Java tutorial
/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2011, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package com.att.cspd; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.sip.ServletTimer; import javax.servlet.sip.SipApplicationSession; import javax.servlet.sip.SipServlet; import javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest; import javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse; import javax.servlet.sip.SipSession; import javax.servlet.sip.SipURI; import javax.servlet.sip.TimerListener; import javax.servlet.sip.TimerService; import javax.servlet.sip.SipSession.State; import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.att.cspd.utils.ConnectionPoolableObjectFactory; import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; public class SimpleSipServlet extends SipServlet implements TimerListener { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SimpleSipServlet.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String CALLEE_SEND_BYE = "YouSendBye"; //60 sec private static final int DEFAULT_BYE_DELAY = 60000; private int byeDelay = DEFAULT_BYE_DELAY; private static GenericObjectPool<Channel> pool; private static int counter = 0; private String EXCHANGE_NAME; private String RABBITMQ_CONN_URL; private int POOL_MAX_ACTIVE; private int POOL_MAX_IDLE; private int POOL_MIN_IDLE; private int TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTION; private int IDL_TIME_BEFORE_EVICTION; /** Creates a new instance of SimpleProxyServlet */ public SimpleSipServlet() { } @Override public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig) throws ServletException {"the simple sip servlet has been started"); super.init(servletConfig); RABBITMQ_CONN_URL = servletConfig.getInitParameter("rabbitmq_conn_url"); EXCHANGE_NAME = servletConfig.getInitParameter("exchange_name"); String pool_max_active = servletConfig.getInitParameter("rabbitmq_pool_max_active"); String pool_max_idle = servletConfig.getInitParameter("rabbitmq_pool_max_idle"); String pool_min_idle = servletConfig.getInitParameter("rabbitmq_pool_min_idle"); String time_between_evication = servletConfig.getInitParameter("rabbitmq_pool_time_between_eviction"); String idle_time_before_eviction = servletConfig .getInitParameter("rabbitmq_pool_idle_time_before_eviction");"INIT PARAM: rabbitmq_conn_url = " + RABBITMQ_CONN_URL);"INIT PARAM : exchange name = " + EXCHANGE_NAME);"INIT PARAM : pool max active = " + pool_max_active);"INIT PARAM : pool max idle = " + pool_max_idle);"INIT PARAM : pool min idle = " + pool_min_idle);"INIT PARAM : time_between_evication = " + time_between_evication);"INIT PARAM : idle_time_before_eviction = " + idle_time_before_eviction); try { POOL_MAX_ACTIVE = Integer.parseInt(pool_max_active); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Impossible to parse the pool max active : " + pool_max_active, e); } try { POOL_MAX_IDLE = Integer.parseInt(pool_max_idle); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Impossible to parse the pool max idle : " + pool_max_idle, e); } try { POOL_MIN_IDLE = Integer.parseInt(pool_min_idle); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Impossible to parse the pool min idle : " + pool_min_idle, e); } try { TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTION = Integer.parseInt(time_between_evication); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Impossible to parse the time between eviction : " + time_between_evication, e); } try { IDL_TIME_BEFORE_EVICTION = Integer.parseInt(idle_time_before_eviction); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Impossible to parse idle time before eviction : " + idle_time_before_eviction, e); } /** * create static instance of rabbitmq connection pool */ try { GenericObjectPool.Config config = new GenericObjectPool.Config(); config.maxActive = POOL_MAX_ACTIVE; config.maxIdle = POOL_MAX_IDLE; config.minIdle = POOL_MIN_IDLE; config.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTION; config.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = IDL_TIME_BEFORE_EVICTION; config.testOnBorrow = true; config.testOnReturn = true; config.lifo = GenericObjectPool.DEFAULT_LIFO; config.whenExhaustedAction = GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL; pool = new GenericObjectPool<Channel>(new ConnectionPoolableObjectFactory(RABBITMQ_CONN_URL), config); //create an initial pool instances. /* int initSize = 25; for (int i =0; i < initSize; i++) { try { pool.addObject(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } */ /* pool.setMaxActive(POOL_MAX_ACTIVE); //maximum connection allowed in the pool (100). If reached, worker thread needs to be blocked to wait. pool.setMinIdle(POOL_MIN_IDLE); //keep minimum idle connection (set to 3) in pool in all time. pool.setMaxIdle(POOL_MAX_IDLE); //No minimum to create new connection when needed (set to -1). pool.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTION); //wait up eviction thread in 10 second pool.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(IDL_TIME_BEFORE_EVICTION); //kill the idle connection that is 5 second old pool.setTestOnBorrow(true); //sanity checking when getting connection from pool. pool.setTestOnReturn(true); //sanity check when returning connection to pool. */ } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("RabbitMQ Pool failed to create. Error = " + ex.getMessage()); throw new ServletException(ex); } //"HELLO... FINISHED LOADING THE RABBITMQ CONNECTION/CHANNEL POOL"); } @Override /** * invoked when servlet is shut down. Clean up connections within the pool. */ public void destroy() { pool.clear(); try { pool.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("SIP servlet cannot close the pool properly. Error : " + e.getMessage()); }"Cleared and closed the pool"); } /** * Make the static counter variable thread-safe, assuming notify is executed by different threads. * * @return */ private synchronized String getBindingKey() { String routingKey = ""; if (counter % 2 == 0) routingKey = "federation-destination"; else routingKey = "upstream-destination"; counter++; return routingKey; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected void doNotify(SipServletRequest request) throws ServletException, IOException { Channel channel = null; String routingKey = ""; //a trick to change routingKey value. //routingKey = getBindingKey(); try { channel = pool.borrowObject(); String message = request.getCallId();"doNotify method: Request dump: " + request.toString()); Iterator itr = request.getHeaderNames(); while (itr.hasNext()) {"Header Name : " + + "\n"); } String toHdr = request.getHeader("To"); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("sip:(.*)@.+").matcher(toHdr); if (matcher.find()) { String userpart =;"user part of the sip url : " + userpart); routingKey = userpart; } channel.exchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE_NAME, "topic", true); channel.basicPublish(EXCHANGE_NAME, routingKey, null, message.getBytes());"PUBLISH A MESSAGE : " + message);"*************************************");"**" + "Number active : " + pool.getNumActive() + " ***");"**" + "Number idle : " + pool.getNumIdle() + " ***");"*************************************"); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new ServletException(e); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new ServletException(e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new ServletException(e); } finally { if (channel != null) { try { pool.returnObject(channel); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Failed to return channel back to pool. Exception message: " + e.getMessage()); } //"RETURN CHANNEL TO THE POOL"); } } SipServletResponse sipServletResponse = request.createResponse(SipServletResponse.SC_OK); sipServletResponse.send(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected void doInvite(SipServletRequest request) throws ServletException, IOException { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Simple Servlet: Got request:\n" + request.getMethod()); } SipServletResponse sipServletResponse = request.createResponse(SipServletResponse.SC_RINGING); sipServletResponse.send(); sipServletResponse = request.createResponse(SipServletResponse.SC_OK); sipServletResponse.send(); if (CALLEE_SEND_BYE.equalsIgnoreCase(((SipURI) request.getTo().getURI()).getUser())) { TimerService timer = (TimerService) getServletContext().getAttribute(TIMER_SERVICE); timer.createTimer(request.getApplicationSession(), byeDelay, false, request.getSession().getId()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected void doBye(SipServletRequest request) throws ServletException, IOException { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"SimpleProxyServlet: Got BYE request:\n" + request); } SipServletResponse sipServletResponse = request.createResponse(200); sipServletResponse.send(); SipApplicationSession sipApplicationSession = sipServletResponse.getApplicationSession(false); if (sipApplicationSession != null && sipApplicationSession.isValid()) { sipApplicationSession.invalidate(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected void doResponse(SipServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"SimpleProxyServlet: Got response:\n" + response); } if (SipServletResponse.SC_OK == response.getStatus() && "BYE".equalsIgnoreCase(response.getMethod())) { SipApplicationSession sipApplicationSession = response.getApplicationSession(false); if (sipApplicationSession != null && sipApplicationSession.isValid()) { sipApplicationSession.invalidate(); } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.servlet.sip.TimerListener#timeout(javax.servlet.sip.ServletTimer) */ public void timeout(ServletTimer servletTimer) { SipSession sipSession = servletTimer.getApplicationSession().getSipSession((String) servletTimer.getInfo()); if (!State.TERMINATED.equals(sipSession.getState())) { try { sipSession.createRequest("BYE").send(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("An unexpected exception occured while sending the BYE", e); } } } }