Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 ArcBees Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.arcbees.chosen.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static$; public class AbstractMobileChosenImpl extends DesktopSingleChosenImpl { private boolean isResultClick; @Override protected void bind() { super.bind(); getSearchResults().mousedown(new Function() { @Override public void f() { searchResultMouseDown(); } }); getContainer().on("click", "i[role='close']", new Function() { @Override public void f() { closeField(); } }); getContainer().click(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); } @Override protected SafeHtml buildContainerHtml(String defaultText, SafeStylesBuilder ssb) { // TODO close icon... return ChosenTemplate.templates.contentMobile(getCss().chznSingle(), getCss().chznDefault(), defaultText, getCss().chznDrop(), getCss().chznSearch(), getCss().chznResults(), ssb.toSafeStyles(), getCss().iconArrow(), getCss().iconCross(), getCss().chznResultsHolder()); } @Override protected String buildDropdownWidth(int ddWidth) { return "auto"; } @Override protected int calculateDropdownTop() { return 0; } @Override protected int computeSearchFieldWidth(int ddWidth, boolean isHidden) { return -1; } protected String getContainerClass() { return getCss().chznMobileContainer(); } @Override protected void maybeSelectResult(Event e) { // Do nothing } @Override protected void resultsHide() { super.resultsHide(); if (getDropdown().hasClass(getCss().isOpen()) && getOptions().isMobileAnimation()) { final int windowHeight = Window.getClientHeight(); int speed = getOptions().getMobileAnimationSpeed(); getDropdown().css("top", "0").css("left", "0").css("right", "0") .animate("top: 1000px, left: 0, right: 0", speed * 2, new Function() { public void f() { getDropdown().css("bottom", "").css(isRTL() ? "left" : "right", "") .css("top", windowHeight + 20 + "px") .css(isRTL() ? "right" : "left", "-9000px"); } }); } else { getDropdown().css("bottom", "").css(isRTL() ? "left" : "right", ""); } getDropdown().removeClass(getCss().isOpen()); getSearchField().blur(); } @Override protected boolean searchResultsMouseOut(Event e) { isResultClick = false; return super.searchResultsMouseOut(e); } @Override protected boolean searchResultsMouseUp(Event e) { if (!isResultClick) { return false; } isResultClick = false; return super.searchResultsMouseUp(e); } @Override void positionDropdownResult() { super.positionDropdownResult(); if (getOptions().isMobileAnimation() && !getDropdown().hasClass(getCss().isOpen())) { int windowHeight = Window.getClientHeight(); int speed = getOptions().getMobileAnimationSpeed(); getDropdown().css("top", windowHeight + "px").css("bottom", "0").css(isRTL() ? "left" : "right", "0") .animate("top: 0px", speed * 2); } else { getDropdown().css("bottom", "0").css(isRTL() ? "left" : "right", "0"); } getDropdown().addClass(getCss().isOpen()); } private void searchResultMouseDown() { isResultClick = true; } public void animateListItem(GQuery item, final Boolean addClass) { if (getOptions().isMobileAnimation()) { final String paddingTop = item.css("padding-top"); final String paddingBottom = item.css("padding-bottom"); final int speed = getOptions().getMobileAnimationSpeed(); item.animate("height: 0, padding-top: 0, padding-bottom: 0", speed, new Function() { public void f() { $(this).animate( "height: auto, padding-top: " + paddingTop + ", padding-bottom: " + paddingBottom, speed); $(this).toggleClass(getCss().resultSelected(), addClass); } }); } else { $(this).toggleClass(getCss().resultSelected(), addClass); } } }