Java tutorial
/* * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | AuDoc 2 | * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Audata Ltd | * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | This source file is subject to version 2 of the Gnu Public License, | * | that is bundled with this package in the file License.txt, and is | * | available at through the world-wide-web at | * | | * | If you did not receive a copy of the GPL license and are unable to | * | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | * | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Authors: Jonathan Moss <> | * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import com.audata.client.AuDoc; import com.audata.client.Language; import com.audata.client.util.FieldTypes; import com.audata.client.widgets.CaptionButton; import com.audata.client.widgets.Field; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SearchPanel extends VerticalPanel implements TreeListener, ClickListener { private static final Language LANG = (Language) GWT.create(Language.class); private AuDoc audoc; private Tree fieldsTree; private TreeItem textFields; private TreeItem decimalFields; private TreeItem integerFields; private TreeItem dateFields; private TreeItem keywordFields; private Label fieldName; //private Widget value; private Field field1; private Field field2; private RadioButton and; private RadioButton or; private Button add; private Button clear; private Button search; private Button save; private ListBox criteria; private HorizontalPanel valuePanel; private ArrayList searchTerms; private HashMap currentField; public SearchPanel(AuDoc audoc) { this(audoc, null); } public SearchPanel(AuDoc audoc, ArrayList criteria) { this.audoc = audoc; if (criteria != null) { this.searchTerms = criteria; } else { if (AuDoc.state.containsKey("Search")) { this.searchTerms = (ArrayList) AuDoc.state.getItem("Search"); } else { this.searchTerms = new ArrayList(); } } this.setSize("100%", "100%"); this.setSpacing(4); Label title = new Label(LANG.search_Text()); title.addStyleName("audoc-sectionTitle"); this.add(title); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.setSpacing(4); hp.setSize("100%", "100%"); this.fieldsTree = new Tree(); this.fieldsTree.addTreeListener(this); //this.fieldsTree.setSize("100%", "100%"); this.fieldsTree.setHeight("90%"); this.fieldsTree.addStyleName("audoc-fieldTree"); hp.add(this.fieldsTree); this.buildSections(); this.getUDFs(); this.addStdFields(); VerticalPanel form = new VerticalPanel(); form.addStyleName("audoc-searchForm"); //form.setSize("100%","100%"); form.setWidth("250px"); form.setSpacing(4); HorizontalPanel fieldRow = new HorizontalPanel(); fieldRow.setSpacing(4); Label fieldLabel = new Label(LANG.field_Text()); this.fieldName = new Label(); this.fieldName.addStyleName("bold"); fieldRow.add(fieldLabel); fieldRow.add(this.fieldName); fieldRow.setCellWidth(fieldLabel, "100px"); fieldRow.setCellHorizontalAlignment(fieldLabel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); form.add(fieldRow); this.valuePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); this.valuePanel.setSpacing(4); Label valueLabel = new Label(LANG.criteria_Text()); TextBox value = new TextBox(); this.valuePanel.add(valueLabel); this.valuePanel.add(value); this.valuePanel.setCellWidth(valueLabel, "100px"); this.valuePanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(valueLabel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); form.add(this.valuePanel); HorizontalPanel andOr = new HorizontalPanel(); andOr.setSpacing(4); this.and = new RadioButton("andOr", LANG.and_Text()); this.and.setChecked(true); this.or = new RadioButton("andOr", LANG.or_Text()); andOr.add(this.and); andOr.add(this.or); form.add(andOr); HorizontalPanel buttons = new HorizontalPanel(); buttons.setSpacing(4); this.add = new Button(LANG.add_Text()); this.add.addClickListener(this); buttons.add(this.add); this.clear = new Button(LANG.clear_Text()); this.clear.addClickListener(this); buttons.add(this.clear); form.add(buttons); this.criteria = new ListBox(); this.criteria.setVisibleItemCount(10); this.criteria.setWidth("100%"); form.add(this.criteria); HorizontalPanel buttons2 = new HorizontalPanel(); buttons2.setSpacing(4); = new Button(LANG.search_Text());; buttons2.add(; = new Button(LANG.save_Text());; buttons2.add(; form.add(buttons2); hp.add(form); hp.setCellHeight(this.fieldsTree, "100%"); this.add(hp); this.paintCriteria(); } private void buildSections() { CaptionButton cp = new CaptionButton(); cp.setImageUrl("images/16x16/field.gif"); cp.setCaptionText(LANG.dates_Text()); this.dateFields = new TreeItem(cp); this.dateFields.setUserObject(new Integer(FieldTypes.TYPE_DATE)); this.fieldsTree.addItem(this.dateFields); CaptionButton cp_1 = new CaptionButton(); cp_1.setImageUrl("images/16x16/field.gif"); cp_1.setCaptionText(LANG.decs_Text()); this.decimalFields = new TreeItem(cp_1); this.decimalFields.setUserObject(new Integer(FieldTypes.TYPE_DEC)); this.fieldsTree.addItem(this.decimalFields); CaptionButton cp_2 = new CaptionButton(); cp_2.setImageUrl("images/16x16/field.gif"); cp_2.setCaptionText(LANG.ints_Text()); this.integerFields = new TreeItem(cp_2); this.integerFields.setUserObject(new Integer(FieldTypes.TYPE_INT)); this.fieldsTree.addItem(this.integerFields); CaptionButton cp_3 = new CaptionButton(); cp_3.setImageUrl("images/16x16/field.gif"); cp_3.setCaptionText(LANG.keywords_Text()); this.keywordFields = new TreeItem(cp_3); this.keywordFields.setUserObject(new Integer(FieldTypes.TYPE_KEYWORD)); this.fieldsTree.addItem(this.keywordFields); CaptionButton cp_4 = new CaptionButton(); cp_4.setImageUrl("images/16x16/field.gif"); cp_4.setCaptionText(LANG.strings_Text()); this.textFields = new TreeItem(cp_4); this.textFields.setUserObject(new Integer(FieldTypes.TYPE_STRING)); this.fieldsTree.addItem(this.textFields); } private void addStdFields() { this.addField(LANG.title_Text(), "Title", FieldTypes.TYPE_STRING, false, null); this.addField(LANG.rec_num_Text(), "RecordNumber", FieldTypes.TYPE_STRING, false, null); this.addField(LANG.date_created_Text(), "DateCreated", FieldTypes.TYPE_DATE, false, null); this.addField(LANG.date_reg_Text(), "DateRegistered", FieldTypes.TYPE_DATE, false, null); this.addField(LANG.last_mod_Text(), "LastModified", FieldTypes.TYPE_DATE, false, null); this.addField(LANG.review_date_Text(), "DateReview", FieldTypes.TYPE_DATE, false, null); this.addField(LANG.checked_out_date_Text(), "CheckedOutDate", FieldTypes.TYPE_DATE, false, null); this.addField(LANG.owner_Text(), "Owner", FieldTypes.TYPE_STRING, false, null); this.addField(LANG.author_Text(), "Author", FieldTypes.TYPE_STRING, false, null); this.addField(LANG.notes_Text(), "Notes", FieldTypes.TYPE_STRING, false, null); } public void addField(String name, String fieldName, int type, boolean isUDF, String kwh) { TreeItem ti = new TreeItem(name); HashMap user = new HashMap(); user.put("FieldName", fieldName); user.put("Type", new Integer(type)); user.put("isUDF", new Boolean(isUDF)); user.put("KeywordHierarchy", kwh); ti.setUserObject(user); switch (type) { case FieldTypes.TYPE_DATE: this.dateFields.addItem(ti); break; case FieldTypes.TYPE_DEC: this.decimalFields.addItem(ti); break; case FieldTypes.TYPE_INT: this.integerFields.addItem(ti); break; case FieldTypes.TYPE_KEYWORD: this.keywordFields.addItem(ti); break; case FieldTypes.TYPE_STRING: this.textFields.addItem(ti); break; } } private void getUDFs() { AuDoc.jsonCall.asyncPost2("recman.getUDFs", new JSONArray(), new UDFResponseHandler(this)); } public void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem ti) { if (ti.getChildCount() < 1) { // we have a field selected this.fieldName.setText(ti.getText()); HashMap user = (HashMap) ti.getUserObject(); String caption = (String) user.get("FieldName"); Integer type = (Integer) user.get("Type"); Boolean isUDF = (Boolean) user.get("isUDF"); String kwh = (String) user.get("KeywordHierarchy"); this.setField(caption, type.intValue(), isUDF.booleanValue(), kwh); this.currentField = (HashMap) ti.getUserObject(); } else { if (ti.getState()) { // this.closeAll(); ti.setState(false); } else { this.closeAll(); ti.setState(true); } } } private void setField(String caption, int type, boolean isUDF, String kwh) { switch (type) { case FieldTypes.TYPE_DATE: case FieldTypes.TYPE_DEC: case FieldTypes.TYPE_INT: this.field1 = new Field(caption, type, isUDF); this.field2 = new Field(caption, type, isUDF); break; case FieldTypes.TYPE_KEYWORD: this.field1 = new Field(caption, type, true, kwh); this.field2 = null; break; case FieldTypes.TYPE_STRING: this.field1 = new Field(caption, type, isUDF); this.field2 = null; break; } Widget value1 = this.field1.getField(); Widget value2 = null; if (this.field2 != null) { value2 = this.field2.getField(); } this.valuePanel.clear(); Label l = new Label(LANG.criteria_Text() + ":"); this.valuePanel.add(l); this.valuePanel.add(value1); if (value2 != null) { this.valuePanel.add(new Label(" - ")); this.valuePanel.add(value2); } } private void closeAll() { this.dateFields.setState(false); this.decimalFields.setState(false); this.integerFields.setState(false); this.keywordFields.setState(false); this.textFields.setState(false); } public void onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem ti) { // do nothing } public void onClick(Widget sender) { /* * When the add button is pressed */ if (sender == this.add) { if (this.field1 != null && this.field1.isValid()) { String disName = this.fieldName.getText(); String fieldName = (String) this.currentField.get("FieldName"); Boolean isUDF = (Boolean) this.currentField.get("isUDF"); String operator = ""; if (this.and.isChecked()) { operator = "and"; } else { operator = "or"; } String value1 = ""; String disValue1 = ""; if (this.field1.type == FieldTypes.TYPE_KEYWORD) { disValue1 = this.field1.getValue(); value1 = this.field1.getText(); } else { if (this.field1.type == FieldTypes.TYPE_STRING) { disValue1 = this.field1.getText(); value1 = this.field1.getText(); //value1.replaceAll("\\*", "%"); if ((value1.indexOf("%") < 0) && (value1.indexOf("*") < 0)) { value1 = "%" + value1 + "%"; } } else { disValue1 = this.field1.getText(); value1 = this.field1.getText(); } } if (this.field2 != null && this.field2.getText().length() != 0 && this.field2.isValid()) { String value2 = this.field2.getText(); String disValue2 = this.field2.getText(); Criteria crit = new Criteria(fieldName, disName, isUDF.booleanValue(), value1, disValue1, value2, disValue2, operator); this.searchTerms.add(crit); } else { Criteria crit = new Criteria(fieldName, disName, isUDF.booleanValue(), value1, disValue1, operator); this.searchTerms.add(crit); } } this.paintCriteria(); } /* * When the clear button is pressed */ if (sender == this.clear) { this.criteria.clear(); this.searchTerms.clear(); return; } /* * When the search button is pressed */ if (sender == { if (this.searchTerms.size() > 0) { JSONArray criteria = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < this.searchTerms.size(); i++) { Criteria c = (Criteria) this.searchTerms.get(i); String sterms = c.getSearchString(); if (i == 0) { int pos = sterms.indexOf(" "); sterms = sterms.substring(pos + 1); } criteria.set(i, new JSONString(sterms)); } JSONArray params = new JSONArray(); params.set(0, criteria); params.set(1, new JSONNumber(0)); params.set(2, JSONBoolean.getInstance(false)); AuDoc.jsonCall.asyncPost2("search.complexsearch", params, new SearchResponseHandler(this.audoc, SearchResponseHandler.TYPE_FULL, params)); AuDoc.state.setItem("Search", this.searchTerms); } } /* * When the save button is pressed */ if (sender == { //open a save search dialog if (this.searchTerms.size() > 0) { SavedSearchDialog s = new SavedSearchDialog(this.searchTerms);; } return; } } private void paintCriteria() { this.criteria.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.searchTerms.size(); i++) { Criteria c = (Criteria) this.searchTerms.get(i); String sterms = c.getDisplayString(); if (i == 0) { int pos = sterms.indexOf(" "); sterms = sterms.substring(pos + 1); } this.criteria.addItem(sterms); } } }