Java tutorial
/** * Genji Scrum Tool and Issue Tracker * Copyright (C) 2015 Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG Task Management Solutions * <a href="">Genji Scrum Tool</a> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* $Id:$ */ package com.aurel.track; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator; import org.apache.torque.Torque; import org.apache.torque.TorqueException; import com.aurel.track.admin.server.dbbackup.DatabaseBackupBL; import com.aurel.track.beans.TClusterNodeBean; import com.aurel.track.beans.TSiteBean; import com.aurel.track.cluster.ClusterBL; import com.aurel.track.cluster.ClusterUpdateBL; import com.aurel.track.dao.DAOFactory; import com.aurel.track.dao.SiteDAO; import com.aurel.track.dbase.HandleHome; import com.aurel.track.dbase.InitDatabase; import com.aurel.track.dbase.InitReportTemplateBL; import com.aurel.track.dbase.JobScheduler; import com.aurel.track.dbase.UpdateDbSchema; import; import com.aurel.track.fieldType.types.FieldTypeDescriptorUtil; import com.aurel.track.item.lock.ItemLockBL; import com.aurel.track.lucene.LuceneUtil; import com.aurel.track.lucene.index.LuceneIndexer; import com.aurel.track.persist.BaseTSitePeer; import com.aurel.track.persist.TLoggingLevelPeer; import com.aurel.track.prop.ApplicationBean; import com.aurel.track.resources.ResourceBundleManager; import com.aurel.track.util.DateTimeUtils; import com.aurel.track.util.LabelValueBean; import com.aurel.track.util.PluginUtils; import com.aurel.track.util.Support; import com.aurel.track.util.event.EventPublisher; import com.aurel.track.util.event.IEventSubscriber; import com.cybozu.labs.langdetect.DetectorFactory; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.LocalizedTextUtil; import com.trackplus.license.LicenseManager; /** * ApplicationStarter initializes the Genji application. This includes * <ul> * <li>Creating the database structure if it is not available * <li>Updating the database structure in case it has changed * <li>Filling the database with default values * <li>Copying files like logos and templates to their proper places * <li>Initializing the full text search engine * <li>Initializing the job scheduling subsystem * </ul> * After ApplicationStarter is done, the Struts2 Action servlet serves the user * at the browser or web service interface as defined in file * <code>struts.xml</code>. * */ public final class ApplicationStarter implements Runnable { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ApplicationStarter.class); private static ApplicationStarter instance = null; // The second number in the arrays below are the total percentage // complete allocated to this initialization step. The first number // is usually not used. public static final int[] DB_TRACK_SCHEMA = { 0, 20 }; public static final int[] INIT_DB_DATA = { 0, 10 }; // Increment percentage complete with each call by this amount public static final int INIT_DB_DATA_STEP = INIT_DB_DATA[1] / 8; public static final int[] RESOURCE_UPGRADE = { 0, 60 }; public static final int[] DB_DATA_UPGRADE = { 0, 10 }; // Increment percentage complete with each call by this amount public static final int DB_DATA_UPGRADE_STEP = DB_DATA_UPGRADE[1] / 10; public static final String PERCENT_COMPLETE = "PERCENT_COMPLETE"; public static final String PROGRESS_TEXT = "PROGRESS_TEXT"; public static final String READY = "READY"; public static String DB_SCHEMA_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_TEXT = "Executing script "; public static String DB_SCHEMA_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT = "Database schema is up to date";// "starter.dbSchema" public static String INIT_DB_DATA_TEXT = "Initialize database data";// "starter.initData" public static String RESOURCE_UPGRADE_LOCALE_TEXT = "Loading resource for locale ";// "starter.resourceForLocale" public static String RESOURCE_UPGRADE_DEFAULT_LOCALE_TEXT = "Loading resources for default locale";// "starter.resourceForDefaultLocale" public static String RESOURCE_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT = "Localized resources are loaded ";// "starter.resource" public static String DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT = "Migrating data to ";// "starter.dbDataUpgradeTo" public static String DATA_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT = "Migrating data ready";// "starter.dbDataUpgrade" public static String REPORT_COPY_READY_TEXT = "Copying report templates...";// "starter.reportTemplates" public static String READY_TEXT = "starter.ready"; public static String PLEASE_TEXT = "Please give us a moment..."; public static String WAIT_TEXT = "to initialize the system. This can take a few minutes."; public static String TITLE = "Application initializing"; private int actualProgress = 0; private static final int REPORT_COPY = 2;// resource upgrade is ready private SiteDAO siteDAO = DAOFactory.getFactory().getSiteDAO(); private transient ExecutorService executor = null; private ServletConfig servletConfig = null; private ApplicationBean appBean = null; private Boolean serverIsReady = false; // ---------------------------------------------------- HttpServlet Methods /* * Hidden constructor for singleton pattern */ private ApplicationStarter() { } /** * Get a singleton instance of this class. * * @return the one and only ApplicationStarter instance of this JVM. */ public static ApplicationStarter getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new ApplicationStarter(); } return instance; } /** * Initialize before use. * * @param scfg * the servlet configuration * @param _executor * the executor running everything in its own thread. */ public void init(ServletConfig scfg, ExecutorService pexecutor) { setServletConfig(scfg); this.executor = pexecutor; } /* * starter.dbSchema=Database schema is up-to-date * starter.dbSchemaScript=Executing script {0}... * starter.dbDataUpgrade=Migrating data ready * starter.dbDataUpgradeTo=Migrating data to {0}... * starter.ready=Application is ready starter.resource=Resources are loaded * starter.reportTemplates=Copying report templates... * starter.resourceForLocale=Loading resource for locale {0}... */ /** Initializes the application */ @Override public void run() { setLoaderResourceBundleMessages(); ServletContext servletContext = getServletConfig().getServletContext(); appBean = initApplicationBeanStep1(servletContext);"-------------------------------------------------------------"); + ": System initializaton for version " + appBean.getVersion() + " build " + appBean.getBuild() + " started...");"TRACKPLUS_HOME set to " + HandleHome.getTrackplus_Home()); updateOrCreateDbSchema(servletContext); TSiteBean site = initDatabaseAndAdjustHome(appBean.getVersion(), servletContext); initExtraLoggers(servletContext); printSystemInfo(); Support.loadLastURIs(); try { setColumnSizes(); InitDatabase.upgradeDatabase(site, servletContext, appBean.getVersion(), appBean.getBuild()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); ApplicationBean.getInstance().setInstallProblem(createInstallProblemMessage(e)); LOGGER.error("Problem when printing system info or upgrading database."); emergencyExit(e); } // Initialize the length of short descriptions in the report page initDescriptionLength(); initEmailSubsystem(); initCookieTimeout(); initLDAP(); initWebService(); // Update the versions of the application and database scheme. updateVersions(servletContext); LuceneUtil.initLuceneParameters(); site = siteDAO.load1(); appBean = initLicSys(site); ClusterBL.processCluster(false); String myIp = ClusterBL.getIPAddress(); if (ApplicationBean.getInetAddress() != null) { TClusterNodeBean clusterNodeBean = ClusterBL.loadByIP(myIp); appBean.setClusterNodeBean(clusterNodeBean); } HandleHome.initGroovyPlugins(servletContext); Constants.setGroovyScriptEngine(); servletContext.setAttribute("SITECONFIG", site); servletContext.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_BEAN, appBean); initJobs(servletContext); getDesignPaths(servletContext); servletContext.setAttribute("FirstTime", "FT"); initLucene(myIp); EventPublisher evp = EventPublisher.getInstance(); EventPublisher.init(); // only first time, don't repeat if (evp != null) { List<Integer> events = new ArrayList<Integer>(); events.add(Integer.valueOf(IEventSubscriber.EVENT_POST_SYSTEM_STARTED)); evp.notify(events, site); } // // Verify the reportTemplates // actualizePercentComplete(ApplicationStarter.REPORT_COPY, ApplicationStarter.REPORT_COPY_READY_TEXT); InitReportTemplateBL.verifyReportTemplates(); // remove stuck locks ItemLockBL.removeAllLocks(); Set<String> fieldTypeResourceBundleNames = FieldTypeDescriptorUtil.getCustomFieldTypeResourceBundles(); if (fieldTypeResourceBundleNames != null) { for (String resourceBundleName : fieldTypeResourceBundleNames) { // add the resource bundles specified in the fieldType // plugins // to the struts' default resource bundles. // needed for example to report the conversion errors // during configuring the custom fields // (by conversion error text there is not possible to // specify the bundle explicitly) LocalizedTextUtil.addDefaultResourceBundle(resourceBundleName); } } actualizePercentComplete(100 - getPercentComplete(), ApplicationStarter.READY_TEXT); String version = site.getTrackVersion(); + " system version " + version + " Build " + appBean.getBuild() + " started..."); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize general logging with settings from the database initGeneralLogging(servletContext); servletContext.setAttribute(READY, new Boolean(true)); serverIsReady = true; try { FileMonitor.monitor(); } catch (Exception e) {; } // This is for unit test purposes File lock = new File(HandleHome.getTrackplus_Home() + "/lock"); if (lock.exists()) { lock.delete(); } try { DetectorFactory .loadProfile(HandleHome.getTrackplus_Home() + File.separator + "LanguageDetectionProfiles"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to load language profiles: " + e.getMessage()); } } // -------------------- End of startup, details // follow----------------------------- // /** * This method updates the percent complete bar shown during system startup * * @param percentComplete * @param progressText */ public void actualizePercentComplete(Integer percentComplete, String progressText) { actualProgress = actualProgress + percentComplete; ApplicationBean.getInstance().getServletContext().setAttribute(PERCENT_COMPLETE, actualProgress); ApplicationBean.getInstance().getServletContext().setAttribute(PROGRESS_TEXT, progressText); } /** * Get the progress text shown during system initialization in the browser * * @return */ public String getProgressText() { ServletContext scx = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getServletContext(); if (scx != null) { return (String) scx.getAttribute(PROGRESS_TEXT); } return ""; } public int getPercentComplete() { ServletContext scx = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getServletContext(); if (scx != null) { Integer pc = (Integer) scx.getAttribute(PERCENT_COMPLETE); if (pc != null) { return pc; } } return 0; } private void setLoaderResourceBundleMessages() { // request not available yet ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundleManager.LOADER_RESOURCES, Locale.getDefault()); // getLoaderResourceBundle // ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources/UserInterface/LoaderResources", // locale) DB_SCHEMA_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_TEXT = rb.getString("DB_SCHEMA_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_TEXT"); // Executing script starter.dbSchemaScript DB_SCHEMA_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT = rb.getString("DB_SCHEMA_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT"); // "Database schema is up to date INIT_DB_DATA_TEXT = rb.getString("INIT_DB_DATA_TEXT"); // Initialize database data starter.initData RESOURCE_UPGRADE_LOCALE_TEXT = rb.getString("RESOURCE_UPGRADE_LOCALE_TEXT"); // Loading resource for locale tarter.resourceForLocale RESOURCE_UPGRADE_DEFAULT_LOCALE_TEXT = rb.getString("RESOURCE_UPGRADE_DEFAULT_LOCALE_TEXT"); // Loading resources for default locale starter.resourceForDefaultLocale RESOURCE_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT = rb.getString("RESOURCE_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT"); // Localized resources are loaded starter.resource DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT = rb.getString("DATA_UPGRADE_TO_TEXT"); // Migrating data to starter.dbDataUpgradeTo DATA_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT = rb.getString("DATA_UPGRADE_READY_TEXT"); // Migrating data ready starter.dbDataUpgrade REPORT_COPY_READY_TEXT = rb.getString("REPORT_COPY_READY_TEXT"); // Copying report templates... starter.reportTemplates READY_TEXT = rb.getString("READY_TEXT"); // "starter.ready" PLEASE_TEXT = rb.getString("please"); // "starter.ready" WAIT_TEXT = rb.getString("waitMinutes"); // "starter.ready" TITLE = rb.getString("title"); // "starter.ready" } public Boolean isServerReady() { return serverIsReady; } // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== /** * Gracefully shut down this thread, releasing any resources that were * allocated at initialization */ public void destroy() { System.out.println("Going down...");"Going down..."); JobScheduler.stopScheduler(); FileMonitor.removeFileWatcher(); appBean.removeClusterNode(); ApplicationBean.getInstance().getExecutor().shutdown(); getServletConfig().getServletContext().removeAttribute(Constants.DATABASE_KEY); getServletConfig().getServletContext().removeAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_BEAN); getServletConfig().getServletContext().removeAttribute("SITECONFIG"); // lucene: close all the IndexModifiers to release the locks LuceneIndexer.closeWriters(); // shutdown torque try { LOGGER.debug("Shutdown torque"); Torque.shutdown(); } catch (TorqueException e) { LOGGER.error("Stopping torque failed! " + e); } EventPublisher evp = EventPublisher.getInstance(); if (evp != null) { List<Integer> events = new LinkedList<Integer>(); events.add(Integer.valueOf(IEventSubscriber.EVENT_PRE_SYSTEM_STOPPED)); evp.notify(events, null); } System.out.println("System down!"); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Initializes the logging system */ private void initExtraLoggers(ServletContext servletContext) { try { String log4j2FileAbsPath = HandleHome.getTrackplus_Home() + File.separator + HandleHome.LOG4J2_FILE; log4j2FileAbsPath = URLEncoder.encode(log4j2FileAbsPath, "UTF-8"); Configurator.initialize(null, log4j2FileAbsPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } /* * Initialize general logging with settings from the database */ private void initGeneralLogging(ServletContext servletContext) { try { TLoggingLevelPeer.load(); // make sure the database settings prevail"Loaded logging settings from database"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Logging initialization failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } private ApplicationBean initApplicationBeanStep1(ServletContext servletContext) { ApplicationBean applicationBean = ApplicationBean.getInstance(); setVersionFromVersionProperties(servletContext); applicationBean.setServletContext(servletContext); applicationBean.setExecutor(executor); actualizePercentComplete(0, ""); if (servletContext.getAttribute("INTEST") != null && (Boolean) servletContext.getAttribute("INTEST")) { applicationBean.setInTestMode(true); } return applicationBean; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Set the short description length in reports, has historic reasons. */ private void initDescriptionLength() { int dlength = 0; if (InitDatabase.getFirstTime()) { dlength = 160; Map<Integer, Object> siteBeanValues = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.DESCRIPTIONLENGTH, new Integer(dlength)); siteDAO.loadAndSaveSynchronized(siteBeanValues); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * */ private void initEmailSubsystem() { Map<Integer, Object> siteBeanValues = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize the Genji email account and domain. Under this // e-mail account e-mails are being sent // String sendFrom = null; if (InitDatabase.getFirstTime() && (siteBean.getTrackEmail() == null || "".equals(siteBean.getTrackEmail()))) { sendFrom = ""; siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.TRACKEMAIL, sendFrom); } sendFrom = siteBean.getTrackEmail(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize the email subsystem // if (InitDatabase.getFirstTime()) { siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.SMTPSERVERNAME, ""); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.SMTPPORT, new Integer(25)); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.SMTPUSER, ""); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.SMTPPASSWORD, ""); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.POPSERVERNAME, ""); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.POPPORT, new Integer(110)); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.POPUSER, ""); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.POPPASSWORD, ""); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.MAILENCODING, "UTF8"); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize the allowed email domain pattern // String emailPattern = "\\w[\\-.\\w]+\\@\\w[\\-.\\w]+\\.\\w{2,3}"; if (InitDatabase.getFirstTime()) { siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.ALLOWEDEMAILPATTERN, emailPattern); } if (siteBean.getAllowedEmailPattern() == null || "".equals(siteBean.getAllowedEmailPattern())) { siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.ALLOWEDEMAILPATTERN, emailPattern); } siteDAO.loadAndSaveSynchronized(siteBeanValues); if (InitDatabase.getFirstTime()) { siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); siteBean.setUseLucene("true"); siteBean.setReindexOnStartup("true"); siteBean.setIsVersionReminderOn(true); siteBean.setSummaryItemsBehavior(true); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Initializes the cookie timeout for automated authentication. */ private void initCookieTimeout() { Constants.setCookieTimeout(24 * 7 * 3600); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Initializes LDAP related stuff */ private void initLDAP() { Boolean ldapOn = null; if (InitDatabase.getFirstTime()) { String sldapOn = "false"; ldapOn = new Boolean(sldapOn); Map<Integer, Object> siteBeanValues = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); if (ldapOn.booleanValue() == true) { siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.ISLDAPON, "Y"); } else { siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.ISLDAPON, "N"); } siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.LDAPSERVERURL, ""); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.LDAPATTRIBUTELOGINNAME, ""); siteDAO.loadAndSaveSynchronized(siteBeanValues); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * */ private void initWebService() { } /* * Print IP address information for this host */ private void printInetAdressInfo() { InetAddress[] allAds = ApplicationBean.getInetAddress(); if (allAds == null || allAds.length == 0) { LOGGER.error("No IP addresses found for this host!"); LOGGER.error("Most likely your DNS configuration is faulty."); }"All IP addresses found for this host: "); for (int i = 0; i < allAds.length; ++i) {"IP[" + i + "] = " + allAds[i].getHostAddress()); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Initialize the licensing subsystem. */ private ApplicationBean initLicSys(TSiteBean site) { ApplicationBean applicationBean = ApplicationBean.getInstance(); try { Class<LicenseManager> clazz = (Class<LicenseManager>) Class .forName("com.trackplus.license.LicenseManagerImpl"); if (clazz != null) { Class<Object>[] args = null; Object[] params = null; Method m = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("getInstance", args); LicenseManager lm = (LicenseManager) m.invoke(null, params); applicationBean.setLicenseManager(lm); } } catch (Exception e) { // This is quite normal, the plug-in may not be there. } if (InitDatabase.getFirstTime()) { Map<Integer, Object> siteBeanValues = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.LICENSEKEY, ""); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.NUMBEROFUSERS, new Integer(5)); try { siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.EXPDATE, DateTimeUtils.getInstance().parseISODate("2012-12-01")); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Problem converting license expiration date"); } siteDAO.loadAndSaveSynchronized(siteBeanValues); } applicationBean.setActualUsers(); printInetAdressInfo(); if (site.getInstDate() == null || "".equals(site.getInstDate())) { site.setInstDate(new Long(new Date().getTime()).toString()); } try { applicationBean.setInstDate(new Long(site.getInstDate()).longValue()); } catch (Exception e) {"Setting install date to " + new Date()); } try { applicationBean.initLic(site.getLicenseExtension()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ex)); } site.setNumberOfUsers(new Integer( applicationBean.getMaxNumberOfFullUsers() + applicationBean.getMaxNumberOfLimitedUsers())); site.setNumberOfFullUsers(applicationBean.getMaxNumberOfFullUsers()); site.setNumberOfLimitedUsers(applicationBean.getMaxNumberOfLimitedUsers()); if (applicationBean.getLicenseHolder() != null) { site.setLicenseHolder(applicationBean.getLicenseHolder()); } site.setExpDate(applicationBean.getExpDate()); applicationBean.setSiteParams(site); applicationBean.setSiteBean(site); getServletConfig().getServletContext().setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_BEAN, applicationBean); return applicationBean; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initialize the Lucene indexing system. * * @param myIp * @param indexing * whether to initialize for both indexing and searching or only * searching */ private void initLucene(String myIp, boolean indexing) { // init lucene // get found analysers list List<LabelValueBean> analyzerList = LuceneUtil.getAnalyzersList(getServletConfig().getServletContext()); LuceneUtil.setFoundAnalysers(analyzerList); // get config from database TSiteBean siteBean = siteDAO.load1(); LuceneUtil.configLuceneParameters(siteBean); // if lucene is active if (indexing && LuceneUtil.isUseLucene()) { LuceneIndexer luceneIndexer = new LuceneIndexer(); ApplicationBean.getInstance().setLuceneIndexer(luceneIndexer); if (LuceneUtil.isReindexOnStartup()) { LOGGER.debug("Reindex on startup on " + myIp); // reindex in a new thread (the modifiers are initialized inside // run) ApplicationBean.getInstance().getExecutor().execute(luceneIndexer); } else { // initialize index for modifications try { LuceneIndexer.initIndexWriters(false); LOGGER.debug("Init lucene on append mode " + myIp); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } } } private void updateVersions(ServletContext servletContext) { try { LabelValueBean versionBean = new LabelValueBean(appBean.getVersion(), ""); LabelValueBean versionDateBean = new LabelValueBean(appBean.getVersionDate(), ""); // Update the version in the database Map<Integer, Object> siteBeanValues = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); siteBeanValues.put(TSiteBean.COLUMNIDENTIFIERS.TRACKVERSION, appBean.getVersion()); siteDAO.loadAndSaveSynchronized(siteBeanValues); servletContext.setAttribute("TVERSION", versionBean); servletContext.setAttribute("TVERSIONDATE", versionDateBean); } catch (Exception e) { // no version servletContext.setAttribute("TVERSION", new LabelValueBean("4.X", "")); servletContext.setAttribute("TVERSIONDATE", new LabelValueBean("?", "")); } } private void setVersionFromVersionProperties(ServletContext servletContext) { ApplicationBean applicationBean = ApplicationBean.getInstance(); String appTypeString = ""; Integer appType = -1; String theVersion = ""; String theBuild = ""; String theVersionDate = ""; Integer theVersionNo = 370; try { URL versionURL = servletContext.getResource("/WEB-INF/"); PropertiesConfiguration vcfg = new PropertiesConfiguration(); InputStream in = versionURL.openStream(); vcfg.load(in); theVersion = (String) vcfg.getProperty("version"); theBuild = (String) vcfg.getProperty("build"); if (theVersion == null) { theVersion = "4.X"; } if (theBuild == null) { theBuild = "1"; } theVersionDate = (String) vcfg.getProperty("date"); if (theVersionDate == null) { theVersionDate = "2015-01-01"; } theVersionNo = new Integer((String) vcfg.getProperty("app.version")); try { appType = new Integer((String) vcfg.getProperty("ntype")); } catch (Exception e) { appType = ApplicationBean.APPTYPE_FULL; } appTypeString = (String) vcfg.getProperty("type"); if (appTypeString == null) { appTypeString = "Genji"; } } catch (Exception e) { theVersion = "1.x"; theBuild = "0"; theVersionDate = "2015-01-01"; } applicationBean.setServletContext(servletContext); applicationBean.setVersion(theVersion); applicationBean.setVersionNo(theVersionNo); applicationBean.setBuild(theBuild); applicationBean.setVersionDate(theVersionDate); applicationBean.setAppType(appType); applicationBean.setAppTypeString(appTypeString); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the list of graphical skins defined * * @return */ private static void getDesignPaths(ServletContext servletContext) { List<LabelValueBean> designPaths = new ArrayList<LabelValueBean>(); String designDirectoryName = "design"; File designDirectory = PluginUtils.getResourceFileFromWebAppRoot(servletContext, designDirectoryName); if (designDirectory == null || !designDirectory.exists() || !designDirectory.isDirectory()) { designPaths.add(new LabelValueBean(Constants.DEFAULTDESIGNPATH, Constants.DEFAULTDESIGNPATH)); } else { File[] files = designDirectory.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { designPaths.add(new LabelValueBean(files[i].getName(), files[i].getName())); } } } ApplicationBean.getInstance().setDesigns(designPaths); } private void printSystemInfo() {"Java: " + System.getProperty("java.vendor") + " " + System.getProperty("java.version"));"Operating System: " + System.getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperty("os.arch")); Locale loc = Locale.getDefault();"Default locale: " + loc.getDisplayName()); ServletContext application = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getServletContext(); try {"Servlet real path: " + application.getRealPath(File.separator)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Error trying to obtain getRealPath()"); }"Servlet container: " + application.getServerInfo()); Connection conn = null; try { PropertiesConfiguration pc = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getDbConfig();"Configured database type: " + pc.getProperty("torque.database.track.adapter")); "Configured database driver: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.driver"));"Configured JDBC URL: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.url")); conn = Torque.getConnection(BaseTSitePeer.DATABASE_NAME); DatabaseMetaData dbm = conn.getMetaData();"Database type: " + dbm.getDatabaseProductName() + " " + dbm.getDatabaseProductVersion());"Driver info: " + dbm.getDriverName() + " " + dbm.getDriverVersion()); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); Date d1 = new Date(); stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TSTATE"); Date d2 = new Date(); stmt.close();"Database test query done in " + (d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()) + " milliseconds "); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Problem retrieving meta data"); LOGGER.error("Problem retrieving meta data"); } finally { if (conn != null) { Torque.closeConnection(conn); } } } private void setColumnSizes() { Connection conn = null; int descSize = 32000;// Firebird int cSize = 10000;// Firebird int sizeMySQL = 16777215; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = Torque.getConnection(BaseTSitePeer.DATABASE_NAME); stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.setMaxRows(2); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT PACKAGEDESCRIPTION FROM TWORKITEM"); if (rs != null) { descSize = rs.getMetaData().getColumnDisplaySize(1); if (descSize <= 0) { // MySQL bug (MySql 5.0.26 for linux returns -1) System.err.println("Incorrect maximum description length retrieved: " + descSize); LOGGER.debug("Incorrect maximum description length retrieved: " + descSize); descSize = sizeMySQL; } rs.close(); } rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT CHANGEDESCRIPTION FROM TSTATECHANGE"); if (rs != null) { cSize = rs.getMetaData().getColumnDisplaySize(1); if (cSize <= 0) { // MySQL bug (MySql 5.0.26 for linux returns -1) System.err.println("Incorrect maximum comment length retrieved: " + cSize); LOGGER.debug("Incorrect maximum comment length retrieved: " + cSize); cSize = sizeMySQL; } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug(e); System.err.println("Could not retrieve column sizes from database: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) {"Closing the resultset failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) {"Closing the statement failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } } if (conn != null) { Torque.closeConnection(conn); } }"Maximum description length: " + descSize);"Maximum comment length: " + cSize); ApplicationBean.getInstance().setDescriptionMaxLength(descSize); ApplicationBean.getInstance().setCommentMaxLength(cSize); } private void emergencyExit(Exception e) { // We need this to show a proper install problem page ApplicationBean applicationBean = ApplicationBean.getInstance(); getServletConfig().getServletContext().setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_BEAN, applicationBean); PropertiesConfiguration pc = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getDbConfig(); LOGGER.error("Something went wrong here."); LOGGER.error("Please have a look at the previous error messagesand stack traces."); LOGGER.error("Most likely the database connection does not work."); LOGGER.error("Please check if the user name, password and JDBC URL in the "); LOGGER.error("WEB-INF/ file are set correctly."); LOGGER.error("Please check that you have only one Database type enabled in the"); LOGGER.error(" file. Please also check that the database server"); LOGGER.error("is running and is accessible from this machine. If the database server is"); LOGGER.error("running on a different machine, check that there are no firewall issues."); LOGGER.error("Please also check that you have run all SQL scripts to set up the database."); LOGGER.error(""); LOGGER.error("For your information, your settings in are: "); LOGGER.error("Database user name: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.user")); String password = (String) pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.password"); if (password != null) { password = password.replaceAll(".", "*"); LOGGER.error("Database password: " + password + "(see file)"); } LOGGER.error("Database type: " + pc.getProperty("torque.database.track.adapter")); LOGGER.error("Database JDBC driver: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.driver")); LOGGER.error("Database connection URL: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.url")); LOGGER.error("Exiting..."); LOGGER.error(""); LOGGER.error(""); LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } private List<String> createInstallProblemMessage(Exception e) { List<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>(); try { PropertiesConfiguration pc = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getDbConfig(); msg.add("Database user name: (see file)"); msg.add("Database password: (see file)"); msg.add("Database type: " + pc.getProperty("torque.database.track.adapter")); msg.add("Database JDBC driver: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.driver")); msg.add("Database connection URL: " + pc.getProperty("torque.dsfactory.track.connection.url")); msg.add("The system gives this error message: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.debug(ex); // Nothing to be done about this here } return msg; } public void setServletConfig(ServletConfig ctx) { servletConfig = ctx; } public ServletConfig getServletConfig() { return servletConfig; } private void updateOrCreateDbSchema(ServletContext servletContext) { try { // boolean dbUpdateOrCreateSuccessfull = UpdateDbSchema.doUpdateOrCreateFromScratch(servletContext); if (!dbUpdateOrCreateSuccessfull) { // Unfortunately we do not have a database connection // so we try to copy the configuration file to TRACKPLUS_HOME // before we terminate the attempt to start HandleHome.copyTorquePropertiesToHome(servletContext); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Problem creating or updating database schema: " + e.getMessage()); } } private TSiteBean initDatabaseAndAdjustHome(String version, ServletContext servletContext) { TSiteBean site = null; try { site = InitDatabase.initDatabase(version, servletContext); HandleHome.initTrackplus_Home(servletContext); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); ApplicationBean.getInstance().setInstallProblem(createInstallProblemMessage(e)); emergencyExit(e); } return site; } private void initJobs(ServletContext servletContext) { // finally starting the Quartz scheduler ..."Initializing Quartz scheduler..."); JobScheduler.init(servletContext, ApplicationBean.getInstance().getDbConfig()); JobScheduler.startScheduler(); // update Database backup job TSiteBean site = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getSiteBean(); String backupTime = site.getBackupTime(); List<Integer> backupOnDays = site.getBackupOnDays(); if (backupTime != null && backupOnDays != null) { DatabaseBackupBL.setDBJobCronExpression(backupTime, backupOnDays); } else { backupTime = "23:15:00"; backupOnDays = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 2; i <= 6; i++) { backupOnDays.add(i); } site.setBackupTime(backupTime); site.setBackupOnDays(backupOnDays);; } } public void initLucene(String myIp) { // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Lucene indexing system. // if (ClusterBL.isCluster()) { if (ClusterBL.isSharedLuceneIndex()) { if (ClusterBL.getIAmTheMaster()) { // only the master might write on index initLucene(myIp, true); } else { // the other nodes only read initLucene(myIp, false); } } else { // each node has own index files initLucene(myIp, true); } ClusterUpdateBL.updateClusterNode(); } else { // no cluster, single instance node initLucene(myIp, true); } } }