Java tutorial
/* _______________________ Apatar Open Source Data Integration Copyright (C) 2005-2007, Apatar, Inc. 195 Meadow St., 2nd Floor Chicopee, MA 01013 ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.# See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ### with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ### 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ________________________ */ package com.apatar.rss; import java.awt.Point; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.FilePart; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.MultipartRequestEntity; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.Part; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.StringPart; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; import propertysheet.JPropertySheetPage; import com.apatar.core.AbstractApatarActions; import com.apatar.core.AbstractDataBaseNode; import com.apatar.core.AbstractNode; import com.apatar.core.AbstractNonJdbcDataBaseNode; import com.apatar.core.ApatarException; import com.apatar.core.ApatarRegExp; import com.apatar.core.ApplicationData; import com.apatar.core.ConnectionPoint; import com.apatar.core.CoreUtils; import com.apatar.core.DBTypeRecord; import com.apatar.core.DataBaseInfo; import com.apatar.core.DataBaseTools; import com.apatar.core.DataProcessingInfo; import com.apatar.core.ERecordType; import com.apatar.core.ETableMode; import com.apatar.core.IPersistent; import com.apatar.core.KeyInsensitiveMap; import com.apatar.core.Project; import com.apatar.core.ProjectData; import com.apatar.core.RDBTable; import com.apatar.core.ReadWriteXMLData; import com.apatar.core.Record; import com.apatar.core.SchemaTable; import com.apatar.core.TableInfo; import com.apatar.project.ProjectNode; import com.apatar.rss.ui.JSettingPanel; import com.apatar.rss.ui.RssDBConnectionDescriptor; import com.apatar.rss.ui.SettingDescriptor; import com.apatar.rss.ui.TypeDescriptor; import com.apatar.ui.ApatarUiMain; import com.apatar.ui.JWorkPane; import com.apatar.ui.ReadWriteXMLDataUi; import com.apatar.ui.UiUtils; import com.apatar.ui.wizard.DBConnectionDescriptor; import com.apatar.ui.wizard.Wizard; import com.apatar.ui.wizard.WizardPanelDescriptor; public class RssNode extends AbstractNonJdbcDataBaseNode { private static String PUBLISH_URL = ""; private static final String RDF_URI = ""; private static final String ATOM_URI = ""; private static final Namespace RDF_NS = Namespace.getNamespace("rdf", RDF_URI); private static final Namespace ATOM_NS = Namespace.getNamespace(ATOM_URI); public static String SEPARATOR = "__"; static DataBaseInfo dbi = new DataBaseInfo("", "", "", "", true, true, true, true, false); RssElement channel; RssElement item; List<Record> rssRecords; // File file; boolean createNew; boolean publish = true; String username; String password; String publishId; private String rssTitle; private String description; Map<String, RssElement> rssElementsByName = new HashMap<String, RssElement>(); static { List<DBTypeRecord> rcList = dbi.getAvailableTypes(); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.LongText, "VARCHAR", 0, 255, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.LongText, "LONGVARCHAR", 0, 255, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Numeric, "BIGINT", 8, 8, false, false)); } Document doc; Map<String, Namespace> namespaces = new HashMap<String, Namespace>(); KeyInsensitiveMap firstLevelElement = new KeyInsensitiveMap(); public RssNode() { super(); title = "RSS"; } @Override public ImageIcon getIcon() { return RssUtils.READ_RSS_NODE_ICON; } @Override public void createDatabaseParam(Wizard wizard) { try { WizardPanelDescriptor descriptor1 = new TypeDescriptor(this); wizard.registerWizardPanel(TypeDescriptor.IDENTIFIER, descriptor1); WizardPanelDescriptor descriptor2 = new RssDBConnectionDescriptor(this, new JPropertySheetPage(wizard.getDialog())); wizard.registerWizardPanel(DBConnectionDescriptor.IDENTIFIER, descriptor2); WizardPanelDescriptor descriptor3 = new SettingDescriptor(this, new JSettingPanel()); wizard.registerWizardPanel(SettingDescriptor.IDENTIFIER, descriptor3); wizard.setKeyForReferringToDescription("help.connector.rss"); wizard.setCurrentPanel(TypeDescriptor.IDENTIFIER, Wizard.NEXT_BUTTON_ACTION_COMMAND); wizard.showModalDialog(); setTable(getTableAccordingToVersion(this, createNew)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override protected void TransformRDBtoTDB() { DataBaseTools.completeTransfer(); if (connectionDataId == -1) { return; } try { TableInfo ti = getTiForConnection(OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME); LoadParams loadParams = null; CreateNewParams createParams = null; Document doc; if (createNew) { createParams = (CreateNewParams) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()) .getData(); doc = ReadWriteXMLData.loadDocument(createParams.getFile()); } else { loadParams = (LoadParams) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()) .getData(); doc = getDocument(loadParams); } List nl = getItems(doc); List<String> executed = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object obj : nl) { KeyInsensitiveMap datas = new KeyInsensitiveMap(); Element elem = (Element) obj; try { for (Record rec : ti.getRecords()) { RssElement rssElem = rssElementsByName.get(rec.getFieldName()); String fieldName = rssElem.generateFieldName(); if (executed.contains(fieldName)) { continue; } List<String> values = rssElem.getValue(elem); int i = 1; boolean moreThanOne = false; if (values.size() > 1) { moreThanOne = true; } for (Object value : values) { String strIndex = (moreThanOne ? (SEPARATOR + i++) : ""); datas.put(fieldName + strIndex, value); } executed.add(fieldName); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DataBaseInfo dbi = ApplicationData.getTempDataBase().getDataBaseInfo(); DataBaseTools.insertData(new DataProcessingInfo(dbi, ti.getTableName(), ti.getRecords(), ApplicationData.getTempJDBC()), datas); executed.clear(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { DataBaseTools.completeTransfer(); } } @Override protected void TransformTDBtoRDB(int mode) { try { DataBaseTools.completeTransfer(); LoadParams loadParams = null; CreateNewParams createParams = null; if (createNew) { createParams = (CreateNewParams) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()) .getData(); } else { loadParams = (LoadParams) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()) .getData(); } File file; Element channelElem = generateElement(channel); rssTitle = channel.getChild("title").getValue(); RssElement rsselemDescr = channel.getChild("description"); if (rsselemDescr != null) { description = rsselemDescr.getValue(); } else { description = rssTitle; } if (createNew) { Enum version = createParams.getVersion(); Element root = null; if (version.equals(Version.RSS_2_0)) { root = new Element("rss"); root.setAttribute("version", "2.0"); root.addContent(channelElem); } else { if (version.equals(Version.RSS_1_0)) { root = new Element("RDF"); root.addNamespaceDeclaration(RDF_NS); root.setNamespace(RDF_NS); root.addContent(channelElem); Element items = new Element("items"); Element seq = new Element("Seq"); seq.setNamespace(RDF_NS); items.addContent(seq); channelElem.addContent(items); } else { if (version.equals(Version.ATOM_1_0)) { root = channelElem; root.setNamespace(ATOM_NS); } } } if (root == null) { return; } doc = new Document(root); file = createParams.getFile(); } else { file = loadParams.getSourceFile(); doc = ReadWriteXMLData.loadDocument(file); } TableInfo iTI = getTiForConnection(IN_CONN_POINT_NAME); ResultSet rs = DataBaseTools.getRSWithAllFields(iTI.getTableName(), ApplicationData.getTempJDBC(), ApplicationData.getTempDataBaseInfo()); insertData(rs, doc, iTI, createNew); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); // TODO decide to use ReadWriteXMLDataUi instead of ReadWriteXMLData // TODO decide to use or not this encoding ReadWriteXMLData rwXMLdata = new ReadWriteXMLData(); rwXMLdata.saveDocumentToFile(doc, writer, "windows-1251"); if (publish) { publishing(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { DataBaseTools.completeTransfer(); } } @Override public void createSchemaTable(AbstractApatarActions actions) throws Exception { SchemaTable st = getTiForConnection(OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME).getSchemaTable(); if (connectionDataId != -1) { st.updateRecords(getFieldList(null)); } } @Override public void deleteAllRecordsInRDB() throws Exception { // if (doc == null) // doc = // getDocument((RssJdbcParams)ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()).getData()); // doc.getRootElement().removeContent(); } private List<Record> createFieldList(LoadParams params) throws HttpException, IOException, JDOMException { Document doc = getDocument(params); List items = getItems(doc); KeyInsensitiveMap kim = new KeyInsensitiveMap(); KeyInsensitiveMap currentKim = new KeyInsensitiveMap(); for (Object objItem : items) { currentKim.clear(); Element item = (Element) objItem; List attrs = item.getAttributes(); if (attrs != null) { for (Object objAttr : attrs) { Attribute childAttr = (Attribute) objAttr; String attrName = childAttr.getName(); RssElement elemAttr = new RssElement(attrName, true); elemAttr.setNamespace(childAttr.getNamespace()); putFieldCount(currentKim, attrName, elemAttr); } } List childs = item.getChildren(); for (Object objChild : childs) { Element child = (Element) objChild; String nameChild = child.getName(); RssElement elemChild = new RssElement(nameChild); List childAttrs = child.getAttributes(); if (childAttrs != null) { for (Object objChildAttr : childAttrs) { Attribute childAttr = (Attribute) objChildAttr; String attrName = childAttr.getName(); String fullAttrName = RssElement.generateFieldName(nameChild, attrName); RssElement elemChildAttr = new RssElement(attrName, true, elemChild); elemChildAttr.setNamespace(childAttr.getNamespace()); putFieldCount(currentKim, fullAttrName, elemChildAttr); } } List childChilds = child.getChildren(); if (childChilds != null) { for (Object objChildChild : childChilds) { Element childChild = (Element) objChildChild; String childName = childChild.getName(); String fullChildName = RssElement.generateFieldName(nameChild, childName); RssElement elemChildChild = new RssElement(childName, elemChild); elemChildChild.setNamespace(childChild.getNamespace()); putFieldCount(currentKim, fullChildName, elemChildChild); } } String childText = child.getText(); if (childText != null) { putFieldCount(currentKim, nameChild, elemChild); } } for (String key : currentKim.keySet()) { RssField currentField = (RssField) currentKim.get(key, false); if (kim.containsKey(key, true)) { RssField field = (RssField) kim.get(key, true); if (currentField.getCount() > field.getCount()) { kim.put(key, currentField); } } else { kim.put(key, currentField); } } } return generateFieldListFromKeyInsensitiveMap(kim, rssElementsByName); } @Override public List<Record> getFieldList(AbstractApatarActions actions) throws Exception { if (createNew) { return rssRecords; } Object obj = ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()).getData(); if (!(obj instanceof LoadParams)) { return null; } LoadParams params = (LoadParams) obj; return createFieldList(params); } public static List<Record> generateFieldListFromKeyInsensitiveMap(KeyInsensitiveMap kim, Map<String, RssElement> rssElem) { List<DBTypeRecord> recs = dbi.getAvailableTypes(); List<Record> fields = new ArrayList<Record>(); for (String key : kim.getMap().keySet()) { RssField field = (RssField) kim.get(key, false); int count = field.getCount(); Record rec = null; if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) { String name = key + SEPARATOR + (i + 1); rec = new Record(DBTypeRecord.getRecordByOriginalType(recs, "LONGVARCHAR"), name, 255, true, false, false); fields.add(rec); rssElem.put(name, field.getElement()); } } else { rec = new Record(DBTypeRecord.getRecordByOriginalType(recs, "LONGVARCHAR"), key, 255, true, false, false); fields.add(rec); rssElem.put(key, field.getElement()); } } return fields; } @Override public List<RDBTable> getTableList() throws Exception { List<RDBTable> tables = new ArrayList<RDBTable>(); tables.add(getTableAccordingToVersion(this, createNew)); return tables; } private static RDBTable getTableAccordingToVersion(RssNode node, boolean createNew) throws HttpException, IOException, JDOMException { LoadParams loadParams = null; CreateNewParams createParams = null; Object data = ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(node.getConnectionDataID()).getData(); if (data == null) { return null; } if (createNew) { createParams = (CreateNewParams) data; } else { loadParams = (LoadParams) data; } if (createNew) { return new RDBTable(createParams.getVersion().equals(Version.ATOM_1_0) ? "entry" : "item", ETableMode.ReadWrite); } else { Document doc = getDocument(loadParams); if (doc == null) { return null; } Enum version = determinationVersion(doc.getRootElement()); return new RDBTable(version.equals(Version.ATOM_1_0) ? "entry" : "item", ETableMode.ReadWrite); } } private List getElementsByTagName(String name, Object obj) throws JDOMException, IOException { XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("//" + name); return xpath.selectNodes(obj); } private void insertData(ResultSet rs, Document doc, TableInfo iTI, boolean createNew) throws SQLException { Enum version = determinationVersion(doc.getRootElement()); Element root = getParentForItem(doc, version); List<Record> records = iTI.getSchemaTable().getRecords(); if (root == null) { return; } while ( { Element item = new Element(getTableName()); root.addContent(item); firstLevelElement.clear(); insertElement(rs, item, doc, records, version, createNew); } } private void insertElement(ResultSet rs, Element parent, Document doc, List<Record> records, Enum version, boolean createNew) throws SQLException { for (Record rec : records) { String name = rec.getFieldName(); RssElement rssElement = rssElementsByName.get(name); String value = rs.getString(name); if (value == null || value.equals("")) { continue; } if (rssElement.isAttribute() && rssElement.getParent() == null) { parent.setAttribute(name, value, rssElement.getNamespace()); continue; } String[] chain = RssElement.getChain(name); Element childItem = getParentElement(chain, parent); if (rssElement.isAttribute()) { childItem.setAttribute(rssElement.getName(), value); } else { if (rssElement.parent != null) { Element child = new Element(rssElement.getName()); child.setText(value); childItem.addContent(child); } else { childItem.setText(value); } } } if (version.equals(Version.RSS_1_0)) { Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Namespace rootNs = root.getNamespace(); String aboutValue = getAttributeValue(parent, "about"); Element eSeq = getChildElement(getChildElement(getChildElement(root, "channel"), "items"), "Seq"); Element eLi = new Element("li", rootNs); eLi.setAttribute("resource", aboutValue); eSeq.addContent(eLi); System.out.println(eSeq); } } @Override public Element saveToElement() { Element element = super.saveToElement(); Element nssElement = new Element("namespases"); element.addContent(nssElement); for (Namespace ns : namespaces.values()) { Element elem = new Element("namespase"); elem.setAttribute("prefix", ns.getPrefix()); elem.setAttribute("uri", ns.getURI()); nssElement.addContent(elem); } Element elChannel = new Element("channel"); element.addContent(elChannel); if (channel != null) { elChannel.addContent(channel.saveToElement()); } Element publishInfo = new Element("publishInfo"); element.addContent(publishInfo); if (publishId != null) { publishInfo.setAttribute("id", publishId); } publishInfo.setAttribute("isPublish", "" + publish); if (item != null) { Element elItem = new Element("item"); element.addContent(elItem); elItem.addContent(item.saveToElement()); } element.setAttribute("createNew", "" + createNew); return element; } @Override public void initFromElement(Element node) { super.initFromElement(node); Element element = node.getChild("namespases"); createNew = Boolean.parseBoolean(node.getAttributeValue("createNew")); for (Object obj : element.getChildren()) { Element childElem = (Element) obj; String prefix = childElem.getAttributeValue("prefix"); Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace(prefix, childElem.getAttributeValue("uri")); namespaces.put(prefix, ns); } Element elChannel = node.getChild("channel"); if (elChannel != null) { channel = new RssElement(); Element elRssElement = elChannel.getChild("rssElement"); if (elRssElement != null) { channel.initFromElement(elRssElement); } else { if (createNew) { ApplicationData.COUNT_INIT_ERROR++; } } } else { ApplicationData.COUNT_INIT_ERROR++; } Element elPublish = node.getChild("publishInfo"); publishId = elPublish.getAttributeValue("id"); publish = Boolean.parseBoolean(elPublish.getAttributeValue("isPublish")); Element elItem = node.getChild("item"); if (elItem != null) { item = new RssElement(); Element elRssElement = elItem.getChild("rssElement"); if (elRssElement != null) { item.initFromElement(elRssElement); } else { if (createNew) { ApplicationData.COUNT_INIT_ERROR++; } } } else { if (createNew) { ApplicationData.COUNT_INIT_ERROR++; } } try { if (!createNew) { LoadParams params = (LoadParams) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()) .getData(); createFieldList(params); } else { List<Record> records = getTiForConnection(OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME).getRecords(); RssElement elementItem = getItemForRssVersion(); generateRssElementsByName(records, elementItem); } if (!createNew) { channel = null; } } catch (HttpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JDOMException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public DataBaseInfo getDataBaseInfo() { return dbi; } /* * get Document @xmlParams - LoadParams */ public static Document getDocument(LoadParams xmlParams) throws HttpException, IOException, JDOMException { Document doc = null; if (xmlParams.isReadFeedFromFile()) { File file = xmlParams.getSourceFile(); doc = ReadWriteXMLData.loadDocument(file); } else { String url = xmlParams.getSourceUrl(); if (url == null || url.equals("")) { return null; } doc = ReadWriteXMLData.loadDocument(new URL(url)); if (doc != null) { return doc; } GetMethod method = new GetMethod(url); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.executeMethod(method); InputStream stream = method.getResponseBodyAsStream(); doc = ReadWriteXMLData.loadDocument(stream); } return doc; } public static Enum determinationVersion(Element root) { String nameElement = root.getName(); if (nameElement.equalsIgnoreCase("RDF")) { return Version.RSS_1_0; } else { if (nameElement.equalsIgnoreCase("rss")) { String version = getAttributeValue(root, "version"); if (version.equals("2.0")) { return Version.RSS_2_0; } } else { if (nameElement.equalsIgnoreCase("feed")) { return Version.ATOM_1_0; } } } return null; } public static RssElement generateItemStructureRss_2_0() { RssElement item = new RssElement("item"); RssElement element = new RssElement("title"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("link"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("description"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("author"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); RssElement category = new RssElement("category", null, true); item.addChild(category); element = new RssElement("domain", true, category, false); category.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("comments"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); RssElement enclosure = new RssElement("enclosure"/* , item */); item.addChild(enclosure); element = new RssElement("url", true, enclosure); enclosure.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("length", true, enclosure); enclosure.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("type", true, enclosure); enclosure.addChild(element); RssElement guid = new RssElement("guid"/* , item */); item.addChild(guid); element = new RssElement("isPermaLink", true, guid); guid.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("pubDate"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); RssElement source = new RssElement("source"/* , item */); item.addChild(source); element = new RssElement("url", true, source); source.addChild(element); return item; } public static RssElement generateItemStructureRss_1_0() { RssElement item = new RssElement("item"); RssElement element = new RssElement("about", true /* , item */); item.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("title"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("title"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("link"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("description"/* , item */); item.addChild(element); return item; } public static RssElement generateEntryStructureAtom_1_0() { RssElement entry = new RssElement("entry"); RssElement author = new RssElement("author", null, true); RssElement element = new RssElement("name", author); author.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("uri", author); author.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("email", author); author.addChild(element); entry.addChild(author); RssElement link = new RssElement("link", false, true); element = new RssElement("href", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("rel", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("type", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("hreflang", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("title", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("length", true, link); link.addChild(element); entry.addChild(link); RssElement contributor = new RssElement("contributor", null, true); element = new RssElement("name", author); contributor.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("uri", author); contributor.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("email", author); contributor.addChild(element); entry.addChild(contributor); RssElement category = new RssElement("category", null, true); element = new RssElement("term", true, link); category.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("scheme", true, link); category.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("label", true, link); category.addChild(element); entry.addChild(category); RssElement content = new RssElement("content", null, false); element = new RssElement("type", true, link); content.addChild(element); entry.addChild(content); RssElement title = new RssElement("title", null, false); entry.addChild(title); RssElement updated = new RssElement("updated", null, false); entry.addChild(updated); RssElement summary = new RssElement("summary", null, true); entry.addChild(summary); RssElement id = new RssElement("id", null, false); entry.addChild(id); RssElement published = new RssElement("published", false, true); entry.addChild(published); RssElement rights = new RssElement("rights", false, true); entry.addChild(rights); /* * RssElement source = new RssElement("source", false, true); * entry.addChild(source); */ return entry; } public static RssElement generateChannelStructureRss_1_0() { RssElement channel = new RssElement("channel"); RssElement reAbout = new RssElement("about", true, channel); reAbout.setNamespace(RDF_NS); channel.addChild(reAbout); RssElement element = new RssElement("title", channel); channel.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("link", channel); element.setValue(""); channel.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("description", channel); channel.addChild(element); return channel; } public static RssElement generateFeedStructureAtom_1_0() { RssElement feed = new RssElement("feed"); RssElement title = new RssElement("title", feed); RssElement element = new RssElement("type", true, title); title.addChild(element); feed.addChild(title); RssElement link = new RssElement("link", feed); element = new RssElement("href", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("rel", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("type", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("hreflang", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("title", true, link); link.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("length", true, link); link.addChild(element); feed.addChild(link); element = new RssElement("updated", feed); feed.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("id", feed); feed.addChild(element); RssElement author = new RssElement("author", feed); element = new RssElement("name", author); author.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("uri", author); author.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("email", author); author.addChild(element); feed.addChild(author); return feed; } public static RssElement generateChannelStructureRss_2_0() { RssElement channel = new RssElement("channel"); RssElement element = new RssElement("title", channel); channel.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("link", channel); element.setValue(""); channel.addChild(element); element = new RssElement("description", channel); channel.addChild(element); return channel; } public static int putFieldCount(KeyInsensitiveMap kim, String name, RssElement element) { int index = 0; if (kim.containsKey(name, true)) { RssField field = (RssField) kim.get(name, true); index = field.incrementCount(); kim.put(name, field); } else { kim.put(name, new RssField(index, element)); } return index; } public static class RssField { int count = 0; RssElement element; public RssField(int count, RssElement element) { super(); this.count = count; this.element = element; } public int getCount() { return count; } public RssElement getElement() { return element; } public void setCount(int count) { this.count = count; } public int incrementCount() { return ++count; } } public List<Element> getItems(Document doc) throws JDOMException, IOException { Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Enum version = determinationVersion(root); List list = null; List<Element> result = new ArrayList<Element>(); if (version.equals(Version.RSS_1_0)) { list = root.getChildren(); } else { if (version.equals(Version.RSS_2_0)) { return getElementsByTagName("item", doc); } else if (version.equals(Version.ATOM_1_0)) { list = root.getChildren(); } } if (list == null) { return null; } String tagName = getTableName(); for (Object obj : list) { Element elem = (Element) obj; if (elem.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) { result.add(elem); } } return result; } public List getItems() throws JDOMException, IOException { LoadParams loadParams = null; CreateNewParams createParams = null; Document doc = null; if (createNew) { createParams = (CreateNewParams) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()) .getData(); File file = createParams.getFile(); if (file.exists()) { doc = ReadWriteXMLData.loadDocument(file); } else { return null; } } else { loadParams = (LoadParams) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()).getData(); doc = getDocument(loadParams); } return getItems(doc); } private Element getParentForItem(Document doc, Enum version) { Element root = doc.getRootElement(); if (version.equals(Version.RSS_1_0)) { return root; } else { if (version.equals(Version.RSS_2_0)) { return getChildElement(root, "channel"); } else if (version.equals(Version.ATOM_1_0)) { return root; } } return null; } private Element getParentElement(String[] chain, Element parent) { boolean several = true; try { Integer.parseInt(chain[chain.length - 1]); } catch (Exception e) { several = false; } String name = chain[0]; if (several) { name += SEPARATOR + chain[chain.length - 1]; } Element elem = (Element) firstLevelElement.get(name, true); if (elem == null) { elem = new Element(chain[0]); parent.addContent(elem); firstLevelElement.put(name, elem); } return elem; } public RssElement getChannel() { return channel; } public void setChannel(RssElement channel) { = channel; } public List<Record> getRssRecords() { return rssRecords; } public void setRssRecords(List<Record> rssRecords) { this.rssRecords = rssRecords; } public String getPublishId() { return publishId; } public void setPublishId(String publishId) { this.publishId = publishId; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public boolean isPublish() { return publish; } public void setPublish(boolean publish) { this.publish = publish; } public String getUsername() { return username; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public RssElement getItem() { return item; } public void setItem(RssElement item) { this.item = item; } public Map<String, RssElement> getRssElementsByName() { return rssElementsByName; } public void setRssElementsByName(Map<String, RssElement> rssElementsByName) { this.rssElementsByName = rssElementsByName; } public boolean isCreateNew() { return createNew; } public void setCreateNew(boolean createNew) { this.createNew = createNew; } static private Element getChildElement(Element element, String childName) { Element result = element.getChild(childName); if (result != null) { return result; } List childs = element.getChildren(); for (Object obj : childs) { Element child = (Element) obj; if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(childName)) { return child; } } return null; } static private String getAttributeValue(Element element, String attrName) { String value = element.getAttributeValue(attrName); if (value != null) { return value; } List childs = element.getAttributes(); for (Object obj : childs) { Attribute child = (Attribute) obj; if (child.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(attrName)) { return child.getValue(); } } return null; } static private Element generateElement(RssElement elem) { Element res = new Element(elem.getName()); generateElement(res, elem); return res; } static private void generateElement(Element elem, RssElement rssElem) { for (RssElement childElem : rssElem.getChildrens()) { if (childElem.isAttribute()) { elem.setAttribute(childElem.getName(), childElem.getValue()); } else { Element addingelem = new Element(childElem.getName()); addingelem.setText(childElem.getValue()); elem.addContent(addingelem); generateElement(addingelem, childElem); } } } /* * Pablish RSS Feed to */ private void publishing() throws HttpException, IOException, ApatarException { Object obj = ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()).getData(); if (!(obj instanceof CreateNewParams)) { return; } CreateNewParams params = (CreateNewParams) obj; PostMethod method = new PostMethod(PUBLISH_URL); String tempFolderName = "publish/"; File tempFolder = new File(tempFolderName); if (!tempFolder.exists()) { tempFolder.mkdir(); } String fileName = rssTitle == null ? "temp" : rssTitle.replaceAll("[|/\\:*?\"<> ]", "_") + ".aptr"; ReadWriteXMLDataUi rwXMLdata = new ReadWriteXMLDataUi(); File tempFile = rwXMLdata.writeXMLData(fileName.toString(), ApplicationData.getProject(), true); int partCount = 15; if (publishId != null) { partCount++; } Part[] parts = new Part[partCount]; parts[0] = new StringPart("option", "com_remository"); parts[1] = new StringPart("task", ""); parts[2] = new StringPart("element", "component"); parts[3] = new StringPart("client", ""); parts[4] = new StringPart("oldid", "0"); parts[5] = new FilePart("userfile", tempFile); parts[6] = new StringPart("containerid", "15"); parts[7] = new StringPart("filetitle", rssTitle == null ? "" : rssTitle); parts[8] = new StringPart("description", description == null ? "" : description); parts[9] = new StringPart("smalldesc", description == null ? "" : description); parts[10] = new StringPart("filetags", "RSS"); parts[11] = new StringPart("pubExternal", "true"); parts[12] = new StringPart("username", username); parts[13] = new StringPart("password", CoreUtils.getMD5(password)); parts[14] = new FilePart("rssfile", params.getFile()); if (publishId != null) { parts[15] = new StringPart("dmid", publishId); } method.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(parts, method.getParams())); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(10000); int status = client.executeMethod(method); if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApatarUiMain.MAIN_FRAME, "Upload failed, response=" + HttpStatus.getStatusText(status)); } else { if (publishId == null) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(method.getResponseBodyAsString()); Matcher matcher = ApatarRegExp.getMatcher("<meta name=\"dmid\" content=\"[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\"", buff.toString()); while (matcher.find()) { String result =; if (result == null || result.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApatarUiMain.MAIN_FRAME, "Publishing error"); return; } result = result.replaceFirst("<meta name=\"dmid\" content=\"", ""); result = result.replace("\"", ""); publishId = result; return; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApatarUiMain.MAIN_FRAME, "Publishing error"); } } private void generateRssElementsByName(List<Record> records, RssElement element) { rssElementsByName.clear(); for (Record rec : records) { RssElement requiredRssElement = RssElement.getRssElementByFullName(rec.getFieldName(), element); if (requiredRssElement != null) { rssElementsByName.put(rec.getFieldName(), requiredRssElement); } } } public RssElement getItemForRssVersion() { Object obj = ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()).getData(); if ((obj instanceof CreateNewParams)) { return null; } CreateNewParams params = (CreateNewParams) obj; RssElement element; if (params.getVersion().equals(Version.RSS_1_0)) { element = RssNode.generateItemStructureRss_1_0(); } else { if (params.getVersion().equals(Version.RSS_2_0)) { element = RssNode.generateItemStructureRss_2_0(); } else { return null; } } return element; } @Override public void beforeEdit() { if (connectionDataId < 0) { createProjectData(); } IPersistent persistent = (ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(connectionDataId)); if (persistent != null) { bakupProjectData = persistent.saveToElement(); } else { } } void createProjectData() { ProjectData pd = new ProjectData(); pd.setName("default connection"); connectionDataId = pd.getId(); ApplicationData.getProject().addProjectData(pd); } public static void createRssFeed(JWorkPane workPane) { AbstractNode rssnode = CoreUtils.createNode(RssNode.class.getName()); Project prj = ApplicationData.getProject(); if (rssnode != null) { rssnode.setPosition(new Point(300, 200)); prj.addNode(rssnode); ((RssNode) rssnode).setCreateNew(true); } else { return; } AbstractNode trnode = CoreUtils.createNode(ProjectNode.class.getName()); if (trnode != null) { trnode.setPosition(new Point(200, 200)); prj.addNode(trnode); } else { return; } try { ConnectionPoint beginConnPoint = trnode.getConnPoint(ProjectNode.OUTPUT_CONN_POINT); ConnectionPoint endConnPoint = rssnode.getConnPoint(AbstractDataBaseNode.IN_CONN_POINT_NAME); if ((beginConnPoint != null) && (endConnPoint != null)) { beginConnPoint.incrementCountConnection(); endConnPoint.incrementCountConnection(); prj.connect(beginConnPoint, endConnPoint); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } UiUtils.updatePane(prj, workPane); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.apatar.core.AbstractDataBaseNode#validateConnectionData() */ @Override public boolean validateConnectionData() { lastErrorMessage = ""; if (isCreateNew()) { CreateNewParams c = (CreateNewParams) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(connectionDataId) .getData(); if (c.getFile() == null || "".equals(c.getFile().getPath())) { lastErrorMessage = "Please select proper file"; } } else { LoadParams c = (LoadParams) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(connectionDataId).getData(); if (c.isReadFeedFromFile() && (c.getSourceFile() == null || !c.getSourceFile().isFile() || !c.getSourceFile().exists())) { lastErrorMessage = "Please select proper file"; } if (!c.isReadFeedFromFile() && (c.getSourceUrl() == null || "".equals(c.getSourceUrl()))) { lastErrorMessage = "URL should not be empty"; } } if (!isLastErrorMessageEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } }