Java tutorial
/* 2012 - 2017 - Whitehole Team Whitehole is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Whitehole is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Whitehole. If not, see */ package com.aurum.whitehole; import*; import java.util.*; import org.jdom2.*; import org.jdom2.input.*; public class ObjectDB { public static void init() { fallback = true; timestamp = 0; categories = new LinkedHashMap(); objects = new LinkedHashMap(); File odbfile = new File("objectdb.xml"); if (!(odbfile.exists() && odbfile.isFile())) return; try { Element root = new SAXBuilder().build(odbfile).getRootElement(); timestamp = root.getAttribute("timestamp").getLongValue(); List<Element> catelems = root.getChild("categories").getChildren("category"); for (Element catelem : catelems) categories.put(catelem.getAttribute("id").getIntValue(), catelem.getText()); List<Element> objelems = root.getChildren("object"); for (Element objelem : objelems) { Object entry = new Object(); entry.ID = objelem.getAttributeValue("id"); = objelem.getChildText("name"); entry.category = objelem.getChild("category").getAttribute("id").getIntValue(); entry.type = objelem.getChild("preferredfile").getAttributeValue("name"); entry.notes = objelem.getChildText("notes"); Element flags = objelem.getChild("flags"); = flags.getAttribute("games").getIntValue(); entry.known = flags.getAttribute("known").getIntValue(); entry.complete = flags.getAttribute("complete").getIntValue(); if (entry.notes.isEmpty() || entry.notes.equals("")) entry.notes = "(No description found for this objects.)"; if (entry.type.isEmpty() || entry.notes.equals("")) entry.type = "Unknown"; entry.files = new ArrayList(); String files = objelem.getChildText("files"); for (String file : files.split("\n")) { entry.files.add(file); } List<Element> fields = objelem.getChildren("field"); entry.fields = new HashMap(fields.size()); if (!fields.isEmpty()) { for (Element field : fields) { Object.Field fielddata = new Object.Field(); fielddata.ID = field.getAttribute("id").getIntValue(); fielddata.type = field.getAttributeValue("type"); = field.getAttributeValue("name"); fielddata.values = field.getAttributeValue("values"); fielddata.notes = field.getAttributeValue("notes"); entry.fields.put(fielddata.ID, fielddata); } } objects.put(entry.ID, entry); } } catch (IOException | JDOMException ex) { timestamp = 0; return; } fallback = false; } public static class Object { public static class Field { public int ID; public String type; public String name; public String values; public String notes; @Override public String toString() { return name.isEmpty() ? "Obj_arg" + ID : name; } public String toFullString() { String ret = "Obj_arg" + ID + " (" + type + "): " + name; if (!values.isEmpty()) ret += ", " + values; if (!notes.isEmpty()) ret += ", " + notes; return ret; } } public String ID; public String name; public int category; public int games; public int known; public int complete; public String type = ""; public String notes = ""; public List<String> files; public HashMap<Integer, Field> fields; public Object() { files = new ArrayList(); fields = new LinkedHashMap(); } @Override public String toString() { return name + " (" + ID + ")"; } public String getGame() { String ret = ""; if ((games & 1) != 0) { ret += "SMG1"; } if ((games & 2) != 0) { if (!ret.isEmpty()) ret += ", "; ret += "SMG2"; } if ((games & 4) != 0) { if (!ret.isEmpty()) ret += ", "; ret += "NMG"; } return ret; } public String getStatus() { int stat = known + complete; switch (stat) { default: return "(Unknown)"; case 0: return "(This object's purpose is not known yet!)"; case 1: return "(This object is not fully known!)"; case 2: return "(This object has been fully documented!)"; } } public String getFieldString(int id) { Field field = fields.get(id); return field == null ? "Obj_arg" + id :; } public String getFieldsAsString() { if (fields.isEmpty()) { return "(None)\n"; } else { String ret = ""; for (Field field : fields.values()) { ret += field.toFullString() + "\n"; } return ret; } } public String getFilesAsString() { if (files.isEmpty()) { return "(None)\n"; } else { String ret = ""; for (String file : files) { ret += file + "\n"; } return ret; } } } public static boolean fallback; public static long timestamp; public static LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> categories; public static LinkedHashMap<String, Object> objects; }