Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Agile-Works * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Agile-Works. ("Confidential Information"). * You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you * entered into with Agile-Works. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import; import java.util.*; /** * @author gmateo * 15/10/2004 */ public class JTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); public static ImageIcon COLUMN_UP; public static ImageIcon COLUMN_DOWN; public static ImageIcon COLUMN; /** * Values that will be shown in the JTable */ private List values; /** * Array of column information */ private ColumnInfo[] columnsInfo; EditingRowPolicy editingRowPolicy; private int indexSortColumn = -1; private boolean sortAsc = true; private boolean isReadOnly = false; public JTableModel(ColumnInfo[] columnsInfo) { this.columnsInfo = columnsInfo; // COLUMN_UP = createImageIcon("sortUp.png", "Sort UP"); // COLUMN_DOWN = createImageIcon("sortDown.png", "Sort Down"); COLUMN_UP = createImageIcon("sort2Up.png", "Sort UP"); COLUMN_DOWN = createImageIcon("sort2Down.png", "Sort Down"); COLUMN = createImageIcon("sort2.png", ""); } public JTableModel(ColumnInfo[] columnsInfo, List lista) { this(columnsInfo); values = lista; } /** * Returns the name of the column at the given column index. * This is used to initialize the table's column header name. * Note: this name does not need to be unique; two columnNames in a table * can have the same name.<p> * * @param columnIndex the index of the column * @return the name of the column * @throws NullPointerException if the optional column names array * has not been set in the constructor. In this case API users * must override this method. * @see #getColumnCount() * @see #getRowCount() */ public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) { return columnsInfo[columnIndex].getColumnHeader(); } private ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(String colFieldName) { for (int i = 0; i < columnsInfo.length; i++) { ColumnInfo columnInfo = columnsInfo[i]; if (colFieldName.equals(columnInfo.getFieldName())) { return columnInfo; } } throw new IllegalStateException( "The column:<" + colFieldName + "> does not exist in the column info array."); } public ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(int columnIndex) { return columnsInfo[columnIndex]; } /** * Return the number of columnNames * * @return */ public int getColumnCount() { return columnsInfo.length; } /** * Return the number of rows * * @return */ public int getRowCount() { return values.size(); } /** * Get the value set in specific position. * If there is a CVLProvider for this column, this method return the value for this key. * * @param rowIndex * @param columnIndex * @return */ public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { if (rowIndex >= values.size()) return null; Object object = values.get(rowIndex); Object value = columnsInfo[columnIndex].getValue(object, columnIndex, rowIndex); return value; } /** * Return the row which has the index sent as parameter * @param index * @return */ public Object getRowAt(int index) { if (values.size() > 0) { return values.get(index); } return null; } /** * Add a row to the list that is shown * * @param row */ public void addRow(Object row) { int valuesSize = values.size(); values.add(row); fireTableRowsInserted(valuesSize, valuesSize); } /** * Add a row to the list that is shown * * @param row */ public void addRow(int idx, Object row) { values.add(idx, row); fireTableRowsInserted(idx, idx); } /** * Add a list to the list that is shown */ public void addAllRows(List rows) { int valuesSize = values.size(); values.addAll(rows); fireTableRowsInserted(valuesSize, valuesSize + rows.size()); } /** * Update the value of a row * * @param index * @param row */ public void updateRow(int index, Object row) { values.remove(index); values.add(index, row); fireTableRowsUpdated(index, index); } /** * Remove the selected row * * @param rowIndex */ public void removeRow(int rowIndex) { values.remove(rowIndex); fireTableRowsDeleted(rowIndex, rowIndex); } public Class getColumnClass(int c) { if (getValueAt(0, c) == null) return String.class; return getValueAt(0, c).getClass(); } /* * Don't need to implement this method unless your table's * editable. */ public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) { if (isReadOnly) return false; boolean rowIsReadOnly = false; if (editingRowPolicy != null) { editingRowPolicy.setCurrentColInfo(columnsInfo[col]); Object rowObject = values.get(row); rowIsReadOnly = !editingRowPolicy.isEditable(rowObject, columnsInfo[col].getFieldName()); } return !rowIsReadOnly && (columnsInfo[col].isEditable() || columnsInfo[col] instanceof ButtonColumn); } /* * Don't need to implement this method unless your table's * data can change. */ public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { if (values == null || values.size() == 0) { return; } boolean editable = isCellEditable(row, col); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Setting value at Row:" + row + " Col:" + col + " editable:" + editable + " Value:" + value); } if (editable) { Object object = values.get(row); columnsInfo[col].setValue(object, value, row); if (values instanceof DeleteableList) { ((DeleteableList) values).addModifiedRow(object); } fireTableCellUpdated(row, col); List<ChangeValueListener> changeValueListenerList = columnsInfo[col].getChangeValueListenerList(); for (ChangeValueListener changeValueListener : changeValueListenerList) { if (changeValueListener != null) { String[] modifiedColFieldNames = changeValueListener.getModifiedCols(); int[] modifiedCols = getColIdxFor(modifiedColFieldNames); for (Integer modifiedCol : modifiedCols) { fireTableCellUpdated(row, modifiedCol.intValue()); } } } if (columnsInfo[col].isFillEmptyWithLastValue() && !settingAuto) { settingAuto = true; columnsInfo[col].setFillingEmptyWithLastValueInProcess(true); for (int i = 0; i < getValues().size(); i++) { if (i != row) { Object val = getValueAt(i, col); if (val == null || ((val instanceof String) && !StringUtils.hasText((String) val))) { setValueAt(value, i, col); } } } settingAuto = false; columnsInfo[col].setFillingEmptyWithLastValueInProcess(false); } } } boolean settingAuto = false; private int[] getColIdxFor(String[] modifiedColFieldNames) { int[] modifiedCols = new int[modifiedColFieldNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < modifiedColFieldNames.length; i++) { String colFieldName = modifiedColFieldNames[i]; ColumnInfo columnInfo = getColumnInfo(colFieldName); modifiedCols[i] = columnInfo.getIdx(); } return modifiedCols; } /** * Sort the shown values */ public void sort() { Collections.sort(values); fireTableDataChanged(); } /** * Sort the shown values using the comparator sent as a parameter * * @param comparator */ public void sort(Comparator comparator) { if (comparator == null) { return; } Collections.sort(values, comparator); fireTableDataChanged(); } /** * Sort the shown values using the comparator sent as a parameter */ public void sortByColumn(int indexColumn) { if (indexSortColumn == indexColumn) { sortAsc = !sortAsc; } else { indexSortColumn = indexColumn; } ColumnInfo colInfo = columnsInfo[indexColumn]; final String fieldName = colInfo.getFieldName(); MutableSortDefinition mutableSortDefinition = new MutableSortDefinition(fieldName, true, sortAsc); AWPropertyComparator propertyComparator = new AWPropertyComparator(mutableSortDefinition, colInfo.getFormatter()); Collections.sort(values, propertyComparator); fireTableDataChanged(); } public List getValues() { if (values != null) { return values; } return new ArrayList(); } public void setValues(List values) { this.values = values; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { fireTableDataChanged(); } }); } public Icon getColumnIcon(int index) { if (indexSortColumn == index) { return sortAsc ? COLUMN_UP : COLUMN_DOWN; } return COLUMN; } /** * Returns an ImageIcon, or null if the path was invalid. * * @param path * @param description * @return */ protected ImageIcon createImageIcon(String path, String description) { URL imgURL = getClass().getResource(path); if (imgURL != null) { return new ImageIcon(imgURL, description); } else { System.err.println("Couldn't find file: " + path); return null; } } public void setEditingRowPolicy(EditingRowPolicy editingRowPolicy) { this.editingRowPolicy = editingRowPolicy; } public void removeAllRows() { Iterator iterator = values.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object o =; iterator.remove(); } fireTableDataChanged(); } public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { isReadOnly = readOnly; } public boolean hasEditingRowPolicy() { return editingRowPolicy != null; } }