Java tutorial
/** * Genji Scrum Tool and Issue Tracker * Copyright (C) 2015 Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG Task Management Solutions * <a href="">Genji Scrum Tool</a> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* $Id:$ */ package com.aurel.track.json; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import net.sf.json.JSON; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONException; import net.sf.json.JSONNull; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import net.sf.json.JSONSerializer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import com.aurel.track.beans.ILabelBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TListTypeBean; import com.aurel.track.errors.ErrorData; import com.aurel.track.errors.ErrorHandlerJSONAdapter; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.runtime.base.IFieldTypeRT; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.runtime.callbackInterfaces.ILookup; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.types.FieldTypeManager; import com.aurel.track.resources.LocalizeUtil; import com.aurel.track.toolbar.ToolbarItem; import com.aurel.track.tree.TreeNodeBaseTO; import com.aurel.track.util.BooleanStringBean; import com.aurel.track.util.DateTimeUtils; import com.aurel.track.util.DownloadUtil; import com.aurel.track.util.IntegerStringBean; import com.aurel.track.util.IntegerStringBooleanBean; import com.aurel.track.util.LabelValueBean; import com.aurel.track.util.TreeNode; import com.aurel.track.util.numberFormatter.DoubleWithDecimalDigitsNumberFormatUtil; import com.aurel.track.util.numberFormatter.PercentNumberFormatUtil; /** * This class provides various helper routines to encode Java Objects into JSON objects. * */ public class JSONUtility { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(JSONUtility.class); //send formated version to client public static interface DELETE_ERROR_CODES { public static int NEED_REPLACE = 1; public static int NO_RIGHT_TO_DELETE = 2; public static int NOT_EMPTY_WARNING = 3; } public static interface EDIT_ERROR_CODES { public static int NEED_CONFIRMATION = 4; public static int RECOMMENDED_REPLACE = 5; } public static int ERROR_CODE_NO_USER_LOGIN = -1000; /** * The most common used JSON fields */ public static interface JSON_FIELDS { static final String SUCCESS = "success"; static final String MESSAGE = "message"; static final String ERRORS = "errors"; static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "errorMessage"; static final String WARNING_MESSAGE = "warningMessage"; static final String ERROR_CODE = "errorCode"; static final String RECORDS = "records"; static final String DATA = "data"; static final String TITLE = "title"; static final String ID = "id"; static final String OBJECT_ID = "objectID"; static final String ITEMID = "itemId"; static final String LABEL = "label"; static final String SYMBOL = "symbol"; static final String SELECTED = "selected"; static final String NAME = "name"; static final String VALUE = "value"; static final String DATA_SOURCE = "dataSource"; static final String USE_ICON_CLS = "useIconCls"; static final String ICON_URL_PREFIX = "iconUrlPrefix"; static final String DESCRIPTION = "description"; //the tree uses text for label static final String TEXT = "text"; static final String NODE = "node"; static final String SHOW_GRID = "showGrid"; static final String DISABLED = "disabled"; static final String LEAF = "leaf"; static final String CHECKED = "checked"; static final String SELECTABLE = "selectable"; static final String EXPANDED = "expanded"; static final String ICON = "icon"; static final String ICONCLS = "iconCls"; static final String QTIP = "qtip"; static final String CHILDREN = "children"; //for tooltip static final String TT = "TT"; static final String REPLACEMENT_WARNING = "replacementWarning"; static final String REPLACEMENT_LABEL = "replacementListLabel"; static final String REPLACEMENT_LIST_LABEL = "replacementListLabel"; static final String REPLACEMENT_LIST = "replacementList"; static final String REPLACEMENT_TREE = "replacementTree"; static final String REMOVE_OPTIONS = "removeOptions"; /** * The suffix for the help wrapper container */ static final String WRP = ".wrp"; /** * The itemId of the wrapper container */ static final String PAN_WARPPER = "panWrapper"; //wizard parameters //static final String ACTUAL_STEP = "actualStep"; //static final String TOTAL_STEP = "totalStep"; } public static List<String> getPathInHelpWrapper(String controlName) { List<String> path = new LinkedList<String>(); path.add(controlName + JSON_FIELDS.WRP); path.add(JSON_FIELDS.PAN_WARPPER); path.add(controlName); return path; } /* * This helper method encodes a field name. It is quoted with double quotes if it contains * special characters ".", "'", "-", and " " (space). Otherwise the field name is taken without * quotes. */ public static StringBuilder appendFieldName(StringBuilder stringBuilder, String fieldName) { /*if (fieldName.contains(" ") || fieldName.contains("'") || fieldName.contains("-") || fieldName.contains(".")) { return stringBuilder.append("\"").append(fieldName).append("\""); } else {*/ return stringBuilder.append("\"").append(fieldName).append("\""); //} } public static String escapeFieldName(String fieldName) { return new StringBuilder().append("\"").append(fieldName).append("\"").toString(); } /** * Appends a string type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"The value of the field",</code>.</br> * Special characters are properly escaped, a comma is added as the last character. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value, properly escaped for JSON notation */ public static void appendStringValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, String value) { appendStringValue(sb, name, value, false); } /** * Appends a string type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"The value of the field"</code>.</br> * Special characters are properly escaped. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value, properly escaped for JSON notation * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendStringValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, String value, boolean last) { if (value != null) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":\"").append(escape(value)).append("\""); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a JSON field. Example: <code>fieldName:"The value of the field",</code>.</br> * Special characters are properly escaped, a comma is added as the last character. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value, properly escaped for JSON notation */ public static void appendJSONValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, String value) { appendJSONValue(sb, name, value, false); } /** * Appends a JSON field. Example: <code>fieldName:"The value of the field"</code>.</br> * Special characters are properly escaped. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value, properly escaped for JSON notation * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendJSONValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, String value, boolean last) { if (value != null) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append(value); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends an integer type field. Example: <code>fieldName:2345,</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value */ public static void appendIntegerValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Integer value) { appendIntegerValue(sb, name, value, false); } /** * Appends an integer type field. Example: <code>fieldName:1234,</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendIntegerValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Integer value, boolean last) { if (value != null) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append(value); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a long type field. Example: <code>fieldName:1234,</code>. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value */ public static void appendLongValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Long value) { appendLongValue(sb, name, value, false); } /** * Appends a long type field. Example: <code>fieldName:1234,</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendLongValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Long value, boolean last) { if (value != null) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append(value); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a list of integers. Example: <code>fieldName:[1234, 5678, 9123],</code>.</br> * Note: there is always a comma added in the end, so this element cannot be the * last in a JSON response. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param list - the field value(s) */ public static void appendIntegerListAsArray(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<Integer> list) { appendIntegerListAsArray(sb, name, list, false); } /** * Appends a list of integers. Example: <code>fieldName:[1234, 5678, 9123],</code>.</br> * Note: there is always a comma added in the end, so this element cannot be the * last in a JSON response. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param list - the field value(s) */ public static void appendIntegerListAsArray(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<Integer> list, boolean last) { if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":["); for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Integer integerValue =; if (integerValue != null) { sb.append(integerValue); } if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("]"); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a list of integers from a set. Example: <code>fieldName:[1234, 5678, 9123],</code>.</br> * Note: there is always a comma added in the end, so this element cannot be the * last in a JSON response. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param set - the field value(s) */ public static void appendIntegerSetAsArray(StringBuilder sb, String name, Set<Integer> set) { appendIntegerSetAsArray(sb, name, set, false); } /** * Appends a list of integers from a set. Example: <code>fieldName:[1234, 5678, 9123],</code>.</br> * Note: there is always a comma added in the end, so this element cannot be the * last in a JSON response. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param set - the field value(s) */ public static void appendIntegerSetAsArray(StringBuilder sb, String name, Set<Integer> set, boolean last) { if (set != null && !set.isEmpty()) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":["); for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = set.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Integer integerValue =; if (integerValue != null) { sb.append(integerValue); } if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("]"); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a list of integers from an Integer array. Example: <code>fieldName:[1234, 5678, 9123],</code>.</br> * Note: There is always a comma added in the end, so this element cannot be the * last in a JSON response. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param intArr - the field value(s) */ public static void appendIntegerArrayAsArray(StringBuilder sb, String name, Integer[] intArr, boolean last) { if (intArr != null && intArr.length > 0) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":["); for (int i = 0; i < intArr.length; i++) { Integer integerValue = intArr[i]; if (integerValue != null) { sb.append(integerValue); } if (i < intArr.length - 1) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("]"); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a list of integers from an Integer array. Example: <code>fieldName:[1234, 5678, 9123],</code>.</br> * Note: There is always a comma added in the end, so this element cannot be the * last in a JSON response. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param intArr - the field value(s) */ public static void appendIntegerArrayAsArray(StringBuilder sb, String name, Integer[] intArr) { appendIntegerArrayAsArray(sb, name, intArr, false); } /** * Appends a list of integers from an int array. Example: <code>fieldName:[1234, 5678, 9123],</code>.</br> * Note: There is always a comma added in the end, so this element cannot be the * last in a JSON response. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param intArr - the field value(s) */ public static void appendIntArrayAsArray(StringBuilder sb, String name, int[] intArr) { if (intArr != null && intArr.length > 0) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":["); for (int i = 0; i < intArr.length; i++) { int intValue = intArr[i]; sb.append(intValue); if (i < intArr.length - 1) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("]"); sb.append(","); } } /** * Appends a list of integers from an object array. Example: <code>fieldName:[1234, 5678, 9123],</code>.</br> * Note: There is always a comma added in the end, so this element cannot be the * last in a JSON response. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param intArr - the field value(s) */ public static void appendObjectArrayAsArray(StringBuilder sb, String name, Object[] intArr) { if (intArr != null && intArr.length > 0) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":["); for (int i = 0; i < intArr.length; i++) { Object value = intArr[i]; if (value != null) { sb.append(value.toString()); if (i < intArr.length - 1) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); sb.append(","); } } public static String encodeIntegerArrayAsArray(Integer[] intArr) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (intArr != null && intArr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < intArr.length; i++) { Integer integerValue = intArr[i]; if (integerValue != null) { sb.append(integerValue); } if (i < intArr.length - 1) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeObjectArrayAsArray(Object[] intArr) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (intArr != null && intArr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < intArr.length; i++) { Object value = intArr[i]; if (value != null) { sb.append(value); } if (i < intArr.length - 1) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Appends a list of integers from an integer list. Example: <code>fieldName:1234, 5678, 9123,</code>.</br> * Note: There is always a comma added in the end, so this element cannot be the * last in a JSON response. * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name */ public static void appendIntegerArrayAsCommaSplittedString(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<Integer> integerList) { if (integerList != null && !integerList.isEmpty()) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":\""); for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = integerList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Integer integerValue =; if (integerValue != null) { sb.append(integerValue); } if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("\""); sb.append(","); } } /** * Appends a double type field. Example: <code>fieldName:12.08,</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value */ public static void appendDoubleValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Double value) { appendDoubleValue(sb, name, value, false); } /** * Appends a double type field. Example: <code>fieldName:12.08,</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendDoubleValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Double value, boolean last) { if (value != null) { //appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":'").append(DoubleNumberFormatUtil.formatISO(value)).append("'"); appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append(value.toString()).append(""); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a localized date type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"11.8.2012",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param date - the field value * @param locale - the locale used to format the date */ public static void appendLocaleFormattedDoubleValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Double doubleVal, Locale locale) { appendLocaleFormattedDoubleValue(sb, name, doubleVal, locale, false); } /** * Appends a localized date type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"11.8.2012",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param date - the field value * @param locale - the locale used to format the date * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendLocaleFormattedDoubleValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Double doubleVal, Locale locale, boolean last) { if (doubleVal != null) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append("\"") .append(DoubleWithDecimalDigitsNumberFormatUtil.getInstance(2).formatGUI(doubleVal, locale)) .append("\""); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a localized date type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"11.8.2012",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param date - the field value * @param locale - the locale used to format the date */ public static void appendLocaleFormattedPercentValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Double doubleVal, Locale locale) { appendLocaleFormattedPercentValue(sb, name, doubleVal, locale, false); } /** * Appends a localized date type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"11.8.2012",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param date - the field value * @param locale - the locale used to format the date * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendLocaleFormattedPercentValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Double doubleVal, Locale locale, boolean last) { if (doubleVal != null) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append("\"") .append(PercentNumberFormatUtil.getInstance().formatGUI(doubleVal, locale)).append("\""); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a date type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"2012-08-11",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value */ public static void appendDateValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Date value) { appendDateValue(sb, name, value, false); } /** * Appends a date type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"2012-08-11",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendDateValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Date value, boolean last) { if (value != null) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append("\"") .append(DateTimeUtils.getInstance().formatISODate(value)).append("\""); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a date time type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"2012-08-11 12:27",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value */ public static void appendDateTimeValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Date value) { appendDateTimeValue(sb, name, value, false); } /** * Appends a date time type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"2012-08-11 12:27",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendDateTimeValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Date value, boolean last) { if (value != null) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append("\"") .append(DateTimeUtils.getInstance().formatISODateTime(value)).append("\""); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a localized date type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"11.8.2012",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param date - the field value * @param locale - the locale used to format the date */ public static void appendLocaleFormattedDateValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Date date, Locale locale) { appendLocaleFormattedDateValue(sb, name, date, locale, false); } /** * Appends a localized date type field. Example: <code>fieldName:"11.8.2012",</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param date - the field value * @param locale - the locale used to format the date * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendLocaleFormattedDateValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, Date date, Locale locale, boolean last) { if (date != null) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append("\"") .append(DateTimeUtils.getInstance().formatGUIDate(date, locale)).append("\""); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } } /** * Appends a boolean type field. Example: <code>fieldName:true,</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value */ public static void appendBooleanValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, boolean value) { appendBooleanValue(sb, name, value, false); } /** * Appends a boolean type field. Example: <code>fieldName:true,</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param value - the field value * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendBooleanValue(StringBuilder sb, String name, boolean value, boolean last) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":").append(value); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } /** * Returns a JSON string constructed from a list of {@link com.aurel.track.beans.ILabelBean ILabelBean}. * Example: <code>fieldName:[id:12345, label:"first label", id:3456, label: "second label],</code>.</br> * @param name - the field name * @param labelBeanList - the field value(s) */ public static String createILabelBeanListJSON(String name, List<ILabelBean> labelBeanList) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); JSONUtility.appendILabelBeanList(stringBuilder, name, labelBeanList); return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Returns a JSON string constructed from a list of {@link com.aurel.track.beans.ILabelBean ILabelBean}. * Example: <code>fieldName:[id:12345, label:"first label", id:3456, label: "second label],</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param list - the field value(s) */ public static void appendILabelBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<ILabelBean> list) { appendILabelBeanList(sb, name, list, false); } /** * Appends a JSON string constructed from a list of {@link com.aurel.track.beans.ILabelBean ILabelBean} to * a <code>StringBuilder</code>.</br> * Example: <code>fieldName:[id:12345, label:"first label", id:3456, label: "second label],</code>.</br> * @param sb - the field name and value are appended to this <code>StringBuilder</code> * @param name - the field name * @param list - the field value(s) * @param last - if true, no comma is added as the last character, otherwise there will be a comma */ public static void appendILabelBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<ILabelBean> list, boolean last) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":"); sb.append(encodeILabelBeanList(list)); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } public static String encodeILabelBeanList(List<ILabelBean> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { ILabelBean labelBean; for (Iterator<ILabelBean> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { labelBean =; sb.append("{"); if (labelBean.getLabel() != null) { sb.append("\"" + JSON_FIELDS.LABEL + "\"").append(":\"").append(escape(labelBean.getLabel())) .append("\","); } sb.append("\"" + JSON_FIELDS.ID + "\"").append(":").append(labelBean.getObjectID()); sb.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Append the JSON for a list with icon * @param stringBuilder * @param datasourceName * @param fieldID * @param labelBeanList * @param last * @return */ public static String appendILabelBeanListWithIcons(StringBuilder stringBuilder, Integer fieldID, ILookup lookup, String datasourceName, List<ILabelBean> labelBeanList, boolean last) { //ILookup lookup = null; boolean dynamicIcons = false; boolean isCustom = false; IFieldTypeRT fieldTypeRT = FieldTypeManager.getFieldTypeRT(fieldID); if (fieldTypeRT != null && fieldTypeRT.isLookup()) { lookup = (ILookup) fieldTypeRT; dynamicIcons = lookup.hasDynamicIcons(); isCustom = fieldTypeRT.isCustom(); } //appendFieldName(stringBuilder, fieldName).append(":{"); if (lookup != null) { if (dynamicIcons) { Integer iconFieldID = fieldID; if (!isCustom) { //the system fields for icons are negated iconFieldID = -fieldID; } JSONUtility.appendILabelBeanList(stringBuilder, datasourceName, labelBeanList); String iconUrlPrefix = "optionIconStream.action?fieldID=" + iconFieldID + "&optionID="; JSONUtility.appendStringValue(stringBuilder, JSON_FIELDS.ICON_URL_PREFIX, iconUrlPrefix, last); } else { JSONUtility.appendJSONValue(stringBuilder, datasourceName, encodeListWithIconCls(lookup, labelBeanList)); JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(stringBuilder, JSON_FIELDS.USE_ICON_CLS, true, last); } } //stringBuilder.append("}"); return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Encode * @param fieldID * @param labelBeanList * @return */ public static String encodeListWithIconCls(ILookup lookup, List<ILabelBean> labelBeanList) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (labelBeanList != null) { if (lookup != null) { for (Iterator<ILabelBean> iterator = labelBeanList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { ILabelBean labelBean =; sb.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.LABEL, labelBean.getLabel()); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ICONCLS, lookup.getIconCls(labelBean)); JSONUtility.appendIntegerValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ID, labelBean.getObjectID(), true); sb.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Gets the JSON string for tree folder children * @param children * @return */ public static String getChildrenJSON(List<TreeNodeBaseTO> children) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("["); for (Iterator<TreeNodeBaseTO> iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { TreeNodeBaseTO projectTypeTreeNodeTO =; stringBuilder.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ID, projectTypeTreeNodeTO.getId()); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.TEXT, projectTypeTreeNodeTO.getText()); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ICONCLS, projectTypeTreeNodeTO.getIconCls()); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ICON, projectTypeTreeNodeTO.getIcon()); JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.LEAF, projectTypeTreeNodeTO.isLeaf(), true); stringBuilder.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { stringBuilder.append(","); } } stringBuilder.append("]");//end data return stringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Get JSON with the tree hierarchy: supposes the nodes are already sorted * @param nodes * @return */ public static String getTreeHierarchyJSON(List<TreeNode> nodes) { return getTreeHierarchyJSON(nodes, false, false, null); } /** * Get JSON with the tree hierarchy: supposes the nodes are already sorted * @param nodes * @return */ public static String getTreeHierarchyJSON(List<TreeNode> nodes, boolean useCheck, boolean useSelectable) { return getTreeHierarchyJSON(nodes, useCheck, useSelectable, null); } public static String getTreeHierarchyJSON(List<TreeNode> nodes, boolean useCheck, boolean useSelectable, Integer level) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("["); if (nodes != null) { for (Iterator<TreeNode> iterator = nodes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { TreeNode treeNode =; stringBuilder.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ID, treeNode.getId()); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.TEXT, treeNode.getLabel()); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ICONCLS, treeNode.getIcon()); if (level != null) { JSONUtility.appendStringValue(stringBuilder, "cls", "treeItem-level-" + level); } if (useCheck && treeNode.getChecked() != null) { JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(stringBuilder, JSON_FIELDS.CHECKED, treeNode.getChecked()); } if (useSelectable) { JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(stringBuilder, JSON_FIELDS.SELECTABLE, treeNode.isSelectable()); } if (treeNode.getLeaf()) { JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.LEAF, treeNode.getLeaf(), true); } else { JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.LEAF, treeNode.getLeaf()); List<TreeNode> children = treeNode.getChildren(); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { JSONUtility.appendJSONValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.CHILDREN, getTreeHierarchyJSON(children, useCheck, useSelectable, level == null ? null : 1), true); } else { //initialize the children with empty array (null would trigger a request to the server to get the children) JSONUtility.appendJSONValue(stringBuilder, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.CHILDREN, "[]", true); } } stringBuilder.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { stringBuilder.append(","); } } } stringBuilder.append("]");//end data return stringBuilder.toString(); } public static void appendIssueTypeBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<TListTypeBean> list) { appendIssueTypeBeanList(sb, name, list, false); } /** * Appends a list of ILabelBeans * @param sb * @param name * @param list * @param last */ public static void appendIssueTypeBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<TListTypeBean> list, boolean last) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":["); if (list != null) { for (Iterator<TListTypeBean> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { TListTypeBean labelBean =; sb.append("{"); appendIntegerValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ID, labelBean.getObjectID()); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SYMBOL, labelBean.getSymbol()); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.LABEL, labelBean.getLabel(), true); sb.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } /** * Appends a list of IntegerStringBean * @param sb * @param name * @param list */ public static void appendIntegerStringBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<IntegerStringBean> list) { appendIntegerStringBeanList(sb, name, list, false); } /** * Appends a list of IntegerStringBean * @param sb * @param name * @param list * @param last */ public static void appendIntegerStringBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<IntegerStringBean> list, boolean last) { appendJSONValue(sb, name, encodeJSONIntegerStringBeanList(list), last); } /** * Appends a list of IntegerStringBean * @param sb * @param name * @param list */ public static void appendBooleanStringBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<BooleanStringBean> list) { appendBooleanStringBeanList(sb, name, list, false); } /** * Appends a list of IntegerStringBean * @param sb * @param name * @param list * @param last */ public static void appendBooleanStringBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<BooleanStringBean> list, boolean last) { appendJSONValue(sb, name, encodeJSONBooleanStringBeanList(list), last); } /** * Appends a list of LabelValueBean * @param sb * @param name * @param list */ public static void appendLabelValueBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<LabelValueBean> list) { appendLabelValueBeanList(sb, name, list, false); } /** * Appends a list of LabelValueBean * @param sb * @param name * @param list * @param last */ public static void appendLabelValueBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<LabelValueBean> list, boolean last) { appendJSONValue(sb, name, encodeJSONLabelValueBeanList(list), last); } /** * Appends * @param sb * @param name * @param map */ public static void appendIntegerStringMap(StringBuilder sb, String name, Map<Integer, String> map) { appendIntegerStringMap(sb, name, map, false); } /** * Appends * @param sb * @param name * @param map * @param last */ public static void appendIntegerStringMap(StringBuilder sb, String name, Map<Integer, String> map, boolean last) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":["); if (map != null) { for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = map.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Integer key =; sb.append("{"); appendIntegerValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ID, key); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.LABEL, map.get(key), true); sb.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } /** * Appends * @param sb * @param name * @param map */ public static void appendStringParametersMap(StringBuilder sb, String name, Map<String, String> map) { appendStringParametersMap(sb, name, map, false); } /** * Appends * @param sb * @param name * @param map * @param last */ public static void appendStringParametersMap(StringBuilder sb, String name, Map<String, String> map, boolean last) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":{"); if (map != null) { for (Iterator<String> iterator = map.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String key =; appendStringValue(sb, key, map.get(key), true); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("}"); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } /** * Appends * @param sb * @param name * @param map */ public static void appendIntegerBooleanMap(StringBuilder sb, String name, Map<Integer, Boolean> map) { appendIntegerBooleanMap(sb, name, map, false); } /** * Appends * @param sb * @param name * @param map * @param last */ public static void appendIntegerBooleanMap(StringBuilder sb, String name, Map<Integer, Boolean> map, boolean last) { appendFieldName(sb, name).append(":{"); if (map != null) { for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = map.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Integer key =; sb.append(key); sb.append(":"); sb.append(map.get(key)); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("}"); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } public static void appendStringList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<String> list) { appendStringList(sb, name, list, false); } public static void appendStringList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<String> list, boolean last) { appendFieldName(sb, name); sb.append(":["); if (list != null) { try { for (Iterator<String> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String string =; sb.append("\"").append(escape(string)).append("\""); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } catch (ConcurrentModificationException exception) { //if logs are added in the memory appender during serializing the existing logs in serverStatus LOGGER.debug("Creating the string list JSON failed with " + exception.getMessage()); } } sb.append("]"); if (!last) { sb.append(","); } } /** * Creates the JSON with replacement list * @param success * @param label the label of the entity to be deleted * @param replacementWarningLabel the entity type to be deleted * @param replacementFieldLabel the label for the replacement combo * @param replacementList the replacement list * @param errorMessage when no replacement entry was selected * @param locale * @return */ public static String createReplacementListJSON(boolean success, String label, String replacementWarningLabel, String replacementFieldLabel, List<ILabelBean> replacementList, String errorMessage, Locale locale) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, success); sb.append(JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.DATA).append(":{"); if (errorMessage != null) { JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessage); } String warning = LocalizeUtil.getParametrizedString("common.lbl.replacementWarning", new Object[] { replacementWarningLabel, label }, locale); warning = warning + " " + LocalizeUtil.getLocalizedTextFromApplicationResources("common.lbl.cancelDeleteAlert", locale); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.REPLACEMENT_WARNING, warning); String listLabel = LocalizeUtil.getParametrizedString("common.lbl.replacement", new Object[] { replacementFieldLabel }, locale); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.REPLACEMENT_LIST_LABEL, listLabel); JSONUtility.appendILabelBeanList(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.REPLACEMENT_LIST, replacementList, true); sb.append("}"); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Creates the JSON with replacement list by deleting more entities at once * @param success * @param label the label of the entity to be deleted * @param replacementWarningLabel the entity type to be deleted * @param replacementFieldLabel the label for the replacement combo * @param replacementList the replacement list * @param errorMessage when no replacement entry was selected * @param locale * @return */ public static String createReplacementListJSON(boolean success, int totalNumber, String entities, String replacementEntity, List<ILabelBean> replacementList, String errorMessage, Locale locale) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, success); sb.append(JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.DATA).append(":{"); if (errorMessage != null) { JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessage); } String warning = LocalizeUtil.getParametrizedString("common.lbl.replacementWarningMore", new Object[] { String.valueOf(totalNumber), entities, replacementEntity }, locale); warning = warning + " " + LocalizeUtil.getLocalizedTextFromApplicationResources("common.lbl.cancelDeleteAlert", locale); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.REPLACEMENT_WARNING, warning); String listLabel = LocalizeUtil.getParametrizedString("common.lbl.replacement", new Object[] { replacementEntity }, locale); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.REPLACEMENT_LIST_LABEL, listLabel); JSONUtility.appendILabelBeanList(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.REPLACEMENT_LIST, replacementList, true); sb.append("}"); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Creates the JSON with replacement list * @param success * @param label the label of the entity to be deleted * @param replacementWarningLabel the entity type to be deleted * @param replacementFieldLabel the label for the replacement combo * @param replacementTree the replacement list * @param errorMessage when no replacement entry was selected * @param locale * @return */ public static String createReplacementTreeJSON(boolean success, String label, String replacementWarningLabel, String replacementFieldLabel, String replacementTree, String errorMessage, Locale locale) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, success); JSONUtility.appendFieldName(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.DATA).append(":{"); if (errorMessage != null) { JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessage); } String warning = LocalizeUtil.getParametrizedString("common.lbl.replacementWarning", new Object[] { replacementWarningLabel, label }, locale); warning = warning + " " + LocalizeUtil.getLocalizedTextFromApplicationResources("common.lbl.cancelDeleteAlert", locale); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.REPLACEMENT_WARNING, warning); String listLabel = LocalizeUtil.getParametrizedString("common.lbl.replacement", new Object[] { replacementFieldLabel }, locale); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.REPLACEMENT_LIST_LABEL, listLabel); JSONUtility.appendJSONValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.REPLACEMENT_TREE, replacementTree, true); sb.append("}"); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static void encodeJSON(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, String text, boolean setContentType) { try { JSONUtility.prepareServletResponseJSON(httpServletResponse, setContentType); PrintWriter out = httpServletResponse.getWriter(); out.println(text); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } public static void encodeJSON(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, String text) { try { JSONUtility.prepareServletResponseJSON(httpServletResponse, true); PrintWriter out = httpServletResponse.getWriter(); out.println(text); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } public static void prepareServletResponseJSON(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) { prepareServletResponseJSON(httpServletResponse, true); } public static void prepareServletResponseJSON(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, boolean jsonContentType) { try { httpServletResponse.reset(); httpServletResponse.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { //when the <s:action/> is present on the jsp //(mainly getting root nodes the same response object is used, and second time it can't be reseted) } if (jsonContentType) { httpServletResponse.setContentType("application/json"); } else { httpServletResponse.setContentType("text/html"); } //httpServletResponse.setContentType("text/javascript"); DownloadUtil.prepareCacheControlHeader(ServletActionContext.getRequest(), httpServletResponse); /*DetectBrowser dtb = new DetectBrowser(); dtb.setRequest(ServletActionContext.getRequest()); // Workaround for a IE bug if (dtb.getIsIE()) { httpServletResponse.setHeader("Cache-Control", "private"); httpServletResponse.addHeader("Expires", "0"); } else { httpServletResponse.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); }*/ } /** * Gets a JSON success with node * @param node * @return */ public static String encodeJSONSuccessAndNode(String node) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, true); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.NODE, node, true); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Gets the JSON success with id * @param id * @return */ public static String encodeJSONSuccessAndID(Integer id) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, true); JSONUtility.appendIntegerValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ID, id, true); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONSuccess(boolean success) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, success, true); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONSuccess() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, true); sb.append("\"data\":{}"); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONSuccess(String confirmationMessage) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, true); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ERROR_MESSAGE, confirmationMessage, true); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static void encodeJSONSuccess(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) { encodeJSONSuccess(httpServletResponse, true); } public static void encodeJSONSuccess(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, boolean jsonContentType) { try { JSONUtility.prepareServletResponseJSON(httpServletResponse, jsonContentType); PrintWriter out = httpServletResponse.getWriter(); out.println(JSONUtility.encodeJSONSuccess()); } catch (IOException e) { // nothing much can be done here LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } public static String encodeJSONFailure(String errorMessage) { return encodeJSONFailure(errorMessage, null); } public static String encodeJSONFailure(Integer errorCode) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); if (errorCode != null) { appendIntegerValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ERROR_CODE, errorCode); } appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, false, true); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONFailure(String errorMessage, Integer errorCode) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); if (errorCode != null) { appendIntegerValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ERROR_CODE, errorCode); } appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessage); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, false, true); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static void encodeJSONFailure(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, String errorMessage) { encodeJSONFailure(httpServletResponse, errorMessage, null); } public static void encodeJSONFailure(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, String errorMessage, Integer errorCode) { encodeJSONFailure(httpServletResponse, errorMessage, errorCode, true); } public static void encodeJSONFailure(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, String errorMessage, Integer errorCode, boolean jsonContentType) { try { JSONUtility.prepareServletResponseJSON(httpServletResponse, jsonContentType); PrintWriter out = httpServletResponse.getWriter(); out.println(JSONUtility.encodeJSONFailure(errorMessage, errorCode)); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } public static String encodeJSONBoolean(boolean booleanValue) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, true); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.VALUE, booleanValue, true); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJsonErrors(List<LabelValueBean> fieldNameToErrorMessageList) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, false); appendLabelValueBeanList(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ERRORS, fieldNameToErrorMessageList, true); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Renders the error messages to controls by name * errorData.getFieldName() should be specified * @param errorDataList * @param locale * @return */ public static String encodeErrorDataList(List<ErrorData> errorDataList, Locale locale) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, false); appendFieldName(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ERRORS).append(":{"); if (errorDataList != null) { for (Iterator<ErrorData> iterator = errorDataList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { ErrorData errorData =; if (errorData.getFieldName() != null) { appendStringValue(sb, errorData.getFieldName(), ErrorHandlerJSONAdapter.createMessage(errorData, locale), true); } if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("}"); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJsonError(String fieldName, String errorMessage) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, false); sb.append(JSON_FIELDS.ERRORS + ":{"); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, fieldName, errorMessage, true); sb.append("}"); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Method to create a JSON response object in case that there have been problems * found in validation process. * * @param httpServletResponse the response the JSON object has to be embedded in * @param errors a list of label value beans. Label is error message, value is field name. */ public static void encodeJSONErrors(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, List<LabelValueBean> errors) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, false); appendLabelValueBeanList(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ERRORS, errors, true); sb.append("}"); try { JSONUtility.prepareServletResponseJSON(httpServletResponse, true); PrintWriter out = httpServletResponse.getWriter(); out.println(sb); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } public static void encodeJSONErrorsExtJS(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, List<LabelValueBean> errors, boolean jsonContentType) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, false); appendErrorsExtJS(sb, errors, true); sb.append("}"); try { JSONUtility.prepareServletResponseJSON(httpServletResponse, jsonContentType); PrintWriter out = httpServletResponse.getWriter(); out.println(sb); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e); } } public static void appendErrorsExtJS(StringBuilder sb, List<LabelValueBean> errors) { appendErrorsExtJS(sb, errors, false); } public static void appendErrorsExtJS(StringBuilder sb, List<LabelValueBean> errors, boolean last) { StringBuilder sbErrors = new StringBuilder(); sbErrors.append("{"); if (errors != null) { for (Iterator<LabelValueBean> iterator = errors.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { LabelValueBean labelBean =; JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sbErrors, labelBean.getValue(), labelBean.getLabel(), !iterator.hasNext()); } } sbErrors.append("}"); appendJSONValue(sb, "errors", sbErrors.toString(), true); } /** * Method to create a JSON response object in case that there have been problems * found in validation process. * * @param httpServletResponse the response the JSON object has to be embedded in * @param errors a list of label value beans. Label is error message, value is field name. */ public static void encodeJSONErrorsExtJS(HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, List<LabelValueBean> errors) { encodeJSONErrorsExtJS(httpServletResponse, errors, true); } public static String encodeJSONErrors(String clientCode, String message) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); sb.append("success: false,"); sb.append("errors:[{"); sb.append("clientCode: \"").append(escape(clientCode)).append("\","); sb.append("message: \"").append(escape(message)).append("\""); sb.append("}]"); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONLabelValueBeanList(List<LabelValueBean> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (list != null) { for (Iterator<LabelValueBean> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { LabelValueBean labelBean =; sb.append("{"); boolean last = labelBean.getLabel() == null ? true : false; appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ID, labelBean.getValue(), last); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.LABEL, labelBean.getLabel(), true); sb.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONLabelValueBeanArray(LabelValueBean[] list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { LabelValueBean labelBean = list[i]; sb.append("{"); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ID, labelBean.getValue()); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.LABEL, labelBean.getLabel(), true); sb.append("}"); if (i < list.length - 1) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public static void appendJSONLabelValueBeanMatrix(StringBuilder sb, String name, LabelValueBean[][] value) { appendJSONLabelValueBeanMatrix(sb, name, value, false); } public static void appendJSONLabelValueBeanMatrix(StringBuilder sb, String name, LabelValueBean[][] value, boolean last) { appendJSONValue(sb, name, encodeJSONLabelValueBeanMatrix(value), last); } public static String encodeJSONLabelValueBeanMatrix(LabelValueBean[][] matrix) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (matrix != null) { for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { LabelValueBean[] array = matrix[i]; sb.append(encodeJSONLabelValueBeanArray(array)); if (i < matrix.length - 1) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONIntegerStringBeanList(List<IntegerStringBean> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (list != null) { for (Iterator<IntegerStringBean> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { IntegerStringBean labelBean =; sb.append("{"); appendIntegerValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ID, labelBean.getValue()); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.LABEL, labelBean.getLabel(), true); sb.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONBooleanStringBeanList(List<BooleanStringBean> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (list != null) { for (Iterator<BooleanStringBean> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { BooleanStringBean booleanStringBean =; sb.append("{"); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ID, booleanStringBean.getValue()); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.LABEL, booleanStringBean.getLabel(), true); sb.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONIntegerStringBooleanBeanList(List<IntegerStringBooleanBean> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (list != null) { for (Iterator<IntegerStringBooleanBean> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { IntegerStringBooleanBean labelBean =; sb.append("{"); appendIntegerValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.ID, labelBean.getValue()); appendStringValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.LABEL, labelBean.getLabel()); appendBooleanValue(sb, JSON_FIELDS.SELECTED, labelBean.isSelected(), true); sb.append("}"); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONToolbarItemsList(List<ToolbarItem> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (list != null) { ToolbarItem bean; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { bean = list.get(i); if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendIntegerValue(sb, "id", bean.getId()); JSONUtility.appendJSONValue(sb, "jsonData", bean.getJsonData()); appendBooleanValue(sb, "condition", bean.isCondition()); //appendBooleanValue(sb,"submit",bean.isSubmit()); appendStringValue(sb, "cssClass", bean.getCssClass()); appendStringValue(sb, "labelKey", bean.getLabelKey()); appendStringValue(sb, "tooltipKey", bean.getTooltipKey()); appendStringValue(sb, "imageInactive", bean.getImageInactive()); //appendBooleanValue(sb,"showItem",bean.isShowItem()); //appendBooleanValue(sb,"placeholder",bean.isPlaceholder(),true); appendBooleanValue(sb, "isMore", bean.isMore(), true); sb.append("}"); } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeJSONFileList(List<File> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (list != null) { File file; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { file = list.get(i); if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, "name", file.getName()); JSONUtility.appendLongValue(sb, "length", file.length()); JSONUtility.appendDateTimeValue(sb, "lastModified", new Date(file.lastModified()), true); sb.append("}"); } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Decodes the records string into and id based map of JSON objects * @param records * @param idField * @return */ public static Map<String, JSONObject> decodeToJsonRecordsMap(String records, String idField) { JSON json = null; try { json = JSONSerializer.toJSON(records); } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } Map<String, JSONObject> jsonObjectsMap = new HashMap<String, JSONObject>(); if (json == null) { return jsonObjectsMap; } if (json.isArray()) { JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) json; Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = jsonArray.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject jsonObject =; jsonObjectsMap.put(jsonObject.getString(idField), jsonObject); } } else { if (!json.isEmpty()) { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) json; jsonObjectsMap.put(jsonObject.getString(idField), jsonObject); } } return jsonObjectsMap; } /** * Decodes the records string into and id based map of JSON objects * @param records * @return */ public static List<JSONObject> decodeToJsonRecordsList(String records) { JSON json = null; try { json = JSONSerializer.toJSON(records); } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } List<JSONObject> jsonObjectsList = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); if (json != null && !json.equals(JSONNull.getInstance()) && !json.isEmpty()) { if (json.isArray()) { JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) json; Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = jsonArray.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject jsonObject =; jsonObjectsList.add(jsonObject); } } else { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) json; jsonObjectsList.add(jsonObject); } } return jsonObjectsList; } /** * Decodes the records string into and id based map of JSON objects * @param jsonString * @return */ public static JSONObject decodeToJsonObject(String jsonString) { JSON json = null; try { json = JSONSerializer.toJSON(jsonString); } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } if (json != null && !json.equals(JSONNull.getInstance()) && !json.isEmpty()) { return (JSONObject) json; } return null; } /** * Appends a list of IntegerStringBean * @param sb * @param name * @param list */ public static void appendIntegerStringBooleanBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<IntegerStringBooleanBean> list) { appendIntegerStringBooleanBeanList(sb, name, list, false); } /** * Appends a list of IntegerStringBean * @param sb * @param name * @param list * @param last */ public static void appendIntegerStringBooleanBeanList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<IntegerStringBooleanBean> list, boolean last) { appendJSONValue(sb, name, encodeJSONIntegerStringBooleanBeanList(list), last); } public static String encodeIssueTypes(List<TListTypeBean> issueTypes) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); if (issueTypes != null) { for (Iterator<TListTypeBean> iterator = issueTypes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { TListTypeBean listType =; sb.append(encodeIssueType(listType)); if (iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } public static String encodeIssueType(TListTypeBean issueType) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); if (issueType != null) { JSONUtility.appendIntegerValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.ID, issueType.getObjectID()); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.LABEL, issueType.getLabel()); JSONUtility.appendIntegerValue(sb, "sortOrder", issueType.getSortorder(), true); } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Appends a JSON encoded HTML list of error messages from LabelValueBean(s). The values are ignored, * only the labels are being used. * @param sb StringBuilder where the text is appended * @param name the name of the property (like <code>msg: 'the label'</code>) * @param errors the list of errors as LabelValueBean objects * @param last this is the last parameter in the JSON object */ public static void appendErrorsToHTMLList(StringBuilder sb, String name, List<LabelValueBean> errors, boolean last) { if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<LabelValueBean> ilb = errors.iterator(); LabelValueBean lvb = null; msg.append("<ul>"); while (ilb.hasNext()) { lvb =; msg.append("<li>" + lvb.getLabel() + "</li>"); } msg.append("</ul>"); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, name, msg.toString(), last); } } /** * This method properly escapes an special characters so that the returned String conforms * to JSON notation. * @param s - Must not be null. */ public static String escape(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); switch (ch) { /* only control characters should be escaped \" \\ \/ \b \f \n \r \t*/ /*case '\'': sb.append("\\\'"); break;*/ case '"': sb.append("\\\""); break; case '\\': sb.append("\\\\"); break; case '\b': sb.append("\\b"); break; case '\f': sb.append("\\f"); break; case '\n': sb.append("\\n"); break; case '\r': sb.append("\\r"); break; case '\t': sb.append("\\t"); break; // case '/': default: //Reference: if ((ch >= '\u0000' && ch <= '\u001F') || (ch >= '\u007F' && ch <= '\u009F') || (ch >= '\u2000' && ch <= '\u20FF')) { String ss = Integer.toHexString(ch); sb.append("\\u"); for (int k = 0; k < 4 - ss.length(); k++) { sb.append('0'); } sb.append(ss.toUpperCase()); } else { sb.append(ch); } } } //for return sb.toString(); } }