Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 AppGlu, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.springframework.web.client.RestOperations; import android.content.Context; import com.appglu.AppGluHttpIncompatibleClientVersionException; import com.appglu.AppGluHttpInternalServerErrorException; import com.appglu.AsyncCallback; import com.appglu.AsyncPushOperations; import com.appglu.AsyncSavedQueriesOperations; import com.appglu.SavedQueriesOperations; import com.appglu.StorageOperations; import com.appglu.SyncOperations; import com.appglu.User; import com.appglu.UserSessionPersistence; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.appglu.impl.AppGluTemplate; /** * <strong>The central class for AppGlu Android SDK.</strong> * * <p>This is always going to be the starting point for doing anything with the AppGlu Android SDK.<br> * It is a singleton and needs to be initialized before it is used.<br> * It is recommended, but not required, to initialize it on your {@code Application.onCreate()} method like below: * * <p><code> * AppGluSettings settings = new AppGluSettings("appKey", "appSecret");<br> * AppGlu.initialize(this, settings); * </code> * * <p>To create the {@link AppGluSettings} class you will need your credentials to authenticate your account with AppGlu. This class also contains configuration and customization settings. * * <p>After {@code AppGlu} is initialized you will have access to AppGlu API classes. See the table below: * * <p><table> * <tr><th>{@code AppGlu} method</th><th>API class description</th></tr> * <tr><td>{@link #crudApi()}</td><td>{@link CrudApi} contains create, read, update and delete operations to be applied on your tables</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link #savedQueriesApi()}</td><td>{@link SavedQueriesApi} allow you to run your previously created SQLs on AppGlu and obtain the results</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link #pushApi()}</td><td>{@link PushApi} is used to register / unregister the device making it eligible to receive push notifications</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link #analyticsApi()}</td><td>{@link AnalyticsApi} is used to log events to AppGlu allowing it to collect mobile app usage statistics</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link #userApi()}</td><td>{@link UserApi} has methods to login / logout and sign up new mobile app users</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link #syncApi()}</td><td>{@link SyncApi} is used to synchronize the data in your local SQLite tables with the AppGlu server</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link #storageApi()}</td><td>{@link StorageApi} has methods to download and cache files from AppGlu server</td></tr> * </table> * * <p>All the API classes described on the table above provides two type of methods: <strong>synchronous</strong> and <strong>asynchronous</strong>.<br> * A method that is <strong>asynchronous</strong> has the suffix {@code inBackground} and it always has an {@link AsyncCallback} as parameter.<br> * * <p>For example, look at this <strong>synchronous</strong> method example: * * <p><code> * Row row = AppGlu.crudApi().read("tableName", "rowId"); * </code> * * <p><strong>Be careful NOT to call this on the UI thread</strong>.<br> * It will execute in the same thread as it is called. Use it inside your own AsyncTask or equivalent. * * <p>Now an <strong>asynchronous</strong> example: * * <p><code> * AppGlu.crudApi().readInBackground("tableName", "rowId", new AsyncCallback<Row>() {<br> * * public void onPreExecute() {<br> * <br> * }<br> * * public void onResult(Row result) {<br> * <br> * }<br> * * public void onException(ExceptionWrapper exceptionWrapper) {<br> * <br> * }<br> * * public void onNoInternetConnection() {<br> * <br> * }<br> * * public void onFinish() {<br> * <br> * }<br> * * }); * </code> * * <p><strong>Make sure to call this method ON the UI thread</strong>.<br> * It will execute in a separated thread and return the result to the {@link AsyncCallback#onResult(Object)} method. * * @see * @since 1.0.0 */ public final class AppGlu { /** * Log tag used for all logging that the AppGlu Android SDK does */ public static final String LOG_TAG = "AppGlu"; /** * Current AppGlu Android SDK version */ public static final String VERSION = "1.0.0"; static final String APPGLU_PREFERENCES_KEY = ""; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppGlu.LOG_TAG); private static AppGlu instance; private Context context; private AppGluTemplate appGluTemplate; private AppGluSettings settings; private DeviceInstallation deviceInstallation; private CrudApi crudApi; private SavedQueriesApi savedQueriesApi; private PushApi pushApi; private AnalyticsApi analyticsApi; private UserApi userApi; private SyncApi syncApi; private StorageApi storageApi; private AppGlu() { } private static synchronized AppGlu getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new AppGlu(); } return instance; } private static AppGlu getRequiredInstance() { if (instance == null) { throw new AppGluNotInitializedException(); } return instance; } private void doInitialize(Context context, AppGluSettings settings) { AppGluUtils.assertNotNull(context, "Context cannot be null"); AppGluUtils.assertNotNull(settings, "AppGluSettings cannot be null"); this.context = context.getApplicationContext(); this.settings = settings; this.deviceInstallation = new DeviceInstallation(this.context); this.appGluTemplate = settings.createAppGluTemplate(this.context); this.appGluTemplate.setAsyncExecutor(new AsyncTaskExecutor()); this.appGluTemplate.setDefaultHeaders(this.deviceInstallation.createDefaultHeaders(settings)); UserSessionPersistence userSessionPersistence = this.settings.getUserSessionPersistence(); if (userSessionPersistence == null) { userSessionPersistence = new SharedPreferencesUserSessionPersistence(this.context); } this.appGluTemplate.setUserSessionPersistence(userSessionPersistence);"AppGlu was initialized"); } private AppGluTemplate getAppGluTemplate() { if (this.appGluTemplate == null) { throw new AppGluNotInitializedException(); } return appGluTemplate; } private AppGluSettings getSettings() { if (this.settings == null) { throw new AppGluNotInitializedException(); } return settings; } private DeviceInstallation getDeviceInstallation() { if (this.deviceInstallation == null) { throw new AppGluNotInitializedException(); } return deviceInstallation; } private CrudApi getCrudApi() { if (this.crudApi == null) { this.crudApi = new CrudApi(this.getAppGluTemplate().crudOperations(), this.getAppGluTemplate().asyncCrudOperations()); } return this.crudApi; } private SavedQueriesApi getSavedQueriesApi() { if (this.savedQueriesApi == null) { SavedQueriesOperations savedQueriesOperations = this.getAppGluTemplate().savedQueriesOperations(); AsyncSavedQueriesOperations asyncSavedQueriesOperations = this.getAppGluTemplate() .asyncSavedQueriesOperations(); this.savedQueriesApi = new SavedQueriesApi(savedQueriesOperations, asyncSavedQueriesOperations); } return this.savedQueriesApi; } private PushApi getPushApi() { if (this.pushApi == null) { AsyncPushOperations asyncPushOperations = this.getAppGluTemplate().asyncPushOperations(); PushService pushService = new PushService(asyncPushOperations, this.getDeviceInstallation()); this.pushApi = new PushApi(pushService); } return this.pushApi; } private AnalyticsApi getAnalyticsApi() { if (this.analyticsApi == null) { AnalyticsDatabaseHelper analyticsDatabaseHelper = new AnalyticsDatabaseHelper(this.context); AnalyticsRepository analyticsRepository = new SQLiteAnalyticsRepository(analyticsDatabaseHelper); AnalyticsDispatcher analyticsDispatcher = this.createAnalyticsDispatcher(); this.analyticsApi = new AnalyticsApi(analyticsDispatcher, analyticsRepository); this.analyticsApi.setSessionCallback(this.getSettings().getAnalyticsSessionCallback()); } return this.analyticsApi; } private AnalyticsDispatcher createAnalyticsDispatcher() { AnalyticsDispatcher analyticsDispatcher = this.getSettings().getAnalyticsDispatcher(); if (analyticsDispatcher != null) { return analyticsDispatcher; } if (this.getSettings().isUploadAnalyticsSessionsToServer()) { return new ApiAnalyticsDispatcher(this.getAppGluTemplate().analyticsOperations()); } else { return new LogAnalyticsDispatcher(); } } private UserApi getUserApi() { if (this.userApi == null) { this.userApi = new UserApi(this.getAppGluTemplate().userOperations(), this.getAppGluTemplate().asyncUserOperations()); } return this.userApi; } private SyncApi getSyncApi() { if (this.syncApi == null) { SyncDatabaseHelper defaultSyncDatabaseHelper = this.getSettings().getDefaultSyncDatabaseHelper(); if (defaultSyncDatabaseHelper == null) { throw new AppGluNotProperlyConfiguredException( "The 'defaultSyncDatabaseHelper' property was not set on AppGluSettings. " + "It is required to set a default database helper on initialization."); } this.syncApi = this.getSyncApi(defaultSyncDatabaseHelper); } return this.syncApi; } private SyncApi getSyncApi(SyncDatabaseHelper syncDatabaseHelper) { AppGluUtils.assertNotNull(syncDatabaseHelper, "SyncDatabaseHelper cannot be null"); SyncOperations syncOperations = this.getAppGluTemplate().syncOperations(); SyncRepository syncRepository = new SQLiteSyncRepository(syncDatabaseHelper); StorageOperations storageOperations = this.getAppGluTemplate().storageOperations(); SyncFileStorageService syncStorageService = new SyncFileStorageService(this.context, storageOperations); return new SyncApi(this.context, syncOperations, syncRepository, syncStorageService); } private StorageApi getStorageApi() { if (this.storageApi == null) { StorageOperations storageOperations = this.getAppGluTemplate().storageOperations(); StorageService storageService = new StorageService(storageOperations, this.createCacheManager()); long timeToLive = this.getSettings().getStorageCacheTimeToLiveInMilliseconds(); storageService.setCacheTimeToLiveInMilliseconds(timeToLive); this.storageApi = new StorageApi(storageService); } return this.storageApi; } private StorageApi getStorageApi(CacheManager storageCacheManager) { StorageOperations storageOperations = this.getAppGluTemplate().storageOperations(); StorageService storageService = new StorageService(storageOperations, storageCacheManager); long timeToLive = this.getSettings().getStorageCacheTimeToLiveInMilliseconds(); storageService.setCacheTimeToLiveInMilliseconds(timeToLive); return new StorageApi(storageService); } private CacheManager createCacheManager() { CacheManager cacheManager = this.getSettings().getDefaultStorageCacheManager(); if (cacheManager != null) { return cacheManager; } return new FileSystemCacheManager(context); } private boolean checkInternetConnection() { return AppGluUtils.hasInternetConnection(context); } private VersionValidationResult doValidateApplicationVersion() { RestOperations restOperations = this.getAppGluTemplate().restOperations(); try {"/v1", HttpMethod.GET, null, Void.class); } catch (AppGluHttpIncompatibleClientVersionException e) { if (!e.hasError() || !e.getError().hasDetail()) { throw new AppGluHttpInternalServerErrorException(); } return new VersionValidationResult(e.getError().getDetail()); } return new VersionValidationResult(); } private void doValidateApplicationVersionInBackground(AsyncCallback<VersionValidationResult> asyncCallback) { AsyncTaskExecutor executor = new AsyncTaskExecutor(); executor.execute(asyncCallback, new Callable<VersionValidationResult>() { public VersionValidationResult call() throws Exception { return doValidateApplicationVersion(); } }); } //Public Methods /** * Initializes {@code AppGlu} singleton using {@link AppGluSettings}.<br> * This must be called before using any other method of {@code AppGlu} class otherwise a {@link AppGluNotInitializedException} will be thrown. * @param context this can be an Activity or an Application object * @param settings contains credentials and configuration settings * @see AppGluSettings */ public static synchronized void initialize(Context context, AppGluSettings settings) { getInstance().doInitialize(context, settings); } /** * Validates if your application version is compatible with the version defined as minimum on the AppGlu server.<br> * By default, the version sent to the server will be the 'versionName' property of your AndroidManifest.xml.<br> * If you want to send another version to validate with the server, you can set it on {@link AppGluSettings#setApplicationVersion(String)} before calling {@link AppGlu#initialize(Context, AppGluSettings)}.<br> * @return if {@link VersionValidationResult#succeed()} is <code>false</code> then {@link VersionValidationResult#getAppUpdateUrl()} will contain an URL (configure it using AppGlu's dashbaord) that can be displayed to the user, so he can update the app * @see VersionValidationResult * @see AppGluSettings#setApplicationVersion(String) */ public static VersionValidationResult validateApplicationVersion() { return getRequiredInstance().doValidateApplicationVersion(); } /** * Asynchronous version of {@link #validateApplicationVersion()}. * @see #validateApplicationVersion() */ public static void validateApplicationVersionInBackground( AsyncCallback<VersionValidationResult> asyncCallback) { getRequiredInstance().doValidateApplicationVersionInBackground(asyncCallback); } /** * Returns true if the Internet connection is available on the device, false otherwise. */ public static boolean hasInternetConnection() { return getRequiredInstance().checkInternetConnection(); } /** * Returns true if a mobile app user is authenticated either by signing up or logging in, false otherwise. * @see UserApi#signup(User) * @see UserApi#login(String, String) * @see UserApi#logout() */ public static boolean isUserAuthenticated() { return getRequiredInstance().getAppGluTemplate().isUserAuthenticated(); } /** * Returns the mobile app {@link User} authenticated or null if no user is authenticated. * @see UserApi#signup(User) * @see UserApi#login(String, String) * @see UserApi#logout() */ public static User getAuthenticatedUser() { return getRequiredInstance().getAppGluTemplate().getAuthenticatedUser(); } /** * Returns the {@link AppGluSettings} previously used to initialize {@code AppGlu}. * @see AppGlu#initialize(Context, AppGluSettings) * @see AppGluSettings */ public static AppGluSettings settings() { return getRequiredInstance().getSettings(); } /** * Returns a {@link DeviceInstallation} object that contains runtime information about the device that this application is running on. */ public static DeviceInstallation deviceInstallation() { return getRequiredInstance().getDeviceInstallation(); } /** * Returns a {@link CrudApi} object that contains create, read, update and delete operations to be applied on your tables. * @see CrudApi */ public static CrudApi crudApi() { return getRequiredInstance().getCrudApi(); } /** * Returns a {@link SavedQueriesApi} object that allow you to run your previously created SQLs on AppGlu and obtain the results. * @see SavedQueriesApi */ public static SavedQueriesApi savedQueriesApi() { return getRequiredInstance().getSavedQueriesApi(); } /** * Returns a {@link PushApi} object that is used to register / unregister the device making it eligible to receive push notifications. * @see PushApi */ public static PushApi pushApi() { return getRequiredInstance().getPushApi(); } /** * Returns a {@link AnalyticsApi} object that is used to log events to AppGlu allowing it to collect mobile app usage statistics. * @see AnalyticsApi */ public static AnalyticsApi analyticsApi() { return getRequiredInstance().getAnalyticsApi(); } /** * Returns a {@link UserApi} object that has methods to login / logout and sign up new mobile app users. * @see UserApi */ public static UserApi userApi() { return getRequiredInstance().getUserApi(); } /** * Returns a {@link SyncApi} object that is used to synchronize the data in your local SQLite tables with the AppGlu server.<br> * To use the SyncApi with success you must first define the default SQLite database to be used using {@link AppGluSettings#setDefaultSyncDatabaseHelper(SyncDatabaseHelper)}.<br> * If the default database is not set then a {@link AppGluNotProperlyConfiguredException} will be thrown. * @see SyncApi */ public static SyncApi syncApi() { return getRequiredInstance().getSyncApi(); } /** * Returns a {@link SyncApi} object that is used to synchronize the data in your local SQLite tables with the AppGlu server. * @param syncDatabaseHelper the SQLite database to be used by {@link SyncApi} * @see SyncApi */ public static SyncApi syncApi(SyncDatabaseHelper syncDatabaseHelper) { return getRequiredInstance().getSyncApi(syncDatabaseHelper); } /** * Returns a {@link StorageApi} object that has methods to download and cache files from AppGlu server.<br> * {@link StorageApi} will use a default {@link CacheManager} implementation defined by using {@link AppGluSettings#setDefaultStorageCacheManager(CacheManager)}.<br> * If you do not set the default {@link CacheManager} implementation then {@link FileSystemCacheManager} is used. * @see StorageApi */ public static StorageApi storageApi() { return getRequiredInstance().getStorageApi(); } /** * Returns a {@link StorageApi} object that has methods to download and cache files from AppGlu server.<br> * @param storageCacheManager Defines the {@link CacheManager} implementation to be used by {@link StorageApi} * @see StorageApi */ public static StorageApi storageApi(CacheManager storageCacheManager) { return getRequiredInstance().getStorageApi(storageCacheManager); } }