Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Agile-Works * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Agile-Works. ("Confidential Information"). * You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you * entered into with Agile-Works. */ package; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import javax.swing.*; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.ParsePosition; /** * Filler Support * * @author jcvergara * 05/11/2004 */ public class FillerFormat implements Formatter { protected static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(FillerFormat.class); // TODO GMC Alguien uso las constantes de swing (esto se usa fuera de swing) final public static int ALG_LEFT = SwingConstants.LEFT; final public static int ALG_RIGHT = SwingConstants.RIGHT; final public static int ALG_CENTER = SwingConstants.CENTER; /** * Filler string used to fill on left */ private char fillerCharacter; private int lenght; /** * If it is true, then the field will be filled inclusive if it is empty * Otherwise the field will not be filled. */ private boolean fillInclusiveEmptyString = true; /** * Constructor * * @param fillerCharacter */ public FillerFormat(char fillerCharacter, int lenght) { this.fillerCharacter = fillerCharacter; this.lenght = lenght; } public Formatter clone() { try { return (Formatter) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw AWBusinessException.wrapUnhandledException(logger, e); } } /** * Add null or empty string support */ public Object parseObject(String source) { return fillFormat(source, fillerCharacter, lenght, SwingConstants.RIGHT, fillInclusiveEmptyString); } public static String fill(String source, char fillerCharacter, int length, int aligment, boolean fillInclusiveEmptyString) { // if (StringUtils.isEmpty(source) || length<0) { if (length < 0) { return source; } if (source == null) source = ""; if (source.length() > length) return source.substring(0, length); //throw new AWBusinessException("No se puede llenar '"+source+"' pues tamao excede "+length); source = source.trim(); if (source.length() == length) return source; if (!fillInclusiveEmptyString && source.length() == 0) return source; if (source.length() > length) return source.substring(0, length); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(length); if (aligment == SwingConstants.CENTER) { int left = (length - source.length()) / 2; int right = length - (source.length() + left); fill(buf, fillerCharacter, left); buf.append(source); fill(buf, fillerCharacter, right); } else { if (aligment == SwingConstants.LEFT) buf.append(source); fill(buf, fillerCharacter, length - source.length()); if (aligment == SwingConstants.RIGHT) buf.append(source); } return buf.toString(); } public static String fillFormat(String source, char fillerCharacter, int length, int aligment, boolean fillInclusiveEmptyString) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(source)) return source; if (source.length() > length) return source.substring(0, length); //throw new AWBusinessException("No se puede llenar '"+source+"' pues tamao excede "+length); source = source.trim(); if (source.length() == length) return source; if (!fillInclusiveEmptyString && source.length() == 0) return source; if (source.length() > length) return source.substring(0, length); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(length); if (aligment == SwingConstants.CENTER) { int left = (length - source.length()) / 2; int right = length - (source.length() + left); fill(buf, fillerCharacter, left); buf.append(source); fill(buf, fillerCharacter, right); } else { if (aligment == SwingConstants.LEFT) buf.append(source); fill(buf, fillerCharacter, length - source.length()); if (aligment == SwingConstants.RIGHT) buf.append(source); } return buf.toString(); } public static String fill(String source, char fillerCharacter, int length, int aligment) { return fill(source, fillerCharacter, length, aligment, true); } static private void fill(StringBuffer source, char filler, int numChars) { for (int i = 0; i < numChars; i++) source.append(filler); } public static String fillSpaces(int length) { return fill("", ' ', length, SwingConstants.LEFT); } public static String fillNumWZero(String source, int length) { return fill(source, '0', length, SwingConstants.RIGHT); } public static String alignLeft(String source, int length) { return fill(source, ' ', length, SwingConstants.LEFT); } public static String alignCenter(String source, int length) { return fill(source, ' ', length, SwingConstants.CENTER); } public static String alignRight(String source, int length) { return fill(source, ' ', length, SwingConstants.RIGHT); } /** */ public Object parseObject(String source, ParsePosition pos) { return source; } public Object format(Object bean, String attributeName, Object attributeValue) { return null; } /** */ public StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) { return toAppendTo.append(obj); } public Object format(Object obj) { return parseObject(obj.toString()); } public boolean onSortingPreferOriginalValue() { return false; } public boolean isFillInclusiveEmptyString() { return fillInclusiveEmptyString; } public void setFillInclusiveEmptyString(boolean fillInclusiveEmptyString) { this.fillInclusiveEmptyString = fillInclusiveEmptyString; } public static void main(String[] args) { FillerFormat fillerFormat = new FillerFormat('0', 12); //System.out.println("Text->" + fillerFormat.parseObject("23")); } }