Java tutorial
/* iJab , The Ajax web jabber client Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by AnzSoft Author:Fanglin Zhong <> Started at 2008-08-20, Beijing of China iJab (c) 2006-2008 by the ijab developers ************************************************************************* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ package com.anzsoft.client.ui; import com.anzsoft.client.JabberApp; import com.anzsoft.client.iJabConstants; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.ButtonEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.SelectionListener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.button.Button; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class LoginForm extends SimplePanel { public LoginForm() { add(createAdvancedForm()); //setWidget(createAdvancedForm()); } private Widget createAdvancedForm() { iJabConstants constants = (iJabConstants) GWT.create(iJabConstants.class); // Create a table to layout the form options FlexTable layout = new FlexTable(); layout.setCellSpacing(6); layout.setWidth("300px"); FlexCellFormatter cellFormatter = layout.getFlexCellFormatter(); // Add a title to the form /* layout.setHTML(0, 0,constants.iJabLogin()); cellFormatter.setColSpan(0, 0, 2); cellFormatter.setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); */ // Add some standard form options final TextBox userBox = new TextBox(); userBox.setText("imdev"); layout.setHTML(0, 0, constants.user()); layout.setWidget(0, 1, userBox); final PasswordTextBox passBox = new PasswordTextBox(); passBox.setText("imdev631"); layout.setHTML(1, 0, constants.password()); layout.setWidget(1, 1, passBox); // Create some advanced options Grid advancedOptions = new Grid(5, 2); advancedOptions.setCellSpacing(6); final TextBox hostBox = new TextBox(); final TextBox portBox = new TextBox(); final TextBox domainBox = new TextBox(); final CheckBox authCheck = new CheckBox("SASL"); authCheck.setChecked(false); hostBox.setEnabled(false); portBox.setEnabled(false); domainBox.setEnabled(false); authCheck.setEnabled(false); final CheckBox serverConfig = new CheckBox(constants.defineServerConfig()); advancedOptions.setWidget(0, 0, serverConfig); serverConfig.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { if (serverConfig.isChecked()) { hostBox.setEnabled(true); portBox.setEnabled(true); domainBox.setEnabled(true); authCheck.setEnabled(true); } else { hostBox.setEnabled(false); portBox.setEnabled(false); domainBox.setEnabled(false); authCheck.setEnabled(false); } } }); serverConfig.setChecked(false); advancedOptions.setHTML(1, 0, constants.domain()); advancedOptions.setWidget(1, 1, hostBox); advancedOptions.setHTML(2, 0,; advancedOptions.setWidget(2, 1, portBox); advancedOptions.setHTML(3, 0, constants.port()); advancedOptions.setWidget(3, 1, domainBox); advancedOptions.setWidget(4, 0, authCheck); // Add advanced options to form in a disclosure panel DisclosurePanel advancedDisclosure = new DisclosurePanel(constants.moreOptions()); advancedDisclosure.setAnimationEnabled(true); advancedDisclosure.ensureDebugId("cwDisclosurePanel"); advancedDisclosure.setContent(advancedOptions); layout.setWidget(2, 0, advancedDisclosure); Button loginButton = new Button(constants.login()); layout.setWidget(3, 0, loginButton); loginButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener<ButtonEvent>() { public void componentSelected(ButtonEvent ce) { String user = userBox.getText(); String pass = passBox.getText(); String domain = domainBox.getText(); String host = domainBox.getText(); boolean sasl = authCheck.isChecked(); if (serverConfig.isChecked()) { int port = Integer.parseInt(portBox.getText()); //JabberApp.instance().onLogin(host, port, domain, sasl, user, pass); } else { //JabberApp.instance().onLogin(user, pass); } } }); cellFormatter.setHorizontalAlignment(3, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); cellFormatter.setColSpan(3, 0, 2); return layout; } }