Java tutorial
/*-* * Copyright 2010-2015 Atilika Inc. and contributors (see * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the * License is distributed with this work in the file. You may * also obtain a copy of the License from * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.atilika.kuromoji.trie; import com.atilika.kuromoji.compile.ProgressLog; import com.atilika.kuromoji.util.KuromojiBinFilesFetcher; import com.atilika.kuromoji.util.ResourceResolver; import; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel; import java.util.List; public class DoubleArrayTrie { // public static final String DOUBLE_ARRAY_TRIE_FILENAME = "doubleArrayTrie.bin"; public static final String DOUBLE_ARRAY_TRIE_FILENAME = new File(KuromojiBinFilesFetcher.getKuromojiRoot(), "doubleArrayTrie.bin").getAbsolutePath(); public static final char TERMINATING_CHARACTER = '\u0001'; private static final int BASE_CHECK_INITIAL_SIZE = 2800000; private static final int TAIL_INITIAL_SIZE = 200000; private static final int TAIL_OFFSET = 100000000; private static float BUFFER_GROWTH_PERCENTAGE = 0.25f; private IntBuffer baseBuffer; private IntBuffer checkBuffer; private CharBuffer tailBuffer; private int tailIndex = TAIL_OFFSET; private int maxBaseCheckIndex = 0; private boolean compact; public DoubleArrayTrie() { this(false); } public DoubleArrayTrie(boolean compactTries) { compact = compactTries; } public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException { baseBuffer.rewind(); checkBuffer.rewind(); tailBuffer.rewind(); int baseCheckSize = Math.min(maxBaseCheckIndex + 64, baseBuffer.capacity()); int tailSize = Math.min(tailIndex - TAIL_OFFSET + 64, tailBuffer.capacity()); DataOutputStream dataOutput = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(output)); dataOutput.writeBoolean(compact); dataOutput.writeInt(baseCheckSize); dataOutput.writeInt(tailSize); WritableByteChannel channel = Channels.newChannel(dataOutput); ByteBuffer tmpBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(baseCheckSize * 4); IntBuffer tmpIntBuffer = tmpBuffer.asIntBuffer(); tmpIntBuffer.put(baseBuffer.array(), 0, baseCheckSize); tmpBuffer.rewind(); channel.write(tmpBuffer); tmpBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(baseCheckSize * 4); tmpIntBuffer = tmpBuffer.asIntBuffer(); tmpIntBuffer.put(checkBuffer.array(), 0, baseCheckSize); tmpBuffer.rewind(); channel.write(tmpBuffer); tmpBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tailSize * 2); CharBuffer tmpCharBuffer = tmpBuffer.asCharBuffer(); tmpCharBuffer.put(tailBuffer.array(), 0, tailSize); tmpBuffer.rewind(); channel.write(tmpBuffer); dataOutput.flush(); } public static DoubleArrayTrie newInstance(ResourceResolver resolver) throws IOException { return read(resolver.resolve(DOUBLE_ARRAY_TRIE_FILENAME)); } /** * Load Stored data * * @param input input stream to read the double array trie from * @return double array trie, not null * @throws IOException if an IO error occured during reading the double array trie */ public static DoubleArrayTrie read(InputStream input) throws IOException { DoubleArrayTrie trie = new DoubleArrayTrie(); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(input)); trie.compact = dis.readBoolean(); int baseCheckSize = dis.readInt(); // Read size of baseArr and checkArr int tailSize = dis.readInt(); // Read size of tailArr ReadableByteChannel channel = Channels.newChannel(dis); ByteBuffer tmpBaseBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(baseCheckSize * 4);; tmpBaseBuffer.rewind(); trie.baseBuffer = tmpBaseBuffer.asIntBuffer(); ByteBuffer tmpCheckBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(baseCheckSize * 4);; tmpCheckBuffer.rewind(); trie.checkBuffer = tmpCheckBuffer.asIntBuffer(); ByteBuffer tmpTailBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tailSize * 2);; tmpTailBuffer.rewind(); trie.tailBuffer = tmpTailBuffer.asCharBuffer(); input.close(); return trie; } /** * Construct double array trie which is equivalent to input trie * * @param trie normal trie, which contains all dictionary words */ public void build(Trie trie) { ProgressLog.begin("building " + (compact ? "compact" : "sparse") + " trie"); baseBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(BASE_CHECK_INITIAL_SIZE); baseBuffer.put(0, 1); checkBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(BASE_CHECK_INITIAL_SIZE); tailBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(TAIL_INITIAL_SIZE); add(-1, 0, trie.getRoot()); reportUtilizationRate(); ProgressLog.end(); } private void reportUtilizationRate() { int zeros = 0; for (int i = 0; i < maxBaseCheckIndex; i++) { if (baseBuffer.get(i) == 0) { zeros++; } } ProgressLog.println("trie memory utilization ratio (" + (!compact ? "not " : "") + "compacted): " + ((maxBaseCheckIndex - zeros) / (float) maxBaseCheckIndex)); } /** * Recursively add Nodes(characters) to double array trie * * @param previous * @param index * @param node */ private void add(int previous, int index, Trie.Node node) { if (!node.getChildren().isEmpty() && node.hasSinglePath() && node.getChildren().get(0).getKey() != TERMINATING_CHARACTER) { // If node has only one path, put the rest in tail array baseBuffer.put(index, tailIndex); // current index of tail array addToTail(node.getChildren().get(0)); checkBuffer.put(index, previous); return; // No more child to process } int startIndex = (compact ? 0 : index); int base = findBase(startIndex, node.getChildren()); baseBuffer.put(index, base); if (previous >= 0) { checkBuffer.put(index, previous); // Set check value } for (Trie.Node child : node.getChildren()) { // For each child to double array trie if (compact) { add(index, base + child.getKey(), child); } else { add(index, index + base + child.getKey(), child); } } } /** * Match input keyword. * * @param key key to match * @return index value of last character in baseBuffer(double array id) if it is complete match. Negative value if it doesn't match. 0 if it is prefix match. */ public int lookup(String key) { return lookup(key, 0, 0); } public int lookup(String key, int index, int j) { int base = 1; if (index != 0) { base = baseBuffer.get(index); } int keyLength = key.length(); for (int i = j; i < keyLength; i++) { int previous = index; if (compact) { index = base + key.charAt(i); } else { index = index + base + key.charAt(i); } if (index >= baseBuffer.limit()) { // Too long return -1; } base = baseBuffer.get(index); if (base == 0) { // Didn't find match return -1; } if (checkBuffer.get(index) != previous) { // check doesn't match return -1; } if (base >= TAIL_OFFSET) { // If base is bigger than TAIL_OFFSET, start processing "tail" return matchTail(base, index, key.substring(i + 1)); } } // If we reach at the end of input keyword, check if it is complete match by looking for following terminating character int endIndex; if (compact) { endIndex = base + TERMINATING_CHARACTER; } else { endIndex = index + base + TERMINATING_CHARACTER; } return checkBuffer.get(endIndex) == index ? index : 0; } /** * Check match in tail array * * @param base * @param index * @param key * @return index if it is complete match. 0 if it is prefix match. negative value if it doesn't match */ private int matchTail(int base, int index, String key) { int positionInTailArr = base - TAIL_OFFSET; int keyLength = key.length(); for (int i = 0; i < keyLength; i++) { if (key.charAt(i) != tailBuffer.get(positionInTailArr + i)) { return -1; } } return tailBuffer.get(positionInTailArr + keyLength) == TERMINATING_CHARACTER ? index : 0; } /** * Find base value for current node, which contains input nodes. They are children of current node. * Set default base value , which is one, at the index of each input node. * * @param index * @param nodes * @return base value for current node */ private int findBase(int index, List<Trie.Node> nodes) { int base = baseBuffer.get(index); if (base < 0) { return base; } while (true) { boolean collision = false; // already taken? for (Trie.Node node : nodes) { int nextIndex = index + base + node.getKey(); maxBaseCheckIndex = Math.max(maxBaseCheckIndex, nextIndex); if (baseBuffer.capacity() <= nextIndex) { extendBuffers(nextIndex); } if (baseBuffer.get(nextIndex) != 0) { // already taken base++; // check next base value collision = true; break; } } if (!collision) { break; // if there is no collision, found proper base value. Break the while loop. } } for (Trie.Node node : nodes) { baseBuffer.put(index + base + node.getKey(), node.getKey() == TERMINATING_CHARACTER ? -1 : 1); // Set -1 if key is terminating character. Set default base value 1 if not. } return base; } private void extendBuffers(int nextIndex) { int newLength = nextIndex + (int) (baseBuffer.capacity() * BUFFER_GROWTH_PERCENTAGE); ProgressLog.println("Buffers extended to " + baseBuffer.capacity() + " entries"); IntBuffer newBaseBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(newLength); baseBuffer.rewind(); newBaseBuffer.put(baseBuffer); baseBuffer = newBaseBuffer; IntBuffer newCheckBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(newLength);//ByteBuffer.allocate(newLength).asIntBuffer(); checkBuffer.rewind(); newCheckBuffer.put(checkBuffer); checkBuffer = newCheckBuffer; } /** * Add characters(nodes) to tail array * * @param node */ private void addToTail(Trie.Node node) { while (true) { if (tailBuffer.capacity() < tailIndex - TAIL_OFFSET + 1) { CharBuffer newTailBuffer = CharBuffer .allocate(tailBuffer.capacity() + (int) (tailBuffer.capacity() * BUFFER_GROWTH_PERCENTAGE)); tailBuffer.rewind(); newTailBuffer.put(tailBuffer); tailBuffer = newTailBuffer; } tailBuffer.put(tailIndex++ - TAIL_OFFSET, node.getKey());// set character of current node if (node.getChildren().isEmpty()) { // if it reached the end of input, break. break; } node = node.getChildren().get(0); // Move to next node } } public IntBuffer getBaseBuffer() { return baseBuffer; } public IntBuffer getCheckBuffer() { return checkBuffer; } public CharBuffer getTailBuffer() { return tailBuffer; } }