Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Agile-Works * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Agile-Works. ("Confidential Information"). * You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you * entered into with Agile-Works. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper; import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * User: JCM * Date: 09/10/2007 */ public class MetaLoader<Row extends DropDownRow> implements ICloneable, EstadoToLabelMapper.CodigoToLabelResolver { protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MetaLoader.class); /** Por defecto muestra todos los datos*/ protected boolean soloActivos = false; /** Indica si los registros son cacheables */ protected boolean cacheable = true; /** * Entry id */ private String entryId; /** * Object used to retrieve the data from DB, usually reused */ protected DataLoader dataLoader; /** Usado si se requiere filtrar los datos originales */ protected Filter filter; /** usado para mostrar una fila al inicio */ protected Row topRow; /** Indica que cualquier modifciacion debe efectuarse sobre un clon de este objeto*/ protected boolean inmutable = true; private static final String CACHE_NAME = "cacheDropDown"; public MetaLoader(String entryId, DataLoader dataLoader, boolean cacheable) { this(entryId, dataLoader); this.cacheable = cacheable; } public MetaLoader(String entryId, DataLoader dataLoader) { this.entryId = entryId; this.dataLoader = dataLoader; setEntryId(entryId); } public MetaLoader clone() { try { MetaLoader metaLoader = (MetaLoader) super.clone(); if (filter != null) metaLoader.setFilter((Filter) filter.clone()); if (dataLoader != null) metaLoader.setDataLoader((DataLoader) dataLoader.clone()); //metaLoader.setEntryId( + "#Tmp"+metaLoader.hashCode()); //metaLoader.cacheable = false; // clones no deben ponerse en cache metaLoader.inmutable = false; return metaLoader; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw AWBusinessException.wrapUnhandledException(logger, e); } } public MetaLoader<Row> activeRows() { MetaLoader metaLoaderCloned = clone(); metaLoaderCloned.soloActivos = true; return metaLoaderCloned; } public MetaLoader<Row> cfgRO(boolean isReadOnly) { if (isReadOnly) return this; else return activeRows(); } public String resolve(Object codigo) { Row row = getMap().mapGet(codigo); if (row == null) throw new AWDeveloperException("No existe codigo:" + codigo); return row.getLabel() == null ? "" : row.getLabel().toString(); } public void setEntryId(String entryId) { this.entryId = entryId; // asumir el mismo Id para el loader if (this.dataLoader != null) this.dataLoader.setLoaderName(entryId); } public String id() { return entryId; } public List<Row> getRows() { List<Row> rows = null; if (cacheable) { // obtener usando cache String cacheNameV = dataLoader.cacheName(false); Cache cacheDropDown = Cache.instance(CACHE_NAME); if (!cacheDropDown.exist(cacheNameV)), load()); rows = (List<Row>) cacheDropDown.get(cacheNameV); } else { // obtener directo desde dataLoader rows = load(); } // filtrar rows = execFilter(filter, rows); MappableList<Row> finalResult = new MappableList<Row>(dataLoader.loaderName, rows.size() + 1); if (this.topRow != null) finalResult.add(topRow); finalResult.addAll(rows); // filtrar solo activos if (soloActivos) { for (int i = finalResult.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Row row = finalResult.get(i); if (!row.isActive()) finalResult.remove(i); } } return finalResult; } protected List<Row> execFilter(Filter filter, List<Row> rows) { if (filter != null) rows = filter.filter(rows); return rows; } private List<Row> load() { return (List<Row>) dataLoader.load(); } public MappableList<Row> getMap() { List<Row> list = getRows(); if (list instanceof MappableList) return (MappableList<Row>) list; else throw new AWBusinessException( "DataLoader id:" + dataLoader + " no retorna MappableList. List:" + list.getClass()); } public String getLabel(Object key) { MappableList map = getMap(); if (key == null && !map.mapContains(null)) return ""; if ("".equals(key) && !map.mapContains(key)) return ""; DropDownRow row = map.mapGet(key); if (row == null) { return ""; } return (String) row.getLabel(); } public DataLoader getDataLoader() { return dataLoader; } public void setDataLoader(DataLoader dataLoader) { this.dataLoader = dataLoader; } public MetaLoader addRow(Object value, Object label) { MetaLoader metaLoader = this.clone(); metaLoader.topRow = newRow(value, label); return metaLoader; // DataLoaderCompositeListImpl dataLoaderExtended = new DataLoaderCompositeListImpl() // .addTop(new DropDownRowImpl(value, label)) // .add(this); // MetaLoader metaLoader = new MetaLoader( + "#Tmp", dataLoaderExtended); // metaLoader.setCacheable(false); // forzar que siempre use el custom loader // if (this.filter!=null) // metaLoader.setFilter(this.filter.clonar()); // // return metaLoader; } protected DropDownRow newRow(Object... params) { DropDownRowImpl row = new DropDownRowImpl(); row.setValue(params.length <= 0 ? null : params[0]); row.setLabel(params.length <= 1 ? null : params[1]); row.setInActive(params.length <= 2 ? null : params[2]); return row; } public MetaLoader addSeleccioneNRow() { return addRow(null, "Seleccione"); } /** @deprecated usar {@link #addSeleccioneNRow()} */ public MetaLoader addSeleccioneRow() { return addRow("", "Seleccione"); } public MetaLoader addTodosNRow() { return addRow(null, "(Todos)"); } /** @deprecated usar {@link #addTodosNRow()} */ public MetaLoader addTodosRow() { return addRow("", "(Todos)"); } public boolean isTopRowSet() { return this.topRow != null; } public Row getTopRow() { return this.topRow; } /** * Busca en la instancia Atributos del tipo {@link} */ static public List<MetaLoader> find(Object instance) { List<MetaLoader> list = new ArrayList<MetaLoader>(); Class cls = instance.getClass(); Field[] fields = cls.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { try { Object value = field.get(instance); if (value instanceof MetaLoader) list.add((MetaLoader) value); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw AWBusinessException.wrapUnhandledException(logger, e); } } return list; } public MetaLoader<Row> setCacheable(boolean cacheable) { this.cacheable = cacheable; return this; } public boolean isCacheable() { return cacheable; } public MetaLoader setFilter(Filter filter) { this.filter = filter; return this; } public Filter getFilter() { return filter; } public void cleanCacheIfApply(Object dataSourceReference) { if (dataLoader.isDataRelated(dataSourceReference)) { + " is related to " + dataLoader + " cleaning cache "); cleanCache(); } } public void cleanCache() { String cacheNameRoot = dataLoader.cacheName(true);"Cleaning cache rootName:" + cacheNameRoot + "...."); Cache.instance(CACHE_NAME).removeAll(cacheNameRoot); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public interface Filter<Row> extends ICloneable { public void setParams(Object... params); public List<Row> filter(List<Row> list); } public static class PropertyFilter<Row> implements Filter<Row>, Cloneable { public static enum PropertyNoExist { Enforce, Discard, Add } String propertyName; protected Object propertyValue; PropertyNoExist onNonExistentProperty = PropertyNoExist.Enforce; public PropertyFilter(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) { this.propertyName = propertyName; this.propertyValue = propertyValue; } public PropertyFilter<Row> setOnNonExistentProperty(PropertyNoExist onNonExistentProperty) { this.onNonExistentProperty = onNonExistentProperty; return this; } public void setParams(Object... params) { } public PropertyFilter<Row> clone() { try { return (PropertyFilter<Row>) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw AWBusinessException.wrapUnhandledException(logger, e); } } public List<Row> filter(List<Row> list) { List filtered = new MappableList(); BeanWrapper wrap = new BeanWrapperImpl(); for (Object bean : list) { wrap = new BeanWrapperImpl(bean); Boolean add = null; if (!wrap.isReadableProperty(propertyName)) { if (onNonExistentProperty == PropertyNoExist.Discard) add = Boolean.FALSE; else if (onNonExistentProperty == PropertyNoExist.Add) add = Boolean.TRUE; } if (add == null) { Object currPropertyValue = wrap.getPropertyValue(propertyName); add = (propertyValue == null && currPropertyValue == null) || (propertyValue != null && propertyValue.equals(currPropertyValue)); } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(add)) filtered.add(bean); } return filtered; } } }