Source code

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Here is the source code for


package com.atlassian.plugins.project;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException;

import com.atlassian.extras.common.log.Logger;
import com.atlassian.extras.common.log.Logger.Log;
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.CustomFieldManager;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.context.GlobalIssueContext;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.context.JiraContextNode;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.CustomFieldUtils;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.CustomField;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.config.FieldConfig;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.config.FieldConfigScheme;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.config.manager.FieldConfigSchemeManager;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.screen.FieldScreen;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.screen.FieldScreenTab;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.issuetype.IssueType;
import com.atlassian.jira.project.Project;
import com.atlassian.jira.project.ProjectManager;
import com.atlassian.jira.web.action.JiraWebActionSupport;
import com.atlassian.upm.api.license.PluginLicenseManager;

* The Class SynapseConfigActionSupport is perform configuration on admin-panel.
public class ConfigActionSupport extends JiraWebActionSupport {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8404857305895598690L;

     * The log serves to write out the description of the errors/ exception /
     * warnings/ debug for particular class in the JIRA log file .
    private static final Log log = Logger.getInstance(ConfigActionSupport.class);

     * The Constant DEFAULT_CF_NAME_REQUIREMENT determines the default
     * Requirement custom field name.
    private static final String DEFAULT_CF_NAME_PROGRESS = "Progress";

    private static final String DEFAULT_CF_NAME_HOURS_LOGGED = "Logged Hours";

    private static final String DEFAULT_CF_NAME_HOURS_ESTIMATED = "Estimated Hours";

    /** The license for synapseRT plug-in. Can be valid and expired */
    private String license;

    /** The requirement custom field name. */
    private String progressReleaseCfName;

    private String hoursLoggedCfName;

    private String hoursEstimatedCfName;

    public String getHoursEstimatedCfName() {
        return hoursEstimatedCfName;

    public void setHoursEstimatedCfName(String hoursEstimatedCfName) {
        this.hoursEstimatedCfName = hoursEstimatedCfName;

    public String getHoursLoggedCfName() {
        return hoursLoggedCfName;

    public void setHoursLoggedCfName(String hoursLoggedCfName) {
        this.hoursLoggedCfName = hoursLoggedCfName;

    /** The properties. */
    private ApplicationProperties properties = ComponentAccessor.getApplicationProperties();

    /** The license manager performs operations with license. */
    private final PluginLicenseManager licenseManager;

    private String progressReleaseName;

    private String hoursLogged;
    private String hoursEstimated;

    public String getHoursEstimated() {
        hoursEstimated = getCFName(hoursEstimated, PluginUtil.getEstimatedHoursField(),
        return hoursEstimated;

    public void setHoursEstimated(String hoursEstimated) {
        this.hoursEstimated = hoursEstimated;

    public String getHoursLogged() {
        hoursLogged = getCFName(hoursLogged, PluginUtil.getLoggedHoursField(), DEFAULT_CF_NAME_HOURS_LOGGED);
        return hoursLogged;

    public void setHoursLogged(String hoursLogged) {
        this.hoursLogged = hoursLogged;

    public String getProgressReleaseName() {
        progressReleaseName = getCFName(progressReleaseName, PluginUtil.getProgressReleaseField(),
        return progressReleaseName;

    public void setProgressReleaseName(String progressReleaseName) {
        this.progressReleaseName = PluginUtil.defaultString(progressReleaseName);


     * The Constructor for class SynapseConfigActionSupport.
     * @param licenseManager
     *            the license manager performs operations with license.
     * @throws Exception
     *             is the general class of exceptions produced by failed or
     *             interrupted operations
    public ConfigActionSupport(PluginLicenseManager licenseManager) throws Exception {
        this.licenseManager = licenseManager;

     * Gets the license manager url.
     * @return the license manager url

     * Do save advanced settings method is to set configuration for advanced
     * admin-panel.
     * @return the string of response for saving request
    public String doSaveAdvancedSettings() {
        if (!hasPermission(Permissions.ADMINISTER)) {
            log.warn("No permission to configure the SYNAPSE plugin");
            return forceRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/secure/config.jspa");

        return forceRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/secure/config.jspa");

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see webwork.action.ActionSupport#doExecute()
    protected String doExecute() throws Exception {

        if (!hasPermission(Permissions.ADMINISTER)) {
            log.warn("No permission to configure the SYNAPSE plugin.");


        try {
            String lic = properties.getText(PluginConstants.PROGRESS_LICENSE_KEY);

            license = lic;

        } catch (Exception ex) {


        if (request.getMethod().equals("POST")) {
            return doInsertOrUpdate();

        return INPUT;

     * Save the results from the submitted configuration form.
     * @return the string of response from saving request
     * @throws Exception
     *             is the general class of exceptions produced by failed or
     *             interrupted operations
    private String doInsertOrUpdate() throws Exception {

        if (!hasPermission(Permissions.ADMINISTER)) {
            log.warn("No permission to configure the SYNAPSE plugin.");


        progressReleaseName = PluginUtil.htmlEncodeStrLimit(request.getParameter("progressReleaseName"));

        hoursLogged = PluginUtil.htmlEncodeStrLimit(request.getParameter("hoursLogged"));
        hoursEstimated = PluginUtil.htmlEncodeStrLimit(request.getParameter("hoursEstimated"));


        return getRedirect("/secure/config.jspa");

     * Adjusts Test Suite Custom Field in SynapseRT plugin if such field exists.
     * Else creates new Test Suite Custom Field and install it.
    private void installProgressCF() {
        if (progressReleaseCfName == null)
            progressReleaseCfName = DEFAULT_CF_NAME_PROGRESS;

        installSynapseCustomField(getIssueTypesFromProperties(), ProgressReleaseField.class, progressReleaseCfName,

                "", null);


     * Adjusts Test Suite Custom Field in SynapseRT plugin if such field exists.
     * Else creates new Test Suite Custom Field and install it.
    private void installLoggedCF() {
        if (hoursLoggedCfName == null)
            hoursLoggedCfName = DEFAULT_CF_NAME_HOURS_LOGGED;

        installSynapseCustomField(getIssueTypesFromProperties(), LoggedHoursField.class, hoursLoggedCfName,

                "", null);


    private void installEstimatedCF() {
        if (hoursEstimatedCfName == null)
            hoursEstimatedCfName = DEFAULT_CF_NAME_HOURS_ESTIMATED;

        installSynapseCustomField(getIssueTypesFromProperties(), EstimatedHoursField.class, hoursEstimatedCfName,

                "", null);


    private CustomField installSynapseCustomField(List<IssueType> issueTypes, Class<?> customFieldType,
            String defaultCustomFieldName, String customFieldPluginName, String customFieldSearcherPluginName,
            String i18nStringMessageResource, Object defaultValue) {
        List<CustomField> cfs = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager().getCustomFieldObjects();
        log.error("Got all the custom fields");
        boolean exists = false;
        CustomField cf = null;
        if (cfs != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < cfs.size(); i++) {
                cf = cfs.get(i);

                if (cf.getCustomFieldType().getClass().getName().equals(customFieldType.getName())) {

                    exists = true;
        if (!exists) {
            try {
                List<JiraContextNode> contexts = new ArrayList<JiraContextNode>();

                CustomField newCF = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager().createCustomField(
                        defaultCustomFieldName, "Custom field  " + defaultCustomFieldName + " custom field type",
                        contexts, issueTypes);
                if (newCF != null) {
                    if (defaultValue != null) {
                        log.debug("Applying default value to " + defaultCustomFieldName);
                        List<FieldConfigScheme> configurations = newCF.getConfigurationSchemes();

                        boolean defaultValueApplyed = false;
                        for (int i = 0; i < configurations.size(); i++) {
                            FieldConfigScheme scheme = configurations.get(i);
                            if (scheme.isAllProjects()) {
                                log.debug("Existing scheme found for " + newCF.getName() + " custom field");
                                FieldConfig fieldConfig = scheme.getOneAndOnlyConfig();
                                if (defaultValue != null) {
                                    newCF.getCustomFieldType().setDefaultValue(fieldConfig, defaultValue);
                                    defaultValueApplyed = true;
                        if (!defaultValueApplyed)
                            ModifyContextForCustomField(issueTypes, newCF, defaultValue);// unreal
                        // situation

                    Collection<FieldScreen> screens = ComponentAccessor.getFieldScreenManager().getFieldScreens();

                    FieldScreenTab tab = null;
                    List<FieldScreenTab> tabs = null;
                    if (screens != null) {
                        for (FieldScreen screen : screens) {
                            log.debug(" screen's name = " + screen.getName());
                            if ("Default Screen".equals(screen.getName())) {
                                tabs = ComponentAccessor.getFieldScreenManager().getFieldScreenTabs(screen);

                                if (tabs != null) {
                                    for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); i++) {
                                        tab = tabs.get(i);
                                        log.debug("Add " + defaultCustomFieldName + " custom field to tab("
                                                + tab.getName() + ")");
                    return newCF;
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                log.debug(defaultCustomFieldName + " custom field create failed!", e);
            return null;
        } else {
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultCustomFieldName)) {
                CustomFieldManager cfM = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager();
                cfM.updateCustomField(cf.getIdAsLong(), defaultCustomFieldName, cf.getDescription(),


            ModifyContextForCustomField(issueTypes, cf, defaultValue);
        return cf;

    void ModifyContextForCustomField(List<IssueType> issueTypes, CustomField customField, Object defaultValue) {

        FieldConfigSchemeManager fieldConfigSchemeManager = ComponentAccessor.getFieldConfigSchemeManager();
        List<FieldConfigScheme> configurations = customField.getConfigurationSchemes();

        for (int i = 0; i < configurations.size(); i++) {
            FieldConfigScheme scheme = configurations.get(i);

            if (scheme.isAllProjects()) {
                log.debug("Readjusting existing global context for Synapse " + customField.getName()
                        + " custom field");
                FieldConfig fieldConfig = scheme.getOneAndOnlyConfig();
                if (defaultValue != null) {
                    customField.getCustomFieldType().setDefaultValue(fieldConfig, defaultValue);

                ProjectManager projectManager = ComponentAccessor.getProjectManager();
                List<Project> projects = projectManager.getProjectObjects();

                for (Project project : projects) {


                List<JiraContextNode> newContexts = CustomFieldUtils.buildJiraIssueContexts(true, null,
                Map<String, FieldConfig> newConfigs = new HashMap<String, FieldConfig>();
                for (int j = 0; j < issueTypes.size(); j++) {
                    newConfigs.put(issueTypes.get(j).getId(), fieldConfig);

                FieldConfigScheme newScheme = new FieldConfigScheme.Builder(scheme).setConfigs(newConfigs)
                fieldConfigSchemeManager.updateFieldConfigScheme(newScheme, newContexts, customField);

        String schemeName = "Default Configuration Scheme for " + customField.getName();

        FieldConfigScheme configScheme = new FieldConfigScheme.Builder().setName(schemeName)

        log.debug("Creating global context for Synapse " + customField.getName() + " custom field");

        List<JiraContextNode> newContexts = CustomFieldUtils.buildJiraIssueContexts(true, null, null);

        configScheme = fieldConfigSchemeManager.createFieldConfigScheme(configScheme, newContexts, issueTypes,
        if (defaultValue != null) {
            customField.getCustomFieldType().setDefaultValue(configScheme.getOneAndOnlyConfig(), defaultValue);


     * Gets the issue types from application properties.
     * @param issueTypePropertyEntries
     *            the issue type property entries that are present in system.
     * @return the issue types from properties
    private List<IssueType> getIssueTypesFromProperties() {
        List<IssueType> issueTypes = new ArrayList<IssueType>();
        Collection<IssueType> types = ComponentAccessor.getConstantsManager().getAllIssueTypeObjects();
        log.debug("Got all issue types, " + types);

        for (IssueType type : types) {
            if (issueTypes == null)
                issueTypes = new ArrayList<IssueType>();
        return issueTypes;

     * Sets the license.
     * @param license
     *            the license
    public void setLicense(String license) {
        this.license = license;

     * Gets the license.
     * @return the license
    public String getLicense() {
        return license == null ? "" : license;

     * For a given custom field name, either return the already set value or set
     * it to its initial value and return it. Note that null values mean the
     * name has not yet been set.
     * @param cfName
     *            the custom field name
     * @param customField
     *            the custom field
     * @param defaultVal
     *            the default value
     * @return the custom field name
    private String getCFName(String cfName, CustomField customField, String defaultVal) {
        if (cfName == null) {
            cfName = (customField != null ? customField.getName() : defaultVal);
            cfName = StringUtils.defaultString(cfName); // Ensure the value is
            // never set to null
            // (null means
            // uninitialized)
        return cfName;

     * Sets the parent requirement custom field name.
     * @param parentRequirementCfName
     *            the parent requirement custom field name
    public void setProgressReleaseCfName(String progressReleaseCfName) {
        this.progressReleaseCfName = progressReleaseCfName; // Ensure we never set
        // value to null
        // (null means
        // uninitialized)

     * Gets the requirement custom field name.
     * @return the requirement custom field name
    public String getProgressReleaseCFName() {
        return progressReleaseCfName;
