Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.appeligo.alerts.ProgramAlert; import com.appeligo.epg.DefaultEpg; import com.appeligo.epg.util.EpgUtils; import; import; import; import; import com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory; import com.knowbout.epg.service.EPGProvider; import com.knowbout.epg.service.Program; import com.knowbout.epg.service.ScheduledProgram; public class ProgramAction extends BaseAction { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 6590911390662677436L; public static final String PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND = "programNotFound"; public static final String REDIRECT = "redirect"; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ProgramAction.class); private static final Logger queryLog = Logger.getLogger("fliptv.query"); private static final Comparator<ProgramAlert> PROGRAM_ALERT_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<ProgramAlert>() { public int compare(ProgramAlert left, ProgramAlert right) { return 0 - left.getLastModified().compareTo(right.getLastModified()); } }; private String programId; private String showId; private String sportName; private String teamName; private SearchResult searchResult; private int startIndex; private ScheduledProgram nextShowAiring; private ScheduledProgram nextAiring; private ScheduledProgram lastAiring; private Program programInfo; private String fragments; private ProgramGuide programGuide; private List<ProgramAlert> seriesAlerts; private List<ProgramAlert> episodeAlerts; private List<ProgramAlert> teamAlerts; private String message; private boolean fromPath; private boolean oneResult; private boolean valid = true; private boolean autoDeleteReminders; private int prewarn; private String prewarnUnits; private boolean usingPrimaryEmail; private boolean usingSMS; private List<String> previewURLs; private Favorite favoriteShow; private Favorite favoriteEpisode; private Rating episodeRating; private Rating showRating; private boolean episodeOnly; private Program homeTeam; private Program awayTeam; public String execute() throws Exception { if (programId != null && programId.length() > 0) { StringBuilder sb = getCookieValue(); sb.append("|query="); String query = getQuery(); query = query == null ? query : query.replace("|", "\\|"); sb.append(query); sb.append("|programId="); sb.append(programId);; SearchResults results = (SearchResults) getSession().get(CaptionSearchAction.KEY); //I'm doing the seach again in case the session expired, but they book marked the page. //This way it should still work, unless program falls on a different page. //TODO: Think about how to fix that! if (results != null) { searchResult = results.getSearchResult(programId); if (searchResult != null) { fragments = searchResult.getDoc().getFragments(); } } else { log.debug( "SearchResults were not in the session. Either an old session or it is not coming from a search page"); } Configuration config = ConfigUtils.getSystemConfig(); EPGProvider epgProvider = DefaultEpg.getInstance(); String lineup = getLineup(); //Pull the data for the program from the EPG. programInfo = epgProvider.getProgram(programId); if (!fromPath) { return REDIRECT; } nextAiring = epgProvider.getNextShowing(lineup, programId, false, true); lastAiring = epgProvider.getLastShowing(lineup, programId); if (programInfo.isSports()) { awayTeam = epgProvider.getProgramForTeam(programInfo.getSportName(), programInfo.getAwayTeamName()); homeTeam = epgProvider.getProgramForTeam(programInfo.getSportName(), programInfo.getHomeTeamName()); } if (getUser() != null) { if (programInfo.isEpisode() || programInfo.isSports()) { episodeAlerts = ProgramAlert.getByProgramId(getUser(), programId); Collections.sort(episodeAlerts, PROGRAM_ALERT_COMPARATOR); } if (programInfo.isSports()) { teamAlerts = new LinkedList<ProgramAlert>( ProgramAlert.getByProgramId(getUser(), awayTeam.getProgramId())); teamAlerts.addAll(ProgramAlert.getByProgramId(getUser(), homeTeam.getProgramId())); Collections.sort(teamAlerts, PROGRAM_ALERT_COMPARATOR); } else { seriesAlerts = ProgramAlert.getByProgramId(getUser(), programInfo.getShowId()); Collections.sort(seriesAlerts, PROGRAM_ALERT_COMPARATOR); } } String previewUrlRoot = "/previews"; String documentRoot = config.getString("documentRoot"); String urlPath = EpgUtils.getPreviewDir(previewUrlRoot, programInfo); String directory = documentRoot + urlPath; String titleFileName = directory + "/" + programInfo.getProgramId() + ".title"; /* log.warn("previewUrlRoot="+previewUrlRoot); log.warn("urlPath="+urlPath); log.warn("documentRoot="+documentRoot); log.warn("directory="+directory); log.warn("previewUrlPrefix="+previewUrlPrefix); log.warn("previewFilePrefix="+previewFilePrefix); */ File titleFile = new File(titleFileName); if (titleFile.exists()) { File dirFile = new File(directory); String[] filenames = dirFile.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { if (name.startsWith(programInfo.getProgramId()) && name.endsWith(".flv")) { return true; } return false; } }); if (filenames.length > 0) { Arrays.sort(filenames); previewURLs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) { previewURLs.add(urlPath + "/" + filenames[i]); } } else { previewURLs = null; } } if (programInfo != null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 14); List<ScheduledProgram> schedule; schedule = epgProvider.getNextShowings(lineup, programInfo.getShowId(), false, true); programGuide = new ProgramGuide(getUser(), getTimeZone(), schedule); if (schedule.size() > 0) { nextShowAiring = schedule.get(0); } } else { log.debug("Unable to find Program in EPG for :" + programId + " SearchResult was found, i.e. it came from search: " + (searchResult != null)); //This happens when we have data in the lucene index that is not in the epg. //This typically means the epg database got broken somehow, or a restore did //Not happen. It is unlikely, but catch it and report an error instead. return PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND; } } User user = getUser(); if (user != null) { int alertMinutes = user.getAlertMinutesDefault(); if (alertMinutes < 120) { setPrewarn(alertMinutes); setPrewarnUnits("Minutes"); } else if (alertMinutes < 48 * 60) { setPrewarn(alertMinutes / 60); setPrewarnUnits("Hours"); } else { setPrewarn(alertMinutes / 24 * 60); setPrewarnUnits("Days"); } setUsingPrimaryEmail(user.isUsingPrimaryEmailDefault()); setUsingSMS(user.isUsingSMSDefault()); } else { setPrewarn(15); setPrewarnUnits("Minutes"); setUsingPrimaryEmail(true); } if (user != null) { if (programInfo.isEpisode()) { favoriteEpisode = Favorite.findFavoriteProgram(user, programInfo.getProgramId()); episodeRating = Rating.findProgramRating(user, programInfo.getProgramId()); } favoriteShow = Favorite.findFavoriteProgram(user, programInfo.getShowId()); showRating = Rating.findProgramRating(user, programInfo.getShowId()); } return SUCCESS; } public StringBuffer getRequestURL() { StringBuffer requestURL = getServletRequest().getRequestURL(); int slashes = requestURL.indexOf("//"); int nextSlash = requestURL.indexOf("/", slashes + 2); requestURL.delete(nextSlash, requestURL.length()); requestURL.append(programInfo.getWebPath()); return requestURL; } public String getFullRequestURL() { StringBuffer url = getRequestURL(); String queryString = getServletRequest().getQueryString(); if (queryString != null && queryString.length() > 0) { queryString = queryString.replaceAll("programId=.{14}&*", ""); queryString = queryString.replaceAll("fromPath=true&*", "").trim(); if (queryString.length() > 0 && queryString.charAt(0) != '?') { queryString = "?" + queryString; } url.append(queryString); } return url.toString(); } public String setAlertDefaults() throws Exception { String rtn = SUCCESS; if (getPrewarn() > 999) { setMessage("Pre-warning must be less than 1000 " + getPrewarnUnits() + "."); rtn = INPUT; } int alertMinutes = 0; if (getPrewarnUnits().equals("Minutes")) { alertMinutes = getPrewarn(); } else if (getPrewarnUnits().equals("Hours")) { alertMinutes = getPrewarn() * 60; } else if (getPrewarnUnits().equals("Days")) { alertMinutes = getPrewarn() * 60 * 24; } else { setMessage("Pre-warning can be in Minutes, Hours, or Days."); rtn = INPUT; } if (!isUsingPrimaryEmail() && !isUsingSMS()) { setMessage("You must select at least one method for receiving reminders."); rtn = INPUT; } User user = getUser(); if (user == null) { throw new Error("No user! We shouldn't be able to get here without one."); } user.setAlertMinutesDefault(alertMinutes); user.setUsingPrimaryEmailDefault(usingPrimaryEmail); user.setUsingSMSDefault(usingSMS);; execute(); return rtn; } public String setFavorite() throws Exception { User user = getUser(); if (user != null) { Configuration config = ConfigUtils.getSystemConfig(); EPGProvider epgProvider = DefaultEpg.getInstance(); //Pull the data for the program from the EPG. programInfo = epgProvider.getProgram(programId); Favorite favorite = null; if (episodeOnly) { favorite = Favorite.findFavoriteProgram(user, programInfo.getProgramId()); } else { favorite = Favorite.findFavoriteProgram(user, programInfo.getShowId()); } //If it doesn't exist, It is a favorite if (favorite == null) { favorite = new Favorite(); favorite.setCreated(new Date()); favorite.setLabel(programInfo.getLabel()); Favorite top = null; if (episodeOnly) { favorite.setProgramId(programInfo.getProgramId()); top = Favorite.getTopFavoriteEpisode(user); } else { favorite.setProgramId(programInfo.getShowId()); top = Favorite.getTopFavoriteShow(user); } if (top == null) { favorite.setRank(1.0); } else { favorite.setRank((top.getRank() / 2.0)); } favorite.setUser(user); favorite.insert(); } else { //Toggle the delete state favorite.setDeleted(!favorite.isDeleted()); } } execute(); return SUCCESS; } /** * @return Returns the programId. */ public String getProgramId() { return programId; } /** * @param programId The programId to set. */ public void setProgramId(String programId) { this.programId = programId; } /** * @return Returns the nextShowAiring. */ public ScheduledProgram getNextShowAiring() { return nextShowAiring; } /** * @param nextShowAiring The nextShowAiring to set. */ public void setNextShowAiring(ScheduledProgram nextShowAiring) { this.nextShowAiring = nextShowAiring; } /** * @return Returns the startIndex. */ public int getStartIndex() { return startIndex; } /** * @param startIndex The startIndex to set. */ public void setStartIndex(int startIndex) { this.startIndex = startIndex; } public String getMessage() { if (message != null && isFromPath()) { // Might be a bug... This kludge sucks. URLRewrite forward, with webwork, hoses things. // I think webwork has the bug. URLRewrite seems right, but the forward doesn't work. int len = message.length(); if (len > 2 && ((len % 2) == 0)) { int mid = len / 2; // "test, test" // len == 10 // mid == 5 // front = "test" = substr(0,4) // back = "test" = substr(6,len) String front = message.substring(0, mid - 1); String back = message.substring(mid + 1, len); if (front.equals(back)) { return front; } } } return message; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } /** * @return Returns the lastAiring. */ public ScheduledProgram getLastAiring() { return lastAiring; } /** * @param lastAiring The lastAiring to set. */ public void setLastAiring(ScheduledProgram lastAiring) { this.lastAiring = lastAiring; } /** * @return Returns the nextAiring. */ public ScheduledProgram getNextAiring() { return nextAiring; } /** * @param nextAiring The nextAiring to set. */ public void setNextAiring(ScheduledProgram nextAiring) { this.nextAiring = nextAiring; } /** * @return Returns the programInfo. */ public Program getProgramInfo() { return programInfo; } public String[] getGenres() { return programInfo.getGenreDescription().split(", "); } /** * @param programInfo The programInfo to set. */ public void setProgramInfo(Program programInfo) { this.programInfo = programInfo; } /** * @return Returns the fragments. */ public String getFragments() { return fragments; } /** * @return Returns the fragments. */ public SearchResult getSearchResult() { return searchResult; } /** * @param fragments The fragments to set. */ public void setFragments(String fragments) { this.fragments = fragments; } public boolean isValid() { return valid; } public void setValid(boolean valid) { this.valid = valid; } /** * @return Returns the programGuide. */ public ProgramGuide getProgramGuide() { return programGuide; } /** * @param programGuide The programGuide to set. */ public void setProgramGuide(ProgramGuide programGuide) { this.programGuide = programGuide; } public boolean isAutoDeleteReminders() { return autoDeleteReminders; } public void setAutoDeleteReminders(boolean autoDeleteReminders) { this.autoDeleteReminders = autoDeleteReminders; } public int getPrewarn() { return prewarn; } public void setPrewarn(int prewarn) { this.prewarn = prewarn; } public String getPrewarnUnits() { return prewarnUnits; } public void setPrewarnUnits(String prewarnUnits) { this.prewarnUnits = prewarnUnits; } public boolean isUsingPrimaryEmail() { return usingPrimaryEmail; } public void setUsingPrimaryEmail(boolean usingPrimaryEmail) { this.usingPrimaryEmail = usingPrimaryEmail; } public boolean isUsingSMS() { return usingSMS; } public void setUsingSMS(boolean usingSMS) { this.usingSMS = usingSMS; } public List<ProgramAlert> getSeriesAlerts() { return seriesAlerts; } public void setSeriesAlerts(List<ProgramAlert> seriesAlerts) { this.seriesAlerts = seriesAlerts; } public List<ProgramAlert> getEpisodeAlerts() { return episodeAlerts; } public void setEpisodeAlerts(List<ProgramAlert> episodeAlerts) { this.episodeAlerts = episodeAlerts; } /** * @return Returns the favoriteEpisode. */ public Favorite getFavoriteEpisode() { return favoriteEpisode; } /** * @param favoriteEpisode The favoriteEpisode to set. */ public void setFavoriteEpisode(Favorite favoriteProgram) { this.favoriteEpisode = favoriteProgram; } /** * @return Returns the favoriteShow. */ public Favorite getFavoriteShow() { return favoriteShow; } /** * @param favoriteShow The favoriteShow to set. */ public void setFavoriteShow(Favorite favoriteShow) { this.favoriteShow = favoriteShow; } /** * @return Returns the episodeRating. */ public Rating getEpisodeRating() { return episodeRating; } /** * @param episodeRating The episodeRating to set. */ public void setEpisodeRating(Rating programRating) { this.episodeRating = programRating; } /** * @return Returns the showRating. */ public Rating getShowRating() { return showRating; } /** * @param showRating The showRating to set. */ public void setShowRating(Rating showRating) { this.showRating = showRating; } /** * @return Returns the programOnly. */ public boolean isEpisodeOnly() { return episodeOnly; } /** * @param programOnly The programOnly to set. */ public void setEpisodeOnly(boolean episodeOnly) { this.episodeOnly = episodeOnly; } /** * @return Returns the showId. */ public String getShowId() { return showId; } /** * @param showId The showId to set. */ public void setShowId(String showId) { this.showId = showId; } public List<String> getPreviewURLs() { return previewURLs; } public void setPreviewURLs(List<String> previewURLs) { this.previewURLs = previewURLs; } public List<ProgramAlert> getTeamAlerts() { return teamAlerts; } public void setTeamAlerts(List<ProgramAlert> teamAlerts) { this.teamAlerts = teamAlerts; } public String getSportName() { return sportName; } public void setSportName(String sportName) { this.sportName = sportName; } public String getTeamName() { return teamName; } public void setTeamName(String teamName) { this.teamName = teamName; } public Program getAwayTeam() { return awayTeam; } public void setAwayTeam(Program awayTeam) { this.awayTeam = awayTeam; } public Program getHomeTeam() { return homeTeam; } public void setHomeTeam(Program homeTeam) { this.homeTeam = homeTeam; } public Date getNow() { return new Date(); } public boolean isFromPath() { return fromPath; } public void setfromPath(boolean fromPath) { this.fromPath = fromPath; } public String getWebPath() { return programInfo.getWebPath(); } public String getQueryStringNoProgramId() { String queryString = getServletRequest().getQueryString(); String[] params = queryString.split("&"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; for (String param : params) { if (!param.startsWith("programId=")) { if (!first) { sb.append("&"); } sb.append(param); first = false; } } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.insert(0, '?'); } return sb.toString(); } public boolean isOneResult() { return oneResult; } public void setOneResult(boolean oneResult) { this.oneResult = oneResult; } }