FunctionFieldsManager functionFieldsMgr = new FunctionFieldsManager(this); /** * Manage the actions that will be used in this presenter */ protected ActionResolver actionRsr = new ActionResolver(this); protected GridProviderManager gridProviderMgr = new GridProviderManager(this); protected InputProviderManager inputProviderMgr = new InputProviderManager(this); protected ValidatorManager validatorMgr = new ValidatorManager(this); protected PickManager pickMgr = new PickManager(this); protected CalendarManager calendarMgr = new CalendarManager(this); protected ZoneManager zonekMgr = new ZoneManager(this); /** * Object that will be shown */ protected E backBean; /** * Object that will be shown */ protected String viewMode; /* * forces binding all components */ protected boolean forceBindingAllComponents = false; protected boolean automaticBinding = true; protected boolean showUserInfo = true; protected boolean showAuditInfo = true; protected boolean showCloseButton = false; protected boolean showCancelMsgConfirmation = true; protected boolean isInitializing = true; protected String securityCode = ""; protected SecurityManager securityMgr = new SecurityManager(this); protected boolean embeddedView = false; protected Map<String, Executer> executers = new HashMap(); protected Map<String, Object> backBeanAttributes = new HashMap(); private List<Component> componentsWithCustomFocusPolicy; public Presenter() { } /** * Init the presenter */ public final void init() { if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { initInternal(); } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { initInternal(); } }); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new AWBusinessException("Problems initializing the presenter:" + this, e); } } } protected void initInternal() { TimeObserver time = new TimeObserver("iniciar presenter"); time.empezar(); configure(); afterConfiguration(); try { initSecurity(); } catch (AWException ex) { logger.error("AW Exception:", ex); PainterMessages.paintException(ex); return; } initialize(); initializeSpecialFields(); afterInitialing(); time.terminar(); // todo ver donde colocar eso AWInputVerifier.getInstance().enable(); isInitializing = false; initView(); ProcessMsgBlocker.instance().removeMessage(); } private void initializeSpecialFields() { List<BndIJTextField> functionFields = bindingMgr.getFunctionFields(); functionFieldsMgr.setFunctionFields(functionFields); functionFieldsMgr.init(); } protected void afterInitialing() { settingDefaultActionForGridIfApply(); actionRsr.initializeKeyTriggers(); disableActionsBasedOnViewMode(); if (ViewMode.MODE_PICK.equals(getViewMode())) { ActionIdentifier idPickSelect = ActionIdentifier.getActionIdentifier(ActionNames.ACTION_PICK_SELECT, 0); actionRsr.getAction(idPickSelect).setAsDefaultAction(); } } private void settingDefaultActionForGridIfApply() { List<GridProvider> gridProviders = gridProviderMgr.getGridProviders(); for (GridProvider gdp : gridProviders) { Action defaultAction = actionRsr.getDefaultActionFor(gdp); if (defaultAction == null) { Action viewAction = actionRsr.getAction( ActionIdentifier.getActionIdentifier(ActionNames.ACTION_VIEW, gdp.getGridIndex())); if (viewAction != null) { viewAction.setAsDefaultAction(); } } } } private void disableActionsBasedOnViewMode() { if (ViewMode.MODE_PICK.equals(getViewMode())) { disableActionOnPickMode(); } } protected void disableActionOnPickMode() { List<Action> gridActions = actionRsr.getActionsFor(getGridProvider()); ActionIdentifier idPickSelect = ActionIdentifier.getActionIdentifier(ActionNames.ACTION_PICK_SELECT, 0); for (Action gridAction : gridActions) { if (!gridAction.getId().equals(idPickSelect)) { gridAction.setVisible(false); } } } private void initSecurity() { securityMgr.init(); } public void initialize() { initCmps(); afterInitComponents(); showValues(); afterShowValues(); } public void configure() { configureElements(); configureActions(); } private void initCalendars() { List<BndIJTextField> dateFields = bindingMgr.getAllDateBindings(); calendarMgr.addAll(dateFields); } public void afterConfiguration() { } public void initBinding() {" Initializing binding"); validatorMgr.buildBasicValidationIfNotDefined(); bindingMgr.init(); } public void configureElements() { TimeObserver time = new TimeObserver("Configuring the Presenter elements"); time.empezar(); TimeObserver timeInput = new TimeObserver("register InputProviders"); timeInput.empezar(); registerInputProviders(); timeInput.terminar(); TimeObserver timeBinding = new TimeObserver("register Binding"); timeBinding.empezar(); registerBinding(); timeBinding.terminar(); if (automaticBinding) { bindingMgr.executeAutomaticBinding(); } TimeObserver timePick = new TimeObserver("register Binding"); timePick.empezar(); registerPicks(); timePick.terminar(); TimeObserver timeGridProviders = new TimeObserver("register GridProviders"); timeGridProviders.empezar(); registerGridProviders(); timeGridProviders.terminar(); TimeObserver timeValidations = new TimeObserver("register validations"); timeValidations.empezar(); registerValidations(); timeValidations.terminar(); registerZones(); time.terminar(); } protected void registerZones() { } public void configureActions() { TimeObserver time = new TimeObserver("Configuring the Presenter actions"); time.empezar(); // logger.debug("Configuring the Presenter actions"); createActionBaseOnPicksInfo(); registerActions(); registerFwActions(); time.terminar(); } /** * Create all the needed actions for each registered pick */ private void createActionBaseOnPicksInfo() { for (PickInfo pickInfo : pickMgr.getPicksInfo()) { String pickName = pickInfo.getActionCmd(); PickAction pickAction = getPickAction(); pickAction.setName(pickName); pickAction.setPick(pickInfo.getPick()); actionRsr.registerAction(pickName, pickAction).noUseMessageBlocker() .setTargetPstClass(pickInfo.getPick().getTargetPstClass()); } } protected PickAction getPickAction() { return new PickAction(); } /** * Initialize the components and managers */ public void initCmps() { TimeObserver time = new TimeObserver("Initializing the Components Presenter"); time.empezar(); initComponents(); if (backBean != null) { bindingMgr.setDefaultBean(backBean); } initBinding(); initCalendars(); initGridProviders(); initActions(); initZones(); time.terminar(); } private void initZones() { zonekMgr.init(); } private void initActions() { registerFwGridActions(); List<> actions = actionRsr.getAllActions(); for ( action : actions) { linkActionToComponent(action); action.updateUIStatus(); } List<Action> showAuditingActions = actionRsr.getActionsOfType(ShowAuditingInfoAction.class); for (Action showAuditingAction : showAuditingActions) { int gridIndex = showAuditingAction.getId().getGridIndex(); GridProvider gdp = gridProviderMgr.getGridProvider(gridIndex); MainAuditColumn mainAuditColumn = gdp.getMainAuditColumn(); if (mainAuditColumn == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Main Audit Column has not been declared in the grid:<" + gridIndex + ">"); } mainAuditColumn.setAction((ShowAuditingInfoAction) showAuditingAction); } } private void linkActionToComponent( action) { JButton button = (JButton) action.getJComponent(); if (action.isNeedVisualComponent() && button == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Boton " + "btn" + action.getId().asStringWithoutSeparator() + " no existe"); if (button != null) { addActionToJButton(button, action); } } private void addActionToJButton(JButton jButton, final action) { jButton.putClientProperty(BindingComponent.ATTR_ACTION, action.getId().asStringWithoutSeparator()); jButton.setMultiClickThreshhold(500); jButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { executeAction(action); } }); } public void executeAction(Action action) { ActionManager.instance().executeAction(action); } public void checkBasicConditionsFor(Action action) { } protected void registerBinding() { } protected void registerPicks() { } /** * Overwrite in order to set a specific focus traversal order * * @return */ protected Component[] getFocusTraversalOrder() { return null; } /** * Sets and manage8 the focus order on the controls * If many traversal order are registetred in this method, * ensure that the one that you wanted to be used to select the default * initial jComponent that get the focus (on screen show) * is registered at the end. In other words register as last the traversal * focus that you want to be the initial showed or used */ // public void initFocusTraversalOrder() { // Component[] components = getFocusTraversalOrder(); // if (components != null) { // navigationMgr.buildTabPolicy(components); // return; // } // navigationMgr.buildTabPolicy(bindingMgr); // } protected void registerValidations() { } public List getDynamicValidations() { return new ArrayList(); } /** * Called after initializing the components */ protected void afterInitComponents() { } /** * Set the bean's values to the JComponents */ public void showValues() { setValuesToJComponent(); gridProviderMgr.setValueToJComponentAtBeginning(); } /** * Called after setting the values to the JComponents */ protected void afterShowValues() { } public void setValuesToJComponent() { bindingMgr.setValuesToJComponent(); } private void initGridProviders() { gridProviderMgr.init(); } /** * Used to register the gridProvides that will be used in this presenter */ protected void registerGridProviders() { } /** * Used to register the gridProvides that will be used in this presenter */ protected void registerInputProviders() { } /** * Used to register the actions that will be used in this presenter */ protected void registerActions() { } protected void registerFwActions() { boolean existCancel = actionRsr.getActions() .containsKey(ActionIdentifier.getActionIdentifier(ActionNames.ACTION_CANCEL)); if (!existCancel) { cancelAction = new CancelAction(); if (this instanceof FindPresenter || !showCancelMsgConfirmation) { cancelAction.setConfirmMsg(""); } JComponent jComponent = (JComponent) getIpView().getComponent("btnCancel"); if (jComponent != null) { jComponent.setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget(false); } actionRsr.registerAction(ActionNames.ACTION_CANCEL, cancelAction); } if (ViewMode.MODE_PICK.equals(getViewMode())) { actionRsr.registerAction(ActionNames.ACTION_PICK_SELECT, new PickSelectItemAction(), getGridProvider()); } } private void registerFwGridActions() { List<GridProvider> gridProviders = gridProviderMgr.getGridProviders(); // for (GridProvider gdp : gridProviders) { // if (!gdp.isEditable()) { // actionRsr.registerAction(ActionNames.ACTION_SORT_BY_COLUMN, new SortByColumnAction(), gdp); // } // } } /** * Create the view that will be used by this prst to show its data */ public Object createView() { try { Field field = AttributeAccessor.getField(this.getClass(), "vsr"); Object fieldValue = field.getType().newInstance(); AttributeAccessor.set(this, field, fieldValue); return fieldValue; } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("", e); throw new AWSystemException("Problems creating the viewSrc for:" + this, e); } } private Class<E> backBeanClass; public E createBackBean() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Creating new back bean]"); } return (E) org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.instantiateClass(getBackBeanClass()); } public Class<E> getBackBeanClass() { if (backBeanClass == null) { this.backBeanClass = ((Class<E>) ((ParameterizedType) getParameterizedType().getGenericSuperclass()) .getActualTypeArguments()[0]); } return backBeanClass; } public Class getParameterizedType() { Class parameterizedType = getClass(); while (!(parameterizedType.getGenericSuperclass() instanceof ParameterizedType)) { parameterizedType = parameterizedType.getSuperclass(); } return parameterizedType; } /** * Init the components of the view */ protected void initComponents() { logger.debug("Initializing the Components"); } /** * Init the view in order to be shown appropiatelly */ public void initView() { viewMgr.initView(); } /** * Invoked when a window has been opened. */ protected void onWindowsOpened(WindowEvent e) { } public AWFocusManager getAWFocusManager() { return focusMgr; } public IPView getIpView() { return viewMgr.getIpView(); } public E getBackBean() { return backBean; } public Presenter setBackBean(E backBean) { return this.setBackBean(backBean, false); } public Presenter setBackBeanClear(E backBean) { return this.setBackBean(backBean, true); } private Presenter setBackBean(E backBean, boolean clear) { TimeObserver time = new TimeObserver("setting backBean"); time.empezar(); this.backBean = backBean; initializeBackBean(backBean, clear); if (backBeanAttributes.size() > 0) { try { BeanUtils.populate(backBean, backBeanAttributes); } catch (Throwable e) { new AWSystemException("Problems setting attributes to:<" + backBean + ">", e); } } time.terminar(); return this; } /** * * @param backBean back bean * @param clear indica si se esta llamando desde clear */ protected void initializeBackBean(E backBean, boolean clear) { } public ViewManager getViewMgr() { return viewMgr; } public ActionResolver getActionRsr() { return actionRsr; } /** * Method call before setting the values to the bean. */ protected void beforeSettingValuesToBean() { } /** * Binds control's values to Bean */ public void setValuesToBean() { beforeSettingValuesToBean(); bindingMgr.setValuesToBean(); } /** * Initialize the focusZone and add to the AWFocusManager * * @param focusZone */ public void addFocusZone(FocusZone focusZone) { focusZone.init(); focusMgr.addFocusZone(focusZone); } public GridProvider getGridProvider() { return getGridProvider(0); } public GridProvider getGridProvider(int gridIndex) { return gridProviderMgr.getGridProvider(gridIndex); } public Boolean onEnterKeyPressed(Component component) { Boolean valueToReturn = null; if (component instanceof JTextComponent) { Boolean execute = (Boolean) ((JComponent) component) .getClientProperty(BindingComponent.ATTR_EXECUTE_PICK); if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(execute)) { return Boolean.TRUE; } } valueToReturn = executePickIfApply(component); return valueToReturn; } /** * Execute the pick if it is necessary * * @param component * @return NULL If this is not resposible for the componenty that fire the pick * TRUE pick sucess, row selected * FALSE row not found or not selected */ protected Boolean executePickIfApply(Component component) { // Boolean valueToReturn = pickMgr.executePickIfApply(component); // return valueToReturn; return null; } public void validate() { validatorMgr.validate(); gridProviderMgr.validate(); } public GridProviderManager getGridProviderMgr() { return gridProviderMgr; } public ValidatorManager getValidatorMgr() { return validatorMgr; } public BindingManager getBindingMgr() { return bindingMgr; } public List getAllBindingsName() { return getBindingMgr().getAllBindingsName(); } public List<BindingComponent> getAllBindings() { return getBindingMgr().getAllBindings(); } public void closeView() { viewMgr.closeView(); try { Field field = AttributeAccessor.getField(this.getClass(), "vsr"); AttributeAccessor.set(this, field, null); } catch (Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } } public PickManager getPickMgr() { return pickMgr; } public Object getView() { return getViewMgr().getView(); } /** * Get the component that will be received the focus on windows open * As default the focus will be put at the first component. */ public JComponent getFistCmpToBeFocused() { return null; } public GridProvider getGridProviderFor(JTable jtable) { return gridProviderMgr.getGridProviderFor(jtable); } public boolean isShowUserInfo() { return showUserInfo; } public void setShowUserInfo(boolean showUserInfo) { this.showUserInfo = showUserInfo; } public boolean isForceBindingAllComponents() { return forceBindingAllComponents; } public void setForceBindingAllComponents(boolean forceBindingAllComponents) { this.forceBindingAllComponents = forceBindingAllComponents; } /** * Override in order to set the order that has to be used to move the focus between zonex * * @return List of {#see InputCmpMgr} */ public List getOrderBetweenInputCmpMgrAndGridProv() { return null; } public void configureAsReanOnly() { bindingMgr.setAllAsReadOnly(); actionRsr.disableAllActionsExcept(getEnabledActionsOnReadOnly()); } protected boolean isReadOnly = false; public boolean isReadOnly() { return isReadOnly || ViewMode.MODE_READONLY.equals(getViewMode()); } public List getEnabledActionsOnReadOnly() { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(actionRsr.getAction(ActionIdentifier.getActionIdentifier(ActionNames.ACTION_CANCEL))); list.addAll(actionRsr.getAllAlwaysEnabledActions()); return list; } public boolean allowWindowActivatedWorkAround() { return true; } protected void setAutomaticBinding(boolean automaticBinding) { this.automaticBinding = automaticBinding; } public boolean isShowCancelMsgConfirmation() { return showCancelMsgConfirmation; } public void setShowCancelMsgConfirmation(boolean showCancelMsgConfirmation) { this.showCancelMsgConfirmation = showCancelMsgConfirmation; } public String getViewMode() { return viewMode; } public void setViewMode(String viewMode) { this.viewMode = viewMode; } public ZoneManager getZonekMgr() { return zonekMgr; } public String getSecurityCode() { return securityCode; } public void setSecurityCode(String securityCode) { this.securityCode = securityCode; } public SecurityManager getSecurityMgr() { return securityMgr; } public boolean isEmbeddedView() { return embeddedView; } public void setEmbeddedView(boolean embeddedView) { this.embeddedView = embeddedView; } public UserInfo getApplicationUser() { Object appUser = securityMgr.getApplicationUser(); if (appUser == null) { return new UserInfo() { public String getUsername() { String user = SecurityHelper.instance().getUsername(); return user == null ? "Anonymous" : user; } }; } return ((UserInfo) appUser); } public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { isReadOnly = readOnly; } public boolean isShowAuditInfo() { return showAuditInfo; } public void setShowAuditInfo(boolean showAuditInfo) { this.showAuditInfo = showAuditInfo; } public boolean isShowCloseButton() { return showCloseButton; } public void setShowCloseButton(boolean showCloseButton) { this.showCloseButton = showCloseButton; } public void putExecuter(String nameExecuter, Executer executer) { executers.put(nameExecuter, executer); } public void putBackBeanField(String fieldName, Object value) { backBeanAttributes.put(fieldName, value); } public boolean isInitializing() { return isInitializing; } public void onWindowsOpenedInternalOnlyForAWFW(WindowEvent e) { } public List<Component> getComponentsWithCustomFocusPolicy() { return componentsWithCustomFocusPolicy; } public void setComponentsWithCustomFocusPolicy(List<Component> componentsWithCustomFocusPolicy) { this.componentsWithCustomFocusPolicy = componentsWithCustomFocusPolicy; } }