Java tutorial
/** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 Asela Leelaratne * @license GNU/GPL Version 3 * * This Application is released to the public under the GNU General Public License. * * GNU/GPL V3 Extract. * 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. * THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. * EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES * PROVIDE THE PROGRAM AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE * PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL * NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. */ package com.aselalee.trainschedule; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; public class GetResultsFromSiteV2 extends Thread { private Handler mHandler = null; private String station_from; private String station_to; private String time_from; private String time_to; private String query_date; private volatile Result[] results = null; private volatile List<Result> resultsList = new ArrayList<Result>(); private volatile float[] prices = null; private volatile int errorCode = Constants.ERR_NO_ERROR; private String errorString = "No Error"; public GetResultsFromSiteV2(Handler handle, String st_from, String st_to, String tm_from, String tm_to, String date) { mHandler = handle; station_from = st_from; station_to = st_to; time_from = tm_from; time_to = tm_to; query_date = date; } public void run() { /** * Call the "GetResults" method to retrieve schedule data from server. */ GetResultsViaJSON(station_from, station_to, time_from, time_to, query_date); /** * Call the "GetPrice" method to retrieve price from server. */ GetPriceViaJSON(station_from, station_to); /** * This will send message to the calling thread to continue and display data. */ Message myMsg = new Message(); myMsg.arg1 = Constants.THREAD_GET_RESULTS; mHandler.sendMessage(myMsg); } private void GetPriceViaJSON(String station_from, String station_to) { /** * Create name value pairs to be sent. */ List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(3); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("lang", "en")); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("startStationID", station_from)); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("endStationID", station_to)); String strParams = URLEncodedUtils.format(nameValuePairs, "utf-8"); strParams = Constants.JSONURL_GETPRICE_V2 + "?" + strParams; String JSONStr = doJSONRequest(strParams); if (JSONStr == null) { prices = null; return; } if (JSONToPriceList(JSONStr) == false) { prices = null; return; } } private void GetResultsViaJSON(String station_from, String station_to, String time_from, String time_to, String date) { /** * Create name value pairs to be sent. */ List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(7); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("lang", "en")); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("startStationID", station_from)); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("endStationID", station_to)); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("startTime", time_from)); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("endTime", time_to)); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("searchDate", date)); String strParams = URLEncodedUtils.format(nameValuePairs, "utf-8"); strParams = Constants.JSONURL_GETSCH_V2 + "?" + strParams; String JSONStr = doJSONRequest(strParams); if (JSONStr == null) { results = null; resultsList = null; prices = null; return; } if (JSONToResultsList(JSONStr) == false) { results = null; resultsList = null; prices = null; return; } } private String doJSONRequest(String getReqURLStr) { String JSONOutputStr = null; /** * Setup networking. */ HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(getReqURLStr); HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpResponse response = null; /** * Send HTTP GET request. */ try { response = httpClient.execute(httpGet); } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_NETWORK_ERROR; errorString = "HTTPERROR : ClientProtocolException : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return null; } catch (IOException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_NETWORK_ERROR; errorString = "HTTPERROR : IOException : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return null; } /** * Get output stream from response. */ InputStream ips = null; try { ips = response.getEntity().getContent(); } catch (IOException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_ERROR; errorString = "getEntity.getContentERROR : IOException : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return null; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_ERROR; errorString = "getEntity.getContentERROR : IllegalStateException : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return null; } /** * Read output result from stream. */ StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); try { char[] bytes = new char[1024]; int numRead = 0; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ips, "UTF-8"), 8192); while ((numRead = > 0) { strBuilder.append(new String(bytes, 0, numRead)); } reader.close(); reader = null; } catch (IOException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_ERROR; errorString = "InputStreamReaderERROR : IOException - Read/Close Error : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return null; } JSONOutputStr = strBuilder.toString(); try { ips.close(); } catch (IOException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_ERROR; errorString = "InputStreamReaderError: IOException - Close Error" + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); } strBuilder = null; httpClient = null; httpGet = null; response = null; ips = null; return JSONOutputStr; } private JSONObject GetResultsObject(String strJSON) { JSONObject jObject = null; JSONObject jObjectResults = null; boolean bIsSuccess = false; String strStatusMsg = ""; int iStatusCode = 0; try { jObject = new JSONObject(strJSON); bIsSuccess = jObject.getBoolean("SUCCESS"); strStatusMsg = jObject.getString("MESSAGE"); iStatusCode = jObject.getInt("STATUSCODE"); jObjectResults = jObject.getJSONObject("RESULTS"); } catch (JSONException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_JSON_ERROR; errorString = "JSONObjectERROR : Error Parsing JSON string : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return null; } if (bIsSuccess == false) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_SERVER_ERROR; errorString = "Server status message: " + strStatusMsg; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return null; } if (iStatusCode != 2000) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_NO_RESULTS_FOUND_ERROR; errorString = "No results found. Server status message: " + strStatusMsg; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return null; } return jObjectResults; } private boolean JSONToPriceList(String strJSON) { JSONObject jObject = GetResultsObject(strJSON); JSONArray ratesArray = null; if (jObject == null) return false; try { ratesArray = jObject.getJSONArray("priceList"); } catch (JSONException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_JSON_ERROR; errorString = "JSONObjectERROR : Error Parsing JSON string : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } prices = new float[ratesArray.length()]; String strTmp = null; for (int i = 0; i < ratesArray.length(); i++) { try { strTmp = ratesArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("priceLKR").trim(); prices[i] = Float.valueOf(strTmp); } catch (JSONException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_JSON_ERROR; errorString = "getJSONObject.getStringError : Error Parsing JSON array object : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } } return true; } private boolean JSONToResultsList(String strJSON) { JSONObject jObject = GetResultsObject(strJSON); JSONObject jObjectDT = null; JSONObject jObjectCT = null; JSONArray directTrains = null; JSONArray connectedTrains = null; if (jObject == null) return false; try { jObjectDT = jObject.getJSONObject("directTrains"); jObjectCT = jObject.getJSONObject("connectingTrains"); directTrains = jObjectDT.getJSONArray("trainsList"); connectedTrains = jObjectCT.getJSONArray("trainsList"); } catch (JSONException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_JSON_ERROR; errorString = "JSONObjectERROR : Error Parsing JSON string : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } catch (NullPointerException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_JSON_ERROR; errorString = "JSONObjectERROR : Error Parsing JSON string : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } if (directTrains == null || connectedTrains == null) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_JSON_ERROR; errorString = "JSONObjectERROR : Error Parsing JSON string"; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } if (ProcessDirectTrains(directTrains) == false || ProcessConnectedTrains(connectedTrains) == false) return false; if (resultsList.size() == 0) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_NO_RESULTS_FOUND_ERROR; errorString = "No results for this query."; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } Collections.sort(resultsList); results = new Result[resultsList.size()]; int idx = 0; for (ListIterator<Result> it = resultsList.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { results[idx] =; idx++; } return true; } private boolean ProcessDirectTrains(JSONArray trainsArray) { String strTmp = null; for (int i = 0; i < trainsArray.length(); i++) { Result result = new Result(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatterIn = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatterOut = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); try { = trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("trainNo").toString().trim(); strTmp = trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("arrivalTime").toString().trim(); result.arrivalTime_dt = dateFormatterIn.parse(strTmp); result.arrivalTime_str = dateFormatterOut.format(result.arrivalTime_dt); strTmp = trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("depatureTime").toString().trim(); result.depatureTime_dt = dateFormatterIn.parse(strTmp); result.depatureTime_str = dateFormatterOut.format(result.depatureTime_dt); strTmp = trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("arrivalTimeEndStation").toString().trim(); result.arrivalAtDestinationTime_dt = dateFormatterIn.parse(strTmp); result.arrivalAtDestinationTime_str = dateFormatterOut.format(result.arrivalAtDestinationTime_dt); result.delayTime_str = ""; result.comment = ""; result.startStationName = CommonUtilities .ToTitleCase(trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("startStationName").toString().trim()); result.endStationName = CommonUtilities .ToTitleCase(trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("endStationName").toString().trim()); result.toTrStationName = CommonUtilities .ToTitleCase(trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("finalStationName").toString().trim()); result.fDescription_original = CommonUtilities .ToTitleCase(trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("trainFrequncy").toString().trim()); result.fDescription = formatFrequency(result.fDescription_original); result.tyDescription = CommonUtilities .ToTitleCase(trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("trainType").toString().trim()); result.duration_str = calcDuration(result.depatureTime_dt, result.arrivalAtDestinationTime_dt); } catch (JSONException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_JSON_ERROR; errorString = "getJSONObject.getStringError : Error Parsing JSON array object : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } catch (ParseException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_DATE_STRING_PARSE_ERROR; errorString = "dateFormatter.parse() : Error Parsing Time String : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } resultsList.add(result); } return true; } private boolean ProcessConnectedTrains(JSONArray trainsArray) { String strTmp = null; if (trainsArray.length() == 0) return true; JSONObject[] recHeader = new JSONObject[trainsArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < trainsArray.length(); i++) { try { recHeader[i] = trainsArray.getJSONObject(i).getJSONArray("recordHeader").getJSONObject(0); } catch (JSONException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_JSON_ERROR; errorString = "JSONObjectERROR : Error Parsing JSON string : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } } for (int i = 0; i < recHeader.length; i++) { Result result = new Result(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatterIn = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatterOut = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); try { = "-"; strTmp = recHeader[i].getString("startArrivalTime").toString().trim(); result.arrivalTime_dt = dateFormatterIn.parse(strTmp); result.arrivalTime_str = dateFormatterOut.format(result.arrivalTime_dt); strTmp = recHeader[i].getString("startDepartureTime").toString().trim(); result.depatureTime_dt = dateFormatterIn.parse(strTmp); result.depatureTime_str = dateFormatterOut.format(result.depatureTime_dt); strTmp = recHeader[i].getString("endArrivalTime").toString().trim(); result.arrivalAtDestinationTime_dt = dateFormatterIn.parse(strTmp); result.arrivalAtDestinationTime_str = dateFormatterOut.format(result.arrivalAtDestinationTime_dt); result.delayTime_str = "-"; result.comment = "-"; result.startStationName = CommonUtilities .ToTitleCase(recHeader[i].getString("startName").toString().trim()); result.endStationName = CommonUtilities .ToTitleCase(recHeader[i].getString("endName").toString().trim()); result.toTrStationName = "-"; result.fDescription_original = "Connected Train"; result.fDescription = "Connected Train"; result.tyDescription = "Connected Train"; result.duration_str = calcDuration(result.depatureTime_dt, result.arrivalAtDestinationTime_dt); } catch (JSONException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_JSON_ERROR; errorString = "getJSONObject.getStringError : Error Parsing JSON array object : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } catch (ParseException e) { errorCode = Constants.ERR_DATE_STRING_PARSE_ERROR; errorString = "dateFormatter.parse() : Error Parsing Time String : " + e; Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, errorString); return false; } resultsList.add(result); } return true; } private String formatFrequency(String frequency) { String result = frequency; if (frequency.contains(" Except Holidays)")) { result = frequency.replace(" Except Holidays)", "\n(Except Holidays)"); return result; } int freqLength = frequency.length(); if (freqLength > 12) { int firstSpace = -1; int secondSpace = -1; firstSpace = frequency.indexOf(" "); if (firstSpace > 0) { secondSpace = frequency.indexOf(" ", firstSpace + 1); } if (secondSpace > 0) { char[] charArray = new char[freqLength]; frequency.getChars(0, freqLength, charArray, 0); charArray[secondSpace] = '\n'; result = null; result = new String(charArray); } } return result; } private String calcDuration(Date depatureTime, Date arrAtDestinationTime) { String durationStr = ""; long startTimeInMilliSecs = depatureTime.getTime(); long endTimeInMilliSecs = arrAtDestinationTime.getTime(); long durationInMilliSecs = endTimeInMilliSecs - startTimeInMilliSecs; if (durationInMilliSecs > 0) { int hours = (int) (durationInMilliSecs / 1000 / 60 / 60); int mins = (int) (durationInMilliSecs / 1000 / 60) % 60; durationStr = strToDoubleDigits(hours) + ":" + strToDoubleDigits(mins); } else { durationStr = "---/---"; } return durationStr; } private String strToDoubleDigits(int value) { String output = ""; if (value <= 9) { output += "0" + String.valueOf(value); } else { output += String.valueOf(value); } return output; } public int GetErrorCode() { return errorCode; } public String GetErrorString() { return errorString; } public float[] GetPrices() { return prices; } public Result[] GetResults() { return results; } }