Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 ArcBees Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.arcbees.chosen.client; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.SelectParser.OptionItem; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.event.MaxSelectedEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static$; import static; import static; public class DesktopMultipleChosenImpl extends ChosenImpl { private static final int BACKSPACE = 8; private GQuery pendingBackstroke; private int backstrokeLength; private boolean pendingDestroyClick; @Override public boolean isMultiple() { return true; } @Override protected void activeTabIndexProperty() { // Do nothing } @Override protected void bind() { super.bind(); getSearchChoices().click(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return choicesClick(e); } }); getSearchField().focus(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return inputFocus(e); } }); } @Override protected SafeHtml buildContainerHtml(String defaultText, SafeStylesBuilder ssb) { return ChosenTemplate.templates.contentMultiple(getCss().chznChoices(), getCss().searchField(), defaultText, getCss().defaultClass(), getCss().chznDrop(), getCss().chznResults(), ssb.toSafeStyles()); } @Override protected StringBuilder buildOptionStyleClass(OptionItem option) { StringBuilder classes = super.buildOptionStyleClass(option); if (!(option.isSelected())) { classes.append(" ").append(getCss().activeResult()); } return classes; } @Override protected void addChoice(OptionItem option) { if (maxSelectedOptionsReached()) { fireEvent(new MaxSelectedEvent(this)); } else { String choiceId = getContainerId() + "_c_" + option.getArrayIndex(); choices++; SafeHtml html = fromTrustedString(option.getHtml()); searchContainer .before(ChosenTemplate.templates .choice(choiceId, getCss().searchChoice(), html, getCss().searchChoiceClose(), "" + option.getArrayIndex(), option.getValue(), getCss().iconCross()) .asString()); $('#' + choiceId).find("a").click(new Function() { public boolean f(final Event e) { choiceDestroyLinkClick(e); return false; } }); } } @Override protected boolean beforeShowResult() { if (maxSelectedOptionsReached()) { fireEvent(new MaxSelectedEvent(this)); return false; } return true; } @Override protected void containerMouseDownImpl(Event e, GQuery element) { if (pendingDestroyClick) { pendingDestroyClick = false; return; } if (!activeField) { getSearchField().val(""); $(document).click(clickTestAction); resultsShow(); } activateField(); } @Override protected void deactiveTabIndexProperty() { // Do nothing } @Override protected void resultDeactivate(GQuery query, boolean selected) { query.removeClass(getCss().activeResult(), getCss().foundResult()); } @Override protected void initSearchElement(int ddWidth, boolean isHidden) { setSearchChoices(getContainer().find("ul." + getCss().chznChoices()).first()); setSearchContainer(getContainer().find("li." + getCss().searchField()).first()); } @Override protected boolean keydownChecker(Event e) { if (e.getKeyCode() != BACKSPACE) { clearBackstroke(); } else { backstrokeLength = getSearchField().val().length(); } return super.keydownChecker(e); } @Override protected void onKeydownBackstroke() { if (backstrokeLength < 1 && choices > 0) { if (pendingBackstroke != null) { choiceDestroy(pendingBackstroke.find("a").first()); clearBackstroke(); } else { pendingBackstroke = getSearchContainer().siblings("li." + getCss().searchChoice()).last(); if (getOptions().isSingleBackstrokeDelete()) { onKeydownBackstroke(); } else { pendingBackstroke.addClass(getCss().searchChoiceFocus()); } } } else if (pendingBackstroke == null) { resultClearHighlight(); resultsSearch(); } } @Override protected void onResultSelected(OptionItem item, String newValue, String oldValue, boolean metaKeyPressed) { if (!metaKeyPressed) { resultsHide(); } fireChosenChangeEventIfNotEqual(item, newValue, oldValue); } @Override protected int positionBelow() { return getContainer().outerHeight(); } @Override protected GQuery querySelectedResults() { return null; } @Override protected void resetSelectedItem() { } @Override protected void resultsBuild(boolean init, String defaultText, boolean customFilter) { if (choices > 0) { getSearchChoices().find("li." + getCss().searchChoice()).remove(); choices = 0; } super.resultsBuild(init, defaultText, customFilter); } @Override protected void searchFieldScale(int fWidth) { StringBuilder styleBlock = new StringBuilder("position:absolute; " + (isRTL() ? "right" : "left") + ": -1000px; top: -1000px; " + "visibility:hidden;"); String[] styleToCopy = { "font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "font-family", "line-height", "text-transform", "letter-spacing" }; for (String style : styleToCopy) { styleBlock.append(style).append(':').append(getSearchField().css(style)).append(";"); } GQuery div = $("<div />").attr("style", styleBlock.toString()).text(getSearchField().val()); $("body").append(div); int w = div.width() + 25; div.remove(); if (w > fWidth - 10) { w = fWidth - 10; } getSearchField().css("width", w + "px"); } @Override protected void setTabIndexProperty(String tabIndexProperty) { getSearchField().attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY, tabIndexProperty); } @Override protected boolean shouldActivateResult(GQuery result) { return !result.hasClass(getCss().resultSelected()); } @Override protected void showSearchFieldDefault(String defaultText) { if (choices < 1 && !activeField) { getSearchField().val(defaultText); getSearchField().addClass(getCss().defaultClass()); } else { super.showSearchFieldDefault(defaultText); } } @Override protected void update() { resultsResetCleanup(); super.update(); } private boolean choicesClick(Event e) { e.preventDefault(); Element target = e.getEventTarget().cast(); GQuery $e = $(target); if (activeField && !($e.hasClass(getCss().searchChoice()) || !$e.parents("." + getCss().searchChoice()).isEmpty()) && !resultsShowing) { resultsShow(); } return true; } private void clearBackstroke() { if (pendingBackstroke != null) { pendingBackstroke.removeClass(getCss().searchChoiceFocus()); } pendingBackstroke = null; } private boolean inputFocus(final Event e) { if (!activeField) { Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { public boolean execute() { containerMouseDown(e); return false; } }, 50); } return false; } private void choiceDestroyLinkClick(Event e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!isDisabled()) { pendingDestroyClick = true; Element target = e.getEventTarget().cast(); choiceDestroy($(target)); } else { e.stopPropagation(); } } }