Java tutorial
/* * @author Jack Stratton * <> * * LICENSE: * * This plugin is under a "Do what you want, let me know" policy. * You're free to fork and submit pull requests, but if you post a copy of this on the Bukkit site, that's not allowed. * * @TODO: Learn more about Bukkit coding. * * */ package com.applerox.jack.AppleCommands; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider; import; import com.applerox.jack.AppleCommands.commandFiles.*; public class AppleCommands extends JavaPlugin { // Variables public static AppleCommands ac; public Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); // Loggers = derpy public YMLManager yml; public static File confFolder; public static Permission perms; public static Chat chat; public static String version = ac.getDescription().getVersion(); public static List<String> blacklistedCommands = new ArrayList<String>(); public List<String> motd = new ArrayList<String>(); public List<String> whitelist = new ArrayList<String>(); public static Map<String, Map<String, Object>> commands, defaults; public final Map<String, FileConfiguration> confs = new HashMap<String, FileConfiguration>(); //public String[] logLevels = new String[4]; //logLevels[0] = "debug"; //logLevels[1] = "info"; //logLevels[2] = "warning"; //logLevels[3] = "severe"; // Default config items @TODO // Vault Setup private static boolean setupChat() { if (ac.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") == null) { return false; } RegisteredServiceProvider<Chat> rsp = ac.getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(Chat.class); chat = rsp.getProvider(); return chat != null; } private boolean setupPermissions() { RegisteredServiceProvider<Permission> rsp = getServer().getServicesManager() .getRegistration(Permission.class); perms = rsp.getProvider(); return perms != null; } // Bukkit onEnable, onDisable @Override public void onEnable() { if (!setupChat()) { logger.severe("[AppleCommands] Vault not found. Disabling plugin."); disableAppleCommands(); return; } setupPermissions(); setupChat(); ac = this; confFolder = getDataFolder(); commands = getDescription().getCommands(); version = getDescription().getVersion(); // Ugh... /*registerCommand(new CommandLevel(this), "level", this); *registerCommand(new CommandTalk(this), "talk", this); *registerCommand(new CommandIsBanned(this), "isbanned", this); *registerCommand(new CommandArmor(this), "armor", this); *registerCommand(new CommandIP(this), "ip", this); *registerCommand(new CommandSetGroup(this), "setgroup", this); *registerCommand(new CommandForceTeleport(this), "forceteleport", this); *registerCommand(new CommandForceTeleportHere(this), "forceteleporthere", this); *registerCommand(new CommandSmite(this), "smite", this); *registerCommand(new CommandGiveItem(this), "give", this); *registerCommand(new CommandSendMessage(this), "sendmessage", this); *registerCommand(new CommandReplyMessage(this), "reply", this); *registerCommand(new CommandInvClear(this), "invclear", this); *registerCommand(new CommandSetWeather(this), "setweather", this); */ logger.log(Level.INFO, "[AppleCommands] Plugin Enabled!"); } @Override public void onDisable() { logger.log(Level.INFO, "[AppleCommands] Plugin Disabled!"); disableAppleCommands(); } // Error? Disable AppleCommands public void disableAppleCommands() { getServer().getPluginManager().disablePlugin(this); } // Permission checks public boolean isAllowed(final Player p, final String perm) { return !(p != null) || (AppleCommands.perms.has(p.getWorld(), p.getName(), "applecommands.all")) || AppleCommands.perms.playerHas(p.getWorld(), p.getName(), perm); } public boolean isAllowed(final OfflinePlayer p, final String perm) { String world = getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getName(); return !(p instanceof Player) && !(p != null) || (AppleCommands.perms.has(world, p.getName(), "applecommands.all")) || AppleCommands.perms.has(world, p.getName(), perm); } public boolean isAllowed(final CommandSender p, final String perm) { return !(p instanceof Player) && !(p instanceof OfflinePlayer) || (AppleCommands.perms.has(p, "applecommands.all")) || AppleCommands.perms.has(p, perm); } public static boolean hasPerm(final CommandSender p, final String perm) { return !(p instanceof Player) && !(p instanceof OfflinePlayer) || (AppleCommands.perms.has(p, "applecommands.all")) || AppleCommands.perms.has(p, perm); } // String builder (PHP implode()) public static String finalArg(String[] strings, int pos) { StrBuilder sb = new StrBuilder(); for (int i = pos; i < strings.length; i++) { sb.append(strings[i]); sb.append(" "); } return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); } // Command Registration private void registerCommand(CommandExecutor ce, String com, JavaPlugin plugin) { if (AppleCommands.blacklistedCommands.contains(com)) return; plugin.getCommand(com).setExecutor(ce); } // Create default configs private void createDefaultItem(File file, String def) { if (!file.exists()) { try { if (file.createNewFile()) { try { FileWriter filestream = new FileWriter(file.getAbsolutePath()); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(filestream); out.write(def); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe("[AppleCommands] Couldn't write to a config!"); e.printStackTrace(); }"[AppleCommands] Created Config File!"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe("[AppleCommands] Failed to create config file!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static boolean resetConfigFile(File configFile, boolean deleteOld) { if (deleteOld && configFile.exists()) { configFile.delete(); try { //createDefaultItems(configFile, defaults); return true; } catch (Exception e) { ac.logger .severe("[AppleCommands] Failed to reset configuration! Let AppleCommands devs know this:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (configFile.exists() && !deleteOld) { try { FileReader instream = new FileReader(configFile); FileWriter outstream = new FileWriter(configFile); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(instream); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(outstream); //for (line : reader.getLines()) { // li //} instream.close(); outstream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ac.logger .severe("[AppleCommands] Failed to reset configuration! Let AppleCommands devs know this!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (!configFile.exists()) { try { configFile.createNewFile(); } catch (Exception e) { ac.logger.severe( "[AppleCommands] Failed to create configuration file! Let AppleCommands devs know this!"); } } return true; } // Load config public void loadConfig() { // @TODO: This bit } }