Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2011-2015 Asakusa Framework Team. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.asakusafw.bulkloader.cache; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import com.asakusafw.bulkloader.collector.SystemOutManager; import com.asakusafw.bulkloader.common.BulkLoaderInitializer; import com.asakusafw.bulkloader.common.Constants; import com.asakusafw.bulkloader.common.FileNameUtil; import com.asakusafw.bulkloader.exception.BulkLoaderSystemException; import com.asakusafw.bulkloader.log.Log; import com.asakusafw.bulkloader.transfer.FileList; import com.asakusafw.bulkloader.transfer.FileProtocol; import com.asakusafw.runtime.core.context.RuntimeContext; import com.asakusafw.thundergate.runtime.cache.CacheInfo; import com.asakusafw.thundergate.runtime.cache.CacheStorage; /** * Program entry for fetching {@link CacheInfo}. * This requires {@link FileList} with * {@link com.asakusafw.bulkloader.transfer.FileProtocol.Kind#GET_CACHE_INFO} * on standard input. * And then this returns {@link FileList} with * {@link com.asakusafw.bulkloader.transfer.FileProtocol.Kind#RESPONSE_CACHE_INFO} and/or * {@link com.asakusafw.bulkloader.transfer.FileProtocol.Kind#RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND} * on standard output. * This program requires following arguments: * <ol> * <li> target name </li> * <li> batch ID </li> * <li> flow ID </li> * <li> execution ID </li> * <li> user name </li> * </ol> * @since 0.2.3 */ public class GetCacheInfoRemote extends Configured implements Tool { static final Log LOG = new Log(GetCacheInfoRemote.class); private static final List<String> PROPERTIES = Constants.PROPERTIES_HC; String targetName; String batchId; String flowId; String executionId; String userName; /** * Program entry for normal launching (see class documentation). * @param args program arguments * @throws Exception if failed to execute */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SystemOutManager.changeSystemOutToSystemErr(); RuntimeContext.set(RuntimeContext.DEFAULT.apply(System.getenv())); GetCacheInfoRemote service = new GetCacheInfoRemote(); service.setConf(new Configuration()); int exitCode =; System.exit(exitCode); } @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { initialize(args);"TG-GETCACHE-01001", targetName, batchId, flowId, executionId, userName); FileList.Reader in = null; FileList.Writer out = null; try { in = FileList.createReader(; out = FileList.createWriter(SystemOutManager.getOut(), false); execute(in, out); out.close(); } catch (BulkLoaderSystemException e) { LOG.log(e); return Constants.EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); }"TG-GETCACHE-01002", targetName, batchId, flowId, executionId, userName); return Constants.EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS; } /** * Initializes this object. * @param args program arguments (see the class document) * @see GetCacheInfoRemote */ void initialize(String... args) { assert args != null; if (args.length != 5) { LOG.error("TG-GETCACHE-01003", Arrays.toString(args)); throw new IllegalArgumentException( MessageFormat.format("Invalid arguments: {0}", Arrays.toString(args))); } this.targetName = args[0]; this.batchId = args[1]; this.flowId = args[2]; this.executionId = args[3]; this.userName = args[4]; if (BulkLoaderInitializer.initHadoopCluster(flowId, executionId, PROPERTIES) == false) { LOG.error("TG-GETCACHE-01004", targetName, batchId, flowId, executionId, userName); throw new IllegalStateException( MessageFormat.format("Failed to initialize GetCacheInfo: {0}", Arrays.toString(args))); } } /** * Executes the program with the specified input/output. * @param input input stream * @param output output stream * @throws BulkLoaderSystemException if failed to execute */ void execute(FileList.Reader input, FileList.Writer output) throws BulkLoaderSystemException { assert input != null; assert output != null; try { while ( { FileProtocol protocol = input.getCurrentProtocol(); if (protocol.getKind() != FileProtocol.Kind.GET_CACHE_INFO) { throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format("Unexpected protocol kind in GetCacheInfo: {0}", protocol.getKind(), protocol.getLocation())); }"TG-GETCACHE-01006", protocol.getLocation()); CacheInfo info = getCacheInfo(protocol.getLocation()); FileProtocol result; if (info == null) { result = new FileProtocol(FileProtocol.Kind.RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND, protocol.getLocation(), null);"TG-GETCACHE-01008", protocol.getLocation()); } else { result = new FileProtocol(FileProtocol.Kind.RESPONSE_CACHE_INFO, protocol.getLocation(), info);"TG-GETCACHE-01007", protocol.getLocation(), info.getId(), info.getTableName(), info.getTimestamp().getTime()); } if (RuntimeContext.get().isSimulation() == false) { output.openNext(result).close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new BulkLoaderSystemException(e, getClass(), "TG-GETCACHE-01005", targetName, batchId, flowId, executionId, userName); } } private CacheInfo getCacheInfo(String location) throws BulkLoaderSystemException { assert location != null; URI cacheBaseUri = FileNameUtil.createPath(getConf(), location, executionId, userName).toUri(); try { CacheStorage storage = new CacheStorage(getConf(), cacheBaseUri); try { if (RuntimeContext.get().canExecute(storage)) { return storage.getHeadCacheInfo(); } else { return null; } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(storage); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn(e, "TG-GETCACHE-01009", location); return null; } } }