Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Agile-Works * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Agile-Works. ("Confidential Information"). * You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you * entered into with Agile-Works. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.functor.UnaryPredicate; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl; import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.List; /** * User: gmc * Date: 21-ago-2007 * Class used to manage the actions */ public class ActionManager { protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); public static final Action DEF_CANCEL_ACTION = new CancelAction(); private Action actionToBeExecuted; private String actionExecuted; private static ActionManager instance = new ActionManager(); private ActionManager() { } public static ActionManager instance() { return instance; } public void sortByColumn(Component component, int keyCode) { SortByColumnAction sortByColumnAction = new SortByColumnAction(); // sortByColumnAction.setGridProvider(SwingContext.getCurrentPst().getGridProviderFor((JTable) component)); sortByColumnAction.setColSortIndex(keyCode - ActionDialog.KEY_1); execute(sortByColumnAction); } public void executeAction(final Action action) { atBeginningOfAction(action); AWActionTipPainter.instance().hideTipWindow(); if (action instanceof RoundTransitionAction) { ((RoundTransitionAction) action).setTransitionStoppedWithException(false); } GridProviderManager gridProviderManager = action.getPst().getGridProviderMgr(); gridProviderManager.removeEditors(); try { action.checkBasicConditions(); } catch (FlowBreakSilentlyException ex) {"Exit flow method silently"); return; } catch (AWException ex) { logger.error("AW Exception:", ex); if (action instanceof RoundTransitionAction) { ((RoundTransitionAction) action).setTransitionStoppedWithException(true); } PainterMessages.paintException(ex); return; } String confirmMsg = action.getConfirmMsg(); if (StringUtils.hasText(confirmMsg)) { boolean isCancelAction = action instanceof CancelAction; boolean isFindPst = action.getPst() instanceof FindPresenter; boolean isModeReadOnly = ViewMode.MODE_READONLY.equals(action.getPst().getViewMode()); boolean isShowCancelMsgConfirmation = action.getPst().isShowCancelMsgConfirmation(); if (!isCancelAction || (isShowCancelMsgConfirmation && !isModeReadOnly && !isFindPst)) { if (!MsgDisplayer.showConfirmMessage(confirmMsg)) { logger.debug( "The action:<" + action.toString() + ">will not be executed because was not confirmed"); return; } } } try { action.checkConditions(); AWInputVerifier.getInstance().disable(); Presenter pst = action.getPst(); if (action.execBinding) { pst.setValuesToBean(); } if (action.execValidation) { pst.validate(); } } catch (AWException ex) { if (action instanceof RoundTransitionAction) { ((RoundTransitionAction) action).setTransitionStoppedWithException(true); } if (ex instanceof FlowBreakSilentlyException) { return; } logger.error("AW Exception:", ex); PainterMessages.paintException(ex); return; } finally { AWInputVerifier.getInstance().enable(); } if (action.useMessageBlocker) { try { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { ProcessMsgBlocker.instance().showMessage("Procesando ..."); } }); } else { ProcessMsgBlocker.instance().showMessage("Procesando ..."); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SwingWorker swingWorker = new SwingWorker() { protected Object doInBackground() throws Exception { executeActionInternal(action); return null; } protected void done() { ProcessMsgBlocker.instance().removeMessage(); action.afterExecute(); } }; swingWorker.execute(); } else { executeActionInternal(action); action.afterExecute(); } } private void atBeginningOfAction(Action action) { String context = "Executing: <" + action + ">" + ((action.getId() != null) ? "<" + action.getId().asString() + ">" : ""); MemoryInfo.getInstance().showMemoryInfo(context); } private void executeActionInternal(Action action) { try { action.getPst().checkBasicConditionsFor(action); } catch (AWException ex) { logger.error("AW Exception:", ex); PainterMessages.paintException(ex); return; } logger.debug("Before executing action:<" + action.getId() + ">"); Object actionResult = execute(action); logger.debug("After executing action:<" + action.getId() + ">"); if (actionResult instanceof Throwable) { return; } if (action instanceof RoundTransitionAction) { RoundTransitionAction roundTransitionAction = (RoundTransitionAction) action; Flow initialFlow = null; Flow lastFlow = null; FlowManager flowManager = null; if ((!roundTransitionAction.isTransitionStopped()) && (!roundTransitionAction.isTransitionStoppedWithException())) { flowManager = AWWindowsManager.instance().getCurrentFlowMgr(); lastFlow = flowManager.getLastFlow(); if (lastFlow.getEndPst() != action.getPst().getClass()) { return; } boolean isCancel = lastFlow.getActionExecuted().getId().getActionCmd() .equals(ActionNames.ACTION_CANCEL); initialFlow = flowManager.getInitialFlowFor(lastFlow); flowManager.remove(lastFlow); flowManager.remove(initialFlow); if (isCancel) return; roundTransitionAction.executeOnReturn(initialFlow, lastFlow); } if (!roundTransitionAction.isTransitionStoppedWithException()) { if (action.isRefreshGridAtEnd()) { processRefreshGridAtEnd(action, initialFlow, lastFlow); } if (action.isRepaintGridAtEnd()) { action.getGridProvider().repaint(); } String resultMsg = action.getResultMsg(); if (resultMsg != null) { MsgDisplayer.showMessage(resultMsg); } ActionManager.instance().setActionExecuted(action.toString());"The action:<" + action.toString() + "> was executed"); if (action.hasToCloseView()) { closeView(action, actionResult); } } } else { if (action.hasToCloseView()) { if (action.getNumberOfViewsToClose() == 1) { closeView(action, actionResult); } else { closeViews(action, actionResult); } } else if (action.hasToCloseAllView()) { closeAllView(action, actionResult); } } } private void processRefreshGridAtEnd(Action action, Flow initialFlow, Flow lastFlow) { Presenter pst = action.getPst(); boolean wasProcesed = false; if (pst instanceof FindPresenter) { FindPresenter findPst = (FindPresenter) pst; if (lastFlow != null) { Object backBeanChild = lastFlow.getAttribute(Flow.BACK_BEAN_NAME); Object filter = findPst.getFilterFrom(backBeanChild); if ((backBeanChild != null) && (filter != null)) { List values = findPst.getValues(filter); if (values.size() > 0) { Object value = values.get(0); Integer index = 0; if (initialFlow != null) { index = (Integer) initialFlow.getAttribute(Flow.ROW_INDEX); } GridProvider gdp = action.getGridProvider(); int idxToSelect = 0; if (index != null) { idxToSelect = index; gdp.getBndSJTable().updateRow(index, value); } else { gdp.getBndSJTable().addRow(0, value); } gdp.repaint(); gdp.getBndSJTable().setSelectedRow(idxToSelect); wasProcesed = true; } } } } if (!wasProcesed) { GridProvider gdp = action.getGridProvider(); gdp.refresh(action.getPst().getBackBean()); selectingRowIfApply(gdp, lastFlow); } } private void selectingRowIfApply(GridProvider gdp, Flow lastFlow) { if (lastFlow != null) { List values = gdp.getValues(); if (values.size() == 1) { gdp.getBndSJTable().setSelectedRow(0); return; } final Object backBean = lastFlow.getAttribute(Flow.BACK_BEAN_NAME); if (backBean == null) { return; } Object firstCurrentValue = values.get(0); if ((firstCurrentValue instanceof Identifiable) && (backBean instanceof Identifiable)) { int index = ListUtils.indexOf(values, new UnaryPredicate() { public boolean test(Object o) { Identifiable currentObjIdProv = (Identifiable) o; Identifiable backBeanIdProv = (Identifiable) backBean; return currentObjIdProv.getId().equals(backBeanIdProv.getId()); } }); if (index != -1) { gdp.getBndSJTable().setSelectedRow(index); } } else { gdp.getBndSJTable().setSelectedRow(backBean); } } } private Object execute(final Action action) { return executeInternal(action); } private Object executeInternal(Action action) { actionToBeExecuted = action; Object actionResult = null; logger.debug("The action:<" + actionToBeExecuted + "> will be executed"); Throwable actionException = null; try { AWInputVerifier.getInstance().disable(); Presenter pst = action.getPst(); if (action.isOnFailedMode()) { HbmFailMngr.seFailMode(true); } actionResult = action.execute(); if (!(action instanceof RoundTransitionAction)) { if (action.refreshGridAtEnd) { action.getGridProvider().refresh(pst.getBackBean()); } if (action.repaintGridAtEnd) { action.getGridProvider().repaint(); } setActionExecuted(action.toString());"The action:<" + action.toString() + "> was executed"); } String resultMsg = action.getResultMsg(); if (StringUtils.hasText(resultMsg)) { if (resultMsg.indexOf("${") != -1) { if (ViewMode.MODE_INSERT.equals(pst.getViewMode())) { int initVar = resultMsg.indexOf("${"); int endVar = resultMsg.indexOf("}", initVar); String fieldName = resultMsg.substring(initVar + 2, endVar); BeanWrapper bw = new BeanWrapperImpl(pst.getBackBean()); Object value = bw.getPropertyValue(fieldName); resultMsg = resultMsg.substring(0, initVar) + " " + value + " " + resultMsg.substring(endVar + 1); MsgDisplayer.showMessage(resultMsg); } } else { MsgDisplayer.showMessage(resultMsg); } } } catch (FlowBreakSilentlyException ex) {"Exit flow method silently"); actionException = ex; return ex; } catch (AWException ex) { logger.error("AW Exception:", ex); PainterMessages.paintException(ex); actionException = ex; return ex; } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException ex) { logger.error("Data Integrity Exception", ex); MsgDisplayer.showMessage("Ocurri un error de integridad en la operacin que quizo realizar."); actionException = ex; return ex; } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("General Exception:", t); PainterMessages.paintException(t); actionException = t; return t; } finally { HbmFailMngr.seFailMode(false); action.setOnFailedMode(isExceptionThatChangeFailedMode(actionException)); AWInputVerifier.getInstance().enable(); } return actionResult; } private boolean isExceptionThatChangeFailedMode(Throwable actionException) { return actionException != null && (!(actionException instanceof AWBusinessException) || ((AWBusinessException) actionException).isForceFailMode()) && !(actionException instanceof AWValidationException); } public void closeView(Action action, Object actionResult) { FlowManager flowManager = AWWindowsManager.instance().getCurrentFlowMgr(); if (flowManager.getFlows().size() > 0 && flowManager.existInitialFlowFor(action.getPst())) { Flow flow = getNewFlowToCloseView(action); flow.setAttributes(action.getAttributesAtCloseView()); flow.setAttribute(Flow.RESULT_ACTION, actionResult); flow.setAttribute("resultMsg", action.getResultMsg()); } action.getPst().closeView(); } private void closeViews(Action action, Object actionResult) { FlowManager flowManager = AWWindowsManager.instance().getCurrentFlowMgr(); List<Flow> flows = flowManager.getFlows(); int nroFlowsToDelete = action.getNumberOfViewsToClose() - 1; int nroFlows = flows.size(); Flow currentFlow = null; for (int i = 0; i < nroFlowsToDelete; i++) { --nroFlows; currentFlow = flows.get(nroFlows); flowManager.remove(currentFlow); } if (flows.size() > 0 && currentFlow != null) { Flow lastFlow = flowManager.getLastFlow(); lastFlow.setAttribute(Flow.ROW_INDEX, null); Flow flow = flowManager.getNewFlowToCloseView(currentFlow.getInitialPst()); flow.setActionExecuted(action); flow.setAttribute("resultMsg", action.getResultMsg()); flow.setAttributes(action.getAttributesAtCloseView()); flow.setAttribute(Flow.RESULT_ACTION, actionResult); flowManager.closeSecondaryPresenters(action.getNumberOfViewsToClose()); } } public void closeAllView(Action action, Object actionResult) { FlowManager flowManager = AWWindowsManager.instance().getCurrentFlowMgr(); List<Flow> flows = flowManager.getFlows(); if (flows.size() == 0) { action.getPst().closeView(); return; } // workaround para evitar un bug al momento de llamar los rechazarpst boolean forceClosing = false; Object cmpAction = action.getJComponent(); if (cmpAction != null && cmpAction instanceof JComponent) { JComponent jcmp = (JComponent) cmpAction; forceClosing = jcmp.getClientProperty("forceClosing") != null; } if (!forceClosing && flows.size() == 1) { closeView(action, actionResult); return; } flowManager.removeAllFlows(); flowManager.addFlow(flows.get(0)); Flow flow = getNewFlowToCloseView(action); flow.setAttributes(action.getAttributesAtCloseView()); flow.setAttribute(Flow.RESULT_ACTION, actionResult); flow.setAttribute("resultMsg", action.getResultMsg()); flowManager.closeSecondaryPresenters(); } private Flow getNewFlowToCloseView(Action action) { Flow flow = AWWindowsManager.instance().getNewFlowToCloseView(action); return flow; } public Action getActionToBeExecuted() { return actionToBeExecuted; } public String getActionExecuted() { return actionExecuted; } public void setActionExecuted(String actionExecuted) { this.actionExecuted = actionExecuted; } public boolean cancelActionWasExecuted() { return DEF_CANCEL_ACTION.toString().equals(actionExecuted); } }