Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Agile-Works * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Agile-Works. ("Confidential Information"). * You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you * entered into with Agile-Works. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl; import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.CustomDateEditor; import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.CustomNumberEditor; import; import; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Class used to gather all of the information needed to populate the JTables * to Use specific formatters see the registerXXX () methods * * @author gmateo * 18/10/2004 */ public class ColumnInfo implements IColumnInfo, Hierarchyable<ColumnInfo> { protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); public final static int LEFT = SwingConstants.LEFT; public final static int RIGHT = SwingConstants.RIGHT; public final static int CENTER = SwingConstants.CENTER; public final static int TEXT_BOX = 0; public final static int COMBO_BOX = 1; public final static int CHECK_BOX = 2; public final static int RADIO_BUTTON = 3; public final static int FILE_CHOOSER = 4; public final static int BUTTON = 5; public final static int LINK = 6; public final static int TEXT_AREA = 7; protected ComponentHierarchyInfo<ColumnInfo> cmpHierarchyInfo = new ComponentHierarchyInfo<ColumnInfo>(this); /** * It is the TITLE of the column */ private String columnHeader; /** * It is the bean's attribute name that will be shown in this column */ protected String fieldName; /** * It is the row that is being processed currently */ private BeanWrapper row; private TableCellRenderer customCellRenderer; /** * Used only for special and strange cases */ private JComponentCellRenderer specialCellRenderer; /** * Used to return special value for the column it has more precedence than formatters */ private ValueProvider valueProvider; /** * General formatter used to transfor column value to any other value * Transformation logic is encapsuled inside the formatter. Common Formatters * Date * DropDow value --> label * Numbers * * @see #formatAsDate() */ private Formatter formatter; /** * Used to sort the view based on this column */ private SortDefinition sortDefinition; /** * Indicate (if positive) the size of the column */ private int width = -1; /** * Aligment of the column */ private int alignment = LEFT; /** * Flag that points out if this column will be editable */ private boolean editable = false; /** * Point out which component will be used to Edit */ private int columnEditorType = TEXT_BOX; private CellEditorValuesProvider cellEditorValuesProvider; /** * Point out which component will be used to Edit */ private int columnRendererType = -1; protected boolean isPrintable = true; private String dropDownKey; public Color background; public Color fontColor; private Object valueTrue = AWBaseContext.instance().getConfigInfoProvider().getCheckTrue(); private Object valueFalse = AWBaseContext.instance().getConfigInfoProvider().getCheckFalse(); private boolean isSequential = false; private Formatter sequentialFormatter; private boolean isStatus = false; /** * Used to determine the minimun size this column need on reports */ private int reportCharsSize = -1; protected int idx = -1; private CellDropDownProvider cellDropDownProvider; private PropertyValidator propertyValidator; private PropertyBinding propertyBinding; private String validationRule; private boolean unique = false; private boolean fillEmptyWithLastValue = false; protected VetoableChangeListener vetoableChangeListener; private boolean fillingEmptyWithLastValueInProcess = false; public ColumnInfo(String columnHeader, String fieldName) { this.columnHeader = columnHeader; this.fieldName = fieldName; } /** * @param columnHeader column header * @param width column with (in pixels?) * @param alignment use {@link #LEFT}, {@link #RIGHT} or {@link #CENTER} */ public ColumnInfo(String columnHeader, int width, int alignment) { this(columnHeader, null, width, alignment); } /** * @param columnHeader column header * @param fieldName bean field name * @param width column with (in pixels?) * @param alignment use {@link #LEFT}, {@link #RIGHT} or {@link #CENTER} */ public ColumnInfo(String columnHeader, String fieldName, int width, int alignment) { this(columnHeader, fieldName); this.width = width; this.alignment = alignment; } public ColumnInfo setCustomCellRenderer(TableCellRenderer cellRenderer) { setCustomCellRenderer(cellRenderer, true); return this; } public ColumnInfo setCustomCellRenderer(TableCellRenderer cellRenderer, boolean withDropDownFormatter) { this.customCellRenderer = cellRenderer; if (withDropDownFormatter) ((AWCustomCellRenderer) customCellRenderer).setDropDownFormatter((DropDownFormatter) formatter); return this; } public ColumnInfo setCustomFormatter(Formatter formatter) { this.formatter = formatter; return this; } public ColumnInfo formatAsDate() { formatter = DateFormatter.DATE_FORMATTER; return this; } public ColumnInfo formatAsTime() { formatter = DateFormatter.TIME_SECONDS_FORMATTER; return this; } public ColumnInfo formatAsHour() { formatter = DateFormatter.TIME_FORMATTER; return this; } public ColumnInfo formatAsDateTime() { formatter = DateFormatter.DATE_TIME_FORMATTER; return this; } public ColumnInfo formatAsMoney() { formatter = NumberFormatter.MONEY_FORMATTER; return this; } public ColumnInfo formatAsMoneyExchange() { formatter = NumberFormatter.MONEYEXCHANGE_FORMATTER; return this; } public ColumnInfo setNumberFormatter(String numberFormat) { formatter = new NumberFormatter(numberFormat); return this; } public ColumnInfo formatAsNumberWithGroup() { formatter = NumberFormatter.INTEGER_FORMATTER_W_GRP_SYM; return this; } public ColumnInfo formatAsNumberWithoutGroup() { formatter = NumberFormatter.NUMBER_FORMATTER_WOUT_GRP_SYM; return this; } public ColumnInfo formatAsNumberFloatWithGroup() { formatter = NumberFormatter.FLOAT_FORMATTER_W_GRP_SYM; return this; } public ColumnInfo renderAsCheckBox() { columnRendererType = CHECK_BOX; return this; } public void init() { initDropDown(); } protected void initDropDown() { if (metaLoader == null) { return; } formatter = new DropDownFormatter(metaLoader); if (customCellRenderer != null) { ((AWCustomCellRenderer) customCellRenderer).setDropDownFormatter((DropDownFormatter) formatter); } this.dropDownKey =; } public ColumnInfo setDropDownFormatter(MetaLoader metaLoader) { this.metaLoader = metaLoader; columnEditorType = COMBO_BOX; return this; } // todo con el soporte de cache sacar esto luego MetaLoader metaLoader; public MetaLoader getMetaLoader() { return metaLoader; } public ColumnInfo setAsSorted() { return setAsSorted(true); } public ColumnInfo setBackgroundAsHeader() { background = new Color(190, 67, 57); fontColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); return this; } public ColumnInfo setBackgroundColor(Color background, Color fontColor) { this.background = background; this.fontColor = fontColor; return this; } public ColumnInfo setAsSorted(boolean ascending) { sortDefinition = new MutableSortDefinition(); ((MutableSortDefinition) sortDefinition).setProperty(fieldName); ((MutableSortDefinition) sortDefinition).setAscending(ascending); return this; } public boolean isPrintable() { return false; } public String getColumnHeader() { return columnHeader; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public boolean isSequential() { return isSequential; } public ColumnInfo setAsSequential() { isSequential = true; return this; } public ColumnInfo setAsSequential(Formatter formatter) { isSequential = true; sequentialFormatter = formatter; return this; } public boolean isStatus() { return isStatus; } public ColumnInfo setAsStatus() { isStatus = true; return this; } public Object getValueDDRFormated(Object object, int index) { Object value = getValue(object, index, -1); // if (dropDownKey!=null){ // MappableList dropDownRows = (MappableList) Cache.instance().get(dropDownKey); // value = dropDownRows.mapGet(value); // } return value; } public Object getValue(Object object, int index) { throw new IllegalStateException("This method should not be called"); } public Object getValue(Object object, int index, int row) { Object value = null; // Value Provider has the high precedence if (valueProvider != null) { value = valueProvider.getValue(object); } else if (object instanceof Object[]) { Object[] arrayOfValues = (Object[]) object; int newIndex = getIndexFromFieldName(index); value = arrayOfValues[newIndex]; } else if (object instanceof List) { List listOfValues = (List) object; int newIndex = getIndexFromFieldName(index); value = listOfValues.get(newIndex); } else if (object instanceof Map) { Map mapValues = (Map) object; value = mapValues.get(fieldName); } else { value = BeanUtils.getPropertyValueNullSafe(getRow(object), fieldName); } if (isEditable()) { if ((formatter != null) && formatter instanceof DropDownFormatter) { return value; } } if (value != null) { if (formatter != null) { try { if (formatter instanceof DropDownFormatter && hasParentCmps()) { List<ColumnInfo> depends = getParentCmps(); for (ColumnInfo dependentCmp : depends) { if (metaLoader != null) { if (metaLoader.getDataLoader() instanceof DBDataLoader) { DBDataLoader dataLoader = (DBDataLoader) metaLoader.getDataLoader(); dataLoader.setSqlParams( new Object[] { BeanUtils.getPropertyValueNullSafe(getRow(object), dependentCmp.getFieldName()) }); } } } value = formatter.format(object, fieldName, value); } else { value = formatter.format(object, fieldName, value); } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Error applying format in column '" + fieldName + "' for value:" + value + " formater:" + formatter + " Exception:" + e); value = "ERR:" + value; //throw AWBusinessException.wrapUnhandledException(logger, e); } } } else { if (formatter != null && formatter instanceof DropDownFormatter) { try { value = formatter.format(object, fieldName, value); } catch (Throwable e) { throw AWBusinessException.wrapUnhandledException(logger, e); } } if (value == null) { value = ""; } } return value; } private int getIndexFromFieldName(int index) { if (fieldName != null && fieldName.length() > 0 && Character.isDigit(fieldName.charAt(0))) { index = Integer.parseInt(fieldName); } return index; } /** * Set the value to the specific cell * * @param object */ public void setValue(Object object, Object value, int row) { // At this moment in the case of Object[] only the first element could be updated. if (object instanceof Object[]) { ((Object[]) object)[0] = value; } else { if (value instanceof Boolean) { value = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue() ? valueTrue : valueFalse; } BeanWrapper bwRow = getRow(object); Object oldValue = null; if (existChangeValueListener() || existVetoableChangeListener()) { oldValue = bwRow.getPropertyValue(fieldName); } if (formatter == DateFormatter.DATE_FORMATTER) { value = BndIJTextField.getValidDate((String) value); } try { if (existVetoableChangeListener()) { Object convertedValue = getConvertedValue(object, fieldName, value); vetoableChangeListener.vetoableChange(object, oldValue, convertedValue); } bwRow.setPropertyValue(fieldName, value); value = bwRow.getPropertyValue(fieldName); executeChangeValueListener(object, value, oldValue); } catch (AWBusinessException e) { bwRow.setPropertyValue(fieldName, oldValue); showErrorMsg(e); return; } } } private Object getConvertedValue(Object object, String fieldName, Object value) { if (value instanceof BigDecimal) { BeanWrapper bwRow = new BeanWrapperImpl(object); logger.error("no soportado ----"); // value = NumberUtils.convertNumberToTargetClass((Number) value, bwRow.getPropertyDescriptor(fieldName).getPropertyType()); } return value; } private boolean existVetoableChangeListener() { return vetoableChangeListener != null; } public void executeChangeValueListener(Object object, Object value, Object oldValue) { if (existChangeValueListener()) { if ((oldValue == null && value != null) || (oldValue != null && value == null)) { onChangeValue(object, oldValue, value); } if (oldValue != null && value != null) { value = getConvertedValue(object, fieldName, value); if (!oldValue.equals(value)) { onChangeValue(object, oldValue, value); } } } } protected boolean existChangeValueListener() { return getChangeValueListenerList() != null && getChangeValueListenerList().size() > 0; } protected void onChangeValue(Object obj, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { List<ChangeValueListener> changeValueListeners = getChangeValueListenerList(); for (ChangeValueListener changeValueListener : changeValueListeners) { String[] modifiedCols = changeValueListener.onChangeValue(obj, oldValue, newValue); changeValueListener.setModifiedCols(modifiedCols); } } public void onActionPerformed(JTable table, AWTEvent actionEvent, Object obj, Object newValue) { List<ColumnActionListener> columnActionListeners = getColumnActionListenerList(); boolean refreshRow = false; for (ColumnActionListener columnActionListener : columnActionListeners) { boolean refreshRowAux = columnActionListener.actionPerformed(actionEvent, obj, newValue); refreshRow = refreshRow || refreshRowAux; } table.repaint(); } public void onClick(JTable table, MouseEvent actionEvent, Object obj, Object newValue) { List<ColumnActionListener> columnActionListeners = getColumnOnClickListenerList(); boolean refreshRow = false; for (ColumnActionListener columnActionListener : columnActionListeners) { boolean refreshRowAux = columnActionListener.actionPerformed(actionEvent, obj, newValue); refreshRow = refreshRow || refreshRowAux; } table.repaint(); } private BeanWrapper getRow(Object object) { if (object instanceof Object[]) return null; if (row == null) { row = new BeanWrapperImpl(); } row = new BeanWrapperImpl(object); row.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(DateFormatter.DATE_FORMATTER.getDateFormat(), true)); if (isEditable() && hasNumberFormatter()) { Class type = row.getPropertyDescriptor(fieldName).getPropertyType(); NumberFormat numberFormat = ((NumberFormatter) formatter).getFormat(); row.registerCustomEditor(null, fieldName, new CustomNumberEditor(type, numberFormat, true)); } return row; } private boolean hasNumberFormatter() { return formatter != null && formatter instanceof NumberFormatter; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(int width) { } public ColumnInfo setWidthX(int width) { this.width = width; return this; } public int getAlignment() { return alignment; } public SortDefinition getSortDefinition() { return sortDefinition; } public Formatter getFormatter() { return formatter; } public TableCellRenderer getCustomCellRenderer() { if (this.customCellRenderer == null && columnRendererType == CHECK_BOX) { return new JCheckBoxCellRenderer(this, getValueTrue()); } return this.customCellRenderer; } public boolean isEditable() { return editable; } public ColumnInfo setAsEditable() { this.editable = true; return this; } public ColumnInfo setAsUnique() { this.unique = true; return this; } public ColumnInfo setAsEditable(int editorType) { this.columnEditorType = editorType; return setAsEditable(); } public ColumnInfo setAsEditable(CellEditorValuesProvider cellEditorValuesProvider) { this.cellEditorValuesProvider = cellEditorValuesProvider; return setAsEditable(); } public ColumnInfo setCellValueProvider(ValueProvider valueProvider) { this.valueProvider = valueProvider; return this; } public String getDropDownKey() { return dropDownKey; } public ColumnInfo setTrueFalseValues(Object valueTrue, Object valueFalse) { this.valueTrue = valueTrue; this.valueFalse = valueFalse; return this; } public Object getValueTrue() { return valueTrue; } public Object getValueFalse() { return valueFalse; } public ColumnInfo setRptChrs(int reportCharsSize) { this.reportCharsSize = reportCharsSize; return this; } public int getReportCharsSize() { return reportCharsSize; } public ColumnInfo setAsNoPrintable() { this.isPrintable = false; return this; } public int getColumnEditorType() { return columnEditorType; } public ColumnInfo dependsOn(ColumnInfo masterCmp) { cmpHierarchyInfo.dependsOn(masterCmp); return this; } public void addDependentCmp(ColumnInfo dependentCmp) { cmpHierarchyInfo.addDependentCmp(dependentCmp); } public boolean hasDependentCmps() { return cmpHierarchyInfo.hasDependentCmps(); } public boolean hasParentCmps() { return cmpHierarchyInfo.hasParentCmps(); } public List<ColumnInfo> getParentCmps() { return cmpHierarchyInfo.getParentCmps(); } public List<ColumnInfo> getDependentCmps() { return cmpHierarchyInfo.getDependentCmps(); } public void setIdx(int idx) { this.idx = idx; } public int getIdx() { return idx; } public Color getBackground() { return background; } public int getColumnRendererType() { return columnRendererType; } public Formatter getSequentialFormatter() { return sequentialFormatter; } public CellEditorValuesProvider getCellEditorValuesProvider() { return cellEditorValuesProvider; } List<ChangeValueListener> changeValueListenerList = new ArrayList(); List<ColumnActionListener> columnActionListenerList = new ArrayList(); List<ColumnActionListener> columnOnClickListenerList = new ArrayList(); public ColumnInfo addChangeValueListener(ChangeValueListener changeValueListener) { this.changeValueListenerList.add(changeValueListener); return this; } public ColumnInfo addActionListener(ColumnActionListener columnActionListener) { this.columnActionListenerList.add(columnActionListener); return this; } public ColumnInfo addOnClickListener(ColumnActionListener columnActionListener) { this.columnOnClickListenerList.add(columnActionListener); return this; } public List<ChangeValueListener> getChangeValueListenerList() { return changeValueListenerList; } public List<ColumnActionListener> getColumnActionListenerList() { return columnActionListenerList; } public List<ColumnActionListener> getColumnOnClickListenerList() { return columnOnClickListenerList; } public JComponentCellRenderer getSpecialCellRenderer() { return specialCellRenderer; } public void setSpecialCellRenderer(JComponentCellRenderer specialCellRenderer) { this.specialCellRenderer = specialCellRenderer; } public boolean hasCellDropDownProvider() { return (cellDropDownProvider != null); } public CellDropDownProvider getCellDropDownProvider(BndSJTable bndSJTable) { if (cellDropDownProvider == null) { cellDropDownProvider = new CellDropDownProvider(bndSJTable, this); } return cellDropDownProvider; } public void clearCellDropDownsAt(int rowIdx) { if (cellDropDownProvider != null) { cellDropDownProvider.clearDropDownsAt(rowIdx); } } public ColumnInfo validateUsing(String validationRule) { this.validationRule = validationRule; return this; } public void initializeValidator() { boolean existValidationRule = StringUtils.hasText(validationRule); if (isEditable() || existValidationRule) { propertyValidator = new PropertyValidator(); } if (existValidationRule) { propertyValidator = PatternRules.buildPropertyValidator(validationRule); } if (propertyValidator != null) { propertyBinding = new PropertyBinding(); propertyBinding.setHorizontalAligement(alignment); if (formatter != null) { if (formatter == DateFormatter.DATE_FORMATTER) { propertyValidator.setDateFormat(true); // todo read the size of the date format used propertyBinding.setLimitTextSize(10); } else if (formatter == NumberFormatter.MONEY_FORMATTER) { propertyValidator.setMoneyFormat(true); } else if (formatter == NumberFormatter.FLOAT_FORMATTER_W_GRP_SYM || formatter == NumberFormatter.MONEYEXCHANGE_FORMATTER) { propertyValidator.setFloatWithGroupFormat(true); } } } } public PropertyValidator getPropertyValidator() { return propertyValidator; } public PropertyBinding getPropertyBinding() { return propertyBinding; } public boolean isRequired() { return propertyValidator != null && propertyValidator.isRequerid(); } //todo:gmc immplemntar esto public String getPdfColumnHeader() { return null; } //todo:gmc immplemntar esto public ColumnInfo setPdfColumnHeader(String pdfColumnHeader) { return null; } public boolean isUnique() { return unique; } public String getValidationRule() { return validationRule; } public ColumnInfo addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener vetoableChangeListener) { this.vetoableChangeListener = vetoableChangeListener; return this; } protected void showErrorMsg(AWBusinessException e) { Presenter pst = AWWindowsManager.instance().getCurrentPst(); FocusZone focusZone = pst.getAWFocusManager().getCurrentFocusZone(); GridFocusZone gridFocusZone = null; if (focusZone != null && focusZone instanceof GridFocusZone) { gridFocusZone = (GridFocusZone) focusZone; } MsgDisplayer.showMessage(e.getMessage()); if (gridFocusZone != null) { gridFocusZone.focusReGainedAfterTemporaryLost(new AWFocusEvent(null, new JButton())); } } public ColumnInfo fillEmptyWithLastValue() { fillEmptyWithLastValue = true; return this; } public String toString() { return this.fieldName + "-w:" + this.width; } public boolean isFillEmptyWithLastValue() { return fillEmptyWithLastValue; } public ColumnInfo formatUsingCustomFormatter(DropDownFormatter dropDownFormatter) { this.formatter = dropDownFormatter; return this; } public boolean isFillingEmptyWithLastValueInProcess() { return fillingEmptyWithLastValueInProcess; } public void setFillingEmptyWithLastValueInProcess(boolean fillingEmptyWithLastValueInProcess) { this.fillingEmptyWithLastValueInProcess = fillingEmptyWithLastValueInProcess; } public Color getFontColor() { return fontColor; } public void setFontColor(Color fontColor) { this.fontColor = fontColor; } }