Java tutorial
/** * Genji Scrum Tool and Issue Tracker * Copyright (C) 2015 Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG Task Management Solutions * <a href="">Genji Scrum Tool</a> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* $Id:$ */ package; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.document.DateTools; import org.apache.lucene.document.DateTools.Resolution; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.MultiFieldQueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.aurel.track.admin.customize.lists.systemOption.IssueTypeBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.customize.treeConfig.field.FieldBL; import com.aurel.track.beans.TFieldBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TFieldConfigBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TListTypeBean; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.constants.BooleanFields; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.constants.SystemFields; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.constants.ValueType; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.runtime.base.CustomCompositeBaseRT; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.runtime.base.IFieldTypeRT; import; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.runtime.callbackInterfaces.IExternalLookupLucene; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.types.FieldType; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.types.FieldTypeManager; import com.aurel.track.lucene.LuceneUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.aurel.track.prop.ApplicationBean; import com.aurel.track.resources.LocalizeUtil; import com.aurel.track.util.DateTimeUtils; import com.aurel.track.util.EqualUtils; import com.aurel.track.util.GeneralUtils; import com.aurel.track.util.IntegerStringBean; /** * Utility methods for lucene searching * @author Tamas Ruff * */ public class LuceneSearcher { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(LuceneSearcher.class); /** * The maximum number of boolean clauses. Interesting mainly for lookup results combined with OR-s */ public static int MAX_BOOLEAN_CLAUSES = 1024; /** * the string which separates the field name from the field value */ public static String FIELD_NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR = ":"; public static int MAXIMAL_HITS = 1000; /** * Find the workItemIDs for a user entered query string * The userQueryString may or may not have explicit fields specified * The further processing depends very much on whether there is explicit field specified or not * @param userQueryString * @param external whether track+ item search or wiki search * @param locale * @param highlightedTextMap * @return */ public static int[] searchWorkItems(String userQueryString, boolean external, Locale locale, Map<Integer, String> highlightedTextMap) throws ParseException, BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses { Analyzer analyzer = LuceneUtil.getAnalyzer(); if (userQueryString == null) {"Query string is null"); return null; } else { LOGGER.debug("Query string is " + userQueryString); } List<TListTypeBean> documentTypesList = IssueTypeBL.loadAllDocumentTypes(); Set<Integer> documentTypeIDs = GeneralUtils.createIntegerSetFromBeanList(documentTypesList); String preprocessedQueryString = userQueryString; Query query = null; Query projectSpecificIDQuery = null; Map<String, Integer> compositeFieldIDByFieldName = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, String> fieldLabelToFieldNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String> fieldNames = getAllFieldNames(compositeFieldIDByFieldName, fieldLabelToFieldNameMap, locale); userQueryString = replaceFieldLabelsWithFieldNames(userQueryString, fieldLabelToFieldNameMap); if (fieldSpecified(userQueryString, fieldNames, compositeFieldIDByFieldName)) { //initialize the query with the SYNOPSIS as default field //queryParser = new QueryParser(LuceneUtil.getFieldName(SystemFields.SYNOPSYS), analyzer); //preprocess the query: // 1. by replacing the not localized lookup texts with the corresponding values: ex. Project:TryItOut -> Project:1 // 2. by replacing the localized lookup texts with the corresponding values: ex. Status:geschlossen -> Status:10 // 3. preprocess the localized date in lucene format. ex. EndDate:24.12.07 -> EndDate:20071224 // 4. preprocess the localized boolean value // 5. preprocess composite fields pc:p1#c11 -> pc#1:12 AND pc#2:21 // 6. replace the text found in an attachment with the ID(s) of the workItems the attachment belongs to preprocessedQueryString = preprocess(analyzer, userQueryString, locale); //set all direct text fields as default fields /*List<IntegerStringBean> directTextFieldNames = LuceneUtil.getFieldNamesForPreprocessType(LuceneUtil.PREPROCESSTYPES.DIRECT); String[] fieldNamesArr = new String[directTextFieldNames.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < directTextFieldNames.size(); i++) { fieldNamesArr[i] = directTextFieldNames.get(i).getLabel(); } BooleanClause.Occur[] orFlags = getOrFlagsArray(directTextFieldNames.size()); try { //initialize the query with all direct fields as default field query = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(LuceneUtil.VERSION, preprocessedQueryString, fieldNamesArr, orFlags, analyzer); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.error("Parsing without explicit field for workItem fields (MultiFieldQueryParser) failed with " + e.getMessage()); throw e; }*/ QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser(LuceneUtil.getFieldName(SystemFields.ISSUENO), analyzer); try { query = queryParser.parse(preprocessedQueryString); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.warn("Parsing explicit field for " + preprocessedQueryString + " field failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } if (query != null && LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("The preprocessed query: " + query.toString()); } Query itemTypeQuery = getItemTypeQuery(documentTypeIDs, analyzer); if (itemTypeQuery != null) { LOGGER.debug("The item type query: " + itemTypeQuery.toString()); BooleanClause.Occur occur = null; if (external) { occur = BooleanClause.Occur.MUST; } else { occur = BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT; } BooleanQuery finalQuery = new BooleanQuery(); finalQuery.add(query, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); finalQuery.add(itemTypeQuery, occur); query = finalQuery; } } else { if (isPossibleProjectSpecificID(userQueryString)) { TFieldBean fieldBean = FieldTypeManager.getInstance() .getFieldBean(SystemFields.INTEGER_PROJECT_SPECIFIC_ISSUENO); if (fieldBean != null) { String termField = fieldBean.getName(); Term term = new Term(termField, userQueryString); projectSpecificIDQuery = new TermQuery(term); int[] projSpecificIDResult = getQueryResults(projectSpecificIDQuery, userQueryString, preprocessedQueryString, highlightedTextMap); if (projSpecificIDResult != null && projSpecificIDResult.length > 0) { //return only if projectSpecific item numbers are found return projSpecificIDResult; } } } query = preprocessNoExplicitField(analyzer, userQueryString, documentTypeIDs, external, locale); preprocessedQueryString = query.toString(); } return getQueryResults(query, userQueryString, preprocessedQueryString, highlightedTextMap); } private static int[] getQueryResults(Query query, String userQueryString, String preprocessedQueryString, Map<Integer, String> highlightedTextMap) { int[] hitIDs = new int[0]; IndexSearcher indexSearcher = null; try { long start = 0; if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { start = new Date().getTime(); } indexSearcher = getIndexSearcher(LuceneUtil.INDEXES.WORKITEM_INDEX); if (indexSearcher == null) { return hitIDs; } ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs; try { TopDocsCollector<ScoreDoc> collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(MAXIMAL_HITS);, collector); scoreDocs = collector.topDocs().scoreDocs; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Getting the workitem search results failed with failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return hitIDs; } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { long end = new Date().getTime(); LOGGER.debug("Found " + scoreDocs.length + " document(s) (in " + (end - start) + " milliseconds) that matched the user query '" + userQueryString + "' the preprocessed query '" + preprocessedQueryString + "' and the query.toString() '" + query.toString() + "'"); } QueryScorer queryScorer = new QueryScorer(query/*, LuceneUtil.HIGHLIGHTER_FIELD*/); Fragmenter fragmenter = new SimpleSpanFragmenter(queryScorer); Highlighter highlighter = new Highlighter(queryScorer); // Set the best scorer fragments highlighter.setTextFragmenter(fragmenter); // Set fragment to highlight hitIDs = new int[scoreDocs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scoreDocs.length; i++) { int docID = scoreDocs[i].doc; Document doc = null; try { doc = indexSearcher.doc(docID); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Getting the workitem documents failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } if (doc != null) { Integer itemID = Integer.valueOf(doc.get(LuceneUtil.getFieldName(SystemFields.ISSUENO))); if (itemID != null) { hitIDs[i] = itemID.intValue(); if (highlightedTextMap != null) { String highligherFieldValue = doc.get(LuceneUtil.HIGHLIGHTER_FIELD); TokenStream tokenStream = null; try { tokenStream = TokenSources.getTokenStream(LuceneUtil.HIGHLIGHTER_FIELD, null, highligherFieldValue, LuceneUtil.getAnalyzer(), -1); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.debug(ex.getMessage()); } if (tokenStream != null) { String fragment = highlighter.getBestFragment(tokenStream, highligherFieldValue); if (fragment != null) { highlightedTextMap.put(itemID, fragment); } } } } } } return hitIDs; } catch (BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses e) { LOGGER.error("Searching the query resulted in too many clauses. Try to narrow the query results. " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Searching the workitems failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return hitIDs; } finally { closeIndexSearcherAndUnderlyingIndexReader(indexSearcher, "workItem"); } } /** * Handling of a specific case: possible project specific itemID containing lucene escaping characters * Precoditions: * 1. should be a single term (no whitespaces inside) * 2. should contain lucene escaping characters (+ - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ but here we test only - or +). * If the search term does not contain a lucene escaping character then the "default" lucene search suffice * @param queryString the user entered query string * @return */ private static boolean isPossibleProjectSpecificID(String queryString) { if (ApplicationBean.getInstance().getSiteBean().getProjectSpecificIDsOn()) { String trimmedQueryString = queryString.trim(); boolean containsSpecialChar = false; //special lucene characters: escaping them in term with \ does not work in query parser because it replaces them with space: exp-11 -> exp 11 -> i.e. exp OR 11 //we test here only some if the probable escaping characters in a project prefix char[] mightContainChars = new char[] { '+', '-', ':' }; //char[] notContainChars = new char[] {':'}; for (char c : trimmedQueryString.toCharArray()) { if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { //more than one token: not a term but a possible complex query string return false; } if (!containsSpecialChar) { for (char ch : mightContainChars) { if (c == ch) { containsSpecialChar = true; } } } } if (containsSpecialChar) { //.+ there is at least one character before the digit //? will ensure it does a lazy match instead of a greedy match boolean match = trimmedQueryString.matches("^.+?\\d$"); LOGGER.debug("Match " + match + " possible project specific itemID " + queryString); return match; } } return false; } /** * Gets the associated field indexers * @return */ public static List<ILookupFieldSearcher> getLookupFieldSearchers() { List<ILookupFieldSearcher> lookupFieldSearchers = new LinkedList<ILookupFieldSearcher>(); lookupFieldSearchers.add(NotLocalizedListSearcher.getInstance()); lookupFieldSearchers.add(LocalizedListSearcher.getInstance()); lookupFieldSearchers.add(LocalizedListCompositePartSearcher.getInstance()); lookupFieldSearchers.add(ExternalListSearcher.getInstance()); lookupFieldSearchers.add(AttachmentSearcher.getInstance()); lookupFieldSearchers.add(LinkSearcher.getInstance()); lookupFieldSearchers.add(ExpenseSearcher.getInstance()); lookupFieldSearchers.add(BudgetPlanSearcher.getInstance()); return lookupFieldSearchers; } /** * * @param userQueryString * @param fieldLabelToFieldNameMap * @return */ private static String replaceFieldLabelsWithFieldNames(String userQueryString, Map<String, String> fieldLabelToFieldNameMap) { LOGGER.debug("Before replacing the field labels to field names: " + userQueryString); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : fieldLabelToFieldNameMap.entrySet()) { userQueryString = replaceFieldLabelWithFieldName(userQueryString, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), 0); } LOGGER.debug("After replacing the field labels to field names: " + userQueryString); return userQueryString; } /** * Replaces the label for a field with the objectID value * @param analyzer * @param userQueryString a part of the user entered query string * @param fieldLabel the workItem field name (like CRM Contact) * @param fieldName the name of the user entered lucene field (like Company from CRM Contact) * @param indexStart the index to start looking for fieldName * @return */ private static String replaceFieldLabelWithFieldName(String userQueryString, String fieldLabel, String fieldName, int indexStart) { int indexFound = LuceneSearcher.fieldNameIndex(userQueryString, fieldLabel, indexStart); if (indexFound == -1) { return userQueryString; } StringBuffer original = new StringBuffer(userQueryString); original.replace(indexFound, indexFound + fieldLabel.length(), fieldName); LOGGER.debug("Replace field label '" + fieldLabel + "' with field name '" + fieldName + "'"); return replaceFieldLabelWithFieldName(original.toString(), fieldLabel, fieldName, indexFound + fieldName.length()); } /** * Whether the user entered query string contains at least one explicit fieldName * @param userQueryString * @return */ private static boolean fieldSpecified(String userQueryString, List<String> fieldNames, Map<String, Integer> compositeFieldIDByFieldName) { if (userQueryString == null) { return false; } fieldNames.add(LuceneUtil.ATTACHMENT); fieldNames.add(LuceneUtil.EXPENSE); fieldNames.add(LuceneUtil.BUDGET_PLAN); fieldNames.add(LuceneUtil.LINK); for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { int indexFound = userQueryString.indexOf(fieldName + FIELD_NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR); if (indexFound != -1) { return true; } } //search for composite parts for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { Integer compositeFieldID = compositeFieldIDByFieldName.get(fieldName); if (compositeFieldID != null) { CustomCompositeBaseRT customCompositeBaseRT = (CustomCompositeBaseRT) FieldTypeManager .getFieldTypeRT(compositeFieldID); if (customCompositeBaseRT != null) { int numberOfParts = customCompositeBaseRT.getNumberOfParts(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParts; i++) { int indexFound = userQueryString.indexOf( LuceneUtil.synthetizeCompositePartFieldName(fieldName, Integer.valueOf(i + 1)) + FIELD_NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR); if (indexFound != -1) { return true; } } } } } int indexFound = userQueryString.indexOf(FIELD_NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR); if (indexFound != -1) { String beforeStringValueSeparator = userQueryString.substring(0, indexFound); String[] parts = beforeStringValueSeparator.split("\\s+"); if (parts != null && parts.length > 0) { String lastWord = parts[parts.length - 1]; if (lastWord != null) { //the last word before ':' is not a valid field name"The string " + lastWord + " is not a valid field name"); } } } return false; } /** * Get the list of all field names and the localized labels to look whether there is * explicit fieldName specified in the user entered search string * @return */ private static List<String> getAllFieldNames(Map<String, Integer> compositeFieldIDByFieldName, Map<String, String> fieldLabelToFieldNameMap, Locale locale) { List<String> fieldNames = new LinkedList<String>(); Map<Integer, TFieldBean> fieldBeanCache = FieldTypeManager.getInstance().getFieldBeanCache(); Map<Integer, TFieldConfigBean> fieldConfigsMap = FieldRuntimeBL.getLocalizedDefaultFieldConfigsMap(locale); Collection<TFieldBean> fieldBeans = fieldBeanCache.values(); for (TFieldBean fieldBean : fieldBeans) { Integer fieldID = fieldBean.getObjectID(); TFieldConfigBean fieldConfigBean = fieldConfigsMap.get(fieldID); IFieldTypeRT fieldTypeRT = FieldTypeManager.getFieldTypeRT(fieldID); if (fieldTypeRT != null && fieldTypeRT.getValueType() == ValueType.EXTERNALID) { if (fieldTypeRT != null && fieldTypeRT.getValueType() == ValueType.EXTERNALID) { try { IExternalLookupLucene externalLookupLucene = (IExternalLookupLucene) fieldTypeRT; String[] searchableFieldNames = externalLookupLucene.getSearchableFieldNames(); if (searchableFieldNames != null) { for (String searchableFieldName : searchableFieldNames) { fieldNames.add(LuceneUtil.normalizeFieldName(searchableFieldName)); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Getting the field names for external lookup " + fieldID + " failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } } else { String fieldName = LuceneUtil.normalizeFieldName(fieldBean.getName()); if (fieldTypeRT != null && fieldTypeRT.isComposite() && compositeFieldIDByFieldName != null) { compositeFieldIDByFieldName.put(fieldName, fieldID); } fieldNames.add(fieldName); if (fieldConfigBean != null) { String fieldLabel = fieldConfigBean.getLabel(); boolean isProjectSpecificIssueNo = fieldID.equals(SystemFields.INTEGER_ISSUENO) && ApplicationBean.getInstance().getSiteBean().getProjectSpecificIDsOn(); if (EqualUtils.notEqual(fieldName, fieldLabel) || isProjectSpecificIssueNo) { if (isProjectSpecificIssueNo) { //replace localized "Issue No." label with projectSpecificIssueNo name TFieldBean issueNofieldBean = fieldBeanCache .get(SystemFields.INTEGER_PROJECT_SPECIFIC_ISSUENO); if (issueNofieldBean != null) { fieldName = issueNofieldBean.getName(); } } fieldLabelToFieldNameMap.put(fieldLabel, fieldName); } } } } return fieldNames; } /** * Preprocess the user entered query string: * - the (localized and not localized) lookup field labels are replaced with their keys from database * - the date fields are transformed to their string representation * @param analyzer * @param userQueryString the user entered query string * @param locale * @return */ private static String preprocess(Analyzer analyzer, String userQueryString, Locale locale) { String processedString = userQueryString; List<ILookupFieldSearcher> lookupFieldSearchers = getLookupFieldSearchers(); LOGGER.debug("User query string: " + processedString); for (ILookupFieldSearcher lookupFieldSearcher : lookupFieldSearchers) { String processedStringNew = lookupFieldSearcher.preprocessExplicitField(analyzer, processedString, locale, 0); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!processedString.equals(processedStringNew)) { LOGGER.debug("Transformed to: " + processedStringNew); } } processedString = processedStringNew; } List<IntegerStringBean> dateFields = getFieldNamesForPreprocessType(LuceneUtil.PREPROCESSTYPES.DATE); if (dateFields != null) { for (IntegerStringBean dateField : dateFields) { processedString = preprocessDate(processedString, dateField.getLabel(), 0, locale); } } List<IntegerStringBean> booleanFields = getFieldNamesForPreprocessType( LuceneUtil.PREPROCESSTYPES.BOOLEAN_LOOKUP); if (booleanFields != null) { for (IntegerStringBean booleanField : booleanFields) { processedString = preprocessBoolean(processedString, booleanField.getLabel(), 0, locale); } } List<IntegerStringBean> compositeFields = getFieldNamesForPreprocessType( LuceneUtil.PREPROCESSTYPES.COMPOSITE_LOOKUP); if (compositeFields != null) { for (IntegerStringBean compositeField : compositeFields) { processedString = preprocessComposite(analyzer, processedString, compositeField.getLabel(), compositeField.getValue(), 0, locale); } } return processedString; } /** * Preprocess a date field. * It could be a normal date or a date range * In both cases the user entered date will be parsed to a date and then * converted with DateTools.dateToString(date, Resolution.DAY); * @param toBeProcessedString a part of the user entered query string * @param fieldName the name of the user entered field * @param indexStart the index to start looking for fieldName * @param locale * @return */ private static String preprocessDate(String toBeProcessedString, String fieldName, int indexStart, Locale locale) { int indexFound = fieldNameIndex(toBeProcessedString, fieldName, indexStart); if (indexFound == -1) { return toBeProcessedString; } int beginReplaceIndex = indexFound + fieldName.length() + 1; //gets the user entered value of the field //this could be a normal date or a date range String originalFieldValue = getFieldValue(toBeProcessedString.substring(beginReplaceIndex)); if (originalFieldValue == null || "".equals(originalFieldValue)) { return toBeProcessedString; } String processedFieldValue; if ((originalFieldValue.startsWith("[") || originalFieldValue.startsWith("{")) && (originalFieldValue.endsWith("]") || originalFieldValue.endsWith("}"))) { String rangeBegin = originalFieldValue.substring(0, 1); String rangeEnd = originalFieldValue.substring(originalFieldValue.length() - 1); String strippedFieldValue = originalFieldValue.substring(1, originalFieldValue.length() - 1); //if date range query we need two dates String[] dates; String date1 = null; String date2 = null; String splitString = " TO "; dates = strippedFieldValue.split(splitString); int i; String tmp; for (i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) { tmp = transformDateFields(dates[i], locale); //parses to a date? if (!dates[i].equals(tmp)) { date1 = tmp; break; } } for (int j = i + 1; j < dates.length; j++) { tmp = transformDateFields(dates[j], locale); //parses to a date? if (!dates[j].equals(tmp)) { date2 = tmp; break; } } if (date1 != null && date2 != null) { processedFieldValue = rangeBegin + date1 + splitString + date2 + rangeEnd; } else { processedFieldValue = originalFieldValue; } } else { processedFieldValue = transformDateFields(originalFieldValue, locale); } if (processedFieldValue == null || "".equals(processedFieldValue)) { return toBeProcessedString; } StringBuffer original = new StringBuffer(toBeProcessedString); original.replace(beginReplaceIndex, beginReplaceIndex + originalFieldValue.length(), processedFieldValue); return preprocessDate(original.toString(), fieldName, beginReplaceIndex + processedFieldValue.length(), locale); } /** * Preprocess a boolean field. * Looks up the matchings by the localized name of the boolean value * * @param toBeProcessedString a part of the user entered query string * @param fieldName the name of the user entered field * @param indexStart the index to start looking for fieldName * @param locale * @return */ private static String preprocessBoolean(String toBeProcessedString, String fieldName, int indexStart, Locale locale) { int indexFound = fieldNameIndex(toBeProcessedString, fieldName, indexStart); if (indexFound == -1) { return toBeProcessedString; } int beginReplaceIndex = indexFound + fieldName.length() + 1; //gets the user entered value of the field //this could be a normal date or a date range String originalFieldValue = getFieldValue(toBeProcessedString.substring(beginReplaceIndex)); if (originalFieldValue == null || "".equals(originalFieldValue)) { return toBeProcessedString; } String processedFieldValue = transformBooleanFields(originalFieldValue, locale); if (processedFieldValue == null || "".equals(processedFieldValue)) { return toBeProcessedString; } StringBuffer original = new StringBuffer(toBeProcessedString); original.replace(beginReplaceIndex, beginReplaceIndex + originalFieldValue.length(), processedFieldValue); return preprocessBoolean(original.toString(), fieldName, beginReplaceIndex + processedFieldValue.length(), locale); } /** * Preprocess a composite field. * The composite string is separated into parts by the # character * @param analyzer * @param toBeProcessedString a part of the user entered query string * @param fieldName the name of the user entered field * @param indexStart the index to start looking for fieldName * @param locale * @return */ private static String preprocessComposite(Analyzer analyzer, String toBeProcessedString, String fieldName, Integer fieldID, int indexStart, Locale locale) { int indexFound = fieldNameIndex(toBeProcessedString, fieldName, indexStart); if (indexFound == -1) { return toBeProcessedString; } int beginReplaceIndex = indexFound + fieldName.length() + 1; //gets the user entered value of the field String originalFieldValue = getFieldValue(toBeProcessedString.substring(beginReplaceIndex)); if (originalFieldValue == null || "".equals(originalFieldValue)) { return toBeProcessedString; } String processedFieldValue; //get rid of parenthesis and quotation marks from both ends of the entire originalFieldValue (if it is the case) //because otherwise they would be interpreted as part of the searched strings //TODO what if by pc:(p1#c11) somebody want to find the string "(p1" for the first part and "c11)" for the second part? //then delete the following two if-s and make sure that if such case happens than the parentheses are part of the searched string String strippedFieldValue = originalFieldValue; if (originalFieldValue.startsWith("(") && originalFieldValue.endsWith(")")) { strippedFieldValue = originalFieldValue.substring(1, originalFieldValue.length() - 1); } if (originalFieldValue.startsWith("\"") && originalFieldValue.endsWith("\"")) { strippedFieldValue = originalFieldValue.substring(1, originalFieldValue.length() - 1); } processedFieldValue = transformCompositeFields(analyzer, fieldName, fieldID, strippedFieldValue, locale); if (processedFieldValue == null || "".equals(processedFieldValue)) { return toBeProcessedString; } StringBuffer original = new StringBuffer(toBeProcessedString); original.replace(beginReplaceIndex - fieldName.length() - 1, beginReplaceIndex + originalFieldValue.length(), processedFieldValue); return preprocessComposite(analyzer, original.toString(), fieldName, fieldID, beginReplaceIndex + processedFieldValue.length(), locale); } /** * Transforms the user entered date string to lucene date string format * by trying to reconstruct the Date object either by local or by ISO (yyy-MM-dd) * DateTools calculates in GMT (comparing to the server TimeZone), so it should be adjusted * @param originalFieldValue * @param locale * @return */ private static String transformDateFields(String originalFieldValue, Locale locale) { String dateString = originalFieldValue; Date date; //DateTimeUtils dtu = new DateTimeUtils(locale); date = DateTimeUtils.getInstance().parseGUIDate(originalFieldValue, locale); if (date == null) { date = DateTimeUtils.getInstance().parseShortDate(originalFieldValue, locale); } //set the date according to offset from the GMT //see;#39303 Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); int minutesOffset = (cal.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000); if (date != null) { cal.setTime(date); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, minutesOffset); return DateTools.dateToString(cal.getTime(), Resolution.DAY); } date = DateTimeUtils.getInstance().parseISODate(originalFieldValue); if (date != null) { cal.setTime(date); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, minutesOffset); return DateTools.dateToString(cal.getTime(), Resolution.DAY); } return dateString; } /** * Transforms the user entered localized booelan string to a BooleanFields value ("Y" or "N") * @param originalFieldValue * @param locale * @return */ private static String transformBooleanFields(String originalFieldValue, Locale locale) { if (originalFieldValue == null) { return originalFieldValue; } String stringYes = LocalizeUtil .getLocalizedTextFromApplicationResources("common.boolean." + BooleanFields.TRUE_VALUE, locale); String stringNo = LocalizeUtil .getLocalizedTextFromApplicationResources("common.boolean." + BooleanFields.FALSE_VALUE, locale); if (originalFieldValue.equalsIgnoreCase(stringYes) || BooleanFields.TRUE_VALUE.equals(originalFieldValue) || Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals(originalFieldValue)) { return LuceneUtil.BOOLEAN_YES; } if (originalFieldValue.equalsIgnoreCase(stringNo) || BooleanFields.FALSE_VALUE.equals(originalFieldValue) || Boolean.FALSE.toString().equals(originalFieldValue)) { return LuceneUtil.BOOLEAN_NO; } return originalFieldValue; } /** * Transform the composite field value into an AND sequence of their part values. * When a part is null or empty string then do not include in the AND sequence * @param fieldName * @param fieldValue * @return */ private static String transformCompositeFields(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName, Integer fieldID, String fieldValue, Locale locale) { IFieldTypeRT fieldTypeRT = FieldTypeManager.getFieldTypeRT(fieldID); //LuceneUtil.getFieldTypeRTByFieldName(fieldName); if (fieldTypeRT == null) { return fieldValue; } CustomCompositeBaseRT compositeFieldTypeRT = null; try { compositeFieldTypeRT = (CustomCompositeBaseRT) fieldTypeRT; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Casting the runtime field type " + fieldTypeRT.getClass().getName() + " to CustomCompositeFieldTypeRT failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } if (compositeFieldTypeRT == null) { return fieldValue; } int noOfParts = compositeFieldTypeRT.getNumberOfParts(); //for example pc:p\#1#c\#11 really means pc:p#1#c#11 for field part values p#1 and c#11, //but the # characters in field value strings should be escaped, because otherwise //they are considered field part separators for composite fields String escapedFieldValue = fieldValue.replaceAll("\\\\" + LuceneUtil.COMPOSITE_FIELDVALUE_SEPARATOR, LuceneUtil.COMPOSITE_FIELDVALUE_SEPARATOR_ESCAPING_REPLACEMENT); String[] fieldValueParts = escapedFieldValue.split(LuceneUtil.COMPOSITE_FIELDVALUE_SEPARATOR, noOfParts); if (fieldValueParts == null || fieldValueParts.length == 0) { LOGGER.error("No composite separator found in field value"); return fieldValue; } if (fieldValueParts.length > noOfParts) { LOGGER.error("Number of parts needed by type " + noOfParts + " but in value found " + fieldValueParts.length); return fieldValue; } StringBuffer transformedString = new StringBuffer(); transformedString.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < fieldValueParts.length; i++) { //do not take into account the missing values for a part: in this case search only for parent independently of child values if (fieldValueParts[i] != null && !"".equals(fieldValueParts[i].trim())) { if (transformedString.length() > 1) { transformedString.append(" AND "); } //call the preprocess for each part of the composite (each part can be of any lookup type) transformedString .append(preprocess(analyzer, fieldName + "#" + (i + 1) + FIELD_NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR + //replace it back but this time without the \ character fieldValueParts[i].replaceAll( LuceneUtil.COMPOSITE_FIELDVALUE_SEPARATOR_ESCAPING_REPLACEMENT, LuceneUtil.COMPOSITE_FIELDVALUE_SEPARATOR), locale)); } } transformedString.append(")"); return transformedString.toString(); } /** * Returns the index of the field name found in the toBeProcessedString or -1 if not found * @param toBeProcessedString * @param fieldName * @param indexStart * @return */ public static int fieldNameIndex(String toBeProcessedString, String fieldName, int indexStart) { int indexFound = toBeProcessedString.indexOf(fieldName + FIELD_NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR, indexStart); //field not found if (indexFound == -1) { return indexFound; } //do not take as match if there exists an another fieldName with the same name ending part as the searched field. //For example: "Status" and "s": by looking for field "s" it would find also for field "Status" //so it should be verified whether indexFound is: // - the first character // - is a whitespace before it. // - is a '+' or '-' (boolean query syntax) before it but before these chars is a whitespace //If neither of them, do not consider it as match but search further in the toBeProcessedString /*if (indexFound>indexStart && !Character.isWhitespace(toBeProcessedString.charAt(indexFound-1))) { return fieldNameIndex(toBeProcessedString, fieldName, indexFound + fieldName.length() + 1); }*/ if (indexFound > indexStart) { char lastCharBeforeFieldName = toBeProcessedString.charAt(indexFound - 1); if (Character.isWhitespace(lastCharBeforeFieldName)) { //found the fieldName with a whitespace before return indexFound; } if (indexFound > indexStart + 1) { char lastButOneCharBeforeFieldName = toBeProcessedString.charAt(indexFound - 2); if ((lastCharBeforeFieldName == '+' || lastCharBeforeFieldName == '-') && Character.isWhitespace(lastButOneCharBeforeFieldName)) { //found the fieldName with a + or - character before and a whitespace before these return indexFound; } } return fieldNameIndex(toBeProcessedString, fieldName, indexFound + fieldName.length() + 1); } return indexFound; } /** * Preprocess a userQueryString which do not have explicit field(s) specified * Uses some text fields as default fields but looks for the words * also in the other lookup indexes * @param analyzer * @param toBeProcessedString a part of the user entered query string * @param locale * @return */ private static Query preprocessNoExplicitField(Analyzer analyzer, String toBeProcessedString, Set<Integer> itemTypeIDs, boolean external, Locale locale) throws ParseException { //direct workItem fields BooleanQuery finalQuery = new BooleanQuery(); BooleanClause.Occur[] orFlags; Query workItemDirectQuery = null; //initialize the QueryParser with text fields as default fields BooleanQuery workItemQuery = new BooleanQuery(); List<IntegerStringBean> directTextFieldNames = getFieldNamesForPreprocessType( LuceneUtil.PREPROCESSTYPES.DIRECT); String[] fieldNamesArr = new String[directTextFieldNames.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < directTextFieldNames.size(); i++) { fieldNamesArr[i] = directTextFieldNames.get(i).getLabel(); } orFlags = getOrFlagsArray(directTextFieldNames.size()); try { workItemDirectQuery = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(toBeProcessedString, fieldNamesArr, orFlags, analyzer); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.warn("Parsing without explicit field for workItem fields (MultiFieldQueryParser) failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn( "Parsing without explicit field for workItem fields (MultiFieldQueryParser) failed with throwable " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } //combine with or all occurrences LOOKUPENTITYTYPES if (workItemDirectQuery != null) { workItemQuery.add(workItemDirectQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } List<ILookupFieldSearcher> lookupFieldSearchers = getLookupFieldSearchers(); for (ILookupFieldSearcher lookupFieldSearcher : lookupFieldSearchers) { Query query = lookupFieldSearcher.getNoExplicitFieldQuery(analyzer, toBeProcessedString, locale); if (query != null) { workItemQuery.add(query, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } finalQuery.add(workItemQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); Query itemTypeQuery = getItemTypeQuery(itemTypeIDs, analyzer); if (itemTypeQuery != null) { LOGGER.debug("The item type query: " + itemTypeQuery.toString()); BooleanClause.Occur occur = null; if (external) { occur = BooleanClause.Occur.MUST; } else { occur = BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT; } finalQuery.add(itemTypeQuery, occur); } return finalQuery; } /** * Gets the itemType specific query * @param itemTypeIDs * @param exclude * @return */ private static Query getItemTypeQuery(Set<Integer> itemTypeIDs, Analyzer analyzer) throws ParseException { Query itemTypeQuery = null; if (itemTypeIDs != null && itemTypeIDs.size() > 0) { String itemTypeName = LuceneUtil .normalizeFieldName(FieldBL.loadByPrimaryKey(SystemFields.INTEGER_ISSUETYPE).getName()); StringBuffer directQuery = new StringBuffer(); String orDividedIDs = LuceneSearcher.createORDividedIDs(itemTypeIDs); directQuery.append(itemTypeName + LuceneSearcher.FIELD_NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR + orDividedIDs); QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser(itemTypeName, analyzer); try { itemTypeQuery = queryParser.parse(orDividedIDs); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.warn( "Parsing item types field for " + orDividedIDs + " field failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } } return itemTypeQuery; } /** * returns an array of BooleanClause.Occur's with a specific length * @param length * @return */ public static BooleanClause.Occur[] getOrFlagsArray(int length) { BooleanClause.Occur[] orFlags = new BooleanClause.Occur[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { orFlags[i] = BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD; } return orFlags; } /** * Get the string array of field names for a preprocess type * It includes also the parts of the composite types if the * preprocessType is not LuceneUtil.PREPROCESSTYPES.COMPOSITE_LOOKUP * In this case the fieldName is synthesized from the composite field name and the parameterCode * @return */ private static List<IntegerStringBean> getFieldNamesForPreprocessType(int preprocessType) { List<IntegerStringBean> fieldList = new LinkedList<IntegerStringBean>(); Map<Integer, TFieldBean> fieldBeanCache = FieldTypeManager.getInstance().getFieldBeanCache(); Map<Integer, FieldType> typeCache = FieldTypeManager.getInstance().getTypeCache(); Set<Map.Entry<Integer, FieldType>> fieldTypes = typeCache.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, FieldType> fieldTypeEntry : fieldTypes) { Integer fieldID = fieldTypeEntry.getKey(); FieldType fieldType = fieldTypeEntry.getValue(); if (fieldType != null) { IFieldTypeRT fieldTypeRT = fieldType.getFieldTypeRT(); if (LuceneUtil.getPreprocessType(fieldTypeRT.getLookupEntityType()) == preprocessType) { TFieldBean fieldBean = fieldBeanCache.get(fieldID); fieldList.add( new IntegerStringBean(LuceneUtil.normalizeFieldName(fieldBean.getName()), fieldID)); } } } return fieldList; } /** * Gets the user entered value assigned to a fieldName * @param queryString a part of the user entered query string * @return */ public static String getFieldValue(String queryString) { String toBeReplacedString = ""; if (queryString == null || queryString.length() == 0) { return toBeReplacedString; } //fist char in the field value is after "FieldName:" char firstChar = queryString.charAt(0); int index = 0; switch (firstChar) { //grouping boolean queries case '(': index = findEmbeddableClosingIndex(queryString, '(', ')'); break; //range queries case '[': index = findSimpleClosingIndex(queryString, ']'); break; //range queries case '{': index = findSimpleClosingIndex(queryString, '}'); break; //phrase queries case '"': index = findSimpleClosingIndex(queryString, '"'); break; //term queries default: index = findWhiteSpace(queryString); break; } if (index > 0) { toBeReplacedString = queryString.substring(0, index); } return toBeReplacedString; } /** * Find the index of the closing character * The parentheses could be embedded in several levels and can be escaped * @param queryString a part of the user entered query string * @param open character at the beginning * @param close character at the end * @return */ private static int findEmbeddableClosingIndex(String queryString, char open, char close) { int parenthesesCount = 0; int counter = 0; char currentChar; while (parenthesesCount != 0 || counter == 0) { if (counter == queryString.length()) { return -1; } currentChar = queryString.charAt(counter++); if (currentChar == open) { //it is not escaped if (counter < 2 || !isLastCharEscaped(queryString.substring(0, counter))) { //counter==1 || (counter > 1 && queryString.charAt(counter-2)!='\\')) parenthesesCount++; } } if (currentChar == close) { //it is not escaped if (counter < 2 || !isLastCharEscaped(queryString.substring(0, counter))) { //counter > 1 && queryString.charAt(counter-2)!='\\') parenthesesCount--; } } } //till the end or the first white space //because of the phrase queries with ~ while (true) { if (counter == queryString.length()) { return counter; } currentChar = queryString.charAt(counter++); if (Character.isWhitespace(currentChar)) { return counter - 1; } } } /** * * Find the index of the closing character * Used for the other (not embeddable) characters * only the escaping should be taken into account * @param queryString a part of the user entered query string * @param close character at the end * @return */ private static int findSimpleClosingIndex(String queryString, char close) { //start from 1 because the index at 1 is the close character int counter = 1; char currentChar; boolean found = false; while (!found) { if (counter == queryString.length()) { return -1; } currentChar = queryString.charAt(counter++); if (currentChar == close) { //it is not escaped if (counter < 2 || !isLastCharEscaped(queryString.substring(0, counter))) { //counter > 1 && queryString.charAt(counter-2)!='\\') { found = true; } } } //till the end or the first white space //because of the phrase queries with ~ while (true) { if (counter == queryString.length()) { return counter; } currentChar = queryString.charAt(counter++); if (Character.isWhitespace(currentChar)) { return counter - 1; } } } /** * Whether the last character form the string is escaped * (odd number of backslah characters) * @param queryString * @return */ private static boolean isLastCharEscaped(String queryString) { char escapeChar = '\\'; int counter = queryString.length() - 1; boolean escaped = false; while (counter > 0 && queryString.charAt(--counter) == escapeChar) { escaped = !escaped; } return escaped; } /** * Find the index of the closing character * used for finding the closing white spaces * @param queryString a part of the user entered query string * @return */ private static int findWhiteSpace(String queryString) { int counter = 0; char currentChar; //till the end or the first white space while (true) { if (counter == queryString.length()) { return counter; } currentChar = queryString.charAt(counter++); if (Character.isWhitespace(currentChar)) { return counter - 1; } } } /** * Prepares an Indexsearcher object for an Index * @param index * @return */ public static IndexSearcher getIndexSearcher(int index) { Directory indexDir = LuceneUtil.getIndexDirectory(index); if (indexDir == null) { LOGGER.error("The index directory for " + index + " doesn't exist or is not a directory"); return null; } //initialize the searcher //we will initialize always a new searcher because the data should be up to date /* * Lucene FAQ: * 1. Make sure to open a new IndexSearcher after adding documents. * An IndexSearcher will only see the documents that were in the index in the moment it was opened. * 2. It is recommended to use only one IndexSearcher from all threads in order to save memory * Thanks for your help :) */ IndexSearcher is = null; try { IndexReader indexReader =; is = new IndexSearcher(indexReader); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Initializing the IndexSearcher for index " + index + " failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } return is; } public static void closeIndexSearcherAndUnderlyingIndexReader(IndexSearcher indexSearcher, String index) { if (indexSearcher != null) { IndexReader indexReader = indexSearcher.getIndexReader(); try { if (indexReader != null) { indexReader.close(); } } catch (IOException e1) { LOGGER.error("Closing the " + index + " IndexReader failed with " + e1.getMessage()); } } } /** * Creates the OR divided workItemIDs * @param objectIDs * @return */ public static String createORDividedIDs(Set<Integer> objectIDs) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (objectIDs != null && !objectIDs.isEmpty()) { if (objectIDs.size() == 1) { for (Integer objectID : objectIDs) { if (objectID != null && objectID.intValue() < 0) { //FIXME: escape the - sign if negative, but \\ does not work. As fix a range query is used: within [ ] the minus sign works //stringBuilder.append("\\"+objectID); stringBuilder.append("[" + objectID + " TO " + objectID + "]"); } else { stringBuilder.append(objectID); } } } else { stringBuilder.append("("); for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = objectIDs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Integer objectID =; if (objectID != null && objectID.intValue() < 0) { //FIXME: escape the - sign if negative, but \\ does not work. As fix a range query is used: within [ ] the minus sign works stringBuilder.append("[" + objectID + " TO " + objectID + "]"); } else { stringBuilder.append(objectID); } if (iterator.hasNext()) { stringBuilder.append(" OR "); } } stringBuilder.append(")"); } } return stringBuilder.toString(); } }