Java tutorial
/** * Genji Scrum Tool and Issue Tracker * Copyright (C) 2015 Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG Task Management Solutions * <a href="">Genji Scrum Tool</a> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* $Id:$ */ package; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.docx4j.dml.wordprocessingDrawing.Inline; import org.docx4j.jaxb.Context; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage; import; import org.docx4j.wml.BooleanDefaultTrue; import org.docx4j.wml.CTBookmark; import org.docx4j.wml.CTMarkupRange; import org.docx4j.wml.CTSimpleField; import org.docx4j.wml.Jc; import org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory; import org.docx4j.wml.P; import org.docx4j.wml.PPr; import org.docx4j.wml.PPrBase; import org.docx4j.wml.R; import org.docx4j.wml.RPr; import org.docx4j.wml.Text; import com.aurel.track.attachment.AttachBL; import com.aurel.track.beans.TAttachmentBean; import com.aurel.track.resources.LocalizeUtil; /** * Adding attached images to a docx * @author Tamas * */ public class ImageUtil { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ImageUtil.class); static int addAttachments(WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage, List<TAttachmentBean> attachmentBeanList, Integer workItemID, String captionStyleId, int id, Locale locale) { if (attachmentBeanList != null) { for (TAttachmentBean attachmentBean : attachmentBeanList) { Integer attachmentID = attachmentBean.getObjectID(); boolean isImage = AttachBL.isImage(attachmentBean); if (isImage) { String realNameWithPath = AttachBL.getFullFileName(null, attachmentBean.getObjectID(), workItemID); String originalFilename = attachmentBean.getFileName(); try { addImage(wordMLPackage, realNameWithPath, originalFilename, attachmentBean.getDescription(), attachmentID, captionStyleId, id, locale); id = id + 1; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Adding the file " + originalFilename + " for item " + workItemID + " and attachmentID " + attachmentID + " failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } } } return id; } public static byte[] getImageBytes(String filePath) throws IOException { File file = new File(filePath); // Our utility method wants that as a byte array is = new; long length = file.length(); // You cannot create an array using a long type. // It needs to be an int type. if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { LOGGER.warn("File " + filePath + " too large and will not be added"); is.close(); return null; } else { byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) length]; int offset = 0; int numRead = 0; while (offset < bytes.length && (numRead =, offset, bytes.length - offset)) >= 0) { offset += numRead; } // Ensure all the bytes have been read in if (offset < bytes.length) { System.out.println("Could not completely read file " + file.getName()); } is.close(); return bytes; } } /** * Add the image to docx * @param wordMLPackage * @param realNameWithPath * @param originalFilename * @param attachmentID * @param id * @param locale * @throws Exception */ private static void addImage(WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage, String realNameWithPath, String originalFilename, String description, Integer attachmentID, String captionStyleId, int id, Locale locale) throws Exception { File file = new File(realNameWithPath); // Our utility method wants that as a byte array is = new; long length = file.length(); // You cannot create an array using a long type. // It needs to be an int type. if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { LOGGER.warn("File " + originalFilename + " too large and will not be added"); } else { byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) length]; int offset = 0; int numRead = 0; while (offset < bytes.length && (numRead =, offset, bytes.length - offset)) >= 0) { offset += numRead; } // Ensure all the bytes have been read in if (offset < bytes.length) { System.out.println("Could not completely read file " + file.getName()); } String filenameHint = originalFilename; String altText = null; int id1 = id; int id2 = id;//+1; //no width specified org.docx4j.wml.P imageP = newImage(wordMLPackage, bytes, filenameHint, altText, id1, id2); wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(imageP); org.docx4j.wml.P captionP = createCaption(LocalizeUtil .getLocalizedTextFromApplicationResources("admin.actions.exportDocx.figure", locale), id, originalFilename, description, captionStyleId, id); wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(captionP); /*if (description!=null && !"".equals(description)) { org.docx4j.wml.P descriptionP =createImageDescription(description, captionStyleId); wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(descriptionP); }*/ } is.close(); } /** * Create image, without specifying width */ private static org.docx4j.wml.P newImage(WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage, byte[] bytes, String filenameHint, String altText, int id1, int id2) throws Exception { BinaryPartAbstractImage imagePart = BinaryPartAbstractImage.createImagePart(wordMLPackage, bytes); Inline inline = imagePart.createImageInline(filenameHint, altText, id1, id2, false); // Now add the inline in w:p/w:r/w:drawing org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory factory = Context.getWmlObjectFactory(); org.docx4j.wml.P p = factory.createP(); org.docx4j.wml.R run = factory.createR(); p.getContent().add(run); org.docx4j.wml.Drawing drawing = factory.createDrawing(); run.getContent().add(drawing); drawing.getAnchorOrInline().add(inline); return p; } /** * Creates the caption/bookmark/figure sequence for an image * add this (see caption markup in document.xml): * <w:p w:rsidR="00324188" w:rsidRDefault="00E8619E" w:rsidP="00E8619E"> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="Caption"/> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t xml:space="preserve">Figure </w:t> </w:r> <w:fldSimple w:instr=" SEQ Figure \* ARABIC "> <w:r> <w:rPr> <w:noProof/> </w:rPr> <w:t>1</w:t> </w:r> </w:fldSimple> <w:bookmarkStart w:id="2" w:name="_GoBack"/> <w:bookmarkEnd w:id="2"/> </w:p> * * @param figurePrefix * @param figureNumber * @param figureName * @param bookmarkID * @return */ private static P createCaption(String figurePrefix, int figureNumber, String figureName, String description, String captionStyleId, int bookmarkID) { ObjectFactory wmlObjectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); P p = wmlObjectFactory.createP(); if (figurePrefix != null) { // Create object for r R r = wmlObjectFactory.createR(); p.getContent().add(r); // Create object for t (wrapped in JAXBElement) Text text = wmlObjectFactory.createText(); JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Text> textWrapped = wmlObjectFactory.createRT(text); r.getContent().add(textWrapped); text.setValue(figurePrefix + " "); text.setSpace("preserve"); } // Create object for fldSimple (wrapped in JAXBElement) CTSimpleField simplefield = wmlObjectFactory.createCTSimpleField(); JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.CTSimpleField> simplefieldWrapped = wmlObjectFactory .createPFldSimple(simplefield); p.getContent().add(simplefieldWrapped); // Create object for r R r2 = wmlObjectFactory.createR(); simplefield.getContent().add(r2); // Create object for t (wrapped in JAXBElement) Text text2 = wmlObjectFactory.createText(); JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Text> textWrapped2 = wmlObjectFactory.createRT(text2); r2.getContent().add(textWrapped2); text2.setValue(Integer.valueOf(figureNumber).toString()); // Create object for rPr RPr rpr = wmlObjectFactory.createRPr(); r2.setRPr(rpr); // Create object for noProof BooleanDefaultTrue booleandefaulttrue = wmlObjectFactory.createBooleanDefaultTrue(); rpr.setNoProof(booleandefaulttrue); simplefield.setInstr(" SEQ " + figurePrefix + " \\* ARABIC "); if (description != null && !"".equals(description)) { // Create object for r R r4 = wmlObjectFactory.createR(); p.getContent().add(r4); // Create object for t (wrapped in JAXBElement) Text text4 = wmlObjectFactory.createText(); JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Text> textWrapped4 = wmlObjectFactory.createRT(text4); r4.getContent().add(textWrapped4); text4.setValue(" - "); text4.setSpace("preserve"); // Create object for r R r5 = wmlObjectFactory.createR(); p.getContent().add(r5); // Create object for t (wrapped in JAXBElement) Text text5 = wmlObjectFactory.createText(); JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Text> textWrapped5 = wmlObjectFactory.createRT(text5); r5.getContent().add(textWrapped5); text5.setValue(description); text5.setSpace("preserve"); // Create object for bookmarkStart (wrapped in JAXBElement) } CTBookmark bookmark = wmlObjectFactory.createCTBookmark(); JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.CTBookmark> bookmarkWrapped = wmlObjectFactory.createPBookmarkStart(bookmark); p.getContent().add(bookmarkWrapped); bookmark.setName(figurePrefix + figureName); bookmark.setId(BigInteger.valueOf(bookmarkID)); // Create object for bookmarkEnd (wrapped in JAXBElement) CTMarkupRange markuprange = wmlObjectFactory.createCTMarkupRange(); JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.CTMarkupRange> markuprangeWrapped = wmlObjectFactory .createPBookmarkEnd(markuprange); p.getContent().add(markuprangeWrapped); markuprange.setId(BigInteger.valueOf(bookmarkID)); // Create object for pPr PPr ppr = wmlObjectFactory.createPPr(); p.setPPr(ppr); if (captionStyleId != null) { // Create object for pStyle PPrBase.PStyle pprbasepstyle = wmlObjectFactory.createPPrBasePStyle(); ppr.setPStyle(pprbasepstyle); pprbasepstyle.setVal(captionStyleId); } // Create object for jc Jc jc = wmlObjectFactory.createJc(); ppr.setJc(jc); jc.setVal(org.docx4j.wml.JcEnumeration.LEFT); return p; } /*private static P createImageDescription(String description, String captionStyleId) { ObjectFactory wmlObjectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); P p = wmlObjectFactory.createP(); if (description!=null) { // Create object for r R r = wmlObjectFactory.createR(); p.getContent().add(r); // Create object for t (wrapped in JAXBElement) Text text = wmlObjectFactory.createText(); JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Text> textWrapped = wmlObjectFactory.createRT(text); r.getContent().add(textWrapped); text.setValue(description); text.setSpace("preserve"); } // Create object for pPr PPr ppr = wmlObjectFactory.createPPr(); p.setPPr(ppr); if (captionStyleId!=null) { // Create object for pStyle PPrBase.PStyle pprbasepstyle = wmlObjectFactory.createPPrBasePStyle(); ppr.setPStyle(pprbasepstyle); pprbasepstyle.setVal(captionStyleId); } Jc jc = wmlObjectFactory.createJc(); ppr.setJc(jc); jc.setVal(org.docx4j.wml.JcEnumeration.LEFT); return p; }*/ }