Java tutorial
package com.arkatay.yada.codec; import com.arkatay.yada.base.Time; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException; import javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.Mixer; /** * <p> * The AudioEncoder class is an abstract class that needs to be extended with * an encodeFrame method. The encoder uses a thread running a loop that executes * at 20ms intervals. Because the underlying task scheduler is not exact the * interval may vary a bit from 20 ms in some cases, but the mean value is * exactly 20ms according to the system clock. * <p> * Copyright © LFV 2006, <a href=""></a> * * @author <a href="">Andreas Alptun</a> * @version Yada 1.0 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ public abstract class AudioEncoder implements Runnable, AudioCodecConstants { protected Log log; private Thread thread; private Distributor distributor; private PacketPool pool; // Input line private Mixer mixer; private TargetDataLine inputLine; private int inputLineBufferSize; protected int audioFormatIndex; // Monitor mixing MixingDataLine.Channel monitorChannel; // Timing and stuff private long startTimeInNanos; private long nextReadTimeInNanos; private long diffTimeNanosLimit; private int sequenceNbr; private int capturedFrameSizeInBytes; private long capturedFrameSizeInNanos; private int nbrConsecNegativeSleep; private boolean synchronizeTimer; // Buffers private byte[] captureBuffer; // States private static final int STATE_OFF = 1; private static final int STATE_IDLE = 2; private static final int STATE_START = 3; private static final int STATE_RUN = 4; private static final int STATE_STOP = 5; private static final int STATE_DYING = 6; private static final int STATE_DEAD = 7; private int state; private List<Integer> resetChannelsList; private static float constInputBufferSize = inputBufferSizeDef; public static float setInputBufferSize(float inputBufferSize) { if (inputBufferSize < inputBufferSizeMin) inputBufferSize = inputBufferSizeMin; if (inputBufferSize > inputBufferSizeMax) inputBufferSize = inputBufferSizeMax; constInputBufferSize = inputBufferSize; return inputBufferSize; } protected AudioEncoder(Mixer mixer) { // Create a logger for this class log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); this.mixer = mixer; // Create the thread thread = new Thread(this, "Tencoder"); thread.setPriority((Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + Thread.MAX_PRIORITY) / 2); // Reset list resetChannelsList = new LinkedList<Integer>(); pool = PacketPool.getPool(); // Start in state off state = STATE_OFF; } public abstract AudioFormat[] getSupportedAudioFormats(); protected abstract void init(); /** * Encodes one frame of voice data. * * @param captured a byte array containing voice data for one captured frame * @param length the length of the captured data in bytes * @param encoded an empty byte array to which the encoded data should be written * @param offset the offset to start writing to in the encoded byte array * @return size of the encoded frame in bytes */ protected abstract int encodeFrame(byte[] captured, int length, byte[] encoded, int offset); /** * Sets the packet distributor on which the prepared packed will be posted. * The packet distributor sends the packet to all recipients. * * @param distributor the packet distributor */ public void setPacketDistributor(Distributor distributor) { this.distributor = distributor; } public void setMonitorChannel(MixingDataLine.Channel monitorChannel) { this.monitorChannel = monitorChannel; } public void startModule(int audioFormatIndex) throws LineUnavailableException { startModule(null, audioFormatIndex); } public void startModule(TargetDataLine inputLine, int audioFormatIndex) throws LineUnavailableException { capturedFrameSizeInNanos = 20L * millisToNanos; if (state != STATE_OFF) throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to re-start the encoder"); // Check bounds AudioFormat[] audioFormats = getSupportedAudioFormats(); if (audioFormatIndex < 0 || audioFormatIndex >= audioFormats.length) throw new LineUnavailableException("Audio format array out of bounds"); // Get format AudioFormat audioFormat = audioFormats[audioFormatIndex]; // Create line if created internally if (inputLine == null) { inputLine = createLine(audioFormat); } // Validate the audio format if external else if (!audioFormat.matches(inputLine.getFormat())) { throw new LineUnavailableException("Audio format not supported"); } this.inputLine = inputLine; this.audioFormatIndex = audioFormatIndex; // Call init on the sub-class implementation init(); // Calculate stuff capturedFrameSizeInBytes = (int) (audioFormat.getFrameRate() * audioFormat.getFrameSize() * capturedFrameSizeInNanos / (1000 * millisToNanos)); diffTimeNanosLimit = diffTimeMillisLimit * millisToNanos; // Open the input line, the wanted buffer size is N times as big as the frame size, 4 * capturedFrameSizeInBytes); inputLineBufferSize = inputLine.getBufferSize(); log.debug("Input line is open with buffer size " + inputLineBufferSize); // Create a buffer for the captured frame captureBuffer = new byte[capturedFrameSizeInBytes]; // Go to state idle state = STATE_IDLE; // Start the capturing thread, it will block until startProcessing is called thread.start(); } public synchronized void stopModule() { if (state == STATE_OFF) return; log.debug("Stopping encoder module"); if (state == STATE_IDLE || state == STATE_STOP) { state = STATE_DEAD; thread.interrupt(); } else state = STATE_DYING; } public synchronized void startProcessing() { try { // Wait until state is idle long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((state != STATE_IDLE) && (System.currentTimeMillis() < (t + TIMEOUT_WAITIDLE))) wait(100); if (state != STATE_IDLE) log.warn("Wait for state idle in startProcessing timed out, unable to start processing! (state==" + state + ")"); else { resetChannelsList.clear(); state = STATE_START; notifyAll(); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.warn("InterruptedException in startProcessing!", ex); } } public synchronized void stopProcessing() { if ((state == STATE_START) || (state == STATE_RUN)) { state = STATE_STOP; } } public synchronized void resetChannel(int channelId) { resetChannelsList.add(channelId); } public synchronized void resetChannels(Collection<Integer> channels) { resetChannelsList.addAll(channels); } public void run() { if (distributor == null) { log.error("Packet distributor is not set"); return; } try { while ((!thread.isInterrupted()) && (state != STATE_DEAD)) { if (!threadMain()) { log.error("The encoder thread was interrupted by an error"); state = STATE_DEAD; } } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { if (state != STATE_DEAD) log.warn("Encoder interrupted unexpectedly ", ex); } if (state == STATE_DEAD) { // It's ok, the dispatcher was manually interrupted log.debug("Encoder module successfully stopped"); } if (inputLine != null) { if (inputLine.isRunning()) inputLine.stop(); if (inputLine.isOpen()) inputLine.close(); } } private boolean threadMain() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (this) { if (state == STATE_IDLE) { wait(); if (state == STATE_IDLE || state == STATE_STOP) state = STATE_IDLE; else if (state == STATE_DYING) state = STATE_DEAD; else state = STATE_START; return true; } else if (state == STATE_START) { // Go to run state state = STATE_RUN; // Startup the line inputLine.flush(); inputLine.start(); // Wait until there are some samples available in the buffer, 0, 640); // Set the start time startTimeInNanos = Time.getNanos(); synchronizeTimer = true; // Initialize packet sequence number sequenceNbr = 1; // Run again in 20ms nextReadTimeInNanos = startTimeInNanos + capturedFrameSizeInNanos; } else if (state == STATE_RUN) { long currentTimeInNanos = Time.getNanos(); long diffTimeInNanos = currentTimeInNanos - nextReadTimeInNanos; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Running at " + ((currentTimeInNanos - startTimeInNanos) / millisToNanos) + "ms, expected: " + ((nextReadTimeInNanos - startTimeInNanos) / millisToNanos) + "ms, diffTime: " + (diffTimeInNanos / millisToNanos) + "ms"); boolean readFrame = true; int bytesToDrain = -1; int availableBytes = inputLine.available(); if (availableBytes < 0) availableBytes = 0; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("enc> avail: " + availableBytes + " (640-" + (int) (constInputBufferSize * capturedFrameSizeInBytes) + ")"); // Must drain if max is reached if (availableBytes == inputLineBufferSize) availableBytes = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Too many available bytes, drain buffer if (availableBytes > constInputBufferSize * capturedFrameSizeInBytes) { int wantedLevel = (int) ((constInputBufferSize * 0.5f + 0.5f) * capturedFrameSizeInBytes); bytesToDrain = availableBytes - wantedLevel; log.debug("enc> too many bytes, drain"); } // Too few available bytes, skip one frame else if (availableBytes < capturedFrameSizeInBytes) { int wantedLevel = (int) ((constInputBufferSize * 0.5f - 0.5) * capturedFrameSizeInBytes); bytesToDrain = availableBytes - wantedLevel; readFrame = false; log.debug("enc> too few bytes, drain and skip"); } if (bytesToDrain > 0) { if (bytesToDrain < availableBytes) bytesToDrain = availableBytes; if (bytesToDrain > capturedFrameSizeInBytes) bytesToDrain = capturedFrameSizeInBytes; bytesToDrain -= bytesToDrain & 7; int bytesDrained =, 0, bytesToDrain); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("enc> drain " + bytesDrained + " bytes"); } if (readFrame) { // Prepare a new packet to send Packet packet = pool.borrowPacket(Packet.DATA | Packet.REQUEST); packet.setSequenceNbr(sequenceNbr); // Reset channels and remove later from distributor if (!resetChannelsList.isEmpty()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Resetting channels " + java.util.Arrays.toString(resetChannelsList.toArray())); packet.setFlag(Packet.FLAG_RESET); packet.addAttributeList(Packet.ATTR_RESET_CHANNELS, resetChannelsList); } // Read from the input line without blocking, 0, capturedFrameSizeInBytes); // Prepare a data load AttributeData attrData = packet.prepareAttributeData(0); // Encode the frame and write the output into the packet data int bytesEncoded = encodeFrame(captureBuffer, capturedFrameSizeInBytes, attrData.getBuffer(), attrData.getOffset()); // Only send if there is data available if (bytesEncoded > 0) { // Add the encoded data packet.addAttributeData(bytesEncoded); // // Test for simulating packet loss // double packetLossPercentage = 30; // if(Math.random()<packetLossPercentage/100.0) { //"Dropping packet: "+packet); // pool.returnPacket(packet); // packet = null; // } // else // Send packet to all recipients in the distributor distributor.distributePacket(packet); if (synchronizeTimer) { nextReadTimeInNanos = Time.getNanos() - (capturedFrameSizeInNanos >> 2); synchronizeTimer = false; } //"System Time: "+((currentTimeInNanos-startTimeInNanos)/millisToNanos)+"ms, Packets sent: "+sequenceNbr+" = "+(sequenceNbr*20)+"ms, Available read: "+availableBytes); } else { log.warn("No bytes encoded, packet not sent!"); pool.returnPacket(packet); } // Now the resetted channel can be removed from the distributor if (!resetChannelsList.isEmpty()) { distributor.remove(resetChannelsList); resetChannelsList.clear(); } } // Write captured data to monitor mixer channel, last frame if readFrame is false if (monitorChannel != null) { // This function will return immediately if monitoring is inactive monitorChannel.write(captureBuffer, 0, capturedFrameSizeInBytes); } // Next packet sequence number sequenceNbr++; // Setup for next tick nextReadTimeInNanos += capturedFrameSizeInNanos; // Fault checking boolean reset = false; if (diffTimeInNanos > diffTimeNanosLimit) { log.warn("Diff time above limit (" + (diffTimeInNanos / millisToNanos) + "ms), resetting encoder"); reset = true; } if (nbrConsecNegativeSleep > consecNegativeSleepLimit) { log.warn("Number of consecutive negative sleeps above limit (" + nbrConsecNegativeSleep + "), resetting encoder"); reset = true; } if (reset) { // Stay in run state state = STATE_RUN; // Send reset to recipients sendReset(); // Flush the input line inputLine.flush(); // Wait until there are some samples available in the buffer, 0, 640); // Set the start time startTimeInNanos = Time.getNanos(); synchronizeTimer = true; // Initialize packet sequence number sequenceNbr = 1; // Run again in 20ms nextReadTimeInNanos = startTimeInNanos + capturedFrameSizeInNanos; } } else if (state == STATE_STOP || state == STATE_DYING) { // Send reset to recipients sendReset(); // Stopping input line inputLine.stop(); inputLine.flush(); // Remove all from distributor distributor.removeAll(); // Go to idle or dead state state = (state == STATE_DYING) ? STATE_DEAD : STATE_IDLE; notifyAll(); return true; } } // synchronized // Sleep long sleepTimeInMillis = (nextReadTimeInNanos - Time.getNanos() + (millisToNanos >> 1)) / millisToNanos; //System.out.println("Encoder sleeping for "+(sleepTimeInNanos/millisToNanos)+" ms"); if (sleepTimeInMillis < 0L) nbrConsecNegativeSleep++; else { Thread.sleep(sleepTimeInMillis); nbrConsecNegativeSleep = 0; } return true; } private TargetDataLine createLine(AudioFormat audioFormat) throws LineUnavailableException { DataLine.Info lineInfo = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, audioFormat); return (TargetDataLine) mixer.getLine(lineInfo); } private void sendReset() { Packet packet; packet = pool.borrowPacket(Packet.DATA | Packet.REQUEST); packet.setSequenceNbr(sequenceNbr); packet.setFlag(Packet.FLAG_RESET); distributor.distributePacket(packet); } }