Java tutorial
package; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.maven.model.CiManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency; import org.apache.maven.model.DeploymentRepository; import org.apache.maven.model.Developer; import org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.IssueManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.License; import org.apache.maven.model.Model; import org.apache.maven.model.Organization; import org.apache.maven.model.Parent; import org.apache.maven.model.Scm; import org.apache.maven.model.Site; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.atlassian.confluence.renderer.radeox.macros.MacroUtils; import com.atlassian.confluence.util.velocity.VelocityUtils; import; import com.atlassian.renderer.RenderContext; import com.atlassian.renderer.v2.RenderMode; import com.atlassian.renderer.v2.SubRenderer; import com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.BaseMacro; import com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException; import com.atlassian.sal.api.pluginsettings.PluginSettingsFactory; import com.atlassian.sal.api.transaction.TransactionTemplate; import com.opensymphony.webwork.ServletActionContext; /** * @author wkuo * */ public class MavenInfoMacro extends BaseMacro { private static final String PROPERTIES_BASELINE_VERSION = "baseline.version"; private static final String PROPERTIES_POLOPOLY_VERSION = "polopoly.version"; private static final String ARTIFACTID_POLOPOLY = "polopoly"; private static final String ARTIFACTID_BASELINE = "baseline"; private static final String RELASE_NOTE_KEY = "releaseNote"; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MavenInfoMacro.class); private static final String MAVEN_SITE_TITLE = "Link to Documentation"; private static final String RESOURCE_VM = "nexusinfotabulator.vm"; private final SubRenderer subRenderer; private final MetadataManager metadataManager; public MavenInfoMacro(PluginSettingsFactory pluginSettingsFactory, TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate, SubRenderer subRenderer) { this.subRenderer = subRenderer; ConfigurationReader configurationReader = new ConfigurationReader(pluginSettingsFactory); Configuration configuration = transactionTemplate.execute(configurationReader); metadataManager = new MetadataManager(configuration); } @Override public boolean isInline() { return false; } @Override public boolean hasBody() { return false; } @Override public RenderMode getBodyRenderMode() { return RenderMode.ALL; } /** * This method returns XHTML to be displayed on the page that uses this * macro we just do random stuff here, trying to show how you can access the * most basic managers and model objects. No emphasis is put on beauty of * code nor on doing actually useful things :-) */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public String execute(Map params, String body, RenderContext renderContext) throws MacroException { Map context = MacroUtils.defaultVelocityContext(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(VelocityUtils.getRenderedTemplate(RESOURCE_VM, context)); Object keyList[] = null; String groupId = null; String artifactId = null; String releaseNote = null; String releaseVer = null; if (!params.isEmpty()) { keyList = params.keySet().toArray(); } if (keyList != null) { for (Object key : keyList) { if ("groupid".equalsIgnoreCase(key.toString())) { groupId = (String) params.get(key.toString()); } if ("artifactid".equalsIgnoreCase(key.toString())) { artifactId = (String) params.get(key.toString()); } if (RELASE_NOTE_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(key.toString())) { releaseNote = params.get(key).toString(); } } } if (artifactId != null) { HttpServletRequest req = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); if (req != null) { releaseVer = req.getParameter("releaseVer"); } result.append(" \n "); result.append(getPluginMetaDataTable(groupId, artifactId, releaseNote, releaseVer)); } else { result.append(getPluginListTable(groupId)); } return subRenderer.render(result.toString(), renderContext); } private String getPluginListTable(String groupId) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); List<ExtendedModel> models; try { models = metadataManager.getMetadatas(groupId); result.append("h3. Plugin List \n"); result.append("|| Name || Artifact Id || Latest Version || Description || \n"); for (ExtendedModel model : models) { result.append("| ["); result.append(getName(model)); result.append("|"); result.append((model.getUrl() != null) ? model.getUrl() : toValidUrlName(getName(model))); result.append("]"); result.append("|"); result.append(model.getArtifactId()); result.append("|"); result.append(getVersion(model)); result.append("|"); result.append(parseString(model.getDescription())); result.append(" | \n "); } result.append("\n"); if (models.isEmpty()) { return "{warning}No plugins available{warning}"; } else { return result.toString(); } } catch (AddressNotFoundException e) { result.append("{warning}Please make sure the Nexus url is correctly configured{warning}"); } catch (UnAuthorizeException e) { result.append("{warning}Please make sure the credential for Nexus is correctly configured{warning}"); } catch (IOException e) { result.append("{warning}Error retrieving metadata{warning}"); } return result.toString(); } private String getPluginMetaDataTable(String groupId, String artifactId, String releaseNote, String version) { ExtendedModel model; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); try { model = metadataManager.getMetadata(groupId, artifactId, version); if (model != null) { IssueManagement issueManagement = model.getIssueManagement(); Scm scm = model.getScm(); Organization org = model.getOrganization(); List<License> licenses = model.getLicenses(); CiManagement cim = model.getCiManagement(); result.append("{html}"); result.append("<div id=\"ndiv-"); result.append(model.getArtifactId()); result.append("\">"); result.append("\n"); result.append("{html} \n "); result.append("h3. Metadata for "); result.append(parseString(model.getName())); result.append("\n Release(s) "); result.append(getReleasesDropDown(model, version)); result.append("\n || Group Id | "); result.append(getGroupId(model)); result.append(" || Artifact Id | "); result.append(model.getArtifactId()); result.append("| \n || Release | "); result.append(getVersion(model)); result.append(" || Developer(s) | "); result.append(getDeveloperInfo(model.getDevelopers())); result.append("| \n || Minimum Required Version | "); result.append(getSupportedPolopolyRelease(model)); result.append(" || Required Baseline Version | "); result.append(getBaselineRelease(model)); result.append("| \n || Source Code | "); result.append(getSourceCode(scm)); result.append(" || Source Code(Read Only) | "); result.append(getConnection(scm)); result.append("| \n || Organization | "); result.append(getOrganization(org)); result.append(" || Issue Tracking | "); result.append(getIssueInfo(issueManagement)); result.append("| \n || CI Environment | "); result.append(getCIEnv(cim)); result.append(" || License | "); result.append(getLicenses(licenses)); result.append(" | \n || Documentation | "); result.append(getLinkToSite(model)); result.append(" || Maven Repositories | "); result.append(getMavenRepo(model)); result.append(" | \n "); if (releaseNote != null && !releaseNote.trim().isEmpty()) { try { // validate URL new URL(releaseNote); result.append("|| Release Note |").append(parseUrlLabel("Release Note", releaseNote)) .append("| \n"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { result.append("|| Release Note |{warning}").append(releaseNote) .append(" is not valid URL{warning}").append("| \n"); } } result.append(" h5. Description \n "); result.append(" {excerpt:hidden=true} "); result.append(parseString(model.getDescription()).replaceAll("\n", " ")); result.append(" {excerpt} \n "); result.append(parseString(model.getDescription())); result.append("{html}"); result.append("</div>"); result.append("{html}"); } else { result.append("{warning}Metadata model not available through search{warning}"); result.append(String.format( "{html}<p style='color: #666;font-size: .9em;'>For debugging purposes, search URL: %s </p>{html}", metadataManager.getSearchURI(groupId, artifactId))); } } catch (AddressNotFoundException e) { result.append("{warning}Please make sure the Nexus url is correctly configured{warning}"); } catch (UnAuthorizeException e) { result.append("{warning}Please make sure the credential for Nexus is correctly configured{warning}"); } catch (IOException e) { result.append("{warning}Error retrieving metadata{warning}"); } return result.toString(); } private String getConnection(Scm scm) { if (scm != null) { String connection = scm.getConnection(); if (connection != null && !connection.trim().isEmpty()) { if (StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(connection, ":") > 2) { int index = connection.indexOf(":"); connection = connection.substring(index + 1); index = connection.indexOf(":"); connection = connection.substring(index + 1); if (!connection.startsWith("http")) { return connection; } } } return parseUrlLabel("Read Only", connection); } else { return ""; } } private String getCIEnv(CiManagement cim) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (cim != null) { result.append(parseUrlLabel(cim.getSystem(), cim.getUrl())); } return result.toString(); } /** * This method gather all releases from the artifact and generate the code of a drop down field at front end. * @param model * @param selected * @return */ private String getReleasesDropDown(ExtendedModel model, String selected) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Set<String> versions = new TreeSet<String>(Collections.reverseOrder()); for (Artifact a : model.getArtifacts()) { versions.add(a.getVersion()); } builder.append(" {html}"); builder.append("\n <select id=\""); builder.append(model.getArtifactId()); builder.append("\""); builder.append(" class=\"selectRelease\"> \n"); int count = 0; for (String version : versions) { builder.append("<option value=\""); builder.append(version); builder.append("\""); if (count == 0 && selected == null) { builder.append(" selected=\"selected\""); } else { if (version.equals(selected)) { builder.append(" selected=\"selected\""); } } count++; builder.append(">"); builder.append(version); builder.append("</option> \n "); } builder.append("</select> \n"); builder.append("{html} \n "); return builder.toString(); } private String getSourceCode(Scm scm) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (scm != null) { result.append(parseString(scm.getUrl())); } return result.toString(); } private String getOrganization(Organization org) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (org != null) { result.append(parseUrlLabel(org.getName(), org.getUrl())); } return result.toString(); } private String getLinkToSite(Model model) { DistributionManagement distribution = model.getDistributionManagement(); if (distribution != null) { Site site = distribution.getSite(); if (site != null && site.getUrl() != null) { return parseUrlLabel(MAVEN_SITE_TITLE, site.getUrl()); } } Configuration configuration = metadataManager.getConfiguration(); String url = ""; if (configuration != null && configuration.isGenerateLink()) { // no url specified // construct one // url format will be according to format String artifactId = model.getArtifactId(); String baseUrl = getNexusUrl(model); if (baseUrl == null || baseUrl.trim().isEmpty()) { return ""; } url = baseUrl + artifactId + "-" + getVersion(model) + "-site.jar" + "!/index.html"; } return parseUrlLabel(MAVEN_SITE_TITLE, url); } private String getMavenRepo(Model model) { String url = getNexusUrl(model); if (url != null && !url.trim().isEmpty()) { return parseUrlLabel("Link to Maven Repo", url); } else { return ""; } } private String getNexusUrl(Model model) { Configuration configuration = metadataManager.getConfiguration(); String nexusLinkPrefix = configuration.getNexusLinkPrefix(); DistributionManagement distribution = model.getDistributionManagement(); if (distribution == null) { LOGGER.debug("Distribution Management for " + model.toString() + " is not define in pom file."); return null; } DeploymentRepository repository = distribution.getRepository(); if (repository == null) { LOGGER.debug("Deployment Repository for " + model.toString() + " is not define in pom file."); return null; } String groupId = getGroupId(model).replace(".", "/"); String artifactId = model.getArtifactId().replace(".", "/"); String url; if (nexusLinkPrefix == null || nexusLinkPrefix.trim().isEmpty()) { url = repository.getUrl(); } else { url = nexusLinkPrefix; } if (url == null) { LOGGER.debug("Deployment Repository's URL for " + model.toString() + " is not define in pom file."); return null; } if (!url.endsWith("/")) { url = url + "/"; } url = url + groupId + "/" + artifactId + "/" + getVersion(model) + "/"; return url; } private String getLicenses(List<License> licenses) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int licCount = 0; licCount < licenses.size(); licCount++) { License lic = licenses.get(licCount); if (licCount != 0) { result.append("\n"); } result.append(parseUrlLabel(lic.getName(), lic.getUrl())); } return result.toString(); } private String getIssueInfo(IssueManagement issMan) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (issMan != null) { result.append(parseUrlLabel(issMan.getSystem(), issMan.getUrl())); } return result.toString(); } private String getDeveloperInfo(List<Developer> developers) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int devCount = 0; devCount < developers.size(); devCount++) { Developer dev = developers.get(devCount); if (devCount != 0) { result.append("\n"); } String devEmail = dev.getEmail(); if (devEmail != null) { result.append("["); result.append(dev.getName()); result.append("| mailto:"); result.append(devEmail); result.append("]"); } else { result.append(dev.getName()); } } return result.toString(); } private String getGroupId(Model model) { String result = ""; String temp = model.getGroupId(); Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (temp != null) { result = model.getGroupId(); } else { if (parent != null) { result = parent.getGroupId(); } } return result; } private String getVersion(Model model) { String result = ""; String temp = model.getVersion(); Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (temp != null) { result = model.getVersion(); } else { if (parent != null) { result = parent.getVersion(); } } return result; } private String parseString(String field) { if (field == null) { return ""; } return field; } private String parseUrlLabel(String rawLabel, String rawUrl) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String label = parseString(rawLabel); String url = parseString(rawUrl); if (label.length() > 0 && url.length() > 0) { result.append("["); result.append(label); result.append("|"); result.append(url); result.append("]"); } else if (label.length() > 0 && url.length() == 0) { result.append(label); } else if (label.length() == 0 && url.length() > 0) { result.append(url); } return result.toString(); } /** * This method return the displayable name of the model in order of model * name model groupId "Not Available" string * * @param model * @return the display name of the model */ private String getName(Model model) { String name = parseString(model.getName()).trim(); if ("".equals(name)) { name = getGroupId(model); if ("".equals(name)) { name = "Not Available"; } } return name; } private String toValidUrlName(String field) { String invalidPattern = "/"; String name = parseString(field); return name.replace(invalidPattern, ""); } /** * This method return the supported baseline release as string * @param model * @return the release of baseline */ private String getBaselineRelease(ExtendedModel model) { return getSupportedReleases(model, PROPERTIES_BASELINE_VERSION, ARTIFACTID_BASELINE); } /** * This method return the supported polopoly release as string * @param model * @return the release of polopoly */ private String getSupportedPolopolyRelease(ExtendedModel model) { return getSupportedReleases(model, PROPERTIES_POLOPOLY_VERSION, ARTIFACTID_POLOPOLY); } /** * This method will read the supported releases from either properties key or dependency version * from the model (pom.xml). Properties value will be use if existed and only will read from dependency * if the properties doesn't exist. * @param model * @param propKey * @param artifactId * @return The supported releases in string. Empty string if not found. */ private String getSupportedReleases(ExtendedModel model, String propKey, String artifactId) { String result = readSpecificProperty(model.getProperties(), propKey); if (!result.isEmpty()) { return result; } return readSpecificDependencyVersion(model.getDependencies(), artifactId); } private String readSpecificDependencyVersion(List<Dependency> dependencies, String artifactId) { String result = ""; if (artifactId != null && !artifactId.isEmpty()) { for (Dependency dependency : dependencies) { if (artifactId.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(dependency.getArtifactId().trim())) { //This results in e.g. ${polopoly.version} if read from parent String dependencyVersion = dependency.getVersion().trim(); if (!org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank(dependencyVersion) && !dependencyVersion.startsWith("$")) { return dependencyVersion; } } } } return result; } private String readSpecificProperty(Properties properties, String key) { String result = ""; if (key != null && !key.isEmpty()) { result = (String) properties.get(key); if (result == null) { return ""; } return result.trim(); } return result; } }