Java tutorial
/** * TNTConcept Easy Enterprise Management by Autentia Real Bussiness Solution S.L. * Copyright (C) 2007 Autentia Real Bussiness Solution S.L. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.autentia.tnt.test.utils; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.naming.NamingException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.autentia.tnt.util.ConfigurationUtil; import com.autentia.tnt.util.SpringUtils; public class ConfigurationUtilForTesting extends ConfigurationUtil { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ConfigurationUtilForTesting.class); /** * Get default configuration bean defined in Spring. * * @return the default configuration bean */ public static ConfigurationUtilForTesting getDefault() { return (ConfigurationUtilForTesting) SpringUtils.getSpringBean("configuration"); } /** Configuration object */ private PropertiesConfiguration config = null; /** Configuration directory */ private String configDir = null; /** * Constructor * * @param jndiPathVar * JNDI variable in which configuration directory is stored * @param file * path to configuration file */ public ConfigurationUtilForTesting(String jndiPathVar, String file) throws ConfigurationException, NamingException { super(); configDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + jndiPathVar; if (!configDir.endsWith("/") && !configDir.endsWith("\\")) { configDir += "/"; } config = new PropertiesConfiguration(configDir + file); } /** * Get configuration directory (with ending "/") * * @return configuration directory (with ending "/") */ public String getConfigDir() { return configDir; } /** * Get id of public bulletin board category. * * @return id of public bulletin board category */ public int getIdPublicCategory() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("idPublicCategory", "1")); } /** * Get id of public bulletin board category. Get id of public bulletin board * category. * * @return id of public bulletin board category */ public int getIdOurCompany() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("idOurCompany", "1")); } /** * Get id of the main Category's Id for Quality Documents. * * @return id of quality document's category */ public int getQualityDocumentCategoryId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("qualityDocumentCategoryId", "1")); } /** * Get id of the Category's Id for User Documents. * * @return id of User Documents Category. */ public int getUserDocumentCategoryId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("userDocumentCategoryId", "4")); } /** * Get uploaded files path (always with a trailing /). * * @return uploaded files root path */ public String getUploadPath() { String ret = getProperty("pathFicheros", "/var/lib/tntconcept/upload"); if (!ret.endsWith("\\") || !ret.endsWith("/")) { ret += File.separator; } return ret; } /** * Get personal reports path (always with a trailing /). * * @return personal reports path */ public String getReportPath() { return getProperty("pathReports", "/var/lib/tntconcept/reports"); } /** * Get number of children objectives that will be created when a previous * objective expires. * * @return number of children objectives */ public int getChildObjectivesCount() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("childObjectivesCount", "3")); } /** * Get minimum number of children objectives that can be created when a * previous objective expires. * * @return number of children objectives */ public int getMinChildObjectivesCount() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("minChildObjectivesCount", "2")); } /** * Get maximum number of children objectives that can be created when a * previous objective expires. * * @return number of children objectives */ public int getMaxChildObjectivesCount() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("maxChildObjectivesCount", "5")); } /** * Get the number of days in milliseconds before a category is considered as * updated * * @return number of days in milliseconds */ public long getUpdatedCategoryDaysInMillis() { return (long) Long.parseLong(getProperty("updatedCategoryDays", "5")) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } public int getCostId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("costId", "2")); } public int getIncomeId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("incomeId", "1")); } public int getInitialEntryId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("initialEntryId", "4")); } public int getRoleAdminId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("roleAdminId", "1")); } public int getRoleSupervisorId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("roleSupervisorId", "2")); } public int getRoleUserId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("roleUserId", "3")); } public int getRoleStaffId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("roleStaffId", "4")); } public int getRoleClientId() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("roleClientId", "5")); } public float getIvaUntilJuly2010() { return Float.parseFloat(getProperty("ivaUntilJuly2010", "16")); } public float getIvaUntilSeptember2012() { return Float.parseFloat(getProperty("ivaUntilSeptember2012", "18")); } public float getActualIva() { return Float.parseFloat(getProperty("iva", "21")); } public String getAdminUser() { return getProperty("UserAdmin", "admin"); } public String getIdentityCardValidator() { return getProperty("identityCardValidator", "com.autentia.tnt.validator.NifValidator"); } public String getMoneyValidator() { return getProperty("moneyValidator", "com.autentia.tnt.validator.EuroValidator"); } public String getAccountEntryValidator() { return getProperty("accountEntryValidator", "com.autentia.tnt.validator.AccountEntryValidator"); } public String getPeriodicalAccountEntryValidator() { return getProperty("periodicalAccountEntryValidator", "com.autentia.tnt.validator.PeriodicalAccountEntryValidator"); } public String getDateValidator() { return getProperty("dateValidator", "com.autentia.tnt.validator.DateValidator"); } public int getAccountEntryMaximumYears() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("accountEntryMaximumYears", "4")); } public String getReportCSVDelimiter() { return getProperty("reportCSVDelimiter", ";"); } public int getLoadingReportOnLoad() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("loadingReportOnLoad", "1")); } public int getOrganizationTypeProvider() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("organizationTypeProvider", "2")); } public int getOrganizationTypeProviderAndClient() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("organizationTypeProviderAndClient", "3")); } public boolean getShowLogs() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("showLogs", "false")); } public boolean getPayBillsWhenCreditTitleIsPaid() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("payBillsWhenCreditTitleIsPaid", "true")); } /** * Get a configuration property by name. * * @param propertyName * property name * @return a named property */ private String getProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue) { String ret = config.getString(propertyName); if (ret == null) ret = defaultValue; return ret; } /** * * return the name of the logo file for reports. (just the name) */ public String getLogoName() { return getProperty("reportLogoName", "logo.bmp"); } /** * Return the path of the logo (including name) * * @return */ public String getLogoPath() { return getConfigDir() + getLogoName(); } public InputStream getLogoAsStream() { File f = new File(getLogoPath()); try { return new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("Error reading logo file", e); return null; } } /** * Return a boolean value representing the value of isUsingExternalCss. * * @return */ public boolean isUsingExternalCss() { String valor = getProperty("isUsingExternalCss", "false"); return Boolean.getBoolean(valor); } /** * Return the name of the folder of docroot (external files) * * @return */ public String getDocumentoRootFolder() { return getProperty("documentRoot", "docroot"); } /** * Return the name of the mail server. For instance, '' * * @return */ public String getMailHost() { return getProperty("", ""); } /** * Return the port number of the smtp server (by default, 25) * * @return */ public String getMailPort() { return getProperty("mail.port", "25"); } /** * Return the username of an smtp user * * @return */ public String getMailUsername() { return getProperty("mail.username", ""); } /** * Return the username of an smtp user * * @return */ public String getMailPassword() { return getProperty("mail.password", "admin@mycompany.com_password"); } /** * Return if the smtp server requiures authorization * * @return */ public String getMailRequiresAuth() { return getProperty("mail.requiresAuth", "true"); } /** * Return the absolute path of the folder docroot (external files) with * ending / * * @return */ public String getDocumentRootPath() { String path = getDefault().getConfigDir(); if (!path.endsWith("\\") || !path.endsWith("/")) { path += File.separator; } path += getDefault().getDocumentoRootFolder(); if (!path.endsWith("\\") || !path.endsWith("/")) { path += File.separator; } return path; } public String getSecurityMatrix() { return getProperty("securityMatrix", "securityConfiguration.xml"); } public boolean isForceCompileReports() { return "1".equals(getProperty("forceCompileReports", "0").trim()) ? true : false; } public String getCommissioningMailSubject() { return getProperty("mail.commissioning.mailSubject", "Ficha de Proyecto del OSE"); } public String getCommissioningMailBody() { return getProperty("mail.commissioning.mailBody", "Se envia adjunta la ficha de proyecto.\n\nUn saludo"); } public int getDaysToExpirePassword() { try { int daysToExpirePassword = Integer.parseInt(this.getProperty("daysToExpirePassword", "365")); if (daysToExpirePassword <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return daysToExpirePassword; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("daysToExpirePassword must be a positive number, setting default interval."); return 365; // Por defecto cada 90 dias } } }