Java tutorial
/** * Genji Scrum Tool and Issue Tracker * Copyright (C) 2015 Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG Task Management Solutions * <a href="">Genji Scrum Tool</a> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* $Id:$ */ package com.aurel.track.admin.user.profile; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletResponseAware; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.SessionAware; import com.aurel.track.Constants; import com.aurel.track.admin.project.ProjectConfigBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.user.person.PersonBL; import com.aurel.track.admin.user.person.PersonConfigBL; import com.aurel.track.beans.TPersonBean; import com.aurel.track.json.JSONUtility; import; import com.aurel.track.resources.LocalizeJSON; import com.aurel.track.user.LogoffBL; import com.aurel.track.util.LabelValueBean; import com.aurel.track.util.LocaleHandler; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Preparable; /** * Implementation of <strong>ProfileAction</strong> that processes the site * configuration requests */ public class ProfileAction extends ActionSupport implements Preparable, SessionAware, ServletResponseAware { private static final long serialVersionUID = 400L; private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ProfileAction.class); private Map<String, Object> session; private HttpServletResponse servletResponse; private Locale locale; private TPersonBean currentUser; private Integer context; private Integer personId; //for new persons the previously uploaded avatar iconKey should be also set //(for existing persons the icon key is directly saved by upload independently whether the user profile will be saved or not) private Integer iconKey; private String iconName; private String confirmToken; // The transfer objects to and from the user interface private ProfileMainTO mainTo; private ProfileEmailTO emailTo; private ProfileOtherTO otherTo; private ProfileWatchlistTO watchlistTo; private Boolean isUser = null; private String initData; private boolean hasInitData = true; /** * This routine is called first by Struts2 on any action. */ @Override public void prepare() throws Exception { currentUser = (TPersonBean) session.get(Constants.USER_KEY); locale = (Locale) session.get(Constants.LOCALE_KEY); } /** * This is the <code>loadSelfRegistration</code> action. It prints a suitable * JSON object directly into the response stream. Previously the * <prepare> and <execute> methods have run. * * @return usually nothing, response is directly printed into the response stream. Can also * throw back to logon page in case of insufficient authorization. */ public String loadSelfRegistration() { if (locale == null) { //TODO get the browser locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); } JSONUtility.encodeJSON(servletResponse, ProfileBL.load(currentUser, personId, ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.SELFREGISTRATION, locale)); return null; } /** * This is the <code>loadAddUser</code> action. It prints a suitable * JSON object directly into the response stream. Previously the * <prepare> and <execute> methods have run. * * @return usually nothing, response is directly printed into the response stream. Can also * throw back to logon page in case of insufficient authorization. */ public String loadAddUser() { if (currentUser == null || !currentUser.isSys()) { // just throw her to the logon page return "logon"; } JSONUtility.encodeJSON(servletResponse, ProfileBL.load(currentUser, personId, ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.USERADMINADD, locale)); return null; } /** * This is the <code>loadEditMyProfile</code> action. It prints a suitable * JSON object directly into the response stream. Previously the * <prepare> and <execute> methods have run. * * @return usually nothing, response is directly printed into the response stream. Can also * throw back to logon page in case of insufficient authorization. */ public String loadEditMyProfile() { if (currentUser == null) { // just throw her to the logon page return "logon"; } int context = ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.PROFILEEDIT; if (currentUser.isSys()) { //the system admin can edit her profile without "profile" restrictions (can set department, emplyeeID, ...) context = ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.USERADMINEDIT; personId = currentUser.getObjectID(); } JSONUtility.encodeJSON(servletResponse, ProfileBL.load(currentUser, personId, context, locale)); return null; } /** * This is the <code>loadEditUser</code> action. It prints a suitable * JSON object directly into the response stream. Previously the * <prepare> and <execute> methods have run. * * @return usually nothing, response is directly printed into the response stream. Can also * throw back to logon page in case of insufficient authorization. */ public String loadEditUser() { if (currentUser == null || !currentUser.isSys()) { // just throw her to the logon page return "logon"; } JSONUtility.encodeJSON(servletResponse, ProfileBL.load(currentUser, personId, ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.USERADMINEDIT, locale)); return null; } /** * This saves the server configuration coming from the user interface to * the database. Some validation is performed when it cannot be directly * done at the user interface. * * @return usually nothing, output is directly printed into response stream */ public String save() { LOGGER.debug("Processing ProfileAction save()"); if ((context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.USERADMINADD || context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.USERADMINEDIT) && (currentUser == null || !currentUser.isSys())) { JSONUtility.encodeJSONFailure(ServletActionContext.getResponse(), "No admin user", 1); return null; } boolean localeChange = false; Locale personLocale = locale; //If Preferred Language: browser => we need to set the locale to an empty string. //Track with Ext JS 4.x if the model contains empty string as id then submitted id will be empty string //Track with Ext JS 6.x if the model contains empty string as id then submitted id will be generated by framework. //For this reason here must be set the locale to an empty string instead of the dummy browser id. (Only for this item). if (mainTo.getLocale() != null && mainTo.getLocale().equals("browser")) { mainTo.setLocale(""); } if (context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.PROFILEEDIT || context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.SELFREGISTRATION) { Locale previousLocale = locale; //currentUser==null?null:currentUser.getLocale(); Locale actualLocale = null; if (mainTo.getLocale() != null && mainTo.getLocale().length() > 0) { actualLocale = LocaleHandler.getLocaleFromString(mainTo.getLocale()); } if (previousLocale == null) { localeChange = (actualLocale != null); } else { localeChange = !previousLocale.equals(actualLocale); } personLocale = actualLocale; } if (personLocale == null) { personLocale = Locale.getDefault(); } TPersonBean personBean = ProfileBL.getPersonByContext(currentUser, personId, context); List<LabelValueBean> errors = ProfileBL.validate(personBean, currentUser, personId, context, iconKey, iconName, mainTo, emailTo, otherTo, watchlistTo, personLocale); if (errors.isEmpty()) { if (context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.USERADMINADD || context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.SELFREGISTRATION) { String usersExceededMessage = PersonConfigBL.usersExceeded(null, locale, personBean.getUserLevel(), false); if (usersExceededMessage != null) { personBean.setDisabled(true); } } if (context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.SELFREGISTRATION) { personBean.setDisabled(true); Date texpDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 4 * 3600 * 1000); // 4 hours personBean.setTokenExpDate(texpDate); String tokenPasswd = DigestUtils.md5Hex(Long.toString(texpDate.getTime())); personBean.setTokenPasswd(tokenPasswd); } if (context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.USERADMINADD) { //create user by admin LOGGER.debug("Create user by admin, userNam= " + personBean.getUsername()); Date texpDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 4 * 3600 * 1000); // 4 hours personBean.setTokenExpDate(texpDate); String tokenPasswd = DigestUtils.md5Hex(Long.toString(texpDate.getTime())); personBean.setForgotPasswordKey(tokenPasswd); } Integer personID = ProfileBL.saveUserProfile(personBean, currentUser, context, isUser); String dpassword = mainTo.getPasswd(); if (context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.SELFREGISTRATION) { TPersonBean newPerson = PersonBL.loadByPrimaryKey(personID); dpassword = newPerson.getTokenPasswd(); } boolean emailSend =, personBean, context, dpassword, session, personLocale, localeChange); String email = personBean.getEmail(); if (context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.SELFREGISTRATION || context == ProfileMainTO.CONTEXT.USERADMINADD) { if (MobileBL.isMobileApp(session)) { ProjectConfigBL.createWorkspaceForNewUser(personBean, personLocale); } } JSONUtility.encodeJSON(servletResponse, ProfileJSON.encodeSaveProfileJSON(localeChange, emailSend, email)); } else { LOGGER.debug("Validation errors when saving the user profile"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); JSONUtility.appendBooleanValue(sb, JSONUtility.JSON_FIELDS.SUCCESS, false); JSONUtility.appendStringValue(sb, "errorMessage", getText("admin.user.profile.err.errorSave")); JSONUtility.appendErrorsExtJS(sb, errors, true); sb.append("}"); JSONUtility.encodeJSON(ServletActionContext.getResponse(), sb.toString()); } return null; } /** * Checks if the combination of user name and e-mail is unique * @return */ public String validateUser() { if (context != null && context.intValue() != 0 && currentUser == null) { // just throw her to the logon page List<LabelValueBean> errors = new LinkedList<LabelValueBean>(); errors.add(new LabelValueBean("no user", ProfileJSON.JSON_FIELDS.userName)); JSONUtility.encodeJSONErrors(servletResponse, errors); return null; } List<LabelValueBean> errors = new LinkedList<LabelValueBean>(); TPersonBean personBean = ProfileBL.getPersonByContext(currentUser, personId, context); ProfileBL.updateProfileMainTO(personBean, currentUser, mainTo, errors, locale); if (errors.isEmpty()) { JSONUtility.encodeJSONSuccess(servletResponse); } else { LOGGER.debug("We got validation errors when validating the user profile"); JSONUtility.encodeJSONErrors(servletResponse, errors); } return null; } public String validateLoginName() { if (locale == null) { //TODO get the browser locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); } List<LabelValueBean> errors = new LinkedList<LabelValueBean>(); TPersonBean personBean = ProfileBL.getPersonByContext(currentUser, personId, context); String userName = (mainTo != null ? mainTo.getUserName() : null); ProfileBL.validateLoginName(personBean.getObjectID(), userName, errors, locale); if (errors.isEmpty()) { JSONUtility.encodeJSONSuccess(servletResponse); } else { LOGGER.debug("We got validation errors when validating the user login name"); JSONUtility.encodeJSONErrors(servletResponse, errors); } return null; } /** * Processes the confirmation link for newly registered users. * @return */ public String confirm() { HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(); locale = request.getLocale(); if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } LogoffBL.doLogoff(session, httpSession, locale); boolean personFound = false; TPersonBean personBean = PersonBL.loadByTokenPasswd(confirmToken); if (personBean != null) { //&& personBean.getTokenExpDate().getTime() > new Date().getTime()) { String prefLocale = personBean.getPrefLocale(); if (prefLocale != null) { locale = LocaleHandler.getLocaleFromString(prefLocale); } personBean.setDisabled(false); personBean.setTokenExpDate(null); personBean.setTokenPasswd(null);; this.getSession().put("CUSER", personBean.getLoginName()); personFound = true; locale = personBean.getLocale(); } httpSession.setAttribute("localizationJSON", LocalizeJSON.encodeLocalization(locale)); String extJSLocale = LocaleHandler.getExistingExtJSLocale(locale); httpSession.setAttribute("EXTJSLOCALE", extJSLocale); StringBuilder sb = LogoffBL.createInitData(httpSession, false, request, false, null, locale); initData = sb.toString(); if (personFound) { return "confirmed"; } else { return "expired"; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The setters and getters for Struts2 follow... /** * @return the session */ public Map<String, Object> getSession() { return session; } /** * @param session the session to set */ @Override public void setSession(Map<String, Object> session) { this.session = session; } // The names of the following getters and setters must match the JSON object names public ProfileMainTO getMain() { return mainTo; } public void setMain(ProfileMainTO mainTo) { this.mainTo = mainTo; } public ProfileEmailTO getRemail() { return emailTo; } public void setRemail(ProfileEmailTO emailTo) { this.emailTo = emailTo; } public ProfileOtherTO getOther() { return otherTo; } public void setOther(ProfileOtherTO otherTo) { this.otherTo = otherTo; } public ProfileWatchlistTO getWatchlist() { return watchlistTo; } public void setWatchlist(ProfileWatchlistTO watchlistTo) { this.watchlistTo = watchlistTo; } public Integer getPersonId() { return personId; } public void setPersonId(Integer personId) { this.personId = personId; } @Override public void setServletResponse(HttpServletResponse servletResponse) { this.servletResponse = servletResponse; } public void setContext(Integer context) { this.context = context; } public void setIconKey(Integer iconKey) { this.iconKey = iconKey; } public void setIconName(String iconName) { this.iconName = iconName; } public void setCtk(String url) { this.confirmToken = url; } public boolean isHasInitData() { return hasInitData; } public String getInitData() { return initData; } public void setInitData(String initData) { this.initData = initData; } public boolean getIsUser() { return isUser; } public void setIsUser(boolean isUser) { this.isUser = isUser; } }