Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 AppDynamics, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.appdynamics.extensions.solr; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.appdynamics.TaskInputArgs; import com.appdynamics.extensions.PathResolver; import com.appdynamics.extensions.http.Response; import com.appdynamics.extensions.http.SimpleHttpClient; import com.appdynamics.extensions.solr.config.Configuration; import com.appdynamics.extensions.solr.config.Core; import com.appdynamics.extensions.solr.config.Server; import com.appdynamics.extensions.solr.stats.CacheStats; import com.appdynamics.extensions.solr.stats.CoreStats; import com.appdynamics.extensions.solr.stats.MemoryStats; import com.appdynamics.extensions.solr.stats.QueryStats; import com.appdynamics.extensions.yml.YmlReader; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SolrMonitor extends AManagedMonitor { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.singularity.extensions.SolrMonitor"); private static String metric_path_prefix = "Custom Metrics|Solr|"; public static final String CONFIG_ARG = "config-file"; private static String context_root = "/solr"; private static final String CORE_URI = "/admin/cores?action=STATUS&wt=json"; private static String plugins_uri = "/%s/admin/plugins?wt=json"; private static String memory_uri = "/%s/admin/system?stats=true&wt=json"; private static String mbeansUri = "/%s/admin/mbeans?stats=true&wt=json"; public static final String METRIC_SEPARATOR = "|"; public SolrMonitor() { String msg = String.format("Using Monitor Version [ %s ]", getImplementationVersion());; System.out.println(msg); } public static final Map<String, String> DEFAULT_ARGS = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("context-root", context_root); put(TaskInputArgs.METRIC_PREFIX, metric_path_prefix); } }; /* * Main execution method that uploads the metrics to AppDynamics Controller * (non-Javadoc) * * @see *, * */ public TaskOutput execute(Map<String, String> taskArguments, TaskExecutionContext arg1) throws TaskExecutionException { if (taskArguments != null) {"Starting Solr Monitoring Task"); String configFilename = getConfigFilename(taskArguments.get(CONFIG_ARG)); try { Configuration config = YmlReader.readFromFile(configFilename, Configuration.class); taskArguments = buildArgumentsFromConfig(config); taskArguments = validateArguments(taskArguments, DEFAULT_ARGS); metric_path_prefix = taskArguments.get(TaskInputArgs.METRIC_PREFIX); context_root = taskArguments.get("context-root"); SimpleHttpClient httpClient = SimpleHttpClient.builder(taskArguments).build(); SolrHelper helper = new SolrHelper(httpClient); List<Core> cores = getCores(helper, config); populateAndPrintStats(httpClient, helper, cores);"Solr monitoring task completed successfully."); return new TaskOutput("Solr monitoring task completed successfully."); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception while running Solr Monitor Task ", e); } } throw new TaskExecutionException("Solr monitoring task completed with failures."); } private Map<String, String> buildArgumentsFromConfig(Configuration config) { Map<String, String> taskArguments = Maps.newHashMap(); if (config != null) { Server server = config.getServer(); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.HOST, server.getHost()); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.PORT, String.valueOf(server.getPort())); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.USER, server.getUsername()); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.PASSWORD, server.getPassword()); taskArguments.put("context-root", server.getContextRoot()); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.USE_SSL, server.getUsessl()); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.PROXY_HOST, server.getProxyHost()); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.PROXY_PORT, server.getProxyPort()); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.PROXY_USER, server.getProxyUsername()); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.PROXY_PASSWORD, server.getProxyPassword()); taskArguments.put(TaskInputArgs.METRIC_PREFIX, config.getMetricPrefix()); } return taskArguments; } private Map<String, String> validateArguments(Map<String, String> taskArguments, Map<String, String> defaultArgs) { for (String defaultKey : defaultArgs.keySet()) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(taskArguments.get(defaultKey))) { String value = defaultArgs.get(defaultKey); taskArguments.put(defaultKey, value); } } return taskArguments; } /** * Gets list of cores. First tries to retrieve from config file. If no cores * are configured in config file, then gets the default core. * * @param helper * * @param config * @return */ public List<Core> getCores(SolrHelper helper, Configuration config) { List<Core> cores = new ArrayList<Core>(); if (config != null && config.getCores() != null) { cores = config.getCores(); } Iterator<Core> iterator = cores.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty( { iterator.remove(); } } if (cores.size() == 0) { String defaultCore = helper.getDefaultCore(context_root + CORE_URI); "Cores not configured in config.yml, default core " + defaultCore + " to be used for stats"); Core core = new Core(); core.setName(defaultCore); core.setQueryHandlers(new ArrayList<String>()); cores.add(core); } return cores; } private void populateAndPrintStats(SimpleHttpClient httpClient, SolrHelper helper, List<Core> coresConfig) throws IOException { for (Core coreConfig : coresConfig) { String core = coreConfig.getName(); if (helper.checkIfMBeanHandlerSupported(String.format(context_root + plugins_uri, core))) { Map<String, JsonNode> solrMBeansHandlersMap = new HashMap<String, JsonNode>(); try { solrMBeansHandlersMap = helper.getSolrMBeansHandlersMap(core, context_root + mbeansUri); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in retrieving mbeans info for " + core); break; } try { CoreStats coreStats = new CoreStats(); coreStats.populateStats(solrMBeansHandlersMap); printMetrics(core, coreStats); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error Retrieving Core Stats for " + core, e); } try { for (String handler : coreConfig.getQueryHandlers()) { QueryStats queryStats = new QueryStats(); queryStats.populateStats(solrMBeansHandlersMap, handler); printMetrics(core, queryStats, handler); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error Retrieving Query Stats for " + core, e); } try { CacheStats cacheStats = new CacheStats(); cacheStats.populateStats(solrMBeansHandlersMap); printMetrics(core, cacheStats); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error Retrieving Cache Stats for " + core, e); } } try { MemoryStats memoryStats = new MemoryStats(); String uri = context_root + String.format(memory_uri, core); InputStream inputStream =; memoryStats.populateStats(inputStream); printMetrics(core, memoryStats); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error retrieving memory stats for " + core, e); } } } private void checkSolrStatus(SimpleHttpClient httpClient) throws TaskExecutionException { Response response = null; try { response =; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Connection to Solr failed", e); throw new TaskExecutionException("Connection to Solr failed", e); } finally { if (response != null) response.close(); } } private void printMetrics(String collection, CoreStats stats) { if ("".equals(collection)) { collection = "Collection"; } String metricPath = "Cores |" + collection + "|" + "CORE|"; printMetric(metricPath, "Number of Docs", stats.getNumDocs()); printMetric(metricPath, "Max Docs", stats.getMaxDocs()); printMetric(metricPath, "Deleted Docs", stats.getDeletedDocs()); } private void printMetrics(String collection, QueryStats stats, String handler) { if ("".equals(collection)) { collection = "Collection"; } String metricPath = "Cores |" + collection + "|" + "QUERYHANDLER|"; String searchMetricPath = metricPath + handler + "|"; printMetric(searchMetricPath, "Requests", stats.getRequests()); printMetric(searchMetricPath, "Errors", stats.getErrors()); printMetric(searchMetricPath, "Timeouts", stats.getTimeouts()); printMetric(searchMetricPath, "Average Requests Per Minute", SolrHelper.multipyBy(stats.getAvgRequests(), 60)); printMetric(searchMetricPath, "Average Requests Per Second", stats.getAvgRequests()); printMetric(searchMetricPath, "5 min Rate Requests Per Minute", stats.getFiveMinRateRequests()); printMetric(searchMetricPath, "Average Time Per Request (milliseconds)", stats.getAvgTimePerRequest()); } private void printMetrics(String collection, CacheStats cacheStats) { if ("".equals(collection)) { collection = "Collection"; } String metricPath = "Cores |" + collection + "|" + "CACHE|"; String queryCachePath = metricPath + "QueryResultCache|"; String documentCachePath = metricPath + "DocumentCache|"; String fieldCachePath = metricPath + "FieldValueCache|"; String filterCachePath = metricPath + "FilterCache|"; printMetric(queryCachePath, "HitRatio %", cacheStats.getQueryResultCacheHitRatio()); printMetric(queryCachePath, "HitRatioCumulative %", cacheStats.getQueryResultCacheHitRatioCumulative()); printMetric(queryCachePath, "CacheSize (Bytes)", cacheStats.getQueryResultCacheSize()); printMetric(documentCachePath, "HitRatio %", cacheStats.getDocumentCacheHitRatio()); printMetric(documentCachePath, "HitRatioCumulative %", cacheStats.getDocumentCacheHitRatioCumulative()); printMetric(documentCachePath, "CacheSize (Bytes)", cacheStats.getDocumentCacheSize()); printMetric(fieldCachePath, "HitRatio %", cacheStats.getFieldValueCacheHitRatio()); printMetric(fieldCachePath, "HitRatioCumulative %", cacheStats.getFieldValueCacheHitRatioCumulative()); printMetric(fieldCachePath, "CacheSize (Bytes)", cacheStats.getFieldValueCacheSize()); printMetric(filterCachePath, "HitRatio %", cacheStats.getFilterCacheHitRatio()); printMetric(filterCachePath, "HitRatioCumulative %", cacheStats.getFilterCacheHitRatioCumulative()); printMetric(filterCachePath, "CacheSize (Bytes)", cacheStats.getFilterCacheSize()); } private void printMetrics(String collection, MemoryStats memoryStats) { if ("".equals(collection)) { collection = "Collection"; } String metricPath = "Cores |" + collection + "|" + "MEMORY|"; String jvmPath = metricPath + "JVM|"; String systemPath = metricPath + "System|"; printMetric(jvmPath, "Used (MB)", memoryStats.getJvmMemoryUsed()); printMetric(jvmPath, "Free (MB)", memoryStats.getJvmMemoryFree()); printMetric(jvmPath, "Total (MB)", memoryStats.getJvmMemoryTotal()); printMetric(systemPath, "Free Physical Memory(MB)", memoryStats.getFreePhysicalMemorySize()); printMetric(systemPath, "Total Physical Memory(MB)", memoryStats.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize()); printMetric(systemPath, "Committed Virtual Memory(MB)", memoryStats.getCommittedVirtualMemorySize()); printMetric(systemPath, "Free Swap Size (MB)", memoryStats.getFreeSwapSpaceSize()); printMetric(systemPath, "Total Swap Size (MB)", memoryStats.getTotalSwapSpaceSize()); printMetric(systemPath, "Open File Descriptor Count", memoryStats.getOpenFileDescriptorCount()); printMetric(systemPath, "Max File Descriptor Count", memoryStats.getMaxFileDescriptorCount()); } /** * Prints Metrics to AppDynamics Metric Browser * * @param metricPath * @param metricName * @param metricValue */ private void printMetric(String metricPath, String metricName, Object metricValue) { printMetric(getMetricPrefix() + metricPath, metricName, metricValue, MetricWriter.METRIC_AGGREGATION_TYPE_AVERAGE, MetricWriter.METRIC_TIME_ROLLUP_TYPE_AVERAGE, MetricWriter.METRIC_CLUSTER_ROLLUP_TYPE_COLLECTIVE); } private void printMetric(String metricPath, String metricName, Object metricValue, String aggregation, String timeRollup, String cluster) { MetricWriter metricWriter = super.getMetricWriter(metricPath + metricName, aggregation, timeRollup, cluster); if (metricValue != null) { if (metricValue instanceof Double) { metricWriter.printMetric(String.valueOf(Math.round((Double) metricValue))); } else if (metricValue instanceof Float) { metricWriter.printMetric(String.valueOf(Math.round((Float) metricValue))); } else { metricWriter.printMetric(String.valueOf(metricValue)); } } } private String getConfigFilename(String filename) { if (filename == null) { return ""; } // for absolute paths if (new File(filename).exists()) { return filename; } // for relative paths File jarPath = PathResolver.resolveDirectory(AManagedMonitor.class); String configFileName = ""; if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(filename)) { configFileName = jarPath + File.separator + filename; } return configFileName; } private String getMetricPrefix() { if (!metric_path_prefix.endsWith("|")) { metric_path_prefix += METRIC_SEPARATOR; } return metric_path_prefix; } public static String getContextRootPath() { return context_root; } private static String getImplementationVersion() { return SolrMonitor.class.getPackage().getImplementationTitle(); } }