Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014, Apptentive, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Please refer to the LICENSE file for the terms and conditions * under which redistribution and use of this file is permitted. */ package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * All public methods altering code point values should be synchronized.<p/> * Example: * <pre> * { * "code_point": { * "codePoint1": { * "last": 1234567890, * "total": 6, * "version": { * "1.1": 4, * "1.2": 2 * }, * "build": { * "5": 4, * "6": 2 * } * } * }, * "interactions": { * "526fe2836dd8bf546a00000c": { * "last": 1234567890.4, * "total": 6, * "version": { * "1.1": 4, * "1.2": 2 * }, * "build": { * "5": 4, * "6": 2 * } * } * } * } * </pre> * * @author Sky Kelsey */ public class CodePointStore extends JSONObject { public static final String KEY_CODE_POINT = "code_point"; public static final String KEY_INTERACTIONS = "interactions"; public static final String KEY_LAST = "last"; // The last time this codepoint was seen. public static final String KEY_TOTAL = "total"; // The total times this code point was seen. public static final String KEY_VERSION = "version"; public static final String KEY_BUILD = "build"; private static CodePointStore instance; private static CodePointStore getInstance(Context context) { if (instance == null) { instance = load(context); } return instance; } private CodePointStore() { super(); } private CodePointStore(String json) throws JSONException { super(json); } private static void save(Context context) { SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(Constants.PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); prefs.edit().putString(Constants.PREF_KEY_CODE_POINT_STORE, instance.toString()).commit(); } private static CodePointStore load(Context context) { SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(Constants.PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); return CodePointStore.load(prefs); } private static CodePointStore load(SharedPreferences prefs) { String json = prefs.getString(Constants.PREF_KEY_CODE_POINT_STORE, null); try { if (json != null) { return new CodePointStore(json); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("Error loading CodePointStore from SharedPreferences.", e); } return new CodePointStore(); } public static synchronized void storeCodePointForCurrentAppVersion(Context context, String fullCodePoint) { storeRecordForCurrentAppVersion(context, false, fullCodePoint); } public static synchronized void storeInteractionForCurrentAppVersion(Context context, String fullCodePoint) { storeRecordForCurrentAppVersion(context, true, fullCodePoint); } private static void storeRecordForCurrentAppVersion(Context context, boolean isInteraction, String fullCodePoint) { String version = Util.getAppVersionName(context); int build = Util.getAppVersionCode(context); storeRecord(context, isInteraction, fullCodePoint, version, build); } public static synchronized void storeRecord(Context context, boolean isInteraction, String fullCodePoint, String version, int build) { storeRecord(context, isInteraction, fullCodePoint, version, build, Util.currentTimeSeconds()); } public static synchronized void storeRecord(Context context, boolean isInteraction, String fullCodePoint, String version, int build, double currentTimeSeconds) { String buildString = String.valueOf(build); CodePointStore store = getInstance(context); if (store != null && fullCodePoint != null && version != null) { try { String recordTypeKey = isInteraction ? KEY_INTERACTIONS : KEY_CODE_POINT; JSONObject recordType; if (!store.isNull(recordTypeKey)) { recordType = store.getJSONObject(recordTypeKey); } else { recordType = new JSONObject(); store.put(recordTypeKey, recordType); } // Get or create code point object. JSONObject codePointJson; if (!recordType.isNull(fullCodePoint)) { codePointJson = recordType.getJSONObject(fullCodePoint); } else { codePointJson = new JSONObject(); recordType.put(fullCodePoint, codePointJson); } // Set the last time this code point was seen. codePointJson.put(KEY_LAST, currentTimeSeconds); // Increment the total times this code point was seen. int total = 0; if (codePointJson.has(KEY_TOTAL)) { total = codePointJson.getInt(KEY_TOTAL); } codePointJson.put(KEY_TOTAL, total + 1); // Get or create version object. JSONObject versionJson; if (!codePointJson.isNull(KEY_VERSION)) { versionJson = codePointJson.getJSONObject(KEY_VERSION); } else { versionJson = new JSONObject(); codePointJson.put(KEY_VERSION, versionJson); } // Set count for current version. int existingVersionCount = 0; if (!versionJson.isNull(version)) { existingVersionCount = versionJson.getInt(version); } versionJson.put(version, existingVersionCount + 1); // Get or create build object. JSONObject buildJson; if (!codePointJson.isNull(KEY_BUILD)) { buildJson = codePointJson.getJSONObject(KEY_BUILD); } else { buildJson = new JSONObject(); codePointJson.put(KEY_BUILD, buildJson); } // Set count for the current build int existingBuildCount = 0; if (!buildJson.isNull(buildString)) { existingBuildCount = buildJson.getInt(buildString); } buildJson.put(buildString, existingBuildCount + 1); save(context); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w("Unable to store code point %s.", e, fullCodePoint); } } } public static JSONObject getRecord(Context context, boolean interaction, String name) { CodePointStore store = getInstance(context); String recordTypeKey = interaction ? KEY_INTERACTIONS : KEY_CODE_POINT; try { if (!store.isNull(recordTypeKey)) { if (store.has(recordTypeKey)) { JSONObject recordType = store.getJSONObject(recordTypeKey); if (recordType.has(name)) { return recordType.getJSONObject(name); } } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w("Error loading code point record for \"%s\"", name); } return null; } public static Long getTotalInvokes(Context context, boolean interaction, String name) { try { JSONObject record = getRecord(context, interaction, name); if (record != null && record.has(KEY_TOTAL)) { return record.getLong(KEY_TOTAL); } } catch (JSONException e) { // Ignore } return 0l; } public static Double getLastInvoke(Context context, boolean interaction, String name) { try { JSONObject record = getRecord(context, interaction, name); if (record != null && record.has(KEY_LAST)) { return record.getDouble(KEY_LAST); } } catch (JSONException e) { // Ignore } return 0d; } public static Long getVersionInvokes(Context context, boolean interaction, String name, String version) { try { JSONObject record = getRecord(context, interaction, name); if (record != null && record.has(KEY_VERSION)) { JSONObject versionJson = record.getJSONObject(KEY_VERSION); if (versionJson.has(version)) { return versionJson.getLong(version); } } } catch (JSONException e) { // Ignore } return 0l; } public static Long getBuildInvokes(Context context, boolean interaction, String name, String build) { try { JSONObject record = getRecord(context, interaction, name); if (record != null && record.has(KEY_BUILD)) { JSONObject buildJson = record.getJSONObject(KEY_BUILD); if (buildJson.has(build)) { return buildJson.getLong(build); } } } catch (JSONException e) { // Ignore } return 0l; } public static String toString(Context context) { return "CodePointStore: " + getInstance(context).toString(); } public static void clear(Context context) { SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(Constants.PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); prefs.edit().remove(Constants.PREF_KEY_CODE_POINT_STORE).commit(); instance = null; } }