Java tutorial
package com.atlassian.clover.eclipse.core.licensing; import com.atlassian.clover.CloverLicenseInfo; import com.atlassian.clover.eclipse.core.CloverPlugin; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.PreferencesUtil; import; import; import; import; import com_atlassian_clover.CloverVersionInfo; import; public class LicenseUtils { private static final String DEFAULT_DISABLED_LICENSE_TEXT = "Your license has been disabled"; private static final String DEFAULT_EXPIRED_LICENSE_TEXT = "Your license has expired"; private static final String PREFS_TRAIL_LINK = "Window>Preferences>Clover>License"; private static final String GENERATE_LICENSE_LINK_TITLE = "generate an evaluation license"; private static final String MY_LICENSE_LINK_TITLE = "retrieve your existing license"; public static final String LICENSE_TOKEN_PROP = "clover.eclipse.license.token"; public static void openLicensePreferencesPage(Shell shell) { PreferencesUtil .createPreferenceDialogOn(shell, "com.atlassian.clover.eclipse.core.preferences.cloverLicensePreferencesPage", null, null) .open(); } public static String calcExpiryStatement() { if (CloverLicenseInfo.POST_EXPIRY_STMT == null) { return DEFAULT_EXPIRED_LICENSE_TEXT; } else { return CloverLicenseInfo.POST_EXPIRY_STMT; } } public static String calcExtendedExpiryStatement(boolean asLink) { return endInPeriod(calcExpiryStatement()) + "\n\n" + calcLicenseNextStepsStatement(asLink); } public static String endInPeriod(String string) { return (string.lastIndexOf('.') == string.length() - 1) ? string : string + "."; } public static String calcLicenseNextStepsStatement(boolean asLink) { return calcLicenseLinkStatment(asLink) + " Once you have a valid license file you can install this in " + openLink(asLink) + PREFS_TRAIL_LINK + closeLink(asLink); } public static String calcLicenseLinkStatment(boolean asLink) { return "You can " + openLink(asLink) + GENERATE_LICENSE_LINK_TITLE + closeLink(asLink) + " (registration required)" + " or you can " + openLink(asLink) + MY_LICENSE_LINK_TITLE + closeLink(asLink) + " on the Atlassian website."; } private static String openLink(boolean asLink) { return asLink ? "<a>" : ""; } private static String closeLink(boolean asLink) { return asLink ? "</a>" : ""; } public static String calcTerminationStatement() { if (CloverLicenseInfo.TERMINATION_STMT == null) { if (CloverLicenseInfo.EXPIRED && CloverLicenseInfo.POST_EXPIRY_STMT == null) { //Just in case... return DEFAULT_DISABLED_LICENSE_TEXT; } else { //If termination and expiry set to same date, termination statement will be //null but TERMINATED will be true return CloverLicenseInfo.POST_EXPIRY_STMT; } } else { return CloverLicenseInfo.TERMINATION_STMT; } } public static String calcExtendedTerminationStatement(boolean asLink) { return endInPeriod(calcTerminationStatement()) + "\n\n" + calcLicenseNextStepsStatement(asLink); } public static boolean isPreferencesLink(String link) { return PREFS_TRAIL_LINK.equals(link); } public static boolean isGenerateLicenseLinkText(String link) { return GENERATE_LICENSE_LINK_TITLE.equals(link); } public static boolean isMyLicenseLinkText(String link) { return MY_LICENSE_LINK_TITLE.equals(link); } public static String getGenerateLicenseLink() { return CloverVersionInfo.CLOVER_GENERATE_LICENSE_URL; } public static String getMyLicenseLink() { return CloverVersionInfo.CLOVER_LICENSE_URL; } public static String calcInstallDateToken() { final long installDate = CloverPlugin.getInstance().getInstallationSettings().getInstallDate(); try { return new String( Base64.encodeBase64((CloverVersionInfo.SANITIZED_RN + ":" + installDate).getBytes("US-ASCII"))); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { CloverPlugin.logError("Unable to generate install date token", e); return ""; } } public static long parseInstallDateToken(String licenseToken) { long installDate = 0l; try { if (licenseToken != null) { final String[] tokenParts = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(licenseToken.getBytes("US-ASCII")), "US-ASCII").split(":"); if (tokenParts.length == 2 && CloverVersionInfo.SANITIZED_RN.equals(tokenParts[0])) { return Long.parseLong(tokenParts[1]); } } } catch (Exception e) { CloverPlugin.logWarning("Failed to determine install date from " + licenseToken, e); } return installDate; } public static boolean writeLicenseTo(File licenseFile) throws IOException { String licenseText = CloverPlugin.getInstance().getInstallationSettings().getLicenseText(); if (licenseFile != null) { if (!licenseFile.exists()) { licenseFile.createNewFile(); } FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(licenseFile); writer.write(licenseText); writer.flush(); writer.close(); return true; } else { return false; } } }