Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.arpnetworking.metrics.proxy.actors; import; import; import; import; import; import akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts; import; import; import com.arpnetworking.commons.jackson.databind.ObjectMapperFactory; import com.arpnetworking.logback.annotations.LogValue; import com.arpnetworking.metrics.Metrics; import com.arpnetworking.metrics.MetricsFactory; import com.arpnetworking.metrics.proxy.models.messages.Command; import com.arpnetworking.metrics.proxy.models.messages.Connect; import com.arpnetworking.metrics.proxy.models.protocol.MessageProcessorsFactory; import com.arpnetworking.metrics.proxy.models.protocol.MessagesProcessor; import com.arpnetworking.steno.LogValueMapFactory; import com.arpnetworking.steno.Logger; import com.arpnetworking.steno.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Actor class to hold the state for a single connection. * * @author Brandon Arp (brandonarp at gmail dot com) */ public class Connection extends UntypedActor { /** * Public constructor. * * @param metricsFactory Instance of <code>MetricsFactory</code>. * @param processorsFactory Factory for producing the protocol's <code>MessagesProcessor</code> */ public Connection(final MetricsFactory metricsFactory, final MessageProcessorsFactory processorsFactory) { _metricsFactory = metricsFactory; _instrument = context().system().scheduler().schedule(new FiniteDuration(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS), // Initial delay new FiniteDuration(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), // Interval getSelf(), "instrument",, getSelf()); _messageProcessors = processorsFactory.create(this); _metrics = createMetrics(); } /** * Factory for creating a <code>Props</code> with strong typing. * * @param metricsFactory Instance of <code>MetricsFactory</code>. * @param messageProcessorsFactory Factory to create a <code>Metrics</code> object. * @return a new Props object to create a <code>ConnectionContext</code>. */ public static Props props(final MetricsFactory metricsFactory, final MessageProcessorsFactory messageProcessorsFactory) { return Props.create(Connection.class, metricsFactory, messageProcessorsFactory); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onReceive(final Object message) throws Exception { LOGGER.trace().setMessage("Received message").addData("actor", self()).addData("data", message) .addData("channel", _channel).log(); if ("instrument".equals(message)) { periodicInstrumentation(); return; } else if (message instanceof Connect) { final Connect connect = (Connect) message; _telemetry = connect.getTelemetry(); _channel = connect.getChannel(); return; } else if (message instanceof { // This message is sent by the incoming stream when there is a failure // in the stream (see"Closing stream").addData("actor", self()).addData("data", message).log(); getSelf().tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), getSelf()); return; } if (_channel == null) { LOGGER.warn().setMessage("Unable to process message") .addData("reason", "channel actor not materialized").addData("actor", self()) .addData("data", message).log(); return; } boolean messageProcessed = false; final Object command; if (message instanceof Message) { // TODO(vkoskela): Handle streamed text (e.g. non-strict) command = new Command(OBJECT_MAPPER.readTree(((Message) message).asTextMessage().getStrictText())); } else { command = message; } for (final MessagesProcessor messagesProcessor : _messageProcessors) { messageProcessed = messagesProcessor.handleMessage(command); if (messageProcessed) { break; } } if (!messageProcessed) { _metrics.incrementCounter(UNKNOWN_COUNTER); if (message instanceof Command) { _metrics.incrementCounter(UNKONOWN_COMMAND_COUNTER); LOGGER.warn().setMessage("Unable to process message").addData("reason", "unsupported command") .addData("actor", self()).addData("data", message).log(); unhandled(message); } else { _metrics.incrementCounter("Actors/Connection/UNKNOWN"); LOGGER.warn().setMessage("Unable to process message").addData("reason", "unsupported message") .addData("actor", self()).addData("data", message).log(); unhandled(message); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void postStop() throws Exception { _instrument.cancel(); super.postStop(); } /** * Sends a json object to the connected client. * * @param message The message to send. */ public void send(final ObjectNode message) { try { _channel.tell(TextMessage.create(OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(message)), self()); } catch (final JsonProcessingException e) { LOGGER.error().setMessage("Unable to send message").addData("reason", "serialization exception") .addData("actor", self()).addData("data", message).setThrowable(e).log(); } } /** * Sends a command object to the connected client. * * @param command The command. * @param data The data for the command. */ public void sendCommand(final String command, final ObjectNode data) { final ObjectNode message = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); message.put("command", command); message.set("data", data); send(message); } /** * Accessor to this Connection's Telemetry actor. * * @return This Connection's Telemetry actor. */ public ActorRef getTelemetry() { return _telemetry; } /** * Generate a Steno log compatible representation. * * @return Steno log compatible representation. */ @LogValue public Object toLogValue() { return LogValueMapFactory.builder(this).put("connection", _channel) .put("messageProcessors", _messageProcessors).build(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return toLogValue().toString(); } private Metrics createMetrics() { final Metrics metrics = _metricsFactory.create(); metrics.resetCounter(UNKONOWN_COMMAND_COUNTER); metrics.resetCounter(UNKNOWN_COUNTER); for (final MessagesProcessor messageProcessor : _messageProcessors) { messageProcessor.initializeMetrics(metrics); } return metrics; } private void periodicInstrumentation() { _metrics.close(); _metrics = createMetrics(); } private ActorRef _telemetry; private ActorRef _channel; private final MetricsFactory _metricsFactory; private final Cancellable _instrument; private final List<MessagesProcessor> _messageProcessors; private Metrics _metrics; private static final String METRICS_PREFIX = "actors/connection/"; private static final String UNKONOWN_COMMAND_COUNTER = METRICS_PREFIX + "command/UNKNOWN"; private static final String UNKNOWN_COUNTER = METRICS_PREFIX + "UNKNOWN"; private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = ObjectMapperFactory.getInstance(); private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Connection.class); }