Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This code was * developed as part of the Haystack ( research * project at MIT. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without * limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * Created on Mar 4, 2005 * */ package; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuManager; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ProgressMonitorDialog; import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import com.architexa.diagrams.RSECore; import com.architexa.diagrams.commands.AddNodeAndRelCmd; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.Artifact; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.ArtifactFragment; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.ArtifactRel; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.DerivedArtifact; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.DirectedRel; import; import; import; import; import; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.ReloPlugin; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.commands.ReparentCommand; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.commands.old.CreateParentCommand; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.modelBridge.JoinedRelType; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.modelBridge.ReloDoc; import com.architexa.diagrams.ui.MultiAddCommandAction; import com.architexa.intro.preferences.LibraryPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Place for functionality that is essentially an RDF Controller/EditPart * @author vineet * */ public abstract class ArtifactEditPart extends AbstractReloEditPart implements PropertyChangeListener, NavAidsEditPart { static final Logger logger = ReloPlugin.getLogger(ArtifactEditPart.class); public ArtifactFragment getArtifact() { Object retVal = getModel(); if (retVal instanceof ArtifactFragment) { return (ArtifactFragment) retVal; } else if (retVal instanceof Artifact) { // @tag examine-postRearch: need to re-enable code below and clean things up //logger.warn("Got Artifact expecting ArtifactFragment.", new Throwable()); return new ArtifactFragment((Artifact) retVal); } else { logger.error("Expecting Artifact got: " + retVal.getClass(), new Throwable()); return null; } } public ArtifactFragment getArtFrag() { return this.getArtifact(); } @Override public ReloController getRootController() { return (ReloController) this.getRoot().getContents(); } @Override public List<ArtifactFragment> getModelChildren() { return getArtifact().getShownChildren(); } public void appendModelChild(ArtifactFragment child) { getArtifact().appendShownChild(child); } public boolean removeModelChild(Object child) { return getArtifact().removeShownChild(child); } public void clearModelChildren() { getArtifact().clearShownChildren(); } public void addModelAndChild(ArtifactEditPart child) { addChild(child); appendModelChild(child.getArtifact()); } // TODO: is this implemented correctly? public boolean removeChildInHeirarchy(EditPart child) { // support the fact that children may not be directly under the parent if (child.getParent() != this && child.getParent().getModel() instanceof DerivedArtifact) return ((ArtifactEditPart) child.getParent()).removeChildInHeirarchy(child); else { return removeModelChild(child.getModel()); } } // TODO: is this implemented correctly? public static boolean removeArtFrag(ArtifactFragment childAF) { return childAF.getParentArt().removeShownChild(childAF); } @Override protected List<ArtifactRel> getModelSourceConnections() { return getArtifact().getShownSourceConnections(); } @Override protected List<ArtifactRel> getModelTargetConnections() { return getArtifact().getShownTargetConnections(); } // misc methods public List<AbstractGraphicalEditPart> getSelectedAGEP() { List<ArtifactEditPart> retList = this.getRootController().getSelectedArtifactEditParts(); return new ArrayList<AbstractGraphicalEditPart>(retList); } public List<Artifact> listModel(ReloRdfRepository repo, DirectedRel rel, Predicate filter) { return this.getArtifact().getArt().queryArtList(repo, rel, filter); } public List<Artifact> showableListModel(ReloRdfRepository repo, DirectedRel rel, Predicate filter) { BasicRootController rc = getRootController(); List<Artifact> filteredList = listModel(repo, rel, filter); for (Artifact relArt : new ArrayList<Artifact>(filteredList)) { if (!rc.canAddRel(getArtFrag(), rel, relArt)) filteredList.remove(relArt); } return filteredList; } public Resource getElementRes() { return this.getArtifact().getArt().elementRes; } public String getRelModelLabel(Object model) { if (!(model instanceof Artifact)) return "{err}"; return ((Artifact) model).queryName(getRepo()); } public List<NavAidsSpec> getSingleSelectHandlesSpecList(NavAidsEditPolicy policy) { return new ArrayList<NavAidsSpec>(); } public List<NavAidsSpec> getMultiSelectHandlesSpecList(NavAidsEditPolicy policy) { return new ArrayList<NavAidsSpec>(); } // Overridden by CodeUnitEditPart public IFigure getMoreButton() { return new Figure(); } // Overridden by CodeUnitEditPart public void buildNavAidMenu(List<MultiAddCommandAction> menuActions, NavAidsSpec spec, IMenuManager defaultMenu, DirectedRel rel) { } @Override public void activate() { try { super.activate(); this.getArtifact().addPropertyChangeListener(this); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Unexpected Exception", t); } } @Override public void deactivate() { try { super.deactivate(); this.getArtifact().removePropertyChangeListener(this); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Unexpected Exception", t); } } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { this.refresh(); } @Override protected void createEditPolicies() { super.createEditPolicies(); installEditPolicy(ArtifactRelModificationEditPolicy.KEY, new ArtifactRelModificationEditPolicy()); } /* * Detail level functionality */ protected int currDL = getDefaultDL(); public int getDetailLevel() { return currDL; } public int getMinimalDL() { return 0; } public int getDefaultDL() { return getMinimalDL(); } public int getMaximumDL() { return getDefaultDL() + 1; } /** * Used for debugging purposes * @param dl * @return */ public String getDLStr(int dl) { if (dl == getMinimalDL()) return "minimalDL"; else return "unknownDL"; } public void suggestDetailLevelIncrease() { //logger.debug(this.getClass().getName() + ".suggestDetailLevelIncrease: " + getDLStr(currDL)); if (currDL <= getMaximumDL()) { updateMembers(currDL + 1); currDL++; } } public void suggestDetailLevelDecrease() { //logger.debug(this.getClass().getName() + ".suggestDetailLevelDecrease: " + getDLStr(currDL)); //ConsoleView.logCause(new Exception()); if (currDL >= getMinimalDL()) { updateMembers(currDL - 1); currDL--; } } @Override protected IFigure createFigure() { //logger.debug("Creating figure for: " + this); if (getDefaultDL() - 1 < getMinimalDL()) { IFigure fig = createFigure(null, getMinimalDL()); currDL = getMinimalDL(); return fig; } else { IFigure fig = createFigure(null, getDefaultDL() - 1); currDL = getDefaultDL() - 1; return fig; } } // called to update to new detail level protected abstract IFigure createFigure(IFigure curFig, int newDL); protected void updateMembers(int newDL) { if (newDL > currDL && newDL > getMinimalDL()) realizeChildrenArtifacts(getArtifact().getArt().queryChildrenArtifacts(getRepo())); if (newDL < currDL && newDL < getMaximumDL()) removeChildrenArtifacts(getArtifact().getArt().queryChildrenArtifacts(getRepo())); } /* * other misc. functionality * */ //TODO: review public void realizeChildrenArtifacts(List<Artifact> lst) { ReloController rc = (ReloController) getRoot().getContents(); for (Artifact child : lst) { rc.getRootArtifact().addVisibleArt(child); } } public void removeChildrenArtifacts(Collection<?> lst) { //logger.debug("removeChildrenCUs: size: " + lst.size()); for (Object child : lst) { AbstractGraphicalEditPart childEP = findEditPart(child); if (childEP != null) removeChildInHeirarchy(childEP); } } /** * Add menu items to only singly selected AEP's * * TODO: find the likely better/official way to do this * @param menu */ public void buildContextMenu(IMenuManager menu) { } public Action getRelAction(final String text, final DirectedRel rel, final Predicate filter) { return new Action(text) { @Override public void run() { final CompoundCommand actionCmd = new CompoundCommand(); final IRunnableWithProgress op = new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { monitor.beginTask(text, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { ArtifactEditPart.this.showAllDirectRelation(actionCmd, rel, filter); if (actionCmd.size() > 0) ArtifactEditPart.this.execute(actionCmd); } }); } }; try { new ProgressMonitorDialog(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell()) .run(true, false, op); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } }; } public Action getRelAction(final String text, final DirectedRel rel) { return getRelAction(text, rel, null); } // breakable needed in strata, so we must have it here public MultiAddCommandAction getShowRelAction(final BasicRootController rc, final DirectedRel rel, final Object relArt, final String relArtLbl) { return getShowRelAction(rc, rel, relArt, relArtLbl, true); } public MultiAddCommandAction getShowRelAction(final BasicRootController rc, final DirectedRel rel, final Object relArt, String relArtLbl, boolean breakable) { if (!(relArt instanceof Artifact)) return null; MultiAddCommandAction action = new MultiAddCommandAction(relArtLbl, getRootController()) { @Override public Command getCommand(Map<Artifact, ArtifactFragment> addedArtToAFMap) { CompoundCommand tgtCmd = new CompoundCommand(); AddNodeAndRelCmd addCmd = new AddNodeAndRelCmd(rc, getArtFrag(), rel, (Artifact) relArt, addedArtToAFMap); tgtCmd.add(addCmd); if (addCmd.getNewParentArtFrag() != null) ((ReloDoc) rc.getRootArtifact()).showIncludedRelationships(tgtCmd, addCmd.getNewArtFrag()); return tgtCmd; } }; // If relo preference set to only show lib code in // menus and not in diagram, disable the action if (!((Artifact) relArt).isInitialized(getRepo()) && LibraryPreferences.isReloLibCodeOnlyInMenu()) action.setEnabled(false); return action; } public void buildMultipleSelectionContextMenu(IMenuManager menu) { // Do not add autoBrowse feature until better supported / documented // IAction action = new Action("Autobrowse") { // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // @Override // public void run() { // final List<ArtifactEditPart> selEP = getViewer().getSelectedEditParts(); // CollectionUtils.filter(selEP, PredicateUtils.instanceofPredicate(ArtifactEditPart.class)); // if (selEP.size() < 2) return; // // //PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getProgressService().runInUI() // Job autoBrowseJob = new Job("Browsing graph") { // @Override // public IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { // autoBrowse(selEP, monitor); // return Status.OK_STATUS; // } // }; // //autoBrowseJob.setSystem(true); // autoBrowseJob.setUser(true); // autoBrowseJob.setPriority(Job.INTERACTIVE); // autoBrowseJob.schedule(); // } // }; // menu.appendToGroup("main", action); } // TODO: clean the threading/scheduling functionality here (may need UNDO support) private void autoBrowse(List<ArtifactEditPart> selEP, IProgressMonitor monitor) { for (ArtifactEditPart endEP : selEP) { for (ArtifactEditPart startEP : selEP) { // check start and end so that we call auto-browse only once if (endEP == startEP) break; autoBrowse(startEP.getArtifact().getArt(), endEP.getArtifact().getArt(), 5, monitor); } } } protected void autoBrowse(Artifact startArt, Artifact endArt, int maxDepth, IProgressMonitor monitor) {"autoBrowsing: " + startArt + " // " + endArt); /* Pseudocode: 1] let ptr=end 2] ptrM1 = ptr-1 3] get rel: ptr-?->ptrM1 4] draw ptr-[rel]->ptrM1 5] repeat till ptr=start */ // draw from end-1 Artifact ptr = endArt; while (!ptr.equals(startArt)) {"autoBrowsing - ptr: " + ptr); Artifact ptrM1 = breadthFirstSearch(startArt, ptr, maxDepth, monitor); if (ptrM1 == null) return; // draw links final Artifact currPtr = ptr; final Artifact currPtrM1 = ptrM1; PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { URI rel; // forward rel = getRepo().getStatement(currPtrM1.elementRes, (URI) null, currPtr.elementRes) .getPredicate(); if (rel != null) + " --" + rel + "--> " + currPtr); if (rel != null && !rel.equals(RSECore.contains)) getRootController().addRel(currPtrM1, rel, currPtr); // reverse rel = getRepo().getStatement(currPtr.elementRes, (URI) null, currPtrM1.elementRes) .getPredicate(); if (rel != null) + " --" + rel + "--> " + currPtrM1); if (rel != null && !rel.equals(RSECore.contains)) getRootController().addRel(currPtr, rel, currPtrM1); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected error while creating drawing figures", e); } } }); ptr = ptrM1; } } /** * Does breadth first search and returns the Artifact corresponding to the * shortest path (just before the end) * * @param startArt * @param endArt * @return - Artifact corresponding to endArt-1 */ private Artifact breadthFirstSearch(Artifact startArt, Artifact endArt, int maxDepth, IProgressMonitor monitor) { /* * Pseudocode: * 1] before loop, if source!=target put in queue, else return null * 2] while queue !empty, i.e. the loop: * 3] pop from queue, and get all connected, if !=target queue * 4] else: return current, i.e. the step before the target */ Set<URI> filteredPreds = getFilteredPredsForAutoBrowse(); if (startArt.equals(endArt)) { logger.error("breadthFirstSearch should not be called with start==end", new Exception()); return null; } // note: visible artifacts don't really matter for breadth-first search // (and in reality for autobrowse) Set<Artifact> visitedArtifact = new HashSet<Artifact>(1000); List<Artifact> searchQueue = new ArrayList<Artifact>(100); searchQueue.add(startArt); // use null as a marker to indicate the completion of one level of depth searchQueue.add(null); int currDepth = 0; while (true) { Artifact searchNode = searchQueue.remove(0); if (searchNode == null) { currDepth++; if (currDepth >= maxDepth) {"Graph not connected in depth: " + maxDepth); return null; } if (searchQueue.isEmpty()) {"Graph not connected"); return null; } monitor.worked(1); if (monitor.isCanceled()) return null; searchQueue.add(null); continue; } for (Artifact child : searchNode.queryConnectedArtifactsList(getRepo(), filteredPreds)) { if (child.equals(endArt)) return searchNode; if (visitedArtifact.contains(child)) continue; searchQueue.add(child); visitedArtifact.add(child); } } } protected Set<URI> getFilteredPredsForAutoBrowse() { Set<URI> filteredPreds = new HashSet<URI>(); filteredPreds.add(getRepo().rdfType); filteredPreds.add(RSECore.contains); return filteredPreds; } public void showAllDirectRelation(CompoundCommand tgtCmd, final DirectedRel rel, Predicate filter) { try { ReloController rc = getRootController(); Map<Artifact, ArtifactFragment> addedArtToAF = new HashMap<Artifact, ArtifactFragment>(); for (final Artifact relCU : getArtifact().getArt().queryArtList(getRepo(), rel, filter)) { if (rc.canAddRel(getArtifact(), rel, relCU)) { AddNodeAndRelCmd addCmd = new AddNodeAndRelCmd(rc, ArtifactEditPart.this.getArtFrag(), rel, relCU, addedArtToAF); tgtCmd.add(addCmd); ((ReloDoc) rc.getRootArtifact()).showIncludedRelationships(tgtCmd, addCmd.getNewArtFrag()); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Unexpected exception", t); } } /** * Ensures that all elements on a valid path (given by rel) are shown * Note: src.rel.tgt && src!=tgt has to be true * @param rel - join defining valid paths */ public void showPathElements(JoinedRelType rel) { Artifact curArt = getArtifact().getArt(); if (!isActive()) { log("not active"); return; } logBeg("showPathElements"); ReloController rc = getRootController(); for (ArtifactEditPart visEP : rc.getVisibleNonDerivedArtifactEditParts()) { Artifact visArt = visEP.getArtifact().getArt(); if (curArt.equals(visArt)) continue; //ObjectPair examiningPair = new ObjectPair(this, visEP); for (List<Artifact> resultSetVar : rel.getPaths(getRepo(), curArt, visArt)) { for (Artifact resultArt : resultSetVar) { rc.createOrFindArtifactEditPart(resultArt); } } // flip order of pair (everything else is identical for (List<Artifact> resultSetVar : rel.getPaths(getRepo(), visArt, curArt)) { for (Artifact resultArt : resultSetVar) { rc.createOrFindArtifactEditPart(resultArt); } } } logEnd(); } /** * Asserts parenthood for this AEP */ public void assertParenthood() { CompoundCommand cc = new CompoundCommand(); assertParenthood(cc); cc.execute(); } /** * Asserts parenthood for this AEP */ public void assertParenthood(CompoundCommand tgtCmd) { final ArtifactEditPart thisAEP = this; Artifact thisArt = thisAEP.getArtifact().getArt(); ReloController rc = getRootController(); //"assertParenthood: " + thisAEP); for (Artifact child : thisArt.queryChildrenArtifacts(thisAEP.getRepo())) { final ArtifactEditPart childEP = rc.findArtifactEditPart(child); if (childEP == null) continue; final ArtifactEditPart oldParentEP = (ArtifactEditPart) childEP.getParent(); Command reparentCmd = new ReparentCommand(childEP, thisAEP, oldParentEP); if (oldParentEP instanceof ReloController) { // was at the top level before tgtCmd.add(reparentCmd); continue; } ArtifactEditPart oldParentAEP = (ArtifactEditPart) oldParentEP; // want to do: if (oldParentAEP == thisAEP) continue; // need to do this otherwise we will have infinite loops // we also need to take into account derived code units as well //@tag post-rearch-verify if (oldParentAEP.getArtifact().getNonDerivedBaseArtifact() .equals(thisAEP.getArtifact().getNonDerivedBaseArtifact())) { continue; } tgtCmd.add(reparentCmd); } } public void realizeParent(CompoundCommand tgtCmd) { //"realizeParent: " + this); // + " .realizeParent() - parent: " + parent // + " / findEditPart(parent): " + findEditPart(parent)); if (getModel() instanceof DerivedArtifact) return; final Artifact parentArt = getArtifact().getArt().queryParentArtifact(getBrowseModel().getRepo()); if (parentArt == null) return; final ReloController rc = getRootController(); ArtifactEditPart parentEP = (ArtifactEditPart) findEditPart(parentArt); if (parentEP != null) { parentEP.assertParenthood(tgtCmd); return; } if (!rc.artCreatable(parentArt)) return; // check if browse model will allow // parentEP = null and it is creatable tgtCmd.add(new CreateParentCommand(this, "create parent and assert parenthood", parentArt, rc)); return; } public Resource getInstanceRes() { return getArtifact().getInstanceRes(); } public void setInstanceRes(Resource viewRes) { getArtifact().setInstanceRes(viewRes); } }