Source code

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// Copyright 2007 Hitachi Data Systems
// All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.

package com.archivas.clienttools.arcmover.cli;

import com.archivas.clienttools.arcutils.api.ArcMoverEngine;
import com.archivas.clienttools.arcutils.api.ArcMoverFactory;
import com.archivas.clienttools.arcutils.config.ConfigurationException;
import com.archivas.clienttools.arcutils.config.ConfigurationHelper;
import com.archivas.clienttools.arcutils.impl.adapter.ConnectionTestException;
import com.archivas.clienttools.arcutils.profile.*;
import com.archivas.clienttools.arcutils.utils.StringUtils;

import com.archivas.clienttools.arcutils.utils.database.DBUtils;
import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class ArcProfileMgr extends AbstractArcCli {
    public static final String PACKAGE_NAME = ArcProfileMgr.class.getPackage().getName();
    public static final String CLASS_FULL_NAME = ArcProfileMgr.class.getName();
    public static final String CLASS_NAME = CLASS_FULL_NAME.substring(PACKAGE_NAME.length() + 1);
    public static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CLASS_FULL_NAME);

    // Help Constants
    private static String HELP_USAGE_LINE;
    private static final String HELP_HEADER = "Creates, deletes, or displays information about namespace profiles.\n";
    private static final String HELP_FOOTER = "";

    /** Command Line Options **/
    private static Options cliOptions;

    // Program Options
    boolean printHelp = false;
    boolean listProfiles = false;
    boolean printProfile = false;
    boolean createProfile = false;
    boolean deleteProfile = false;

    String profileName = null;

    ProfileType newProfileType = null;
    String newProfileHostname = null;
    boolean dontTest;
    boolean newProfileRequireSSL = false;
    String newProfileTenant = null;
    String newProfileNamespace = null;
    String newProfileUsername = null;
    String newProfilePassword = null;
    List<String> newProfileIPList = null;
    boolean newProfileUseIPs = false;
    Integer newProfilePort = null;
    boolean authAnon = false;
    boolean validateCustomMetadata = true;

    // Command Data
    private Map<String, Integer> columnWidths;
    public static final String COL_SEP = "  ";
    public static final String KEY_PROFILE_NAME = "Name";
    public static final String KEY_PROFILE_ID = "ID";
    public static final String KEY_TYPE = "Type";
    public static final String KEY_HOSTNAME = "Host Name";
    public static final String KEY_TENANT = "Tenant";
    public static final String KEY_NAMESPACE = "Namespace";
    public static final String KEY_USERNAME = "User Name";
    public static final String KEY_SSL = "SSL Enabled";

    public static final boolean ALLOW_PORT = Boolean.getBoolean("portChoice");

    static {
        cliOrder.put("help", 0);
        cliOrder.put("list", 1);
        cliOrder.put("delete", 2);
        cliOrder.put("create", 3);
        cliOrder.put("type", 4);
        cliOrder.put("hostname", 5);
        cliOrder.put("ips", 6);
        cliOrder.put("tenant", 7);
        cliOrder.put("namespace", 8);
        cliOrder.put("username", 9);
        cliOrder.put("password", 10);
        cliOrder.put("anon", 11);
        cliOrder.put("ssl", 12);
        cliOrder.put("check-cm", 13);
        cliOrder.put("notest", 14);
        if (ALLOW_PORT) {
            cliOrder.put("port", 15);

    public ArcProfileMgr(String args[]) {
        // Always allow insecure so we can test the profile
        ProfileManager.initialize(new AbstractArcCli.ArcCliSSLCertificateCallback(true));

        HELP_USAGE_LINE = commandName
                + " profile -c <profile_name> | -d <profile_name> | -l [profile_name] [options]";

    @SuppressWarnings({ "static-access" })
    public Options getOptions() {
        if (cliOptions == null) {
            Options options = new Options();

            OptionGroup operations = new OptionGroup();

            // *** Adding a new option needs to be added to the cliOrder list
            operations.addOption(OptionBuilder.withDescription("Displays this help text (the default behavior).")

                    "Lists information about the specified namespace profile.  If <profile_name> is omitted, lists information about all namespace profiles.")
                    .withDescription("Deletes the specified namespace profile.").withLongOpt("delete").create("d"));
                    .withDescription("Creates a namespace profile with the specified name.").withLongOpt("create")


            // List the valid profile types dynamically
            String profileTypesToString = "Type of namespace for which you are creating the namespace profile: ";
            for (ProfileType type : ProfileType.values()) {
                if (type != ProfileType.FILESYSTEM) { // Filesystem is already createdcd
                    profileTypesToString += (type.toString() + " | ");
            profileTypesToString = profileTypesToString.substring(0, profileTypesToString.length() - 3);

                    "Name of the tenant that owns the namespace for which you are creating the namespace profile.")
                    .withDescription("Name of the namespace for which you are creating the namespace profile.")
                    .withDescription("Username of the data access account to use for namespace access.")
                    .withDescription("Password of the data access account to use for namespace access.")
                    .withDescription("The fully qualified domain name of the HCP system.").withLongOpt("hostname")
                    OptionBuilder.withDescription("Tells HCP-DM to use SSL when communicating with the HCP system.")
                    "Tells HCP-DM to check whether custom metadata XML is well-formed prior to communicating with the HCP system.")
                    .withDescription("Log into namespace anonymously.  Only valid with HCP 5.0 or later profile.")
                    "Does not test if the namespace configuration provided can access HCP while creating the profile.")
                    "Comma-separated list of one or more IP addresses to use to connect to the HCP system.  If omitted, HCP-DM uses the hostname.")
            if (ALLOW_PORT) {
                        .withDescription("Port to connect to HCP on").withLongOpt("port").create());

            cliOptions = options;
        return cliOptions;

    public String getHelpFooter() {
        return HELP_FOOTER;

    public String getHelpHeader() {
        return HELP_HEADER;

    public String getHelpUsageLine() {
        return HELP_USAGE_LINE;

    @SuppressWarnings({ "UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr" })
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        ArcProfileMgr arcProfileMgr = null;


        try {
            arcProfileMgr = new ArcProfileMgr(args);
            if (arcProfileMgr.printHelp) {
            } else {
                arcProfileMgr.execute(new PrintWriter(System.out), new PrintWriter(System.err));
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected Exception.", e);
            System.out.println("Failed to create a new profile " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            if (arcProfileMgr != null) {

    @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedCatchParameter" })
    protected void parseArgs() throws ParseException {

        // create the command cmdLine parser
        CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
        CommandLine cmdLine;

        // parse the command cmdLine arguments
        cmdLine = parser.parse(getOptions(), getArgs());
        List<String> argList = cmdLine.getArgList();

        printHelp = cmdLine.hasOption("h");
        if (printHelp) {

        listProfiles = cmdLine.hasOption("l");
        printProfile = cmdLine.hasOption("p");
        createProfile = cmdLine.hasOption("c");
        deleteProfile = cmdLine.hasOption("d");

        // Make sure only one of these is set
        if ((listProfiles && printProfile) || (listProfiles && createProfile) || (listProfiles && createProfile)
                || (printProfile && createProfile) || (printProfile && deleteProfile)
                || (createProfile && deleteProfile)) {
            throw new ParseException(" You may not specify more than one '-lpcd' option");

        // Do validation
        if (printProfile) {
            profileName = getProfileNameFromCmdLineAndValidateExistance(cmdLine, "p");

        if (createProfile) {
            profileName = getProfileNameAndValidateItDoesNotExist(cmdLine, "c");
            newProfileType = validateProfileType(cmdLine);
            dontTest = cmdLine.hasOption("notest");

            authAnon = cmdLine.hasOption("anon");

            validateCustomMetadata = cmdLine.hasOption("check-cm");

            newProfileIPList = validateIPs(cmdLine);
            newProfileUseIPs = newProfileIPList != null && newProfileIPList.size() > 0;

            if (newProfileType.equals(HCAPProfile.HCAP_TYPE)
                    || newProfileType.equals(Hcp3DefaultNamespaceProfile.HCAP_TYPE)) {
                // Default Namespace
                if (!newProfileUseIPs) {
                    // Only use hostname when not using IPs
                    newProfileHostname = validateHostname(cmdLine);
                newProfileRequireSSL = validateRequireSSL(cmdLine);

                if (authAnon) {
                    throw new ParseException("Anonymous access only allowed with HCP 5.0 or later profile type.");
            } else if (newProfileType.equals(Hcp3AuthNamespaceProfile.HCAP_TYPE)
                    || newProfileType.equals(Hcp5AuthNamespaceProfile.HCAP_TYPE)
                    || newProfileType.equals(Hcp6AuthNamespaceProfile.HCAP_TYPE)) {
                // Authenticated Namespace
                newProfileHostname = validateHostname(cmdLine);
                newProfileRequireSSL = validateRequireSSL(cmdLine);

                newProfileTenant = validateTenant(cmdLine);
                newProfileNamespace = validateNamespace(cmdLine);

                if (authAnon) {
                    if (cmdLine.hasOption("username") || cmdLine.hasOption("password")) {
                        throw new ParseException("Cannot specify ANON and a username or password!");
                } else {
                    newProfileUsername = validateUsername(cmdLine);
                    newProfilePassword = validatePassword(cmdLine);
            if (ALLOW_PORT) {
                newProfilePort = validatePort(cmdLine);

        if (deleteProfile) {
            profileName = getProfileNameFromCmdLineAndValidateExistance(cmdLine, "d");
            if (profileName.equalsIgnoreCase(LFS)
                    || profileName.equalsIgnoreCase(FileSystemProfile.DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_PROFILE_NAME)) {
                throw new ParseException("Cannot delete the default file system profile.");

        if (listProfiles) {
            // If there is a profile name we are just printing info about that profile
            if (argList.size() > 1) {
                throw new ParseException("-l takes 0 or 1 arguments");
            } else if (argList.size() == 1) {
                String namePassedIn = cmdLine.getOptionValue('l');
                if (namePassedIn != null) {
                    listProfiles = false;
                    printProfile = true;
                    profileName = validateProfileNameExists(namePassedIn);

    public ProfileType validateProfileType(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException {
        String option = "type";
        if (!cmdLine.hasOption(option)) {
            throw new ParseException("Missing Option: " + option);

        String value = cmdLine.getOptionValue(option);
        ProfileType retval = null;

        boolean validType = false;
        for (ProfileType type : ProfileType.values()) {
            if (type.toString().equals(value) && type != ProfileType.FILESYSTEM) { // Filesystem is
                                                                                   // already
                                                                                   // created
                validType = true;

        if (!validType) {
            throw new ParseException("Invalid Profile Type: " + value);

        retval = ProfileType.valueOf(value);
        if (retval == null) {
            throw new ParseException("Invalid Profile Type: " + newProfileType);

        return retval;

    public List<String> validateIPs(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException {
        List<String> ipList = null;
        String option = "ips";
        if (cmdLine.hasOption(option)) {
            String value = cmdLine.getOptionValue(option);
            String[] ipArray = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.split(value, ",");

            // Convert since create profile wants a list
            if (ipArray != null) {
                ipList = new ArrayList<String>();
                for (int i = 0; i < ipArray.length; ++i) {

        return ipList;

    public String validateHostname(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException {
        String option = "hostname";
        if (!cmdLine.hasOption(option)) {
            throw new ParseException("Missing Option: " + option);

        String value = cmdLine.getOptionValue(option);
        String retval = null;

        if (value != null) {
            retval = value;
        if (retval == null) {
            throw new ParseException("Invalid " + option + " : " + value);
        return retval;

    public boolean validateRequireSSL(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException {
        String option = "ssl";
        return cmdLine.hasOption(option);

    public Integer validatePort(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException {
        String option = "port";

        if (!cmdLine.hasOption(option)) {
            return null;

        Integer port = null;
        String value = cmdLine.getOptionValue(option);
        if (value != null) {
            try {
                port = Integer.valueOf(value);
                if (port < 0) {
                    throw new NumberFormatException();
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                throw new ParseException("Invalid " + option + " : " + value);
        return port;

    public String validateTenant(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException {
        String option = "tenant";
        if (!cmdLine.hasOption(option)) {
            throw new ParseException("Missing Option: " + option);

        String value = cmdLine.getOptionValue(option);
        String retval = null;

        if (value != null) {
            retval = value;
        if (retval == null) {
            throw new ParseException("Invalid " + option + " : " + value);
        return retval;

    public String validateNamespace(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException {
        String option = "namespace";
        if (!cmdLine.hasOption(option)) {
            throw new ParseException("Missing Option: " + option);

        String value = cmdLine.getOptionValue(option);
        String retval = null;

        if (value != null) {
            retval = value;
        if (retval == null) {
            throw new ParseException("");
        return retval;

    public String validateUsername(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException {
        String option = "username";
        if (!cmdLine.hasOption(option)) {
            throw new ParseException("Missing Option: " + option);

        String value = cmdLine.getOptionValue(option);
        String retval = null;

        if (value != null) {
            retval = value;
        if (retval == null) {
            throw new ParseException("Invalid " + option + " : " + value);
        return retval;

    public String validatePassword(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException {
        String option = "password";
        if (!cmdLine.hasOption(option)) {
            throw new ParseException("Missing Option: " + option);

        String value = cmdLine.getOptionValue(option);
        String retval = null;

        if (value != null) {
            retval = Hcp3AuthNamespaceProfile.getMD5Password(value.toCharArray());
        if (retval == null) {
            throw new ParseException("Invalid " + option + " : " + value);
        return retval;

     * Entry point for generating a directory listing.
    public void execute(PrintWriter out, PrintWriter err) {
        StrBuilder output = new StrBuilder();

        if (listProfiles) {
        } else if (printProfile) {
        } else if (createProfile) {
        } else if (deleteProfile) {
        } else {


     * Helper Method to load the profile list.
    protected List<AbstractProfileBase> getProfiles() {
        List<AbstractProfileBase> profileList = ProfileManager.getProfiles();
        profileList.add(0, FileSystemProfile.LOCAL_FILESYSTEM_PROFILE);
        return profileList;

     * Delete an existing Profile
    protected String deleteProfile() {
        StrBuilder output = new StrBuilder();
        AbstractProfileBase profile = ProfileManager.getProfileByName(profileName);

        try {
            ProfileManager.deleteProfile(profile, true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errMsg = "Error deleting profile '" + profile + "'";
            errMsg = DBUtils.getErrorMessage(errMsg, e);
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, errMsg, e);

        return output.toString();

     * Create a new Profile.
     * @return
    protected String createProfile() {
        StrBuilder output = new StrBuilder();
        AbstractProfileBase profile = ProfileManager.getInstance().createProfile(newProfileType);

        if (profile instanceof HCAPProfile) {
            HCAPProfile fcfsProfile = (HCAPProfile) profile;
            if (newProfileUseIPs) {
            } else {
                // Only set hostname if not using IPs
        if ((profile instanceof Hcp3AuthNamespaceProfile) || (profile instanceof Hcp5AuthNamespaceProfile)) {
            Hcp3AuthNamespaceProfile restProfile = (Hcp3AuthNamespaceProfile) profile;
            restProfile.setHostname(newProfileHostname); // Always set on HCP3Auth no matter what

            if (!restProfile.getType().supportsAnonymousAccess() && authAnon) {
                String errMsg = "Profile does not support anonymous access.";
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, errMsg, "errMsg");

            if (restProfile.getType().supportsAnonymousAccess() && authAnon) {
                Hcp5AuthNamespaceProfile hcp5profile = (Hcp5AuthNamespaceProfile) restProfile;
            } else {

        String badConnectionErrMsg = "Error connecting using the values passed in";
        try {
            boolean canConnect = true;
            if (!dontTest) {
                ArcMoverEngine arcMover = ArcMoverFactory.getInstance();
                canConnect = arcMover.testConnection(profile);

            if (canConnect) {
            } else {

        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            String errMsg = "Error updating/saving new Profile: " + profile;
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, errMsg, e);
        } catch (ConnectionTestException e) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, badConnectionErrMsg, e);
            output.append(badConnectionErrMsg + ": " + e.getMessage());

        return output.toString();

     * get details for the profile specified.
     * @return
    protected String getProfileDetails(String profileName) {
        StrBuilder output = new StrBuilder();
        AbstractProfileBase profile = ProfileManager.getProfileByName(profileName);
        if (profile == null) {
            output.append("Profile does not exist: ").append(profileName);
        } else {
            output.append("Name        : ").append(profile.getName()).append(" ").append(NEWLINE);
            output.append("Type        : ").append(profile.getType()).append(" ").append(NEWLINE);
            if (profile instanceof HCAPProfile) {
                HCAPProfile fcfsProfile = (HCAPProfile) profile;

                // Connect-by-DNS and Authenticated namespaces have a domain name to display
                if (fcfsProfile.isConnectByDns() || fcfsProfile.isAuthNamespace()) {
                    output.append("Domain Name : ").append(fcfsProfile.getHostname()).append(" ").append(NEWLINE);

                if (!fcfsProfile.isConnectByDns()) {
                    output.append("IP List     : ").append(StringUtils.createCSV(fcfsProfile.getIpAddressList()))
                            .append(" ").append(NEWLINE);

                output.append("SSL         : ");
                if (fcfsProfile.isSSLRequired()) {
                } else {
                output.append(" ").append(NEWLINE);

                output.append("Validate CM : ");
                if (fcfsProfile.isValidateCustomMetadata()) {
                } else {
                output.append(" ").append(NEWLINE);
                if (ALLOW_PORT) {
                    output.append("Port        : ").append(fcfsProfile.getPort()).append(" ").append(NEWLINE);
            if (profile instanceof Hcp3AuthNamespaceProfile) {
                Hcp3AuthNamespaceProfile restProfile = (Hcp3AuthNamespaceProfile) profile;
                output.append("Tenant      : ").append(restProfile.getTenant()).append(" ").append(NEWLINE);
                output.append("Namespace   : ").append(restProfile.getNamespace()).append(" ").append(NEWLINE);
                output.append("User Name   : ").append(restProfile.getUsername()).append(" ").append(NEWLINE);
        return output.toString();

     * Create the Profile listing output
    protected String createProfileListing() {
        StrBuilder sb = new StrBuilder();
        List<AbstractProfileBase> profileList = getProfiles();

        columnWidths = calcColumnWidths(profileList);

        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : columnWidths.entrySet()) {
            sb.appendFixedWidthPadRight(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), ' ').append(COL_SEP);

        for (AbstractProfileBase profile : profileList) {
            sb.appendFixedWidthPadRight("" + profile.getName(), columnWidths.get(KEY_PROFILE_NAME), ' ')
            sb.appendFixedWidthPadRight("" + profile.getType(), columnWidths.get(KEY_TYPE), ' ').append(COL_SEP);

        return sb.toString();

     * Crude mechanism to calculate column widths.
     * TODO: This could be made more efficient.
    protected Map<String, Integer> calcColumnWidths(List<AbstractProfileBase> profileList) {
        Map<String, Integer> columnWidths = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
        columnWidths.put(KEY_PROFILE_NAME, KEY_PROFILE_NAME.length());
        columnWidths.put(KEY_TYPE, KEY_TYPE.length());
        String key = null;
        for (AbstractProfileBase profile : profileList) {
            key = KEY_PROFILE_NAME;
            columnWidths.put(key, Math.max(columnWidths.get(key), ("" + profile.getName()).length()));
            key = KEY_TYPE;
            columnWidths.put(key, Math.max(columnWidths.get(key), ("" + profile.getType()).length()));
        return columnWidths;
