Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2007 Agile-Works
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of
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import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * Class used to represent a bean attribute
 * @author gmateo
 *         05/11/2004
public class BeanUtils {
    protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(BeanUtils.class);

    public static Object getPropertyValueNullSafe(BeanWrapper beanWrapper, String fieldName) {
        while (fieldName.indexOf('.') != -1) {
            String beanName = fieldName.substring(0, fieldName.indexOf('.'));
            fieldName = fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf('.') + 1);
            Object beanRef = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(beanName);
            if (beanRef == null) {
                logger.debug("[" + fieldName + "] Bean-->Cmpt:<NULL> inner path is null");
                return null;
            beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(beanRef);
        Object beanValue = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(fieldName);
        //        if (fieldName.indexOf('.') == -1 ||
        //                beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(fieldName.substring(0, fieldName.indexOf('.'))) != null) {
        //            beanValue = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(fieldName);
        //        } else {
        //            logger.debug("[" + fieldName + "] Bean-->Cmpt:<NULL> inner path is null");
        //        }
        return beanValue;

    public static boolean equals(Object value1, Object value2) {
        if (value1 == null && value2 == null)
            return true;
        if (value1 != null)
            return value1.equals(value2);
            return value2.equals(value1);
    //    public static boolean equalsProp(Long id1, Long id2, Object bean1, Object bean2) {
    //        if (id1!=null) return equals(id1, id2);
    //        else return equals(bean1,bean2);
    //    }
    //    public static void hashCodeProp(Long id, Object bean) {
    //        return (id != null ? id.hashCode() : super.hashCode());
    //        //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
    //    }

    public static Object copyProperties(Object source, Object target, String[] propertyNamesToIgnore,
            boolean ignoreProxy, boolean ignoreCollections) {
        List<String> propertyNamesToIgnoreList = propertyNamesToIgnore == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST
                : Arrays.asList(propertyNamesToIgnore);
        BeanWrapper sourceWrap = new BeanWrapperImpl(source);
        BeanWrapper targetWrap = new BeanWrapperImpl(target);
        for (PropertyDescriptor propDescriptor : sourceWrap.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
            String propName = propDescriptor.getName();
            //chequear que no esta en la lista a ignorar
            if (propertyNamesToIgnoreList.contains(propName))
            //chequear que se puede leer
            if (!sourceWrap.isReadableProperty(propName))
            //chequear que se puede escribir
            if (!targetWrap.isWritableProperty(propName))

            Object sourceValue = sourceWrap.getPropertyValue(propName);

            //chequear que objeto no es un proxy
            if (ignoreProxy && sourceValue != null && Proxy.isProxyClass(sourceValue.getClass()))

            //chequear que objeto no una collection
            if (ignoreCollections && sourceValue instanceof Collection)

            targetWrap.setPropertyValue(propName, sourceValue);
        return target;

    public static int countPropertyFilled(Object bean) {
        BeanWrapper wrap = new BeanWrapperImpl(bean);
        int count = 0;
        for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : wrap.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
            if (descriptor.getReadMethod() == null || descriptor.getWriteMethod() == null)
            Object value = wrap.getPropertyValue(descriptor.getName());
            if (value instanceof String) {
                if (StringUtils.hasText((String) value))
            } else if (value != null)
        return count;