Java tutorial
/** * Genji Scrum Tool and Issue Tracker * Copyright (C) 2015 Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG Task Management Solutions * <a href="">Genji Scrum Tool</a> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* $Id:$ */ package com.aurel.track.dbase; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.torque.Torque; import org.apache.torque.TorqueException; import org.apache.torque.util.Criteria; import com.aurel.track.ApplicationStarter; import com.aurel.track.StartServlet; import com.aurel.track.accessControl.AccessBeans; import com.aurel.track.admin.customize.category.filter.PredefinedQueryBL; import; import com.aurel.track.admin.customize.lists.systemOption.PriorityBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.customize.lists.systemOption.SeverityBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.customize.localize.LocalizeBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.customize.role.RoleBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.project.ProjectBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.server.logging.LoggingConfigBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.server.siteConfig.SiteConfigBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.user.userLevel.UserLevelBL; import com.aurel.track.beans.TBaseLineBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TComputedValuesBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TCostBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TExportTemplateBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TLinkTypeBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TPriorityBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TProjectBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TRoleBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TSeverityBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TSiteBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TStateChangeBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TSystemStateBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TTrailBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TWorkItemBean; import com.aurel.track.dao.BaseLineDAO; import com.aurel.track.dao.DAOFactory; import com.aurel.track.dao.LinkTypeDAO; import com.aurel.track.dao.SiteDAO; import com.aurel.track.dao.StateChangeDAO; import com.aurel.track.dao.SystemStateDAO; import com.aurel.track.dao.TrailDAO; import com.aurel.track.dao.WorkItemDAO; import com.aurel.track.item.ItemPersisterException; import com.aurel.track.item.budgetCost.BudgetBL; import com.aurel.track.item.budgetCost.ComputedValueBL; import com.aurel.track.item.budgetCost.ExpenseBL; import com.aurel.track.item.history.HistoryBean; import com.aurel.track.item.history.HistoryBean.HISTORY_TYPE; import com.aurel.track.linkType.CloseDependsOnLinkType; import com.aurel.track.linkType.ILinkType.LINK_DIRECTION; import com.aurel.track.linkType.MsProjectLinkType; import com.aurel.track.persist.BaseTListTypePeer; import com.aurel.track.persist.BaseTProject; import com.aurel.track.persist.BaseTProjectTypePeer; import com.aurel.track.persist.BaseTPstatePeer; import com.aurel.track.persist.BaseTStatePeer; import com.aurel.track.persist.BaseTWorkItemPeer; import com.aurel.track.persist.TListType; import com.aurel.track.persist.TPstate; import com.aurel.track.persist.TSite; import com.aurel.track.persist.TSitePeer; import com.aurel.track.persist.TState; import com.aurel.track.persist.TWorkItem; import com.aurel.track.prop.ApplicationBean; import com.aurel.track.resources.LocalizationKeyPrefixes; import; import com.aurel.track.util.EqualUtils; import com.aurel.track.util.PropertiesHelper; /** * * This class manages database upgrades from previous versions * to the actual version. This is because some operations can * not be done with SQL scripts across many different platforms. * * @author Joerg Friedrich * @version $Revision: 1795 $ * */ public class UpgradeDatabase { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(UpgradeDatabase.class); private static TrailDAO trailDAO = DAOFactory.getFactory().getTrailDAO(); private static StateChangeDAO stateChangeDAO = DAOFactory.getFactory().getStateChangeDAO(); private static BaseLineDAO baseLineDAO = DAOFactory.getFactory().getBaseLineDAO(); private static WorkItemDAO workItemDAO = DAOFactory.getFactory().getWorkItemDAO(); private static SiteDAO siteDAO = DAOFactory.getFactory().getSiteDAO(); private static LinkTypeDAO linkTypeDAO = DAOFactory.getFactory().getLinkTypeDAO(); private static SystemStateDAO systemStateDAO = DAOFactory.getFactory().getSystemStateDAO(); // The database version for this software version public static final int DBVERSION = 500; private static transient String theVersion = ""; public UpgradeDatabase(String _theVersion, String _theBuild) throws ServletException { theVersion = _theVersion; } /** * This method performs the actual upgrade by reading information * from the database and writing to it directly and via the Torque * persistence layer. You can really screw things up if you manually * mess with the database version in TSite. * @throws SQLException * @throws ItemPersisterException * @throws TorqueException */ public void upgrade(ServletContext servletContext) throws TorqueException, SQLException, ItemPersisterException { LoggingConfigBL.setLevel(LOGGER, Level.INFO); upgrade220To300(); upgrade300To310(); upgrade310To320(); upgrade320To330(); upgrade330To340(); upgrade340To350(); upgrade350To370(servletContext); addNewReportTemplatesBy372(); addNewReportTemplatesBy373(); // For future releases, put additional upgrade functions // into method upgradeFrom370(). } /** * From 370 on the new upgrade code will be called from this method instead of upgrade() * @param servletContext * @throws SQLException */ public static void upgradeFrom370(ServletContext servletContext) throws TorqueException, SQLException { upgrade370To380(); upgrade380To400(); upgrade400To411(); upgrade411To412(); upgrade412To415(); upgrade415To416(); upgrade416To417(); upgrade417To500(); upgrade500To502(); upgrade502To503(); ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT); } /* * Coming from very early version 2.2.x ------------------------------------- */ private void upgrade220To300() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 300)) { return;// upgrade should not be necessary } // Insert generic project type into all projects in TPROJECT // that do not have an entry there already. try { List<TProjectBean> list = ProjectBL.loadAll(); TProjectBean projectBean = ProjectBL.loadByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(0)); if (projectBean != null) { list.add(projectBean); } TProjectBean prj = null; Iterator<TProjectBean> i = list.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { prj =; if ((prj != null) && (prj.getProjectType() == null)) { prj.setProjectType(new Integer(0)); ProjectBL.saveSimple(prj);//;"Adding project type to project " + prj.getLabel()); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); } // Insert entries into TPSTATE if there aren't any yet // This adds an entry for each list type and each state // and for any project (project oid == 0). Thus we will // have the same behaviour as before, but we can modify // it by manually pruning the table // Default states , stateflags and sort order are: // 1,'opened',0, // 2,'analyzed',0,2 // 3,'assigned',0,3 // 4,'suspended',1,9 // 5,'processing',0,4 // 6,'implemented',0,5 // 7,'integrated',2,6 // 8,'closed',1,8 // 9,'assessing',0,7 // // Default list types are: // 1,'ProblemReport',1 // 2,'RequirementChange',2 // 3,'ImplementationError',3 // 4,'WorkPackage',4 // 5,'ActionItem',5 // 6,'Milestone',6 // 7,'Risk',7 // 8,'Requirements',8 // 9,'ReleaseNotes',9 try { List<TPstate> list = BaseTPstatePeer.doSelect(new Criteria()); Iterator<TPstate> i = list.iterator(); TPstate pstate = null; if (!i.hasNext()) { // not a single entry here"Adding entries to TPSTATE"); List<TListType> listTypeList = BaseTListTypePeer.doSelect(new Criteria()); Iterator<TListType> il = listTypeList.iterator(); TState state = null; TListType listType = null; while (il.hasNext()) { listType = (TListType); List<TState> stateList = BaseTStatePeer.doSelect(new Criteria()); Iterator<TState> is = stateList.iterator(); while (is.hasNext()) { state = (TState); pstate = new TPstate(); pstate.setTState(state); pstate.setTListType(listType); pstate.setProjectType(new Integer(0)); if ((listType.getObjectID().intValue() <= 4) || (listType.getObjectID().intValue() >= 8)) {; } if ((listType.getObjectID().intValue() == 5) && (state.getObjectID().intValue() == 5 || state.getObjectID().intValue() == 6)) {; } if (((listType.getObjectID().intValue() == 5) || (listType.getObjectID().intValue() == 6) || (listType.getObjectID().intValue() == 7)) && (state.getObjectID().intValue() == 1 || state.getObjectID().intValue() == 8)) {; } System.out.print("."); } }"done"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Problem adding entries to TPSTATE"); } // Last but not least update the TWORKITEM tables and check for // null values in CLASSKEY (just to make sure, should not be any) // and RELNOTICEDKEY. A RELNOTICEDKEY of null would cause // problems when we extending our report queries to this field. // This operation can take some time on a big database... try { System.err.print("Upgrading TWORKITEM table..."); List<TWorkItem> list = BaseTWorkItemPeer.doSelect(new Criteria()); Iterator<TWorkItem> i = list.iterator(); TWorkItem wi = null; Integer reln = null; Integer classn = null; Integer inull = new Integer(0); int count = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { wi = (TWorkItem); reln = wi.getReleaseNoticedID(); classn = wi.getClassID(); if (reln == null) { wi.setReleaseNoticedID(inull); } if (classn == null) { wi.setClassID(inull); }; if ((count % 10) == 0) { System.err.print("."); // give some sign that we are alive } ++count; }"done"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Problem checking TWORKITEM"); } // Finally mark this upgrade off so we don't run into it again // with this database"Database upgrade from 220 to 300 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("300");; } /* * Upgrade from 30x to 31x ---------------------------- */ private void upgrade300To310() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 310)) { return; // upgrade should not be necessary } siteBean.setDbVersion("310"); if (siteBean.getSmtpPort() == null || siteBean.getSmtpPort().intValue() == 0) { siteBean.setSmtpPort(new Integer(25)); } if (siteBean.getMailReceivingPort() == null || siteBean.getMailReceivingPort().intValue() == 0) { siteBean.setMailReceivingPort(new Integer(110)); } try {; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Problem saving TSITE"); LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Continuing nonetheless"); } try { List<TProjectBean> list = ProjectBL.loadAll(); TProjectBean projectBean = ProjectBL.loadByPrimaryKey(Integer.valueOf(0)); if (projectBean != null) { list.add(projectBean); } if (list != null) { Iterator<TProjectBean> it = list.iterator(); TProjectBean project = null; while (it.hasNext()) { project =; project.setDeleted("N"); if (project.getProjectType() == null) { project.setProjectType(new Integer(0)); } ProjectBL.saveSimple(project);//; } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error when trying to update TPROJECT"); LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); }"Database upgrade from 300 to 310 completed."); } private void upgrade310To320() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 320)) { return; // upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 310 to 320 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("320");; } private void upgrade320To330() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 330)) { return; // upgrade should not be necessary } //get all roles to migrate String extendedAccessKey; List<TRoleBean> roles = RoleBL.loadAll(); Iterator<TRoleBean> itrRoles = roles.iterator(); while (itrRoles.hasNext()) { TRoleBean roleBean = (TRoleBean); Integer accessKey = roleBean.getAccesskey(); extendedAccessKey = roleBean.getExtendedaccesskey(); if (accessKey != null && accessKey.intValue() != 0 && (extendedAccessKey == null || extendedAccessKey.length() == 0)) { extendedAccessKey = migrateRoleAccessKey(accessKey.intValue()); roleBean.setExtendedaccesskey(extendedAccessKey);; } }"Database upgrade from 320 to 330 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("330");; } private void upgrade330To340() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 340)) { return; // upgrade should not be necessary } //force the warning levels for priority List<TPriorityBean> priorityList = PriorityBL.loadAll(); if (priorityList != null && !priorityList.isEmpty()) { for (TPriorityBean priorityBean : priorityList) { if (priorityBean.getWlevel() == null) { priorityBean.setWlevel(new Integer(priorityBean.getObjectID().intValue() - 1)); PriorityBL.saveSimple(priorityBean); } } } //force the warning levels for severity List<TSeverityBean> severityList = SeverityBL.loadAll(); if (severityList != null && !severityList.isEmpty()) { for (TSeverityBean severityBean : severityList) { if (severityBean.getWlevel() == null) { severityBean.setWlevel(new Integer(severityBean.getObjectID().intValue() - 1)); SeverityBL.saveSimple(severityBean); } } } //copy the content of lastEdit to the effortDate for the costs List<TCostBean> costList = ExpenseBL.loadAll(); if (costList != null && !costList.isEmpty()) { Iterator<TCostBean> iterator = costList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TCostBean costBean = (TCostBean); if (costBean.getEffortdate() == null) { costBean.setEffortdate(costBean.getLastEdit()); ExpenseBL.saveCostBean(costBean); } } }"Database upgrade from 330 to 340 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("340");; } private void upgrade340To350() throws SQLException, ItemPersisterException, TorqueException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 350)) { return; // upgrade should not be necessary }"Performing upgrade step 340 to 350."); MigrateTagReplacer tagReplacer = new MigrateTagReplacer(Locale.ENGLISH); tagReplacer.setContextPath(""); //replace the trail descriptions List<TTrailBean> trails = trailDAO.loadAll(); if (trails != null) { Iterator<TTrailBean> iterator = trails.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TTrailBean trailBean = (TTrailBean); if (replaceDescriptionForHistoryBean(trailBean, tagReplacer)) {; } } } //replace the state change descriptions List<TStateChangeBean> stateChanges = stateChangeDAO.loadAll(); if (stateChanges != null) { Iterator<TStateChangeBean> iterator = stateChanges.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TStateChangeBean stateChangeBean = (TStateChangeBean); if (replaceDescriptionForHistoryBean(stateChangeBean, tagReplacer)) {; } } } //replace the base line change descriptions List<TBaseLineBean> baseLineChanges = baseLineDAO.loadAll(); if (baseLineChanges != null) { Iterator<TBaseLineBean> iterator = baseLineChanges.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TBaseLineBean baseLineBean = (TBaseLineBean); if (replaceDescriptionForHistoryBean(baseLineBean, tagReplacer)) {; } } } List<TWorkItemBean> allItems = workItemDAO.loadAll(); if (allItems != null) { Iterator<TWorkItemBean> iterator = allItems.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TWorkItemBean workItemBean = (TWorkItemBean); if (replaceDescriptionForItemBean(workItemBean, tagReplacer)) {; } } } //set version control viewer for projects. Append project in baseURL List<TProjectBean> projects = ProjectBL.loadAll(); for (int i = 0; i < projects.size(); i++) { TProjectBean prj = projects.get(i); boolean useVC = (PropertiesHelper.getProperty(prj.getMoreProps(), TProjectBean.MOREPPROPS.USE_VERSION_CONTROL_PROPERTY) + "").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); if (useVC) { String viewVCBaseUrl = prj.getVersionSystemField0(); String viewVCProject = prj.getVersionSystemField1(); if (viewVCBaseUrl != null && viewVCProject != null && viewVCProject.length() > 0) { if (!viewVCBaseUrl.endsWith("/") && !viewVCProject.startsWith("/")) { viewVCBaseUrl = viewVCBaseUrl + "/"; } viewVCBaseUrl = viewVCBaseUrl + viewVCProject; prj.setVersionSystemField0(viewVCBaseUrl); ProjectBL.saveSimple(prj); } } } //populates the computed values table for the existing time and cost values ComputedValueBL.deleteAll(); saveComputedValuesBeanList(ExpenseBL.loadExpenseGroupedByWorkItem()); saveComputedValuesBeanList(ExpenseBL.loadExpenseGroupedByWorkItemAndPerson()); ComputedValueBL.computePlannedValuesToLastFromHistory(BudgetBL.loadLastPlanForWorkItems()); // Make sure that the next ID from the ID_TABLE for the TEXPORTTEMPLATE // table begins with at least 101 for the new templates added by the customers. // That to reserve the numbers till 100 for temlates supplied with the Genji application. // If a customer has added some templates by version 3.4 // (where this problem was not taken into account) // they should save/download their custom templates before installing the new version // and after installing the new version upload the templates again // (this time the IDs will be above 100) Connection con = Torque.getConnection(BaseTProjectTypePeer.DATABASE_NAME); try { int maxid = 0; String sqlStmt = "SELECT MAX(OBJECTID) FROM TEXPORTTEMPLATE"; ResultSet rs = executeSelect(sqlStmt, con); if (rs != null) { maxid = rs.getInt(1) + 1; } if (maxid < 101) { maxid = 101; sqlStmt = "UPDATE ID_TABLE SET NEXT_ID = " + String.valueOf(maxid) + " WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'TEXPORTTEMPLATE'"; insertData(sqlStmt); } if (!isNewInstall(siteBean)) { //move the existing custom (non system) templates to values over 101 //by 3.4 there were only 5 "system" reports List<TExportTemplateBean> exportTemplateBeans = ReportBL.loadFromTo(new Integer(5), new Integer(100)); if (exportTemplateBeans != null && !exportTemplateBeans.isEmpty()) { Iterator<TExportTemplateBean> iterator = exportTemplateBeans.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { //ideal would be to change the objectID, but torque does not change the objectID TExportTemplateBean oldExportTemplateBean =; TExportTemplateBean newExportTemplateBean = new TExportTemplateBean(); newExportTemplateBean.setName(oldExportTemplateBean.getName()); newExportTemplateBean.setReportType(oldExportTemplateBean.getReportType()); newExportTemplateBean.setExportFormat(oldExportTemplateBean.getExportFormat()); newExportTemplateBean.setRepositoryType(oldExportTemplateBean.getRepositoryType()); newExportTemplateBean.setDescription(oldExportTemplateBean.getDescription()); newExportTemplateBean.setProject(oldExportTemplateBean.getProject()); newExportTemplateBean.setPerson(oldExportTemplateBean.getPerson()); newExportTemplateBean.setUuid(oldExportTemplateBean.getUuid()); Integer oldObjectID = oldExportTemplateBean.getObjectID(); ReportBL.delete(oldObjectID); Integer newObjectID = ReportBL.saveReport(newExportTemplateBean); File oldUnzippedDirectory = ReportBL.getDirTemplate(oldObjectID); File newUnzippedDirectory = ReportBL.getDirTemplate(newObjectID); oldUnzippedDirectory.renameTo(newUnzippedDirectory); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Updating the ID_TABLE for TEXPORTTEMPLATE ID failed with " + e.getMessage()); } finally { Torque.closeConnection(con); } //deletes the old system templates from in the disk in order //to trigger extracting the new templates from the zips found in the classpath deleteOldReportTemplates();"Database upgrade from 340 to 350 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("350");; } private void upgrade350To370(ServletContext servletContext) throws SQLException, TorqueException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 370)) { upgradeFrom370(servletContext); return; // upgrade should not be necessary }"Performing upgrade step 350 to 370."); ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT + "3.7"); new MigrateTo37(servletContext).start(); } public static void upgrade370To380() throws SQLException, TorqueException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 380)) { return; // upgrade should not be necessary }"Performing upgrade step 370 to 380."); ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT + "3.8"); addNewReportTemplatesBy380(); Connection con = Torque.getConnection(BaseTProjectTypePeer.DATABASE_NAME); int maxid = 0; String sqlStmt = "SELECT MAX(OBJECTID) FROM TLINKTYPE"; ResultSet rs = executeSelect(sqlStmt, con); if (rs != null) { maxid = rs.getInt(1) + 1; } if (maxid < 101) { maxid = 101; sqlStmt = "UPDATE ID_TABLE SET NEXT_ID = " + String.valueOf(maxid) + " WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'TLINKTYPE'"; insertData(sqlStmt); } Integer linkTypeID = addLinkType("close depends on", "conditioning the close", LINK_DIRECTION.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, CloseDependsOnLinkType.class.getName()); LocalizeBL.saveLocalizedResource("", linkTypeID, "close depends on", Locale.ENGLISH); LocalizeBL.saveLocalizedResource("linkType.filterSuperset.1.", linkTypeID, "conditioning the close", Locale.ENGLISH); LocalizeBL.saveLocalizedResource("", linkTypeID, "Schlieen hngt ab von", Locale.GERMAN); LocalizeBL.saveLocalizedResource("linkType.filterSuperset.1.", linkTypeID, "zuerst geschlossen sein mssen", Locale.GERMAN); addUnscheduledReleaseState(); siteBean.setDbVersion("380");; Torque.closeConnection(con); } static Integer addLinkType(String name, String leftToRight, Integer direction, String linkTypePlugin) { TLinkTypeBean linkTypeBean = new TLinkTypeBean(); linkTypeBean.setName(name); linkTypeBean.setLeftToRightFirst(leftToRight); linkTypeBean.setLinkDirection(direction); linkTypeBean.setLinkTypePlugin(linkTypePlugin); return; } private static void addUnscheduledReleaseState() { TSystemStateBean systemStateBean = new TSystemStateBean(); systemStateBean.setLabel("unscheduled"); systemStateBean.setStateflag(TSystemStateBean.STATEFLAGS.NOT_PLANNED); systemStateBean.setEntityflag(TSystemStateBean.ENTITYFLAGS.RELEASESTATE); systemStateBean.setSortorder(Integer.valueOf(10)); Integer systemStateID =; String fieldName = LocalizationKeyPrefixes.SYSTEM_STATUS_KEY_PREFIX + TSystemStateBean.ENTITYFLAGS.RELEASESTATE; LocalizeBL.saveLocalizedResource(fieldName, systemStateID, "unscheduled", Locale.ENGLISH); LocalizeBL.saveLocalizedResource(fieldName, systemStateID, "nicht geplannt", Locale.GERMAN); } /** * Adds the new report templates into the database * and */ private void addNewReportTemplatesBy372() { try { TSite site = TSitePeer.load(); String version = site.getTrackVersion(); if (version == null || version.compareTo("3.7.2") <= 0) { List<TExportTemplateBean> newReportTemplates = ReportBL.loadFromTo(7, 11); if (newReportTemplates == null || newReportTemplates.isEmpty()) { String sqlStmt; Integer templateID; TExportTemplateBean exportTemplateBean; exportTemplateBean = prepareExportTemplateBean(/*new Integer(8),*/ "Detailed expense with person, project, account", "Detailed expense report with project, date, person"); templateID = ReportBL.saveReport(exportTemplateBean); sqlStmt = "UPDATE TEXPORTTEMPLATE SET OBJECTID = " + String.valueOf(8) + " WHERE OBJECTID = " + templateID; insertData(sqlStmt); exportTemplateBean = prepareExportTemplateBean(/*new Integer(9),*/ "Grouped expense by person, project, account", "Expense report grouped by person, project, account"); templateID = ReportBL.saveReport(exportTemplateBean); sqlStmt = "UPDATE TEXPORTTEMPLATE SET OBJECTID = " + String.valueOf(9) + " WHERE OBJECTID = " + templateID; insertData(sqlStmt); exportTemplateBean = prepareExportTemplateBean(/*new Integer(10),*/ "Grouped expense by project, costcenter, account, person", "Expense report grouped by project, costcenter, account, person"); templateID = ReportBL.saveReport(exportTemplateBean); sqlStmt = "UPDATE TEXPORTTEMPLATE SET OBJECTID = " + String.valueOf(10) + " WHERE OBJECTID = " + templateID; insertData(sqlStmt); exportTemplateBean = prepareExportTemplateBean(/*new Integer(11),*/ "Detailed expense with subproject and item", "Detailed expense report including subproject and item"); templateID = ReportBL.saveReport(exportTemplateBean); sqlStmt = "UPDATE TEXPORTTEMPLATE SET OBJECTID = " + String.valueOf(11) + " WHERE OBJECTID = " + templateID; insertData(sqlStmt);"Added new report templates in databse for 3.7.2"); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Adding new templates in database for 3.7.2 failed with " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Adds the new report templates into the database * and */ private void addNewReportTemplatesBy373() { try { TSite site = TSitePeer.load(); String theVersion = site.getTrackVersion(); if (theVersion == null || theVersion.compareTo("3.7.3") < 0) { List<TExportTemplateBean> newReportTemplates = ReportBL.loadFromTo(11, 14); if (newReportTemplates == null || newReportTemplates.isEmpty()) { String sqlStmt; Integer templateID; TExportTemplateBean exportTemplateBean; exportTemplateBean = prepareExportTemplateBean(/*new Integer(12),*/ "Filtered history", "Detailed report with filtered history"); templateID = ReportBL.saveReport(exportTemplateBean); sqlStmt = "UPDATE TEXPORTTEMPLATE SET OBJECTID = " + String.valueOf(12) + " WHERE OBJECTID = " + templateID; insertData(sqlStmt); exportTemplateBean = prepareExportTemplateBean(/*new Integer(13),*/ "Earned value chart", "Chart with planned, actual and earned values"); templateID = ReportBL.saveReport(exportTemplateBean); sqlStmt = "UPDATE TEXPORTTEMPLATE SET OBJECTID = " + String.valueOf(13) + " WHERE OBJECTID = " + templateID; insertData(sqlStmt); exportTemplateBean = prepareExportTemplateBean(/*new Integer(14),*/ "Opened vs. closed chart", "Chart with number of issues opened vs. closed"); templateID = ReportBL.saveReport(exportTemplateBean); sqlStmt = "UPDATE TEXPORTTEMPLATE SET OBJECTID = " + String.valueOf(14) + " WHERE OBJECTID = " + templateID; insertData(sqlStmt);"Added new report templates in database for 3.7.3"); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Adding new templates in database for 3.7.3 failed with " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Adds the new report templates into the database * and */ private static void addNewReportTemplatesBy380() { try { TExportTemplateBean exportTemplateBean = ReportBL.loadByPrimaryKey(15); if (exportTemplateBean == null) { String sqlStmt; Integer templateID; exportTemplateBean = prepareExportTemplateBean("Status over time", "Status ove time table"); templateID = ReportBL.saveReport(exportTemplateBean); sqlStmt = "UPDATE TEXPORTTEMPLATE SET OBJECTID = " + String.valueOf(15) + " WHERE OBJECTID = " + templateID; insertData(sqlStmt);"Added new report templates in database for 3.8.0"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Adding new templates in database for 3.8.0 failed with " + e.getMessage()); } } private static TExportTemplateBean prepareExportTemplateBean(String name, String description) { TExportTemplateBean exportTemplateBean; exportTemplateBean = new TExportTemplateBean(); exportTemplateBean.setName(name); exportTemplateBean.setExportFormat("pdf"); exportTemplateBean.setRepositoryType(new Integer(2)); exportTemplateBean.setDescription(description); exportTemplateBean.setPerson(new Integer(1)); exportTemplateBean.setReportType("Jasper Report"); return exportTemplateBean; } private static void upgrade380To400() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 400)) { return; // upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 380 to 400 started..."); ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT + "4.0"); Migrate380To400.migrate380To400();"Database upgrade from 380 to 400 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("400");; } private static void upgrade400To411() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 411)) { return;// upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 400 to 411 started..."); ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT + "4.1"); PredefinedQueryBL.addHardcodedFilters(); Migrate400To410.inverseLinkDirections(true); Migrate380To400.migrateFullTrigger();"Database upgrade from 400 to 411 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("411");; } private static void upgrade411To412() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 412)) { return;// upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 411 to 412 started..."); ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT + "4.12"); Migrate411To412.addTaskIsMilestone(); if (!(ApplicationBean.getInstance().getAppType() == ApplicationBean.APPTYPE_DESK) && !ApplicationBean.getInstance().isGenji()) { } //forgot to add it for 400 To 410 PredefinedQueryBL.addWatcherFilter();"Database upgrade from 411 to 412 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("412");; } private static void upgrade412To415() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 415)) { return;// upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 412 to 415 started..."); ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT + "4.12");"Database upgrade from 412 to 415 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("415");; } private static void upgrade415To416() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 416)) { return;// upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 415 to 416 started..."); if (!(ApplicationBean.getInstance().getAppType() == ApplicationBean.APPTYPE_DESK) && !ApplicationBean.getInstance().isGenji()) { Migrate415To416.addNewItemTypes(); } ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT + "4.15");"Database upgrade from 415 to 416 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("416");; } private static void upgrade416To417() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 417)) { return;// upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 416 to 417 started..."); Migrate416To417.addDeletedBasket(); ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT + "4.15");"Database upgrade from 416 to 417 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("417");; } private static void upgrade417To500() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 500)) { return;// upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 416 to 500 started..."); Migrate417To500.addWorkflowPerson(); Migrate417To500.migrateWorkflows(); Migrate417To500.setTypeFlagsForItemTypes(); DashboardScreenDesignBL.getInstance().checkAndCreateClientDefaultCockpit(); ApplicationStarter.getInstance().actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP, ApplicationStarter.DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT + "5.00");"Database upgrade from 416 to 500 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("500");; } private static void upgrade500To502() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 502)) { return;// upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 500 to 501 started..."); UserLevelBL.migrateFromProperyFileToDatabase(null); Migrate400To410.inverseLinkDirections(false); Migrate500To502.addInlineLinkedLinkType();"Database upgrade from 500 to 501 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("502");; } private static void upgrade502To503() throws SQLException { TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); if (!isNewDbVersion(siteBean, 503)) { return;// upgrade should not be necessary }"Database upgrade from 502 to 503 started..."); SiteConfigBL.setDefaultPrefixToWorkspaceIfNotExists(); Migrate502To503.changeDateFieldNames(); Migrate502To503.addDurations();"Database upgrade from 502 to 503 completed."); siteBean.setDbVersion("503");; } /** * Populates the computed values table for the existing time and cost values * @param computedValuesBeanList */ private void saveComputedValuesBeanList(List<TComputedValuesBean> computedValuesBeanList) { if (computedValuesBeanList != null && !computedValuesBeanList.isEmpty()) { Iterator<TComputedValuesBean> iterator = computedValuesBeanList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TComputedValuesBean computedValuesBean =;; } } } /** * Replaces the description with the HTML description * @param historyBean * @param tagReplacer * @throws SQLException * @throws TorqueException */ private boolean replaceDescriptionForHistoryBean(HistoryBean historyBean, MigrateTagReplacer tagReplacer) throws SQLException, TorqueException { Integer workItemID = historyBean.getWorkItemID(); TProjectBean projectBean = ProjectBL.loadByWorkItemKey(workItemID); String originalDescription = historyBean.getDescription(); if (originalDescription != null && originalDescription.length() > 0) { String replacedDescription = tagReplacer.processSquareBracketsTags( tagReplacer.replace(originalDescription, BaseTProject.createTProject(projectBean))); if (EqualUtils.notEqual(originalDescription, replacedDescription)) { if (replacedDescription != null && replacedDescription.length() > ApplicationBean.getInstance().getCommentMaxLength()) { LOGGER.warn("History description too long (" + replacedDescription.length() + ") for item:" + workItemID + " type:" + getHistoryType(historyBean.getType()) + " historyID:" + historyBean.getObjectID()); LOGGER.warn( "\n******************************Original description******************************\n"); LOGGER.warn(originalDescription); LOGGER.warn( "\n******************************Replaced description******************************\n"); replacedDescription = replacedDescription.substring(0, ApplicationBean.getInstance().getCommentMaxLength() - 1); LOGGER.warn(replacedDescription); } historyBean.setDescription(replacedDescription); return true; } } return false; } private String getHistoryType(int type) { switch (type) { case HISTORY_TYPE.COMMON_HISTORYVALUES: return "HISTORYVALUES"; case HISTORY_TYPE.TRAIL: return "TRAIL"; case HISTORY_TYPE.BASELINE_CHANGE: return "BASELINE_CHANGE"; case HISTORY_TYPE.STATE_CHANGE: return "STATE_CHANGE"; case HISTORY_TYPE.PLANNED_VALUE_CHANGE: return "PLANNED_VALUE_CHANGE"; case HISTORY_TYPE.BUDGET_CHANGE: return "BUDGET_CHANGE"; case HISTORY_TYPE.REMAINING_PLAN_CHANGE: return "ESTIMATED_BUDGET_CHANGE"; case HISTORY_TYPE.COST: return "COST"; } return "HISTORYVALUES"; } /** * Replaces the description with the HTML description * * @param historyBean * @param tagReplacer * @throws SQLException * @throws TorqueException */ private boolean replaceDescriptionForItemBean(TWorkItemBean workItemBean, MigrateTagReplacer tagReplacer) throws SQLException, TorqueException { Integer workItemID = workItemBean.getObjectID(); TProjectBean projectBean = ProjectBL.loadByWorkItemKey(workItemID); String originalDescription = workItemBean.getDescription(); if (originalDescription != null && originalDescription.length() > 0) { String replacedDescription = tagReplacer.processSquareBracketsTags( tagReplacer.replace(originalDescription, BaseTProject.createTProject(projectBean))); if (!replacedDescription.startsWith("<p>")) { replacedDescription = "<p>" + replacedDescription + "</p>"; } if (EqualUtils.notEqual(originalDescription, replacedDescription)) { if (replacedDescription != null && replacedDescription.length() > ApplicationBean.getInstance().getCommentMaxLength()) { LOGGER.warn("Item description too long for item:" + workItemID); LOGGER.warn("\n*****************************************************************\n"); LOGGER.warn(originalDescription); LOGGER.warn("\n*****************************************************************\n"); replacedDescription = replacedDescription.substring(0, ApplicationBean.getInstance().getCommentMaxLength() - 1); } workItemBean.setDescription(replacedDescription); return true; } } return false; } /** * Deletes the old system templates from in the disk in order * to trigger extracting the new templates from the zips found in the classpath * */ private void deleteOldReportTemplates() { List<TExportTemplateBean> templatesList = ReportBL.getAllTemplates(); for (int i = 0; i < templatesList.size(); i++) { TExportTemplateBean templateBean = (TExportTemplateBean) templatesList.get(i); File f = ReportBL.getDirTemplate(templateBean.getObjectID()); if (f.exists()) { NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("00000"); String dbId = nf.format(templateBean.getObjectID()); String reportTemplateName = ReportBL.RESOURCE_PATH + "/" + ReportBL.EXPORT_TEMPLATE_PREFIX + dbId + ".zip"; InputStream is = StartServlet.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(reportTemplateName); //delete only those templates which has corresponding zip file in the classpath if (is == null) { //zip not found in the classpath: nothing to expand and copy continue; } else { try { //delete the system template to trigger the copy of the newer template version if (f.isDirectory()) { deleteDirectory(f); } else { f.delete(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Deleting the old system template for template number " + templateBean.getObjectID() + " failed with " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } } } public static boolean deleteDirectory(File path) { if (path.exists()) { File[] files = path.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { deleteDirectory(files[i]); } else { files[i].delete(); } } } return path.delete(); } private String migrateRoleAccessKey(int accessKey) { int thousand; // close int hundred; // read int ten; // modify int one; // create StringBuffer extendedAccessKey = new StringBuffer(); //create the string buffer with no rights //-2 because at this time we have the last two permission flags not yet defined for (int i = 0; i < AccessBeans.NUMBER_OF_ACCESS_FLAGS; i++) { extendedAccessKey.append(AccessBeans.OFFVALUE); } thousand = accessKey / 1000;//close switch (thousand) { case 1: extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CLOSETASKIFMANAGERORORIGINATOR, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CLOSETASKIFRESPONSIBLE, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); break; case 2: extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CLOSETASKIFMANAGERORORIGINATOR, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); break; default: extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CLOSEANYTASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); break; } switch (accessKey % 1000) { case 999: extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.PROJECTADMIN, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.MANAGER, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.READANYTASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.MODIFYANYTASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CREATETASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); break; case 777: extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.MANAGER, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.READANYTASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.MODIFYANYTASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CREATETASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); break; case 770: extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.MANAGER, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CREATETASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); break; case 666: extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.RESPONSIBLE, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.READANYTASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.MODIFYANYTASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CREATETASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); break; case 660: extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.RESPONSIBLE, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CREATETASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); break; default: // pattern: read modify create hundred = (accessKey - thousand * 1000) / 100; // read ten = (accessKey - thousand * 1000 - hundred * 100) / 10; // modify one = accessKey - thousand * 1000 - hundred * 100 - ten * 10; // create if (hundred == 2) { extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.READANYTASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); } if (ten == 2) { extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.MODIFYANYTASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); //extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagMigrationIndexes.ADDMODIFYDELETEDUEDATES, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); } if (one == 1) { extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CREATETASK, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); } break; } extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.CONSULTANT, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); extendedAccessKey.setCharAt(AccessBeans.AccessFlagIndexes.INFORMANT, AccessBeans.ONVALUE); return extendedAccessKey.toString(); } private static void insertData(String sqlStmt) throws TorqueException, SQLException { Connection db = null; try { db = Torque.getConnection(BaseTProjectTypePeer.DATABASE_NAME); // it's the same name for all tables here, so we don't care Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sqlStmt); } finally { Torque.closeConnection(db); } } private static ResultSet executeSelect(String sqlStmt, Connection db) { ResultSet rs = null; // Connection db = null; try { // it's the same name for all tables here, so we don't care Statement stmt = db.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStmt); if ( == false) rs = null; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } return rs; } private static boolean isNewDbVersion(TSiteBean siteBean, int theDbVersion) throws SQLException { if (siteBean == null) { throw new SQLException("Could not load site object"); } Integer dbVersion = new Integer(0); if (siteBean.getDbVersion() != null || !"".equals(siteBean.getDbVersion())) { try { dbVersion = new Integer(siteBean.getDbVersion()); } catch (Exception e) { dbVersion = new Integer(0); } } if (dbVersion.intValue() >= theDbVersion) { return false; // upgrade should not be necessary } return true; } private boolean isNewInstall(TSiteBean siteBean) { //it means actually new Genji installation or upgrade on a 3.7.2 after the first start //(due to a bug which resulted in overwriting the trackVersion field of the siteBean //in the UpdateDatabase code to null after a new 3.7.2 install) return siteBean.getTrackVersion() == null; } public static boolean isNewVersion() { TSite site = TSitePeer.load(); if (site == null) { return true; } String tversion = site.getTrackVersion(); // e.g. 3.7.3 return (tversion != null && !"".equals(tversion.trim()) && tversion.trim().equals(theVersion.trim())); } }