Java tutorial
/* * javasniff * (Based on PHP Client Sniffer (phpsniff)) * * v 1.0.3 - Apr 19, 2007 * - improved Windows pattern * - improved minorversion matching * - added OTHER platform classification * - added OTHER browser classification * - improved Netscape version identification * - improved MSIE version identification * v 1.0.2 - Apr 10, 2007 * - Added Windows Vista matching * - Maven project * v 1.0.1 - Jan, 2006 * - addition of Safari on Intel chips * v 1.0.0 - Nov 1, 2005 * - Conversion from PHP * * Copyright (C) 2007 Stephen Smith * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * ---------------------------------------------- * Original PHP Client Sniffer (phpsniff) header: * ---------------------------------------------- * * author Roger Raymond <> * version $Id: phpSniff.class.php,v 1.22 2004/04/27 00:55:49 epsilon7 Exp $ * copyright Copyright © 2002-2004 Roger Raymond * license GNU Lesser General Public License * */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.collections.Closure; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.lang.xwork.NullArgumentException; import org.apache.commons.lang.xwork.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * A server side class which determines the client's web browser environment * based on the user-agent field of the request object <br /> * Notes: * <ul> * <li>Many browsers will try to impersonate other browsers, specifically MS IE * since so many websites have been written poorly and only target IE, refusing * to work with other browsers. While identifying as MS IE is not strictly true, * it is needed, practical and accepted by this tool.</li> * <li>UserAgents which do not correspond to implemented browser ids are * classified as OTHER. They may be robots or low uptake browsers. Version * information, platform, OS information will not be available</li> * <li>Traditional Netscape (such as 4.0, 4.5 etc..) identifies as Mozilla. * Netscape classification here refers only to the rebranded Mozilla open-source * product via AOL etc...</li> * </ul> * * @author Stephen Smith * @version $Revision: 1.0.3 $ $Date: 2007/04/19 11:22:00 $ */ public class BrowserSniffer implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BrowserSniffer.class); public static final String REQUEST_HEADER_USER_AGENT = "User-Agent"; private static HashMap Browsers = null; private static StringBuffer BrowserRegExBuf = null; private static Pattern BrowserTypePat = null; private static Pattern MinorVersionPat = null; private static Pattern PunctuationOnlyPat = null; private static Pattern NumberRetrievePat = null; private static Pattern NameOnlyPat = null; private static Pattern WindowsPat = null; private static Pattern MacPat = null; private static Pattern Os2Pat = null; private static Pattern SunosPat = null; private static Pattern IrixPat = null; private static Pattern HpuxPat = null; private static Pattern AixPat = null; private static Pattern DecPat = null; private static Pattern VmsPat = null; private static Pattern ScoPat = null; private static Pattern LinuxPat = null; private static Pattern BsdPat = null; private static Pattern AmigaPat = null; private static Pattern AmigaVerPat = null; public static final String PLATFORM_WIN = "win"; public static final String PLATFORM_AMIGA = "amiga"; public static final String PLATFORM_OS2 = "os2"; public static final String PLATFORM_MAC = "mac"; public static final String PLATFORM_UNIX = "*nix"; public static final String PLATFORM_OTHER = "other"; public static final String BROWSER_IE = "IE"; public static final String BROWSER_NETSCAPE = "NS"; public static final String BROWSER_GALEON = "GA"; public static final String BROWSER_PHOENIX = "PX"; public static final String BROWSER_FIREBIRD = "FB"; public static final String BROWSER_FIREFOX = "FX"; public static final String BROWSER_CHIMERA = "CH"; public static final String BROWSER_CAMINO = "CA"; public static final String BROWSER_EPIPHANY = "EP"; public static final String BROWSER_SAFARI = "SF"; public static final String BROWSER_KMELEON = "KM"; public static final String BROWSER_MOZILLA = "MZ"; public static final String BROWSER_OPERA = "OP"; public static final String BROWSER_KONQUEROR = "KQ"; public static final String BROWSER_ICAB = "IC"; public static final String BROWSER_LYNX = "LX"; public static final String BROWSER_LINKS = "LI"; public static final String BROWSER_MOSAIC = "MO"; public static final String BROWSER_AMAYA = "AM"; public static final String BROWSER_OMNIWEB = "OW"; public static final String BROWSER_HOTJAVA = "HJ"; public static final String BROWSER_BROWSEX = "BX"; public static final String BROWSER_AMIGAVOYAGER = "AV"; public static final String BROWSER_AMIGAAWEB = "AW"; public static final String BROWSER_IBROWSE = "IB"; public static final String BROWSER_OTHER = "~~"; public static final String MSIE_ID = "msie"; public static final String OPERA_ID = "opera"; public static final String NETSCAPE_ID = "netscape"; static { Browsers = new HashMap(); Browsers.put("microsoft internet explorer", BROWSER_IE); Browsers.put(MSIE_ID, BROWSER_IE); Browsers.put(NETSCAPE_ID, BROWSER_NETSCAPE); Browsers.put("galeon", BROWSER_GALEON); Browsers.put("phoenix", BROWSER_PHOENIX); Browsers.put("mozilla firebird", BROWSER_FIREBIRD); Browsers.put("firebird", BROWSER_FIREBIRD); Browsers.put("firefox", BROWSER_FIREFOX); Browsers.put("chimera", BROWSER_CHIMERA); Browsers.put("camino", BROWSER_CAMINO); Browsers.put("epiphany", BROWSER_EPIPHANY); Browsers.put("safari", BROWSER_SAFARI); Browsers.put("k-meleon", BROWSER_KMELEON); Browsers.put("mozilla", BROWSER_MOZILLA); Browsers.put(OPERA_ID, BROWSER_OPERA); Browsers.put("konqueror", BROWSER_KONQUEROR); Browsers.put("icab", BROWSER_ICAB); Browsers.put("lynx", BROWSER_LYNX); Browsers.put("links", BROWSER_LINKS); Browsers.put("ncsa mosaic", BROWSER_MOSAIC); Browsers.put("amaya", BROWSER_AMAYA); Browsers.put("omniweb", BROWSER_OMNIWEB); Browsers.put("hotjava", BROWSER_HOTJAVA); Browsers.put("browsex", BROWSER_BROWSEX); Browsers.put("amigavoyager", BROWSER_AMIGAVOYAGER); Browsers.put("amiga-aweb", BROWSER_AMIGAAWEB); Browsers.put("ibrowse", BROWSER_IBROWSE); // build regex BrowserRegExBuf = new StringBuffer(); CollectionUtils.forAllDo(Browsers.keySet(), new Closure() { public void execute(Object obj) { if (BrowserRegExBuf.length() > 0) BrowserRegExBuf.append('|'); BrowserRegExBuf.append((String) obj); if (((String) obj).equals(NETSCAPE_ID)) { BrowserRegExBuf.append("[6]?"); } } }); BrowserRegExBuf.insert(0, '('); BrowserRegExBuf.append(")"); BrowserRegExBuf.append("[\\/\\sa-z\\(]*([0-9]+)([\\.0-9a-z]+)?"); // browser version string try { BrowserTypePat = Pattern.compile(BrowserRegExBuf.toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); BrowserRegExBuf = null; MinorVersionPat = Pattern.compile("([.0-9]+)?([\\.a-z0-9]+)?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); PunctuationOnlyPat = Pattern.compile("[\\p{Punct}]+"); NumberRetrievePat = Pattern.compile("\\D*(\\d+)"); NameOnlyPat = Pattern.compile("(\\D+)\\d*"); WindowsPat = Pattern.compile( "((?:dar){0}win(?:dows)*){1}+(?:(?:[\\s]+([0-9a-z]*)[\\s]*([a-z0-9.]*))|([0-9a-z]{1,3}))", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); MacPat = Pattern.compile("(68[k0]{1,3})|(ppc mac os x)|(intel mac os x)|([p\\S]{1,5}pc)|(darwin)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Os2Pat = Pattern.compile("os\\/2|ibm-webexplorer", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); SunosPat = Pattern.compile("(sun|i86)[os\\s]*([0-9]*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); IrixPat = Pattern.compile("(irix)[\\s]*([0-9]*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); HpuxPat = Pattern.compile("(hp-ux)[\\s]*([0-9]*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); AixPat = Pattern.compile("aix([0-9]*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); DecPat = Pattern.compile("dec|osfl|alphaserver|ultrix|alphastation", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); VmsPat = Pattern.compile("vax|openvms", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); ScoPat = Pattern.compile("sco|unix_sv", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); LinuxPat = Pattern.compile("x11|inux", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); BsdPat = Pattern.compile("(free)?(bsd)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); AmigaPat = Pattern.compile("amiga[os]?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); AmigaVerPat = Pattern.compile("(AmigaOS [\\.1-9]?)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } private String ua = StringUtils.EMPTY; public String longName = StringUtils.EMPTY; public String browserName = StringUtils.EMPTY; public String majorVersion = StringUtils.EMPTY; public String minorVersion = StringUtils.EMPTY; public String revisionVersion = StringUtils.EMPTY; public String platform = StringUtils.EMPTY; public String os = StringUtils.EMPTY; /** * Cannot invoke default constructor */ private BrowserSniffer() { } /** * Create a new <tt>BrowserSniffer</tt> * * @param req the {@link HttpServletRequest} from which to grab the user-agent field */ public BrowserSniffer(HttpServletRequest req) { if (req == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("BrowserSniffer must have a valid argument"); } ua = req.getHeader(REQUEST_HEADER_USER_AGENT); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ua)) { ua = ua.toLowerCase(); try { sniffBrowser(); sniffOS(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } else { ua = StringUtils.EMPTY; } } /** * @return Returns the user-agent string. */ public String getUa() { return ua; } /** * @return Returns the browserName. */ public String getBrowserName() { return browserName; } /** * @return Returns the longName. */ public String getLongName() { return longName; } /** * @return Returns the majorVersion. */ public String getMajorVersion() { return majorVersion; } /** * @return Returns the minorVersion. */ public String getMinorVersion() { return minorVersion; } /** * @return Returns the os. */ public String getOs() { return os; } /** * @return Returns the platform. */ public String getPlatform() { return platform; } /** * @return Returns the revisionVersion. */ public String getRevisionVersion() { return revisionVersion; } public boolean isBrowser(String browserID) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(browserName)) { final String id = (String) Browsers.get(browserName); return StringUtils.equals(browserID, id); } else if (StringUtils.equals(BROWSER_OTHER, browserID)) return true; return false; } public boolean isPlatform(String platformID) { if (platform != null) { return StringUtils.equals(platformID, platform); } return false; } public boolean isWindows() { return isPlatform(PLATFORM_WIN); } public boolean isMac() { return isPlatform(PLATFORM_MAC); } public boolean isIE() { return isBrowser(BROWSER_IE); } public boolean isSafari() { return isBrowser(BROWSER_SAFARI); } public boolean isOpera() { return isBrowser(BROWSER_OPERA); } public boolean isNetscape() { return isBrowser(BROWSER_NETSCAPE); } public boolean isMozilla() { return isBrowser(BROWSER_MOZILLA); } public boolean isFirefox() { return isBrowser(BROWSER_FIREFOX); } // isGecko (firefox, bird, phoenix, mozilla (version >=6), camino etc...) // isSafari (safari, omniweb etc...) private void sniffOS() throws Exception { // look for Windows Box // eg: Windows NT 5.0 // [0] = Windows NT 5.0 // [1] = Windows // [2] = NT // [3] = 5.0 ArrayList matches = getMatches(WindowsPat, ua, 4); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { String[] versionParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(0); String v1 = versionParticulars[2]; String v2 = versionParticulars[3]; // Establish NT 6.0 as Windows Vista if (StringUtils.contains(v1, "nt") && StringUtils.equals(v2, "6.0")) v1 = "vista"; // Establish NT 5.2 as Windows Server 2003 or XP 64 else if (StringUtils.contains(v1, "nt") && StringUtils.equals(v2, "5.2")) v1 = "2003"; // Establish NT 5.1 as Windows XP else if (StringUtils.contains(v1, "nt") && StringUtils.equals(v2, "5.1")) v1 = "xp"; // Establish NT 5.0 and Windows 2000 as win2k else if (StringUtils.equals(v1, "2000")) v1 = "2000"; else if (StringUtils.contains(v1, "nt") && StringUtils.contains(v2, "5.0")) v1 = "2000"; // Establish NT 4.0 as winnt else if (StringUtils.contains(v1, "nt") && (StringUtils.contains(v2, "4.0") || StringUtils.contains(v2, "3.51") || StringUtils.contains(v2, "3.5") || StringUtils.contains(v2, "3.1"))) v1 = "nt"; // Establish 9x 4.90 as Windows 98 else if (StringUtils.contains(v1, "9x") && StringUtils.equals(v2, "98")) v1 = "98"; // See if we're running windows 3.1 else if (StringUtils.equals(StringUtils.join(new String[] { v1, v2 }), "16bit")) v1 = "31"; // otherwise display as is (31,95,98,NT,ME,XP) else v1 = StringUtils.join(new String[] { v1, v2 }); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(v1)) { final Matcher matcher = NumberRetrievePat.matcher(versionParticulars[0]); if (matcher.matches()) { v1 =; if (StringUtils.contains(versionParticulars[0], "nt")) v1 = "nt"; } else { v1 = PLATFORM_WIN; } } os = v1; platform = PLATFORM_WIN; return; } // look for amiga OS // eg: Amiga-AWeb/3.5.07 beta // [0] = Amiga matches = getMatches(AmigaPat, ua, 1); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_AMIGA; if (StringUtils.contains(ua, "morphos")) os = "morphos"; else if (StringUtils.contains(ua, "mc680x0")) os = "mc680x0"; else if (StringUtils.contains(ua, "ppc")) os = "ppc"; else { matches = getMatches(AmigaVerPat, ua, 2); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { int count = matches.size() - 1; String[] versionParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(count); os = versionParticulars[1]; } } return; } // look for OS2 matches = getMatches(Os2Pat, ua, 1); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_OS2; os = PLATFORM_OS2; return; } // look for mac // sets: platform = mac ; os = 68k or ppc matches = getMatches(MacPat, ua, 5); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_MAC; int count = matches.size() - 1; String[] versionParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(count); os = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(versionParticulars[1])) ? "68k" : StringUtils.EMPTY; os = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(versionParticulars[2])) ? "osx" : os; os = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(versionParticulars[3])) ? "osx" : os; os = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(versionParticulars[4])) ? "ppc" : os; return; } // look for *nix boxes // sunos sets: platform = *nix ; os = sun|sun4|sun5|suni86 matches = getMatches(SunosPat, ua, 3); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; int count = matches.size() - 1; String[] versionParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(count); if (!StringUtils.contains("sun", versionParticulars[1])) versionParticulars[1] = StringUtils.join(new String[] { "sun", versionParticulars[1] }); os = StringUtils.join(new String[] { versionParticulars[1], versionParticulars[2] }); return; } // irix sets: platform = *nix ; os = irix|irix5|irix6|... matches = getMatches(IrixPat, ua, 3); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; int count = matches.size() - 1; String[] versionParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(count); os = StringUtils.join(new String[] { versionParticulars[1], versionParticulars[2] }); return; } // hp-ux sets: platform = *nix ; os = hpux9|hpux10|... matches = getMatches(HpuxPat, ua, 3); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; int count = matches.size() - 1; String[] versionParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(count); versionParticulars[1] = StringUtils.replace(versionParticulars[1], "-", StringUtils.EMPTY); os = StringUtils.join(new String[] { versionParticulars[1], StringUtils.trim(versionParticulars[2]) }); return; } // aix sets: platform = *nix ; os = aix|aix1|aix2|aix3|... matches = getMatches(AixPat, ua, 2); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; int count = matches.size() - 1; String[] versionParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(count); os = StringUtils.join(new String[] { "aix", versionParticulars[1] }); return; } // dec sets: platform = *nix ; os = dec matches = getMatches(DecPat, ua, 1); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; os = "dec"; return; } // vms sets: platform = *nix ; os = vms matches = getMatches(VmsPat, ua, 1); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; os = "vms"; return; } // sco sets: platform = *nix ; os = sco matches = getMatches(ScoPat, ua, 1); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; os = "sco"; return; } // unixware sets: platform = *nix ; os = unixware if (StringUtils.contains(ua, "'unix_system_v'")) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; os = "unixware"; return; } // mpras sets: platform = *nix ; os = mpras if (StringUtils.contains(ua, "'ncr'")) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; os = "mpras"; return; } // reliant sets: platform = *nix ; os = reliant if (StringUtils.contains(ua, "'reliantunix'")) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; os = "reliant"; return; } // sinix sets: platform = *nix ; os = sinix if (StringUtils.contains(ua, "'sinix'")) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; os = "sinix"; return; } // bsd sets: platform = *nix ; os = bsd|freebsd matches = getMatches(BsdPat, ua, 3); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; int count = matches.size() - 1; String[] versionParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(count); os = StringUtils.join(new String[] { versionParticulars[1], versionParticulars[2] }); return; } // linux sets: platform = *nix ; os = linux matches = getMatches(LinuxPat, ua, 1); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { platform = PLATFORM_UNIX; os = "linux"; return; } platform = PLATFORM_OTHER; os = "unknown"; } private void sniffBrowser() throws Exception { // eg: Camino/0.7 // [0] = Camino/0.7 // [1] = Camino // [2] = 0 // [3] = .7 ArrayList matches = getMatches(BrowserTypePat, ua, 4); if (matches.isEmpty()) return; // first find out whether it's msie hiding behind many different doors... String[] browserParticulars = (String[]) CollectionUtils.find(matches, new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object arg0) { final String[] pieces = (String[]) arg0; for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { final String piece = pieces[i]; if (StringUtils.contains(piece, MSIE_ID)) { return true; } } return false; } }); // if it's not msie but test for Opera because it can identify itself as msie... if (browserParticulars == null) { // get the position of the last browser key found int count = matches.size() - 1; browserParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(count); } longName = browserParticulars[0]; browserName = browserParticulars[1]; // get browserName from string Matcher nameMatcher = NameOnlyPat.matcher(browserName); if (nameMatcher.matches()) { browserName =; } majorVersion = browserParticulars[2]; // parse the minor version string and look for alpha chars if (browserParticulars[3] != null) { // eg: .7b // [0] = .7b // [1] = .7 // [2] = b matches = getMatches(MinorVersionPat, browserParticulars[3], 3); if (matches.isEmpty()) return; int count = matches.size() - 1; browserParticulars = (String[]) matches.get(count); if (browserParticulars[1] != null) minorVersion = browserParticulars[1]; else minorVersion = ".0"; if (PunctuationOnlyPat.matcher(minorVersion).matches()) minorVersion = StringUtils.EMPTY; if (browserParticulars[2] != null && !PunctuationOnlyPat.matcher(browserParticulars[2]).matches()) revisionVersion = browserParticulars[2]; } } private ArrayList getMatches(Pattern pat, String str, int countGroups) { Matcher matcher = pat.matcher(str); ArrayList matches = new ArrayList(); try { ArrayList groups = new ArrayList(); while (matcher.find()) { groups.clear(); int nullCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < countGroups; i++) { int start = matcher.start(i); int end = matcher.end(i); if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) { String sub = str.substring(start, end); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sub)) groups.add(sub); else { groups.add(null); nullCount++; } } else { groups.add(null); nullCount++; } } if (groups.size() > 0 && nullCount != groups.size()) matches.add(groups.toArray(new String[groups.size()])); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } return matches; } }