Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014. * Apex Expert Solutions * * * ==================================================================== * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * ==================================================================== * * * * ==================================================================== */ package com.apexxs.neonblack.detection; import com.apexxs.neonblack.dao.DetectedLocation; import com.apexxs.neonblack.utilities.Hints; import com.apexxs.neonblack.utilities.ISOUtilities; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; public class LocationInspector { private ISOUtilities isoUtilities = ISOUtilities.getInstance(); private Map<Integer, String> countryPositions = new TreeMap<>(); private Map<Integer, String> statePositions = new TreeMap<>(); public LocationInspector() { } public List<DetectedLocation> inspectLocations(List<DetectedLocation> locations, String text) { for (DetectedLocation loc : locations) { String countryCode; String stateCode; countryCode = isItACountry(; stateCode = isItAState(; if (StringUtils.equals("RGX", loc.detectedBy)) continue; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(countryCode) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(stateCode)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add("(countryCode:" + countryCode + " OR " + "admin1:" + stateCode + ")"); //continue; } else { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(countryCode)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add("countryCode:" + countryCode); loc.hints.add("featureCode:PCLI"); loc.countryCode = countryCode; for (Integer pos : loc.startPos) { countryPositions.put(pos, countryCode); } } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(stateCode)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add(("admin1:" + stateCode)); loc.countryCode = "US"; loc.stateCode = stateCode; for (Integer pos : loc.startPos) { statePositions.put(pos, stateCode); } } } if (loc.hints == null) { String hint = anyHints(; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(hint)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add(hint); if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(, "province")) { loc.synonym ="(?i)province", "").trim(); } if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(, "district")) { loc.synonym ="(?i)district", "").trim(); } if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(, "village")) { loc.synonym ="(?i)village", "").trim(); } } } } for (DetectedLocation loc : locations) { loc = checkProximity(loc); loc = checkForBigramType1(loc); loc = checkForBigramType2(loc, text); } return locations; } private String isItACountry(String name) { String tempName; if (name.length() > 3) //NOT ISO2, ISO3 or FIPS { tempName = name.toLowerCase(); } else { tempName = name; } String countryCode = isoUtilities.getCountryCodes().get(tempName); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(countryCode)) { if (StringUtils.equals(countryCode, "AND")) { countryCode = "\\AND"; } } return countryCode; } private String isItAState(String name) { String tempName; if (name.length() > 2) { tempName = name.toLowerCase(); } else { tempName = name; } String stateCode = isoUtilities.getStateCodes().get(tempName); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(stateCode)) { if (StringUtils.equals(stateCode, "OR")) { stateCode = "\\OR"; } } return stateCode; } private String anyHints(String name) { Hints hints = new Hints(); return hints.containsHint(name); } private DetectedLocation checkProximity(DetectedLocation location) { if (location.hints == null && countryPositions.size() > 0) { for (Integer pos : location.stopPos) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : countryPositions.entrySet()) { if (pos >= entry.getKey() - 3 && pos < entry.getKey()) { location.hints = new ArrayList<>(); location.hints.add("countryCode:" + entry.getValue()); break; } } } } if (location.hints == null && statePositions.size() > 0) { for (Integer pos : location.stopPos) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : statePositions.entrySet()) { if (pos >= entry.getKey() - 3 && pos < entry.getKey()) { location.hints = new ArrayList<>(); location.hints.add("admin1:" + entry.getValue()); } } } } return location; } private DetectedLocation checkForBigramType1(DetectedLocation loc) { String countryCode; String stateCode; if (loc.hints == null) { String[] tokens =" "); if (tokens.length > 1) { String possBigram = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; if ((possBigram.length() == 2 || possBigram.length() == 3) && StringUtils.isAllUpperCase(possBigram)) { countryCode = isItACountry(possBigram); stateCode = isItAState(possBigram); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(countryCode) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(stateCode)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add("(countryCode:" + countryCode + " OR " + "admin1:" + stateCode + ")"); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(countryCode)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add("countryCode:" + countryCode); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(stateCode)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add("admin1:" + stateCode); } } if (loc.hints != null) { =, "").trim(); } } } return loc; } private DetectedLocation checkForBigramType2(DetectedLocation loc, String text) { if (loc.hints == null) { String countryCode; String stateCode; for (Integer stop : loc.stopPos) { if (text.length() >= stop + 5) { String subString = text.substring(stop, stop + 5); subString = subString.replaceAll("\\p{Punct}", "").trim(); String[] tokens = subString.split(" "); String possBigram = tokens[0]; if ((possBigram.length() == 2 || possBigram.length() == 3) && StringUtils.isAllUpperCase(possBigram)) { countryCode = isItACountry(possBigram); stateCode = isItAState(possBigram); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(countryCode) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(stateCode)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add("(countryCode:" + countryCode + " OR " + "admin1:" + stateCode + ")"); //return loc; } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(countryCode)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add("countryCode:" + countryCode); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(stateCode)) { loc.hints = new ArrayList<>(); loc.hints.add("admin1:" + stateCode); } } } } } return loc; } }