Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008 Autentia Real Business Solutions S.L. * * This file is part of Autentia WUIJA. * * Autentia WUIJA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * Autentia WUIJA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Autentia WUIJA. If not, see <>. */ package com.autentia.wuija.widget; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import com.autentia.wuija.i18n.MessageSourceUtils; import com.autentia.wuija.widget.notification.ActionEvent; import com.autentia.wuija.widget.notification.ActionListener; import com.autentia.wuija.widget.notification.ValueChangeEvent; import com.autentia.wuija.widget.notification.ValueChangeListener; import com.autentia.wuija.widget.notification.WidgetListener; public class SelectMultipleLists<T> extends JsfWidget { private static final int DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE = 10; private static final int[] SELECTION_BUTTONS = { 2, 3 }; private static final int[] UNSELECTION_BUTTONS = { 0, 1 }; private static final String[] BUTTON_ACTIONS = new String[] { "removeAll", "removeSelected", "addSelected", "addAll" }; private static final String[] BUTTON_LABELS = new String[] { "btn.unselectAll", "btn.unselect", "", "btn.selectAll" }; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SelectMultipleLists.class); /** * Coleccin de widgets con las listas de elementos seleccionados */ private List<SelectManyListbox<T>> selectionLists; /** * Widget con la lista de elementos no seleccionados */ private SelectManyListbox<T> allowedValuesList; /** * Boton para pasar todos los elementos a la lista de elementos no seleccionados */ private List<Button[]> buttons; /** * Campo de los elementos que sera presentado en las listas */ private String field; /** Numero de opciones visibles en cada una de las listas de elementos seleccionados */ private int size = DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE; /** * * @param selectedValues coleccion de elementos que apareceran en la lista de la izquierda * @param allowedValues coleccion de elementos que apareceran en la lista de la derecha * @param field nombre del campo a mostrar en las listas para cada elemento (como un String). * Si es <code>null</code> se llamara al metodo <code>toString</code> * de los elementos * @param size numero de opciones visibles en cada una de las dos listas. Si no es mayor * que cero se tomara el numero de elementos total entre las dos listas */ public SelectMultipleLists(Collection<T> allowedValues, String field) { super(); final MessageSourceAccessor msa = MessageSourceUtils.getMessageSourceAccessor(); this.field = field; selectionLists = new ArrayList<SelectManyListbox<T>>(); buttons = new ArrayList<Button[]>(); allowedValuesList = new SelectManyListbox<T>(allowedValues, field, this.size); allowedValuesList.setTitle(msa.getMessage("selectManyLists.titleAllowed")); allowedValuesList.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { updateButtonsSelect(); } }); } public void addSelectionList(Collection<T> values, String title) { final SelectManyListbox<T> list = new SelectManyListbox<T>(values, field, this.size); list.setTitle(title); list.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { log.debug("La lista ha cambiado. OldValue = " + event.getOldValue() + ". NewValue = " + event.getNewValue()); updateButtonsUnSelect(); } }); selectionLists.add(list); allowedValuesList.setSize((size + 1) * selectionLists.size()); createButtons(); } public void restrictValues(Collection<T> values) { final Set<T> allowedValues = new HashSet<T>(values); for (SelectManyListbox<T> list : selectionLists) { allowedValues.removeAll(list.getItems()); list.retainAll(values); } getAllowedValuesList().clear(); addAllToAllowed(allowedValues); } private void createButtons() { final Button[] aButtons = new Button[BUTTON_ACTIONS.length]; final int position = buttons.size(); for (int i = 0; i < BUTTON_ACTIONS.length; i++) { final String action = BUTTON_ACTIONS[i]; Button button = new Button(BUTTON_LABELS[i], new ActionListener() { public void processAction(ActionEvent event) { executeButtonAction(action, position); } }); aButtons[i] = button; } buttons.add(aButtons); } private void updateButtonsSelect() { final boolean disabledSelect = allowedValuesList.getItems().size() == 0; for (Button[] aButtons : buttons) { for (int pos : SELECTION_BUTTONS) { aButtons[pos].setDisabled(disabledSelect); } } } private void updateButtonsUnSelect() { for (int i = 0; i < selectionLists.size(); i++) { final SelectManyListbox<T> list = selectionLists.get(i); final boolean disabledUnSelect = list.getItems().size() == 0; final Button[] aButtons = buttons.get(i); for (int pos : UNSELECTION_BUTTONS) { aButtons[pos].setDisabled(disabledUnSelect); } } } // XXX que es esto ?!?!?!?! private void executeButtonAction(String command, int position) { try { this.getClass().getMethod(command, Integer.class).invoke(this, position); } catch (Exception e) { final String msg = "Cannot invoke method " + command; log.error(msg, e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg, e); } FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().renderResponse(); } /** * Metodo de conveniencia que devuelve los elementos existentes en la lista de la izquierda (seleccionados) * * @return coleccion de elementos en la lista izquierda */ public Collection<T> getSelectedItems(int position) { return selectionLists.get(position).getItems(); } /** * Metodo de conveniencia que devuelve los elementos existentes en la lista de la derecha (disponibles) * * @return coleccion de elementos en la lista derecha */ public Collection<T> getAllowedItems() { return allowedValuesList.getItems(); } public void addListenerToList(int position, WidgetListener widgetListener) { selectionLists.get(position).addListener(widgetListener); } public void addAllToSelected(Collection<T> items, int position) { selectionLists.get(position).addAll(items); } public void addAllToAllowed(Collection<T> items) { allowedValuesList.addAll(items); } public void removeAllFromSelected(Collection<T> items, int position) { selectionLists.get(position).removeAll(items); } public void removeAllFromAllowed(Collection<T> items) { allowedValuesList.removeAll(items); } /** * Pasa todos los elementos seleccionados en la lista derecha (disponibles) a la lista * izquierda (seleccionados) */ public void addSelected(Integer position) { final Collection<T> items = getCollectionFromArray(allowedValuesList.getSelectedItems()); selectionLists.get(position).addAll(items); allowedValuesList.removeAll(items); fireEvent(new ValueChangeEvent(this, null, selectionLists.get(position))); } /** * Pasa todos los elementos seleccionados en la lista izquierda (seleccionados) a la lista * derecha (disponibles) */ public void removeSelected(Integer position) { final Collection<T> items = getCollectionFromArray(selectionLists.get(position).getSelectedItems()); selectionLists.get(position).removeAll(items); allowedValuesList.addAll(items); fireEvent(new ValueChangeEvent(this, null, selectionLists.get(position))); } /** * Pasa todos los elementos de la lista derecha (disponibles) a la lista izquierda (seleccionados) */ public void addAll(Integer position) { final Collection<T> items = allowedValuesList.getItems(); selectionLists.get(position).addAll(items); allowedValuesList.removeAll(items); fireEvent(new ValueChangeEvent(this, null, selectionLists.get(position))); } /** * Pasa todos los elementos de la lista izquierda (seleccionados) a la lista derecha (disponibles) */ public void removeAll(Integer position) { final Collection<T> items = selectionLists.get(position).getItems(); allowedValuesList.addAll(items); selectionLists.get(position).removeAll(items); fireEvent(new ValueChangeEvent(this, null, selectionLists.get(position))); } public String getTitleAllowed() { return allowedValuesList.getTitle(); } public void setTitleAllowed(String titleAllowed) { allowedValuesList.setTitle(titleAllowed); } private Collection<T> getCollectionFromArray(T[] array) { final Collection<T> items = new ArrayList<T>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { items.add(array[i]); } return items; } @Override public String getRendererPath() { return RENDERER_PATH + "selectMultipleLists.jspx"; } public SelectManyListbox<T> getAllowedValuesList() { return allowedValuesList; } public void setAllowedValuesList(SelectManyListbox<T> allowedValuesList) { this.allowedValuesList = allowedValuesList; } public String getField() { return field; } public void setField(String field) { this.field = field; this.allowedValuesList.setField(field); for (SelectManyListbox<T> list : selectionLists) { list.setField(field); } } public int getSize() { return size; } public void setSize(int size) { this.size = size; } public List<SelectManyListbox<T>> getSelectionLists() { return selectionLists; } public void setSelectionLists(List<SelectManyListbox<T>> selectionLists) { this.selectionLists = selectionLists; } public List<Button[]> getButtons() { return buttons; } public void setButtons(List<Button[]> buttons) { this.buttons = buttons; } public String getValuesListId() { return allowedValuesList.getId(); } }