Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Ardor Labs, Inc. * * This file is part of Ardor3D. * * Ardor3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of its license which may be found in the accompanying * LICENSE file or at <>. */ package com.ardor3d.extension.model.collada.jdom; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jdom2.Element; import com.ardor3d.extension.animation.skeletal.AttachmentPoint; import com.ardor3d.extension.animation.skeletal.Joint; import com.ardor3d.extension.animation.skeletal.Skeleton; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ardor3d.math.MathUtils; import com.ardor3d.math.Matrix3; import com.ardor3d.math.Matrix4; import com.ardor3d.math.Transform; import com.ardor3d.math.Vector3; import com.ardor3d.math.Vector4; import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Node; import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Spatial; import; /** * Methods for parsing Collada data related to scenes and node hierarchy. */ public class ColladaNodeUtils { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ColladaNodeUtils.class.getName()); private final DataCache _dataCache; private final ColladaDOMUtil _colladaDOMUtil; private final ColladaMaterialUtils _colladaMaterialUtils; private final ColladaMeshUtils _colladaMeshUtils; private final ColladaAnimUtils _colladaAnimUtils; public ColladaNodeUtils(final DataCache dataCache, final ColladaDOMUtil colladaDOMUtil, final ColladaMaterialUtils colladaMaterialUtils, final ColladaMeshUtils colladaMeshUtils, final ColladaAnimUtils colladaAnimUtils) { _dataCache = dataCache; _colladaDOMUtil = colladaDOMUtil; _colladaMaterialUtils = colladaMaterialUtils; _colladaMeshUtils = colladaMeshUtils; _colladaAnimUtils = colladaAnimUtils; } /** * Retrieves the scene and returns it as an Ardor3D Node. * * @param colladaRoot * The collada root element * @return Scene as an Node or null if not found */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Node getVisualScene(final Element colladaRoot) { if (colladaRoot.getChild("scene") == null) { logger.warning("No scene found in collada file!"); return null; } final Element instance_visual_scene = colladaRoot.getChild("scene").getChild("instance_visual_scene"); if (instance_visual_scene == null) { logger.warning("No instance_visual_scene found in collada file!"); return null; } final Element visualScene = _colladaDOMUtil .findTargetWithId(instance_visual_scene.getAttributeValue("url")); if (visualScene != null) { final Node sceneRoot = new Node( visualScene.getAttributeValue("name") != null ? visualScene.getAttributeValue("name") : "Collada Root"); // Load each sub node and attach final JointNode baseJointNode = new JointNode(null); _dataCache.setRootJointNode(baseJointNode); for (final Element n : visualScene.getChildren("node")) { final Node subNode = buildNode(n, baseJointNode); if (subNode != null) { sceneRoot.attachChild(subNode); } } // build a list of joints - one list per skeleton - and build a skeleton for each joint list. for (final JointNode jointChildNode : _dataCache.getRootJointNode().getChildren()) { final List<Joint> jointList = Lists.newArrayList(); buildJointLists(jointChildNode, jointList); final Joint[] joints = jointList.toArray(new Joint[jointList.size()]); final Skeleton skeleton = new Skeleton(joints[0].getName() + "_skeleton", joints); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("skeleton created: " + skeleton.getName()); } for (final Joint joint : jointList) { _dataCache.getJointSkeletonMapping().put(joint, skeleton); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("- Joint " + joint.getName() + " - index: " + joint.getIndex() + " parent index: " + joint.getParentIndex()); } } _dataCache.addSkeleton(skeleton); } // update our world transforms so we can use them to init the default bind matrix of any joints. sceneRoot.updateWorldTransform(true); initDefaultJointTransforms(baseJointNode); // Setup our skinned mesh objects. for (final ControllerStore controllerStore : _dataCache.getControllers()) { _colladaMaterialUtils.bindMaterials(controllerStore.instanceController.getChild("bind_material")); _colladaAnimUtils.buildController(controllerStore.ardorParentNode, controllerStore.instanceController); _colladaMaterialUtils.unbindMaterials(controllerStore.instanceController.getChild("bind_material")); } return sceneRoot; } return null; } private void buildJointLists(final JointNode jointNode, final List<Joint> jointList) { final Joint joint = jointNode.getJoint(); joint.setIndex((short) jointList.size()); if (jointNode.getParent().getJoint() != null) { joint.setParentIndex(jointNode.getParent().getJoint().getIndex()); } else { joint.setParentIndex(Joint.NO_PARENT); } jointList.add(joint); for (final JointNode jointChildNode : jointNode.getChildren()) { buildJointLists(jointChildNode, jointList); } } private void initDefaultJointTransforms(final JointNode jointNode) { final Joint j = jointNode.getJoint(); if (j != null && jointNode.getSceneNode() != null) { j.setInverseBindPose(jointNode.getSceneNode().getWorldTransform().invert(null)); } for (final JointNode jointChildNode : jointNode.getChildren()) { initDefaultJointTransforms(jointChildNode); } } /** * Parse an asset element into an AssetData object. * * @param asset * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public AssetData parseAsset(final Element asset) { final AssetData assetData = new AssetData(); for (final Element child : asset.getChildren()) { if ("contributor".equals(child.getName())) { parseContributor(assetData, child); } else if ("created".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setCreated(child.getText()); } else if ("keywords".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setKeywords(child.getText()); } else if ("modified".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setModified(child.getText()); } else if ("revision".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setRevision(child.getText()); } else if ("subject".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setSubject(child.getText()); } else if ("title".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setTitle(child.getText()); } else if ("unit".equals(child.getName())) { final String name = child.getAttributeValue("name"); if (name != null) { assetData.setUnitName(name); } final String meter = child.getAttributeValue("meter"); if (meter != null) { assetData.setUnitMeter(Float.parseFloat(meter.replace(",", "."))); } } else if ("up_axis".equals(child.getName())) { final String axis = child.getText(); if ("X_UP".equals(axis)) { assetData.setUpAxis(new Vector3()); } else if ("Y_UP".equals(axis)) { assetData.setUpAxis(Vector3.UNIT_Y); } else if ("Z_UP".equals(axis)) { assetData.setUpAxis(Vector3.UNIT_Z); } } } return assetData; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseContributor(final AssetData assetData, final Element contributor) { for (final Element child : contributor.getChildren()) { if ("author".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setAuthor(child.getText()); } else if ("authoringTool".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setCreated(child.getText()); } else if ("comments".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setComments(child.getText()); } else if ("copyright".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setCopyright(child.getText()); } else if ("source_data".equals(child.getName())) { assetData.setSourceData(child.getText()); } } } /** * @param instanceNode * @return a new Ardor3D node, created from the <node> pointed to by the given <instance_node> element */ public Node getNode(final Element instanceNode, final JointNode jointNode) { final Element node = _colladaDOMUtil.findTargetWithId(instanceNode.getAttributeValue("url")); if (node == null) { throw new ColladaException("No node with id: " + instanceNode.getAttributeValue("url") + " found", instanceNode); } return buildNode(node, jointNode); } /** * Recursively parse the node hierarcy. * * @param dNode * @return a new Ardor3D node, created from the given <node> element */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Node buildNode(final Element dNode, JointNode jointNode) { final NodeType nodeType = getNodeType(dNode); final JointNode jointChildNode; if (nodeType == NodeType.JOINT) { String name = dNode.getAttributeValue("name"); if (name == null) { name = dNode.getAttributeValue("id"); } if (name == null) { name = dNode.getAttributeValue("sid"); } final Joint joint = new Joint(name); jointChildNode = new JointNode(joint); jointChildNode.setParent(jointNode); jointNode.getChildren().add(jointChildNode); jointNode = jointChildNode; _dataCache.getElementJointMapping().put(dNode, joint); } else { jointChildNode = null; } String nodeName = dNode.getAttributeValue("name", (String) null); if (nodeName == null) { // use id if name doesn't exist nodeName = dNode.getAttributeValue("id", dNode.getName()); } final Node node = new Node(nodeName); final List<Element> transforms = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (final Element child : dNode.getChildren()) { if (_dataCache.getTransformTypes().contains(child.getName())) { transforms.add(child); } } // process any transform information. if (!transforms.isEmpty()) { final Transform localTransform = getNodeTransforms(transforms); node.setTransform(localTransform); if (jointChildNode != null) { jointChildNode.setSceneNode(node); } } // process any instance geometries for (final Element instance_geometry : dNode.getChildren("instance_geometry")) { _colladaMaterialUtils.bindMaterials(instance_geometry.getChild("bind_material")); final Spatial mesh = _colladaMeshUtils.getGeometryMesh(instance_geometry); if (mesh != null) { node.attachChild(mesh); } _colladaMaterialUtils.unbindMaterials(instance_geometry.getChild("bind_material")); } // process any instance controllers for (final Element instanceController : dNode.getChildren("instance_controller")) { _dataCache.getControllers().add(new ControllerStore(node, instanceController)); } // process any instance nodes for (final Element in : dNode.getChildren("instance_node")) { final Node subNode = getNode(in, jointNode); if (subNode != null) { node.attachChild(subNode); if (nodeType == NodeType.JOINT && getNodeType( _colladaDOMUtil.findTargetWithId(in.getAttributeValue("url"))) == NodeType.NODE) { // make attachment createJointAttachment(jointChildNode, node, subNode); } } } // process any concrete child nodes. for (final Element n : dNode.getChildren("node")) { final Node subNode = buildNode(n, jointNode); if (subNode != null) { node.attachChild(subNode); if (nodeType == NodeType.JOINT && getNodeType(n) == NodeType.NODE) { // make attachment createJointAttachment(jointChildNode, node, subNode); } } } // Cache reference _dataCache.getElementSpatialMapping().put(dNode, node); return node; } protected void createJointAttachment(final JointNode jointChildNode, final Node node, final Node subNode) { final AttachmentPoint attach = new AttachmentPoint("attach-" + node.getName(), (short) 0, subNode, new Transform(subNode.getTransform())); _dataCache.addAttachmentPoint(jointChildNode.getJoint(), attach); // we will attach to scene instead. subNode.removeFromParent(); } private NodeType getNodeType(final Element dNode) { if (dNode.getAttribute("type") != null) { return Enum.valueOf(NodeType.class, dNode.getAttributeValue("type")); } else { return NodeType.NODE; } } /** * Combines a list of transform elements into an Ardor3D Transform object. * * @param transforms * List of transform elements * @return an Ardor3D Transform object */ public Transform getNodeTransforms(final List<Element> transforms) { final Matrix4 workingMat = Matrix4.fetchTempInstance(); final Matrix4 finalMat = Matrix4.fetchTempInstance(); finalMat.setIdentity(); for (final Element transform : transforms) { final double[] array = _colladaDOMUtil.parseDoubleArray(transform); if ("translate".equals(transform.getName())) { workingMat.setIdentity(); workingMat.setColumn(3, new Vector4(array[0], array[1], array[2], 1.0)); finalMat.multiplyLocal(workingMat); } else if ("rotate".equals(transform.getName())) { if (array[3] != 0) { workingMat.setIdentity(); final Matrix3 rotate = new Matrix3().fromAngleAxis(array[3] * MathUtils.DEG_TO_RAD, new Vector3(array[0], array[1], array[2])); workingMat.set(rotate); finalMat.multiplyLocal(workingMat); } } else if ("scale".equals(transform.getName())) { workingMat.setIdentity(); workingMat.scale(new Vector4(array[0], array[1], array[2], 1), workingMat); finalMat.multiplyLocal(workingMat); } else if ("matrix".equals(transform.getName())) { workingMat.fromArray(array); finalMat.multiplyLocal(workingMat); } else if ("lookat".equals(transform.getName())) { final Vector3 pos = new Vector3(array[0], array[1], array[2]); final Vector3 target = new Vector3(array[3], array[4], array[5]); final Vector3 up = new Vector3(array[6], array[7], array[8]); final Matrix3 rot = new Matrix3(); rot.lookAt(target.subtractLocal(pos), up); workingMat.set(rot); workingMat.setColumn(3, new Vector4(array[0], array[1], array[2], 1)); finalMat.multiplyLocal(workingMat); } else { logger.warning("transform not currently supported: " + transform.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } return new Transform().fromHomogeneousMatrix(finalMat); } public void reattachAttachments(final Node scene) { for (final AttachmentPoint point : _dataCache.getAttachmentPoints().values()) { scene.attachChild(point.getAttachment()); } } }